Abbildungen der Seite

trouble you with description. In the collection of Mr Gordon in Great King Street, we possess, in our own "romantic town," three of the fairest productions of Guido; and his liberality has afforded all reasonable access to them, not only to artists, but even strangers, actuated merely by curiosity. It is by the possessors of good pictures so opening their collections, that the public taste is improved. The eye, in this way, receives from the contemplation of excellence a degree of instruction that assists its discrimination forever after.

The fine arts were first effectually introduced into France by Francis I.; but the subsequent civil wars did not allow them to make any considerable progress. In the reign of Henry IV. however, they began to evince more vigour, and the munificence of the great Cardinal Richelieu gave them new life. To enumerate the names of the artists who may be said to have owed their existence to the liberality of his administration, would be to form a long catalogue of names, and, moreover, great as their merit was, I am, I confess, not disposed to think that any of them actually attained the highest rank in the profession. There has ever been a nationality and mannerism in the French school, which, I am inclined to think, must be at variance with universal taste, and con

sequently detrimental to excellence, and this nationality and mannerism affected artists of the most opposite genius and principle. If, for example, Watteau and Le Brun were required to paint a nuptial feast, the former would have represented a crowd of French peasants under a wire-covered alcove, animated with a joy simple and natural, but also gross, and perhaps licentious; while the latter would have chosen the nuptials of Thetis and Peleus, or of Cupid and Psyche, honoured by the presence of the immortal gods, indulging in their august pleasures, and these gods and goddesses would in all probability have been lords and ladies of the court of Versailles.

In my next I propose to trace the history and progress of the arts in our own island. Perhaps it might have been expected that I should have previously taken a view of the Flemish school, but the chief works of the great masters of that school being in this country, I shall have an opportunity of adverting to it incidentally with more effect. Besides, the Flemish painters only excelled in the mechanical department, a lower branch of art, and more allied to the handicraft productions of the calico-printer and paper-hanger, than to the moral exhibitions which it is, as I conceive, the great purpose of art to produce.

Boriana; or, Sketches of Pugilism,


No V.

It is an axiom, we have heard, in political economy,-for we despise the study too much to know it from our own reading, that a demand for any article always produces a supply. If this be a mistake of ours, that elegant economist, the Scotsman, with his usual suavity, will be pleased to set us right. It may be so in the meal-market-and also in Billingsgate; but we think the principle applies neither to poetry nor pugilism-nor, indeed, to


any of the fine arts. During the sitting of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, there is a loud clerical cry of "fish! fish!" and forthwith there is a profusion of cods and flounders. Were the kirk to exclaim "fowls! fowls!" there would, in like manner, be a massacre of turkeys and how-towdies.† So much for demand and supply of vivres, and good substantial vivres too, for a vast body of divinity. But let the Moderator of

Cavaliere Ferro, vol. i. p. 52.
+ See again Dr Jamieson.

the said General Assembly cry out "oratory, oratory," and will an immediate supply follow the demand? Alas! there will haply be a small voice heard crying from the synod of Moray, or a gruff one heard growling from the presbytery of Dumbarton, but the ladies in the galleries will not be satisfied, and will all look weeping towards the bar, with many a sigh for Mr Jeffrey and Mr Cockburn. True it is that there is a demand for eloquence, but there are no commissioners of supply. The futility of this principle is equally obvious when applied to pugilism. Search the records of the ring. There was a loud cry for a champion, during several years before the apparition of Tom Johnson -but no champion came forth from our boxing population. True it is, that the growth of genius is not, in any department, caused by the same principles as the growth of corn. Pollux and Belcher-Phidias and Chauntry-Homer and Walter Scott-did not come into the world, because the world demanded them. On the contrary, they brought a supply-and then a demand arose. The ring was formed by the champions-the champions were not begotten by the ring.

