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A New Chapel for Crewe.

FOR a long time it had been felt by General Baptists in Crewe, and the neighbourhood, that they ought to be represented in the rapidly rising town of Crewe. Acting on that feeling, a room was taken for the preaching of the gospel. Opening services were conducted by the Rev. J. Clifford, M.A., LL.B., on Feb. 26th, 1882. Considerable interest was awakened, and a church of eighteen members was formed on July 23rd, 1882, by the Rev. W. Underwood, D.D., of Burton-on-Trent. Though very small and weak as yet, the members, led by Mr. R. Pedley, J.P., and having understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do, resolved to arise and build. The Southern Conference readily waved its turn to nominate a site under the Unification Scheme, that Cheshire might take it up. Cheshire has done so, and now a site has been obtained in a good central position, and building operations have commenced, and before this number of the Magazine appears the memorial stones will have been laid. Of course the friends at Crewe are utterly unequal to this task in and of themselves. But the Home Mission has come to the rescue, and will contribute half the cost of the land and building, and will render liberal help in the support of a minister for four years. Mr. J. W. Chapman, of London, is the architect. The tender of Mr. W. Martin, builder, of Haslington, near Crewe, has been accepted. The estimated cost of land, chapel, and school, with fittings and furniture, is about £3,300. The chapel, when completed, will seat 640 persons. The friends associated with the place are chiefly of the artizan class, but they have, with the help of friends in the neighbourhood, promised about £400. The church, with the hearty approval of the Home Mission Committee, has given a cordial and unanimous invitation to the Rev. W. Lees, of Walsall, to undertake the pastorate, with all that it involves. Mr. Lees has accepted the invitation, and all who know the admirable work he did in connection with the new chapel at Vicarage Walk, Walsall, will need no assurance that he is just the man for the position.

Two things need to be well remembered in relation to this enterprise. The first is, that the friends at Crewe are few and weak, and it will sadly interfere with the success of the undertaking if they are weighted with debt. The second is, that the Home Mission likewise needs special help in order to bear its share of the undertaking, otherwise the Society will be seriously hindered in its operations for years to come. But if friends who can help will look at the engraving which appears among the advertisements, and if they will not overlook the appeal printed at the head thereof, all will be well, and the new chapel will be successfully launched.

Nor should it be forgotten that there is a way in which every member of the denomination can help in this matter. As yet only one-tenth of the churches have sent in their collections and subscriptions to the Home Mission for the current year. It is expected, therefore, that May will be practically the Home Mission month, and when the collection takes place all who greet it with unusual cheerfulness and liberality will, however small the gift, be strengthening the hands of the Home Mission for this, its second attempt to build for the denomination a new chapel. If it should happen that owing to an oversight, or to overcrowding, there should be no collection made for the Home Mission in your church, you need not be deprived of the privilege of being a Home Missionary. You have only to send a cheque, a postal order, or a few stamps to Mr. Harrison, 18, Wardwick, Derby, and if that gift should write you down " as one that loves his fellow men," like Abou Ben Adhem of ancient fame, you will need no worthier praise. J. FLETCHER.

"WE should be wary what persecution we raise against the living labours of public men; how we spill the seasoned life of man preserved and stored up in books; since we see a kind of homicide may be committed, sometimes a martyrdom."-MILTON.

"WHEN you have lived longer in this world, and outlived the enthusiastic and pleasing illusions of youth, you will find your love and pity for the race increase tenfold, and your admiration and attachment to any particular party or opinion fall away altogether."-JOHN INGLESANT.

The Building Fund.

THE Association held at Derby last year saw the accomplishment of the object contemplated six years before-the raising of the capital of the Fund to £5,000. But with the progress of the years the needs of the denomination have been more fully and accurately learned. This sum, thought sufficient at that time, is proved to be utterly inadequate. Last year loans were asked for amounting to £3,000. The sum at the disposal of the Committee was only £1,200. During the year a very acceptable legacy has fallen into the Treasurer's hands. But though over £600, the applications could not have been met, even had the Committee been gifted with foresight enough to anticipate this handsome contribution. It is clear, therefore, that if the Fund is to meet the requirements of the churches, either the capital must be considerably increased, or the yearly income permanently enlarged by annual subscriptions and collections. The second of these is the more appropriate and easy method probably. It gives to subscribers and subscribing churches a direct and constant interest in the Fund and its operations; and at the same time continuously and permanently increases the capital. This, too, is the method sanctioned, adopted, and urged upon the attention of the churches by the last Association. At present, however, no response has been given either to this suggestion, or, with one or two exceptions, to the other made at the same time-that "churches which have not yet paid up their promised subscriptions" be earnestly advised to do so "during the next year."

