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"Little did Samuel Tillotson think," said Mr. Knill, in afterwards referring to this incident, "that the once tall, pale, thin young man, was eitting near while he was giving that narration. Time had greatly changed my appearance. He had never seen me but on that occasion, and when I introduced myself to him in the midst of the meeting, the shock was electrical." Mr. Knill's reflection on this interesting circumstance may well be added, "It has often struck me since that ministers may expect strange greetings in heaven from those whom they never saw on earth, but who have received good from their labours."

Notes from Rome.


"THIS people that the priest-the scum of hell-the priest alone has been able to deprave, corrupt, brutalize, to such a degree as to change the greatest of all people into the most miserable abject and lost people on the earth."-Garibaldi in "Clelia, or the Rule of the Monk."


RECENTLY the Minister of Agriculture, the Honourable Sig. Berti, has, with the aid of a well-known Italian Evangelical minister in Rome, been preparing statistics of the Evangelicals in Italy. These statistics are not yet published; but I have been able to learn the result of the enquiries, which is to the effect that in Italy there are to-day 20,000 members of Evangelical churches. This number does not include, however, either the Waldensians of the valleys, or the members of foreign churches, such as English, Scotch, German, or American. Adding all these, the number would ascend to 58,000. I have been informed that these figures give only the number of the members of churches, and not mere adherents.

I am told that these numbers seemed very few to the compilers of the statistics. They had expected greater things, and one of them remarked to an Evangelical minister: " Why, you are just as numerous as the deaf and dumb!" To me these figures are encouraging. When we reflect that the Evangelicals have had to act with so many restrictions on their liberty, it is consoling to know that there are so many. But men of the world cannot believe in the potency of invisible influences. No reform seems real to them which does not at once assume national proportions, and come in with the sound of the trumpet. They have yet to learn the meaning of the parable of the leaven, and that "The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation."


As a sample of some of the work which we have to do, and of Roman wants that should be met by the Christian church, let me relate the following. A poor family came to live near to us consisting of a man and his wife with five children, the youngest being a babe at the breast. The husband and father was employed by the city authorities as a street-sweeper, and the elder boys, of the age of about eight and ten, went out at night searching in rubbish heaps for anything that might add a centesimo to the family's scanty income. Four of the children were sent to our Sunday-school, but in such a state of rags and nudity that for mere decency's sake we were forced to partially clothe them before we could let them appear among the other children. They seemed nice children, and enjoyed coming to school. They soon learned a number of hymns; and it was good to listen to their sweet voices giving utterance to Christian sentiments. The mother came regularly to Mrs. Shaw's class, and seemed to take great interest in what was read and said to the women. Alas, the father fell ill and was removed to the hospital. The family, being without any means of support, we had to feed them day by day, hoping that the poor man would soon be well again. One day, it was Sunday, the poor woman went to the


279 hospital to visit her husband, whom she had not seen since Friday, but on her arrival she found the bed empty, and was told that her husband was dead and buried. She turned away in sorrow and bewilderment, and on leaving the hospital swooned, the babe falling from her arms on the steps. We comforted the poor creature as well as we knew how, telling her of Him who is the friend of the widow and fatherless; but at such times words seem poor things, at least to them that speak them. O for riches with which to do something for such families, in the name and in the service of our Lord! There is no "workhouse" here to which to send such families. The landlord turned out the poor woman and her children when the period expired for which the rent was paid, and for two or three nights they lay on the floor of a neighbour's house. Then we made up a bed for them in our school-room, and found them food until it should be decided what to do for them. Providence led us to a lady who undertook to receive and care for the two elder boys, and we had decided to do the same for the little girl, although it was a great embarrassment for us because our house is not large enough for even our own family, our servant having to go out to sleep. At length the above mentioned lady found that she could take the little girl also. She also paid for a costly instrument necessary to save the life of the youngest boy who was ricketty. The poor woman was incapable of doing anything except working in the fields-she could neither earn her living by sewing, washing, nor cleaning. So she was sent off to Ferentino, where she has an aged mother, and where she may maintain herself and her two youngest children, and the other three children are happily and Christianly provided for, and may become good and useful disciples of Jesus Christ.

There is much of similar work to be done here; but to do it we have need of suitable apartments, and we hope something will be done to provide them.