The character of a people is to be sought for and found in their amusements. It is melancholy, therefore, to reflect on that of Englishmen, during the period that elapsed between the defeat of Slack, and the first peeling of Tom Johnson, alias Jackling.There was no principle in the ring. Honour had fled to heaven from fighting men. No dependence could be placed on the favourite at stripping or setting-to-and betting was little short of an act of insanity. Bolting was the order of the day, and it seemed as if pluck were rooted out from the soil of England. This is not the place to enter into a review of the government of the country during that disastrous era of our history. No doubt, the administration must have been most corrupt, and a reform wanted in every department of the state, before the spirit of pugilism could have sunk so low among the most boxing people in the universe. But this inquiry would lead us beyond our limits, nor, we confess, does it ever please us to dwell on the prospect of national degradation. So let us hail the restorer of his

country's honour in the champion, Toм.

"Johnson's first set-to, in 1783, was

with a fighting Carman, of the name of Jarvis; and though Tom was looked upon as as a mere novice in the art, yet he displayed so much superiority over the Carman, that his fame was soon made known. Jarvis had milled a few good men himself—but in the hands of Johnson he got most dreadfully beaten, that he was scarcely able to walk out of Lock's Fields, where the con test was decided,

"The Croydon drover, a man of pugilistic notoriety, now fought Johnson upon Kennington Common; but Johnson finished him in a very short period.

"Steevy Oliver, the noted death, although growing old fast, and who had been fighting ever since the days of Broughton, entered the lists with Tom Johnson, and proved himself a good bit of stuff-but his day was gone by-and Johnson was not long in getting the victory. Some thousands of spectators were upon Blackheath to witness this display of science.

"Bill Love, a butcher, challenged Johnson for fifty guineas, which was decided at Barnet; but the knight of the cleaver was, in a few minutes so completely cut up, as to leave Johnson in possession of the ground.

"Jack Towers, who had overcome death, thought he had little more to fear, and therefore, without hesitation, agreed to fight Johnson at the above place; but Tom had likewise got the better of death, and, in a very short time, Towers was completely satisfied that he stood no chance with Johnson, and so gave in.

"A man of the name of Fry, offered to fight Johnson for fifty guineas, at Kingston, which Tom cheerfully agreed to; but, broiled, as to be very glad to put an end to in less than half an hour, Fry got so much the contest, and Tom walked off the ground not even pinked.

"Johnson about this period (1787)punished so many of the minor coves, that it was deemed necessary, by the sporting world, to look out for a customer who might be able to stand something like a mill with him. As the metropolis could produce no such bed for pugilists,) when Bill Ward was secharacter, Bristol was searched, (the hotlected, as a decent article that could be depended upon; and accordingly he was backed to fight Johnson for two hundred guineas, at Oakingham, in Berkshire. In the first round, Ward found out that he had got a trump to deal with, by receiving near a doubler from Johnson, and immediately In fact, it was acted upon the defensive. scarcely worthy of being called a fight; and the amateurs were not only disappointed, but much displeased. Ward was convinced that he could not beat Johnson by standing up to him, and therefore, determined to try

whether he could not tire him out! And generally when Tom attempted to put in a good blow, Ward was down on his knees. This humbugging lasted for nearly an hour and a half-Johnson's intentions being continually frustrated by Ward's dropping on his knees: At length, a prime blow made him cry out foul," and he instantly bolted; notwithstanding the remonstrances of his second, to come back and finish the fight. Johnson was now firmly established as the champion-his fame ran before him, and it was some months before any person could be found hardy enough to dispute his well-earned title."

Johnson was next matched against Ryan, an Irishman of surpassing strength, skill, and bravery,-and the battle, which was one of the most desperate ever witnessed, terminated in favour of the champion. In consequence, however, of a supposed foul blow by Tom, the men contended again for six hundred guineas.

"It was a contest of great anxiety, and the whole of the bruising world were there; from the Corinthian Pillar, to the CosterMonger! Johnson, with his second, Humphries, and Jackson as his bottleholder, mounted the stage at three o'clock; and were immediately followed by Ryan, who was seconded by a Mr Rolfe, a baker, and Noulan as bottle-holder. The set-to was one of the finest ever witnessed in the annals of pugilism: the science was displayed in all its perfection; and the parryings and faints were as well executed, as if they had been fencing-masters of the first reputation: the silence and anxiety were so great among the spectators, that a pin almost might have been heard to fall. At length, Ryan put in a severe blow upon Johnson's chest, that brought him to the ground. The second round, which con