The necessity for increased interest and pecuniary help is shown by the condition of the Fund at the last Association. But it becomes more evident and pressing when the fact is stated, that to the applications deferred last year have been added so many others during the present year, that loans amounting to £1.550 are applied for— while others will no doubt reach the Secretary before the end of May. What can the Committee do to meet all these claims when they will have less than £1,200 at disposal? It must leave some wholly unprovided for, and others only partially aided. "What is that among so many?" Will not the liberal and well-to-do members of the churches come to the help of the Fund? Will not the churches give one collection to enable the Committee to deal freely with all who ask, and to the extent of their need? One or two subscribers in each church, and one good collection, would go far towards freeing the Fund from its present insufficiency. There is time for this to be done before the close of the financial year. Let it be attempted, and it will be accomplished. And with its accomplishment, churches struggling to be free from financial burdens will be aided in their efforts, and be successfully carried towards that paradise of churches the state in which there is entire freedom from pecuniary burdens and unfettered scope for enlarged Christian enterprize. WILLIAM BISHOP.


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II. THE FORTHCOMING ASSOCIATION. -The notices from the Association Secretary and from the Bradford Local Secretary, to be found on another page, are usually the first bugle sounds for the gathering of the clans. This month the Association Schedule will be sent out by the Secretary, Mr. Dyson, and churches should in the meantime revise their list of members. If it has not been done at the April church-meeting, the deacons would do well to go through the churchregister, appoint visitors to doubtful cases, get in reports, and take action at

the May church-meeting, so that the returns may be as accurate as possible.

III. NEW SCHOOLS.-Under the head of Schools, in the Church Register department, we are glad to note that at Arnold, at Denholme, and at Kirkby-inAshfield the friends of Sunday schools are making earnest efforts to erect new buildings. We admire the faith, the courage, and the energy of these friends, and trust that they will not lack helpers in their arduous but beneficent work.

IV. TO CORRESPONDENTS.-A story is told of an African chief who said he must go to war, because he had a barrel of gunpowder which was spoiling. Those who protest against having their "intelligence" boiled down are reminded that the Editor's boiling apparatus has been left in our charge, and it must be used, otherwise it will rust. All communications should be written on one side only of each sheet sent. J. FLETCHER.

A French Medley.

I. HOLY THURSDAY IN PARIS.-Passing through Paris on our way to Nice, we dropped into the Madeleine on Holy Thursday morning. Many Parisians were present, and about a third of the way down the spacious edifice the eye was arrested by a scene of exquisite and pathetic loveliness. Flowers of all the colours of the rainbow, and in the richest profusion, were arranged on an extended and sloping platform in the shape of a huge cross, and in and about and around them numbers of candles were burning. At a little distance from the foot of the cross sat a man habited in black, with a white tippet over him, and in front of him a bronze cross about three feet long, and on it the bronze image of the crucified Christ. A little further off sat a boy dressed in the same way, with a similar crucifix. Man, woman, and child, one after another, came, kissed the head and feet of the image, deposited a coin in a plate close by, and passed on, the image being wiped with a handkerchief after each visit. This was continued all day: some of those who thus came being persons seen afterwards going through the same process at the Church of St. Roch.

Going altarwards, it was obvious that arrangements were being made for a further ceremony in a later part of the day. At two o'clock a large number gathered in the church, and a sermon was preached by the Abbé Long. Without a note, without a book, he stood before the crowd, and with impassioned earnestness and overflowing fervour, with every variety of gesture, and yet with pathetic grace, the Abbé discoursed for three quarters of an hour.

At the points where we had noticed preparations in the morning were placed thirteen youths, ranging from twelve to sixteen years of age. Six were on one side, and seven on the other. They wore loose white jackets and cerise skirts, and were seated on an elevated platform covered with green baize. A procession is seen wending its way to the altar, consisting, apparently, of three priests, attended by other officials.


priests are differently attired; the centre one, wearing a costly and magnificent robe, kneels in front of the high altar, and the robe is loosed and taken from his back; a towel is now handed to him, and with it he girds himself, approaches the youngest of the lads, and with water now supplied to him in a basin, gently pours a little on one foot, wipes it, kisses it, and passing on to the next youth repeats the process, and similarly with each of the

thirteen. This being ended a very large hot cross bun is given to each of the thirteen, followed by a bottle of wine, and something which had the appearance of a small coin. As each gift was made, the youth kissed it, and placed it by his side on the platform. The procession then reformed and filed out amid singing. The priests being gone, the youths picked up their treasures and, at a given signal, carried them away. Scarcely were they out of sight when the workmen appeared, stripped the baize off the temporary platform, took down the woodwork, and every trace of the performance disappeared. That is the exposition given by the Romish Church at the Madeleine of the beautiful incident contained in the opening verses of the thirteenth of John.

II. SUNDAY AMUSEMENTS AT LYONS.Within ear-shot of the Hotel d'Angleterre we had a noisy example of the French Sunday as presents itself in the second city of the great Republic The crowds began to assemble in the Cours du Midi soon after two o'clock, and went on increasing up to nine or ten. "All sorts and conditions of men," women, and children, were represented. To attract and interest the comers a doctor exhibited the celebrated Greek maxim over his show, "Know thyself," and for a small sum displayed models of the human frame in health and disease, in parts and in the whole. A little distance off was a "Madame Tassaud" with a wax Gambetta on the stage, surrounded by wax copies of his doctors and friends. Beside him a man of wax "pulling" at a bell whenever the eloquent advocate of the treasures of the show required rest. Six different shooting galleries did a brisk trade; but the centre of attraction seemed to be the theatre, where La Reine Indigo was being acted. I asked whether this was exceptional; but was answered in a tone of surprise, "Oh no! this is the usual Sunday Amusement."