Missionary Facts and Principles.

1. The heathen are conscious of sin. Their religious works contain affecting confessions of sin and yearnings for deliverance.

2. The heathen feel the need of some satisfaction to be made for their sins. They have devised many penances, asceticisms, and self-tortures. These fail to break the bondage. They do not give the conscience peace.

3. The heathen need a Divine Deliverer; One who can make the satisfaction, and inspire the peace.

4. There is a command in the New Testament to go and disciple all the heathen nations in the name of this deliverer.

5. This command emanates from the supreme authority. It is from the lips of Christ Himself.

6. This command is addressed to all Christians, in every age, until every human being is converted. He who said, "Go, preach to every creature," added, "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." The command and the promise reach unto the end.

7. The missionary spirit is the spirit of Christ. The soul, or the church, that does not possess it, is dead.

8. If we love the person of Christ, we shall desire that His glory shall fill all lands.

9. If we love the truth of Christ, we shall be intent upon its proclamation, till every false religion is vanquished by it.

10. We are not Jews, but Gentiles. Our lineage is heathen. The missionary enterprise rescued us from paganism. Gratitude for our own emancipation and love for our brethren, the heathen of all countries, should move us with a mighty impulse to engage in the missionary work.

11. Success is certain. The Lord has promised it. The apostles illustrated it. Those twelve men were missionaries. In their time Rome, with her military force, ruled the bodies of men; and Greece, with her philosophy, ruled



their spirits. Both arose in enmity to the Cross. The little band of apostles did not fear or falter. They conquered both.

12. We ourselves are the offspring of the missionary enterprise. To turn against it is like a man's turning against his own mother.

13. Duty, love, success: these are three magic words. Let us grasp the ideas they suggest, and pray and work for all men, at home and abroad, until the Church absorbs the whole world, and rises up into the millennial glory. H. M. SCUDDER, D.D.

Hotes and Gleanings.

CUTTACK.-May 6th, five were baptized by Damodar Mahanty.

MONEY ORDERS FOR FOREIGN COUNTRIES.-I have had the pleasure of receiving, per Money Order, for the Orphanage, from a dear old friend in England, £5, which realized 62 Rupees 5 annas. The Post Office now affords every facility for sending money to India, and also to other countries. Why do not Christians more largely avail themselves of facilities greater than have ever before been enjoyed?

ORISSA TRACT, SOCIETY.-I am thankful to report that I have just received for our Tract operations £20 15s. 10d.—the equivalent of 100 dollars-from Rev. Dr. J. M. Stevenson, Secretary of the American Tract Society. This will be a great help.

J. B.


Received on account of the General Baptist Missionary Society from May 16th

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Subscriptions and Donations in aid of the General Baptist Missionary Society will be thankfully received by W. B. BEMBRIDGE, Esq., Ripley, Derby, Treasurer; and by the Rev. W. HILL, Secretary, Mission House, 60, Wilson Street, Derby, from whom also Missionary Boxes, Collecting Books and Cards, may be obtained.

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The Bradford Association.

EACH Association has its own distinctive features. Every year similar circulars are issued, and a similar summary appears in this Magazine. The same routine of business, the same round of public engagements, the same urgent appeals, and the same felicitous addresses. Reporters go over the old ground, note particulars, and detail names and resolutions. Nothing special arrests the attention of even the most careful reader. "These annual gatherings are much alike," he thinks. But, indeed, they are greatly different. A charm of novelty is potent, spite of all the stereotyped arrangements. How should it be otherwise? Given, keen observation, astute thoughtfulness and eloquent speech, inventive minds and loving hearts in fellowship, good things are sure to be said, fresh interest must kindle, originality and versatility combining to produce much that is new, pleasing and instructive.

It will be seen, from the following outline, that "the usual" happened at Bradford almost invariably. Meetings of the usual type, at the usual times, and for the usual purposes. Reports and resolutions, and votes of thanks, in the usual order, and with the usual unanimity and applause. But even some of the oldest amongst the delegates declared they never heard such speeches! such a sermon! or met with so much kindness! And they laughed at each new humorous illustration, yes, as heartily as the youthful did; and sometimes, when tender memories were revived, while solemn searching words were spoken, or hymns were sung, or prayers were offered, they felt, it may be, a strange sweet feeling of restfulness or hope, but were never bored by a wearisome repetitousness. Though programmes and reports are year by year necessarily almost identical, the better half that is never told-a something which printer's ink is incapable of reproducing-ensures variety and freshness, and gives to each General Baptist Association a stamp and a character essentially and distinctively its own.


