Imagens da página
[blocks in formation]

Victoria, Queen - continued
1850 ii. 287; birth and christening
of Prince Arthur, ii. 299;
stays at Osborne, ii. 304;
death of first Duke of Cam-
bridge, ii. 304; duties of the
Foreign Secretary, ii. 315;
death of King Louis Philippe,
ii. 316; visits Scotland, ii. 317;
death of the Queen of Belgians,
ii. 318, 323, 324; Lord Palmer-
ston and the Haynau despatch,
ii. 321, 322; on Germany, ii.
328, 333; on religious strife,
ii. 331, 332; Papal aggression,
ii. 334-337
1851 Principle of diplomatic appoint-
ments, ii. 341, 343; memo. on
Sir J. Graham joining the
Cabinet, iii. 342, 343; resigna-
tion of Government, ii. 347,
367; difficulties in forming
a Government,
success of the Exhibition in
Hyde Park, ii. 382-384, 386;
Guildhall ball, ii. 386; visit to
Balmoral, Allt-na-Giuthasach and
Lochnagar, ii. 387-390; Lord
Palmerston and Louis Kossuth,
ii. 392-400; death of King
of Hanover, ii. 401; views on
Franchise and Suffrage pro-
posals, ii. 402; Louis Napoleon's
coup d'état, ii. 404; dismissal of
Lord Palmerston, ii. 415-422; re-
view of Foreign Affairs, ii. 425
1852 Crown of Denmark, ii. 433;


women and politics, ii. 438;
New Houses of Parliament, ii.
439; pressure of business, ii.
443; change of Government, ii.
445-456; Household appoint-
ments, ii. 451, 452, 454; on
Foreign Affairs, ii. 457, 460;
visits Osborne, ii. 457, 471,
506; on Italy, ii. 468, 469;
Louis Napoleon's position, ii.
473; visits Osborne, ii. 475;
inherits Mr Neild's fortune, ii.
475; visits Balmoral, ii. 476;
views on national defence, ii.
481, 483-485; death of the
Duke of Wellington, ii. 476-
480, 487; her admiration of
his character, ii. 478; Louis
Napoleon becomes Emperor, ii.
482, 494, 495; letter to him,
ii. 494; secret Protocol, ii. 495;
views on Princess of Hohen-
lohe's marriage, ii. 495-499,

1852 503, 521; Lord Aberdeen's_new
Government, ii. 500-523; Lord
Derby's tribute to, ii. 518
1853 French Emperor's marriage, ii.
526-529; Eastern Question, ii.
524, 536-540, 547, 550-566;
views on Lord John Russell's
position, ii. 532; birth of Prince
Leopold (afterwards Duke of Al-
bany), ii. 540; congratulations
from the Emperor of Russia, ii.
540; views on Indian Bill, ii.
544; correspondence with Em-
peror of Russia on Eastern Ques-
tion, ii. 559-566; Lord Stratford's
despatch, ii. 571, 572

1854 Opens Crystal Palace, iii. 2;
Press attacks on Prince Albert,
iii. 1, 3, 8-10; on reception of
Orleans family, iii. 7, 8; Reform
Bill, iii. 10, 18; on competitive
examinations, iii. 13; desires
augmentation of Army, iii. 14,
15; Baltic Fleet sails, iii. 20;
correspondence with King of
Prussia on Eastern Question,
iii. 21-24, 36-38, 39-42; declara-
tion of war with Russia, iii.
24; on the defenceless state of
England, iii. 47; on the state
of India, iii. 49, 68; views on
Army promotions, iii. 50; dis-
approves of special prayers for
illness, iii. 51; French Emperor's
letter after Prince Albert's visit,
iii. 52, 54; battle of the Alma,
iii. 56, 63; treatment of In-
dian Princes, iii. 60; views on
Austrian Alliance, iii. 62, 64;
Balaklava, iii. 64; Inkerman,
iii. 67, 70-72; Crimean medal,
iii. 72; condition of hospital at
Scutari, iii. 79

1855 Visits the French Emperor, iii.
81; King of Sardinia visits
England, iii. 81; opinion on the
"Four Points"

iii. 82; confidence in Lord
Aberdeen, iii. 83-86; on the
duties of Ambassadors and
Foreign Secretaries, iii. 86, 87;
on Lord John Russell's resigna-
tion, iii. 91-95; memo. on the
crisis, iii. 94, 95; on Govern-
ment's resignation, iii.
inability of Lord Derby and
Lord John Russell to form a
Government, iii. 102-122; Lord
Palmerston forms a Govern-
ment, iii. 122-132; letter to