tinued above two minutes, was terrible beyond description; science seemed forgotten, and they appeared like two blacksmiths at an anvil, when Ryan received a knock-down blow. The battle was well sustained on both sides for some time; but Ryan's passion getting the better of him, and which was much increased by the irritation of Johnson's second, in reflecting upon his country, that he began to lose ground. Ryan's head and eyes made a most dreadful appearance; and Johnson was severely punished. The contest lasted for thirty-three minutes, when Ryan gave in. A hat ornamented with blue ribbons, was placed upon the conqueror's head; and Johnson gained a considerable sum of money, independent of twenty pounds per annum, which was settled upon him by his master, who won some thousands in backing Tom; the door money, amounting to upwards of five hundred pounds, was divided between the combatants."

In a few months after this terrible

conflict, Johnson was challenged by Isaac Perrins of Birmingham, supposed to be the most powerful man in England, and against whom no pugilist had ever been able to stand up five minutes. He was six feet two inches high, and weighed seventeen stone,-three stone more than the champion.

"On stripping, Perrins looked, in com. parison, like a Hercules, and Johnson, who, in other fights, appeared as a big man, by the side of Perrins, now looked as a boy; the spectators were struck with the difference, and even Johnson's friends began to shake. The awful set-to at length com. menced, and anxiety was upon the utmost stretch-Johnson stedfastly viewing his mighty opponent, and considerable skill was manifested by both the combatants for nearly five minutes,-Perrins then made a blow, which, in all probability, had he not have missed his aim, must have decided the contest, and Johnson been killed, from its dreadful force; but Tom was awake to the intent, and eluded it; and in return, put in a hit, which could be of no trifling nature, to knock a man down of seventeen stone? [Great applause; bravo Tom! well done, Tom!] Johnson followed up this advantage for three more rounds with success, and his science was of great service, in puzzling his antagonist-Perrins now went into Johnson, regardless of all danger, and knocked him down without ceremony, and continued punishing for several more rounds; Tom, finding he was over-matched, was obliged, for the first time in his life, to have recourse to shifting, to prevent his being beat straight forward; which conduct, occasioned some murmuring from the spectators, and Perrins began to treat him with contempt, by exclaiming, "Why, what have you brought me here! this is not the valiant Johnson, the champion of England, you have imposed upon me with a mere boy."-Tom's manly heart felt most bitterly this keen sarcasm, and, bursting with indignation, instantly cried out, "By G-d! you shall soon know that Tom Johnson is here! and directly made a spring at Perrins, and put in a lunge over the left eye, that closed it up in a twinkling; and his wind likewise getting bad, Johnson's friends took the hint, and began to sport their money upon the champion's head. Perrins, like a brilliant of the first water, appeared not the least dull or dismayed by this loss, but rallied in fine style, and went into Johnson, and closed his right eye in return. The odds began to waver immediately, and the Birmingham men offered to lay it on thick. Forty rounds and upwards had now taken place, and the combatants still game; Johnson began to be extremely careful, and to make the best use of his one eye, finding that it was still up-hill work; and gave Perrins a desperate blow upon the nose, which slit it down so completely, as 2 N

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to have the appearance of being done with a knife,-Odds, ten to one upon Tom. The manly fortitude of Perrins astonished all present, his bottom was still sound, and undismayed; he went into Johnson, and endeavoured, by a terrible hit, to close his other eye. Perrins' friends began to revive, and in a few more rounds, claimed the victory, as Johnson fell without a blow! But the empires allowed it fair, as the articles of agreement did not mention falling. Perrins' frame now began to fail him, but his mind was still cool and collected, and he had recourse to another method of attacking his antagonist; and which proved rather successful, till Tom became down to it. Johnson's knowledge of the science was here displayed in fine style-in warding off the chopper, and back-handed strokes of his adversary; by which means Tom recruited his strength; every round now Perrins appeared much the worse for it, and fell repeatedly from his exhausted state. Johnson had it nearly his own way; hit where he liked; and put in several tremendous facers, that Perrins' head had scarcely the traces left of a human being! Still his courage never forsook him,-and had not his friends interfered, and prevented Isaac from fighting any longer, it was the general opinion, that Perrins would have continued the contest till he had died! Perrins positively refused to give out; and was literally forced from the stage; sixty-two such rounds of fighting for an hour and a quarter, were scarcely, if ever, before witnessed in the annals of pugilism. The disparagement was spoken of as much too great between the combatants; and, notwithstanding Johnson performed prodigies of valour, by beating so uncommonly large a man, and entitled to every praise; yet still there were parts of the fight, that the amateur could not approve off, and the spectators dissatisfied. It was reported among the sporting men, that Mr Bullock made Johnson a present of one thousand pounds, and that he had gained, by the vast odds he had betted upon Tom, twenty thousand pounds! The door-money amounted to nearly £800, out of which Johnson received £533. Tom called upon Perrins, and left a guinea to drink Isaac's health, previous to his quitting Banbury."