The Rev. Watson Dyson presented the Annual Statement, which excited very mingled feelings. 1,344 believers had been baptized, 671 had been received, 111 had been restored, but, owing to the large number of erasures, he had no increase to report. There was, however, no lack of inspiriting news. Several chapels had been built, many great improvements had been made. Unity and hopefulness prevailed pretty generally. Registers were receiving much attention-indeed this fact accounted for the neutralisation of an entire year's gains. In one case over 200 names had been taken off at a single sweep. The temperance movement was growing rapidly, and had evidently found in the denomination a soil in which it would luxuriate. But while many cheering signs were recognized with gratitude, there were probably few who did not feel that cause enough exists for prayerful thought and increased activity.

The COLLEGE was prominent for hours; and proposed arrangements, in view of its speedy removal to Nottingham, provoked the brethren to no small amount of talk, love, and good works. Questions were asked in due course, and with much gravity. The Rev. W. Evans gave the answers; a spirit of lucidity characterising all his utterances. His admirable efforts to clear away mystification were at length GENERAL BAPTIST MAGAZINE, AUGUST, 1883.-Vol. LXXXV.-N. S., No. 164.



rewarded. The scheme, as framed in Committee, was adopted, with its every detail, and partly worked out upon the spot! Towards the sum of £1,100 needed, in addition to the amount for which the Chilwell property has been sold, for the erection of a Tutor's house, and the purchase of new college furniture, over £400 were at once promised, our friend Mr. C. Roberts, of Sydenham, leading the way with £100. Let each church contribute in proportion to its ability, and a sum in excess of that required will soon be in the hands of the Treasurer. Fifteen students have been pursuing their studies with commendable diligence during the past year, and five have settled in their first pastorates, with the best wishes of their Tutors and the unqualified approval and hearty sympathy of the entire denomination.

The Secretary of the Home Mission, always alert to discover some new thing likely to be helpful to the cause he has at heart, has found, or hopes to find, devoted workers amongst the godly women. His plan, as published in the May number of this Magazine, was received with some little merriment, but its practicability no one questioned, its going qualities all acknowledged. Ladies everywhere! form yourselves into working circles, collect subscriptions, make or beg goods that can easily be converted into cash. Your labours will revive many a drooping interest, encourage and strengthen many a debt-burdened church. You will serve Christ and His cause, obtain denominational status, and have your own meeting at the next Association. Yes, there will then be something absolutely new! With grace and beauty, as well as wisdom on the platform, audiences are bound to be appreciative, and collections will be correspondingly large.

The Building Fund has received a handsome legacy by the will of the late Mr. John Edwards, of London. A number of churches have now the use between them of over £5,000; and the operation of this agency is so beneficial all round, that one collection each year is sought from every General Baptist congregation.

The Board of Publication offered £250 from the profits of their year's work for the benefit of the Association.

The Board of Reference has done much to facilitate the settlement of pastors in new spheres of labour. The Board of Arbitration has been singularly free from care. Such peace and harmony prevail that its services have been unsought.

Two resolutions relating to baptism were passed. The first converts into a printed rule the fixed custom of the Committee, that every student for the ministry must be a baptized member of some Baptist church. The second is only an acknowledgment of the notorious fact, that the Sixth Article in the declaration of faith published in the Year Book has ceased to be the practice of all our churches. The following "Note" will henceforth be appended to its foot, "The Association adopted Open Communion in 1875. Most of the churches have Free Communion, and some of them practise Open Fellowship."

A Baptist Union department was formed, of which Rev. W. J. Avery was appointed Secretary. The special object of this new department is to stimulate throughout the churches interest in the Baptist Union "Annuity" and "Augmentation" Funds. £50, a portion of the profit accruing from sales of the Baptist Hymnal, was voted to the B. U. Annuity Fund. A series of resolutions were passed in favour of the

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