Victoria, Queen - continued
1855 King of Prussia, iii. 135; visit
to the wounded from Crimea,
iii. 140; letter to Princess of
Prussia on sudden death of the
Czar, iii. 142; hospitals for sick
and wounded soldiers, iii. 143;
Crimean medals, iii. 147; visit
of the Emperor and Empress of
the French, iii. 148; review in
Windsor Park, iii. 148; inves-
titure of the French Empe-
ror, iii. 148; letter from the
Emperor, and reply, iii. 150,
151; Queen's opinion of French
Emperor, iii. 154, 155-160;
distribution of medals, iii. 161;
power of appointing Governor-
General of India, iii. 162, 163;
death of Lord Raglan, iii. 164;
letter to Lady Raglan, iii. 164;
message to the Army, iii. 165;
Lord John Russell resigns, iii.
166, 167, 168; Gen. Simpson's
difficulties in the Crimea, iii.
170; Sunday bands, iii. 171;
account of her visit to France,
iii. 172-178; letter to French
Emperor, iii. 174; first occupa-
tion of Balmoral, iii. 179;
Sebastopol taken,.. iii. 180;
Queen's message, iii. 181, 182;
Princess Royal's proposed mar-
riage with Crown Prince of
Prussia, iii. 186, 187; Queen's
desire for a dockyard on the
Forth, iii. 192; discusses pro-
posals of peace, iii. 193-197;
views of King of Sardinia, iii. 198
1856 Victoria Cross, iii. 203;


respondence with French Empe-
ror on the ultimatum, iii. 205-
208, 219, 236, 239; views on
the council of war at Paris, iii.
213-215; England's policy, iii.
215; letter to Florence Night-
ingale, iii. 215; distribution of
honours, iii. 218; commission on
the conduct of Crimean officers,
iii. 221; question of marriage
of Princess Royal, iii. 231, 240,
280; Queen's views on Treaty
of Peace, iii. 232-240; peace
fête at Crystal Palace, iii. 241;
enquiries before appointments
offered, iii. 242; memorandum
on her husband's status, iii. 244-
246, 250; Sunday bands, iii. 247;
title of Prince Consort conferred,
iii. 249; review of Crimean


1856 troops, iii. 251, 253, 254; pro-

posed marriage of Princess Mary,
iii. 262, 266; letter to Empress
of the French as to Treaty of
Paris, and reply, iii. 264, 271;
Balmoral, iii. 266; defence of
England, iii. 269; death of
Prince Charles of Leiningen,
iii. 275, 276; letter to Louis
Napoleon, iii. 282

1857 Indian Mutiny, iii. 283, 297,
299; China War debate, iii. 289,
293; French Emperor's feel-
ings towards England, iii. 295;
Princess Beatrice born, iii. 296;
marriage of Princess Charlotte of
Belgium, iii. 297, 304; Victoria
Cross decoration, iii. 298; visit
of the Emperor and Empress
of the French, iii. 305, 307;
views on defenceless state of
England, iii. 306, 307; urges
reinforcements for India, 111.
308-312; on necessity of in-
creasing the Army, iii. 311,
326, 330; anxiety for India, iii.
313; marriage of Princess Royal,
iii. 321; death of Duchesse
de Nemours, iii. 822; financial
crisis, iii. 323; opens Parlia-
ment in person, iii. Ŝ25
1858 Prince Frederick William of
Prussia (afterwards Emperor
Frederick), married to the
Princess Royal, iii. 331; death
of Duchess of Orleans, iii. 331;
parting with the Princess Royal,
iii. 333, 334; defeat of the
Government on Conspiracy Bill,
iii. 336; formation of new Gov-
ernment, iii. 338-345; Prince
of Wales's confirmation, iii. 353;
enquiries into the state of the
Navy, iii. 353, 378; Crown pre-
rogatives, iii. 373-375, 377;
visit to the Emperor and Empress
of the French, iii. 375; Proc-
lamation to people of India, iii.
379, 389; duties of Secretary of
State, iii. 380; Princess Royal's
reception by the Prussians, iii.