It seems scarcely possible that any man can die in possession of the chamnpionship, unless he die young. Periodical rattling on the ribs is apt to affect the health and injure the stamina, and thus may the champion, on some dark day, fall beneath a hitherto inglorious arm. It is a hard thing to fight a fresh man four times per annum, and thus to be as it were the principal conductor of the Quarterly Review. The day was at hand when a new orb in the pugilistic hemis

phere rolled in between Tom and the sun of glory, intercepted the glad beams, and eclipsed the champion. This orb is known in the astronomy of pugilism by the name of BIG BEN.


"Brain was of an athletic make, but not particularly so as to merit the appellation of Big, scarcely exceeding the size of JohnHe was born in 1753; and in the early part of his life was employed as a collier in his native place. It was here that Ben first distinguished himself as a pugilist, with Clayton, the Shropshire man, by the science and game that was observed in the fight. A good battle also took place between Ben and a collier belonging to Kingswood, of the name of Harris. They were both compelled to acknowledge the superiority of Ben's pugilistic powers. bent his way towards the metropolis, and arrived about the year 1774, where, at the Adelphi wharf, he was employed many years as a coal-porter. He was a good-looking man, and when out of his business always appeared clean and respectable; mild and sociable in his demeanour, and never, ridiculously, presumed upon his qualities as a boxer.

He now

"Ben's first set-to in London was with the fighting Grenadier, in the Long fields, in which, had it not have been for the assistance of a medical man, who was witnessing the contest, Ben must have been defeated. The Lobster had most powerful claws, and was a first-rate punisher, and by the tremendous hits which he put in under Ben's eyes, they were so swelled up, that he could not see out of them: when just at this juncture (whether from design, or not, we cannot ascertain), the ring was broken. During which circumstance the swellings were skilfully lanced by the surgeon, the blood discharged, and Ben restored to perfect sight. A fresh ring by this time was made, and the combat renewed; but in the course of a few minutes the fighting Grenadier was glad to call for quarter.

Corbally, an Irish chairman, fought Ben, upon a stage twenty-five feet square, at Knavestock, in Essex, on December 31, 1788. Notwithstanding the weather was extremely severe, the combatants stripped with the most perfect indifference, and the fight was carried on with determined courage on both sides; but Corbally, at length, was compelled to give in.

"Ben, in 1789, forfeited one hundred pounds to Johnson, which sum was deposited in part of one thousand pound stakes, Brain being in a bad state of health.

"Ben received a challenge from Jacombs, a Birmingham pugilist, which was accepted, and the battle took place at Banbury, in Oxfordshire, upon a twenty-four feet square stage, railed in, on October 23, 1789. Jacombs was a stout-made man, plenty of pluck, and not without some science. the set-to Jacombs pourtrayed his deter