1859 Dissolution on new Reform Bill,

iii. 393; necessity for a strong
Army and Navy, iii. 395;
Queen's speech, iii. 400, 401;
letter to French Emperor advis-
ing peace, iii. 403; Indian Army
Question, iii. 404-408; opens
Parliament, iii. 405; letter to

[blocks in formation]

Victoria, Queen - continued
1859 Emperor of Austria, and reply,
iii. 411-413, 415-416; christen-
ing of first grandchild, iii. 414;
proposed congress to settle the
Italian Question, iii. 416-427;
Queen's speech, iii. 429-435;
defeat of the Government, iii.
436; Lord Palmerston forms a
new Government, iii. 440-445;
Committee on Military Depart-
ments, iii. 448; views on the
war between France and Aus-
tria, iii. 450, 451; conclusion of
peace arranged between the two
Emperors, iii. 452, 458, 459; the
Pope's opinion of England's
policy, iii. 454-458; differences
with Lord Palmerston and Lord
J. Russell on England's Italian
Policy, iii. 461-476, 478-483; ob-
jection to publication of divorce
cases in daily papers, iii. 482;
congratulates French Emperor on
peace, iii. 483

1860 Volunteer Review in Hyde

Park, iii. 485; Prince of Wales
visited Canada and United
States, iii. 485, 515; difficulties
with Lord John Russell over
the Italian Policy, iii. 488;
Gladstone's Budget statement,
iii. 495; Earl Cowley's stormy
interview with French Emperor,
iii. 498-501; Prince of Wales
visits Coburg and Gotha, iii.
504; letters of thanks to Indian
Civil servants, iii. 507; visit to
Aldershot, iii. 508; Abolition of
Paper Duties Bill thrown out by
the House of Lords, iii. 511-
513; engagement of Princess
Alice to Prince Louis of Hesse,
iii. 515, 528, 532, 533; visit
Holyrood, iii. 517; Balmoral,
iii. 518; proposed meeting with
the Emperor of Austria, iii. 519,
520; appeal from the King of
Naples, iii. 521; reply, iii. 524;
appointments of bishops, iii.
529, 530

1861 Death of Duchess of Kent, iii.
535; third visit to Ireland, iii.
535, 577; New Year's letter from
French Emperor, and reply, iii.
540, 544; detailed account of
death of the King of Prussia,
iii. 540-544; happiness of the
Princess Royal, iii. 548; wed-
ding day anniversary, iii. 553;

1861 Garibaldi letter, iii. 554; death
of the Duchess of Kent, iii.
535, 555-560, 571, 572; Mr
Layard as Under-Secretary for
Foreign Affairs, iii. 567-571;
King of Sweden's visit to
Osborne, iii. 571; his views on
the Foreign Affairs, iii. 572-574;
the Queen's views, iii. 575; visits
Frogmore, iii. 576; visits Ireland,
iii. 577, 578; coronation of the
King and Queen of Prussia, iii.
580-582; Queen of Prussia on
Foreign Policy, iii. 585; apprecia-
tion of her Highland servant, iii.
587; Times newspaper's attacks
on Prussia, iii. 587-590; America's
right to search neutral ships, iii.
593, 595; Prince Consort's illness,
iii. 595, 598; slight improve-
ment, iii. 599; the crisis, iii.
602; pathetic letter to King
Leopold on death of Prince
Consort, iii. 602, 605; death of
Lady Canning, iii. 604; sympa-
thetic letter to Viscount Canning,
iii. 608

Victoria, Princess Royal, birth, i.
317, 400, 404, 450, 457, 546, 566,
617; ii. 3, 6; at opening of new
Coal Exchange, ii. 271; ii. 331,
383; riding accident, ii. 389; her
character, iii. 198; question of
marriage, iii. 186, 187, 231, 240,
248, 277, 281; confirmation of, iii.
286; birthday, iii. 275; iii. 305;
marriage, iii. 321, 331; parting
from the Queen, iii. 333, 334;
reception by the Prussians, iii. 383-
385; birth of the present German
Emperor, iii. 401; iii. 424; visit to
the Queen, iii. 428; birth of Prin-
cess Charlotte, iii. 516; detailed
account of death of King of
Prussia, iii. 540-544; domestic
happiness of, iii. 548; death of
Duchess of Kent, iii. 555, 560
Cross, iii. 203, 298

(Australia). governorship of,

iii. 242
Victoria and Albert, Queen's yacht, ii. 49
Vienna, Congress of, i. 4; Treaty of,
ii. 85, 135, 554, 572; Crimean
Conference, its failure, iii. 80, 81;
Conference of the Powers, iii. 132
Villafranca, peace concluded at, iii.
394, 452, 459, 461

Villiers, George William Frederick,
afterwards fourth Earl of Claren-
don, see Clarendon


Villiers, Hon. Henry Montagu, Bishop
of Carlisle, iii. 530

Mr Charles, "Father of the
House," i. 186; Free Trade motion,
ii. 462, 483, 490; proposed for
office, ii. 512

Viscount, meaning of term, i. 158
Vivian, Sir Hussey, Master-General
of the Ordnance, i. 351
Volunteer Review, iii. 485
Vor-Parlament, ii. 228

WADDINGTON, Dr, Dean of Durham,
i. 567

Walcheren Expedition, iii. 97
Wales, Albert Edward, Prince of,
afterwards King Edward VII.,
birth, i. 457; Order of Black Eagle
conferred, i. 468; christening, i.
472, 478; education, i. 580, 594;
Grand Cross of St Andrew, ii. 20;
present from the King of the
French, ii. 33; Duke of Cornwall,
ii. 119; Irish title, ii. 266; opening
of new Coal Exchange, ii. 271;
Foreign Orders, ii. 472; confirma-
tion, iii. 353; visit to Napoleon
at Cherbourg, iii. 375; visit to
Rome, iii. 391, 397, 411, 428; tour
in Canada and United States, iii.
486, 521, 526, 527; visit to Coburg
and Gotha, iii. 504; visit to Ire-
land, iii. 535, 577; goes to Cam-
bridge, iii. 553; death of Prince
Consort, iii. 606


tollbar disturbances, i. 564, 604,

Walewska, Madame, iii. 426
Walewski, Count, ii. 157; coup d'état,

Paris, ii. 404, 405, 410, 417,
421, 494; proposed marriage of
Louis Napoleon, ii. 497, 513, 521;
Eastern Question, ii. 538; Prince
Albert's visit to Louis Napoleon,
iii. 53; want of transports, iii. 65;
curious letter, iii. 107, 195; Treaty
of Peace, iii. 203, 271, 273; right
of asylum despatch, iii. 331, 336,
350; and war with Austria, iii.
425, 426; resignation, iii. 487
Walker, Colonel, iii. 522
Wallachia, iii. 332

Walmer Castle, i. 546; Queen's visit
to, i. 549, 555

Walpole, Spencer, ii. 453; Militia

Bill, ii. 467, 471; on education,
ii. 473, 474, 520; iii. 96; Home
Secretary, iii. 345, 352; withdraws
from Ministry, iii. 393

[blocks in formation]


War, Secretary at, duties of, i. 130;
power to appoint Commander-in-
Chief, ii. 477

Warburton, Mr, Corn Law debate,
i. 276

Ward, Mrs Horatia, daughter of
Lord Nelson, iii. 52; pension for
her children, iii. 51, 52

Rev., Dean of Lincoln, ü.
53, 54

Warre, Lieut.-General, Sir Wm., i.

Wasa, Princess Caroline Stéphanie of,
ii. 496

Washington, Prince of Wales's re-
ception at, iii. 515

Waterford, Queen's visit to, ii. 267
Marquess of, i. 487

Watson, Dr (afterwards Sir Thomas),
Prince Consort's last illness, iii. 602
Admiral, iii. 318

Weikersheim, iii. 504

Weimar, Grand Duke of, i. 226; iii.
580, 582

Wellesley, Lord Charles, ii. 27

Sir Arthur, and Convention of
Cintra, iii. 222
Wellington, Duke of, Foreign Secre-
tary, i. 39; Reform Bill, i. 78,
115; on Canadian difficulty, i. 129;
i. 135, 195; interview with the
Queen, i. 198; convention of 1828,
i. 289; i. 319; illness, i. 326; i.
378; in the Cabinet, i. 387; Roman
Catholic Question, i. 459; christen-
ing of the Prince of Wales, 472;
Commander-in-Chief, i. 527; on
duelling, i. 564, 607; i. 637; Corn
Laws, ii. 57, 74; ii. 65, 74, 76; on
dissolution, ii. 96; statue, ii. 112,
113, 145, 146; Peninsular War
medals, ii. 130-134; on intervention
in Portugal, ii. 144; on defence of
England, ii. 166; i. 198; Queen's
tribute to, ii. 260; Brevet promo-
tions, i. 270; Sir Charles Napier's
resignation, ii. 309; views on forma-
tion of new Government, ii. 355;
appeal to, ii. 371, 372; death, ii.
432, 476; Queen's appreciation of,
ii. 478; funeral arrangements, ii.
480; India's homage to, ii. 486;
funeral, ii. 487

College, foundation stone, iii.
Welsh language, in schools, ii. 255
Wemyss, Earl of, see Elcho
Wessenberg, Baron, ii. 235

Westbury, Lord, see Bethell, Sir

[blocks in formation]

tion, i. 154, 155

Marquess of, K.G., iii. 288


eleventh Earl of,
Minister at Berlin, ii. 286, 297,
328; question of decorations, iii. 256
Weyer, Sylvain van de, Belgian