mined resolution, and went in to Brain in fine style; but whether Ben felt any doubt about the fight, he did not conduct himself after his accustomed method of boxing, but was on the retreat, shifting often, to avoid Jacombs' blows, and fell frequently without a touch. Jacombs, on the contrary, receiv ed Ben's attacks undaunted. Considerable disapprobation being expressed by the spectators, particularly the Warwickshire men, who were getting outrageous at Ben's manœuvring, when at length Brain stood up to his adversary, and shewed what he was capable of performing, by putting in a tremendous leveller, and soon convinced the auditors that he was a prime bit of stuff. The contest was now worth looking at, and heroism was displayed upon both sides when, after a most dreadful battle of one hour and twenty-six minutes, the brave Jacombs was conquered. The Birmingham men lost considerable sums upon Jacombs. "Hooper, the tinman, was now backed to fight Ben; but a more ridiculous match never took place in the annals of pugilism a fight it could not be called: and, in fact, it was little more than making fun of pugilism. Hooper was over-matched, and Ben treated him with the most sovereign contempt. The first round was well contested; but Ben put in such a doubler, that Hooper could never be induced to put it in his power to do so again. Hooper fell every round without a blow; run all over the stage; squirted water in Ben's face; and called him by the most opprobrious epithets, thinking, that by such acts Ben might be provoked, and put off his guard, and fall an easy prey to his disgusting manœuvres. Ben received several severe facers from the activity of Hooper, and had no means of returning a blow, as his antagonist after striking was upon the ground. However, Ben adopted a plan that all the stratagems of the tinman could not divert him from-Brain stood up like a rock in the middle of the stage, and there waited till Hooper thought proper to come up to him. This piece of diversion took place upon August the 30th, 1790, at Chapel-row-revel, near Newbury, in Berkshire, and continued for three hours and a half; the night coming on fast, several of the amateurs asked Ben if he should be able to finish the battle that day? When Brain jocularly replied, "that it entirely depended upon his antagonist;" and, laughing, observed, "they had better begin the next morning at six o'clock, and have the whole day before them." The fancy in general were completely disgusted at such treatment; and, after what was termed one hundred and eighty rounds having taken place, and it being nearly dark, it was declared a drawn battle! and Ben walked off without receiving any particular hurt."

Such heroes as Johnson and Big Ben seemed made for each other; and the championship of England was once

more to be contended for at Wrotham in Kent, upon a stage twenty feet square. It was Tom Johnson and Big Ben-Hannibal and Scipio-Cæsar and Pompey-and prospectively, Wellington and Napoleon-Zama-Pharsalia-Wrotham-Waterloo !


'Johnson, attended by Joe Ward for his second, and his bottle-holder Mendoza, mounted the stage at one o'clock, with firm and decent composure; and, almost at the same instant, Ben followed with a cheerful countenance, accompanied by Bill Ward and Humphries, as his second and bottleholder. The set-to was more furious than usual upon these occasions; and Johnson, from a desperate blow on the face, fell upon his nose, which completely stupified him. The effects appeared evident in the second round, when Ben put in another leveller. Johnson plucked up, and in the next set-lo laid Ben upon his back. Well, as these pugilists knew the science, they now appeared to lay it aside, and ferocity was the order of the day. The blows were dreadful in the extreme, and given and taken reciprocally. At length Johnson, in missing his aim at Ben, struck the stage with his hand, and broke his middle finger. Tom soon afterwards became desperate, and, with the agonizing idea that his proud fame was fast expiring, completely lost himself, and caught hold of the hair of Ben's head; several times shifted; and had recourse to these mancuvres, so unlike his former conduct, that disapprobation was publicly expressed by the spectators. Ben, after milling away for twenty minutes, decided the battle, by putting in a most tremendous hit upon Johnson's ribs, and by another cutting his lip nearly in half. Thus was the valiant and truly renowned Tom Johnson deprived of the championship, which he had so nobly maintained for several years unsullied."

Neither Johnson nor Ben ever fought more. The Ex-champion scorned again to mount the stage shorn of his beams, and the successor to the crown never recovered from the effects

of such tremendous punishment. It is quite refreshing to the mind of a true pugilist to think on such things.

Upon his body being opened, it was found that his liver was considerably injured, in consequence of the many desperate battles which he had fought. On the 11th his funeral was conducted with decent solemnity; and Tom Johnson, forgetting all past differences, was foremost among the mourners, to shew his respect to the deceased; Ward, Wood, &c. &c. attended to see the remains of the champion respectably interred in St. Sepulchre's church-yard."

We beg leave (with permission of our Editor) humbly to suggest to the people of England, the propriety-not to say the necessity, of erecting a Grand

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