Foreign Minister, i. 74, 79, 230,
260; visit to the Queen, i. 321; ii.
360, 438, 450; iii. 128, 139, 492
Whalley, Mr, M.P., iii. 511
Wharncliffe, first Baron, Lord Presi-

dent of the Council, i. 376, 387
Whateley, Richard, Archbishop of
Dublin, i. 80

Wheeler, General Sir Hugh, mutiny
at Cawnpore, iii. 302
Whewell, Professor, i. 437

Whig Party, and the Royal Family,
i. 6, 7; power of, i. 27; weakness
of, i. 55, 264; Ministry of, i. 72,
86, 131, 136; resignation of, i.
194; resume office, i. 216; Queen's
opinion of, i. 268; verge of dis-
solution, i. 290; defeat, i. 319;
in jeopardy, i. 337; vote of censure,
i. 364; dissolution, i. 378; Cabinet,
i. 387; Corn Law debate, i. 583;
unable to take office, ii. 35, 69-74;
and Protectionists, ii. 84; take
office, ii. 84; Irish Coercion Bill,
ii. 93, 95, 96; and Cobden, ii. 100;
jealousies, ii. 102; Factory Act, ii.
136; intervention in Portugal, ii.
144; Poor Law Commission, ii.
153; repeal of Navigation Laws,
ii. 247, 261; case of Don Pacifico
and Mr Finlay, ii. 274, 276–284,
288, 290, 293; suggested rearrange-
ment of offices, ii. 280; Foreign
Policy defended, ii. 299; in dif-
ficulties, ii. 338; Government defeat
and resignation, ii. 345, 349; return
to office, ii. 379; attempted fu-
sion with Peelites, ii. 435; Militia
Bill, ii. 445; resignation, ii. 445,
466; confusion of parties, ii. 489;
defeat Government on House Tax,
ii. 499-500, 501, 515, 517; Lord
Aberdeen forms a new Govern-
ment, ii. 500-523; withdrawal of
Reform Bill, iii. 20, 29; resigna-
tion of Lord John Russell, iii. 74,
78, 80, 92-96; Lord Palmerston be-
comes Premier, iii. 96; Roebuck
Motion, iii. 99; and Lord John
Russell, iii. 109; Government of
1855, iii. 123, 128; Cabinet, iii.
131, 137, 138; Lord John Russell
accepts the Colonial office, iii. 138;

dissolution on Chinese debate, iii.
290; return to power, iii. 393
Whiteside, Mr, iií. 303

Whiting, page to Queen Victoria,
i. 17

Wilberforce, Archdeacon (afterwards
Bishop of Oxford), i. 418; ii. 40,
97, 159; Divorce Bill, iii. 293, 294
Wilkie, Sir David, i. 393
William I., King of Prussia, see Prussia
King of the Netherlands, see


IV. (formerly Duke of Clar-
ence), politics, i. 7; marriage, i. 12,
19, 31; succession to the Throne, i.
25; estrangement with Duchess of
Kent, i. 25, 26, 36, 88; death and
review of his reign, i. 26, 27, 72;
illness, i. 91, 93, 95; death, i. 96; his
children, i. 325

Williams, General Fenwick, gallant
defence of Kars, iii. 81

Mr, i. 469

Willis's Rooms, iii. 435
Willoughby, Lord, receptions at Court,
iii. 492

Wilson, James, Financial Secretary
to Treasury, afterwards Privy Coun-
cillor, iii. 241

Wimpole, i. 631

Winchester, Marquess of, ii. 477
Windsor, Queen's opinion of, i. 110;
beauty of, i. 467

Wiseman, Cardinal, made Archbishop

of Westminster, ii. 275, 325, 332
Woburn Abbey, Queen's visit to, i.

Wodehouse, Lady, iii. 261

Lord (afterwards Earl of Kim-
berley), iii. 481

Women and politics, Queen Victoria's
view of, ii. 438

Wood, Sir Charles (afterwards Vis-

count Halifax), Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer, ii. 99, 102, 130, 153, 155,
164, 376, 391, 434; Seals of Office

given up, ii. 454; Board of

Control, ii. 512; and Disraeli, ii.
520; India Bill, ii. 543; and Lord
John Russell, iii. 75; Government
of, 1855, iii. 118, 123, 124; India
Board, iii. 131; first Lord of
Admiralty 1855, iii. 138, 189, 321;
position of Naval Force, iii. 242;
financial crisis, iii. 325; Secre-
tary for India, iii. 445; Italian
Policy, iii. 467; Indian titles, iii.
501; Indian Civil Service, iii. 507;
artillery in India, iii. 602; letter on
death of Prince Consort, iii. 603, 604

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