III. THE SUPREME CHARM OF THE HUMAN-Why halt at Avignon? The town is old and decayed Its fine fourteenth century gold is dim, and its magnificence departed. But it has tender, strong, and pathetic memories! And what is the present without the gentle, stirring past and what any spot of earth dissociated from the passions and conflicts, hopes and struggles, of the soul of man! In yonder dull and repulsive Palace of the Popes what human interests crowd! In it Rienzi, the last of

* I have since learned that this was a franc.



the Tribunes, was imprisoned, and soothed his great spirit by fellowship with the Bible, and the study of Livy. Brave hearted leader! The dreariest pile of stone flashes with a divine beauty when associated with thee! Here, too, Petrarch was a guest; and hard by, saw and loved Laura de Noves, and was so captivated by her beauty that he never ceased to chant her praises and commemorate her loveliness. Avignon, too, memorializes the Great Papal Schism of the fourteenth century, and in its palace, now a military barrack, witnesses to the exodus of the Papacy from its beloved Rome from 1305 to 1424. Shall I be forgiven, if I say that a richer memory allured me, in the early morning, in the face of a fierce wind, and by the side of the swiftly flowing Rhone, out of the town towards the lovely Cemetery in which repose the remains of one of England's clearest thinkers and ablest teachers, John Stuart Mill? To him my debt is large. His thinking has been one of the most quickening mental forces I have experienced, and his books have been a perennial refreshment and a manifold instruction. It was at Avignon in 1873 that he died, and the white marble sarcophagus on which he wrote his glowing admiration for his wife, and which now commemorates his own decease, was to me unspeakably more interesting than the Palace of the Popes, the Cathedral de Notre Dame des Doms, or the far-reaching expanse of country seen from the lofty Promenade overlooking the Rhone. Every true man does his part, and fills his place in the full life of humanity; but will not the work of that one thinker enrich humanity to a far larger degree than all the toils and struggles of all the 14th century Popes?

IV. FRENCH LOVE OF ORATORY. The French admire eloquence, and rate oratorical force as one of the highest gifts. The man who can wield the pen takes lofty rank, but the supreme place in public esteem is reserved for orators. None have such imposing and magnificent funerals; none are so long and tenderly remembered. Starting from the words found on a stray leaf of an old newspaper, "April the 4th, 1791, the funeral of Mirabeau," a writer in to-day's La République Française records the names of some of the men France has delighted to honour with splendid funeral pageants during the last hundred years. The orators head the list. They always take precedence of the princes of the pen. General Foy, an orator, is amongst them; but not the brilliant Chateaubriand. Manuel, Lamarque, Godefroy, Cavaignac, and Garnier-Pagès, all orators,


named, but neither Balzac nor Michelet. Vivid, too, is the contrast between Ledru Rollin and Louis Blanc. Both were devoted patriots, took a leading part in the Provisional Goverment of 1848, were faithful Republicans, and were buried with éclat, but the outburst of enthusiastic affection elicited by L. Rollin far surpassed the manifestations of emotion at the decease of L. Blanc. The able writer could not compete with Rollin's magical power of rousing speech and of direct and impassioned appeal to the hearts of the people. And Gambetta! How he was loved! With what fervid eagerness men testified their regard! He, too, was the incomparable orator; the man of glowing speech, colouring and quickening with his patriotism his great Sursum Corda addressed to a discouraged and suffering people. Truly, says Edgar Quinet, "Books never have produced, and never will produce, a durable revolution, without the aid of public utterance. It is that, and that alone, that carries and communicates life." Nothing has quickened literature like Christianity; but Christianity was founded and established by "preaching." France is sure to retain her passionate admiration of eloquence, and her eagerness to honour the victors of the tribune! O that she might have a French Whitefield to captivate the warm hearts and quick intellect of her children to the intelligent and loving service of Him "who spake as never man spake."

V. FRANCE AND COLONIAL EXTENSION.-If straws show the drift of the stream, one need not be very acute to recognize the strongly developing passion of France for colonial possessions. The distinguished economist and state minister, M. Leon Say, in an address given recently at Lyons, referred, in terms of glowing eulogy, to the fructifying possessions of Great Britain abroad, and pointed out, in the language of rebuke, the past apathy of the French in creating colonial markets both for men and goods. The attitude of the French Government on the Congo, in the matters of Tunis and Madagascar, points in the same direction, and makes it incumbent upon the English Government to use all its moral influence in dissuading France from any and every unjust method of gratifying this natural and growing but perilous passion for new outlets for trade and commerce. It may be British selfsufficiency, but the facts of history show that, with all our defects and evils-and they are great enough in the work of colonising the world our influence is far more likely to be just, progressive, and moral, than that of the French.

Church Register.

Information for the June number should be sent by the 16th of May to REV. J. FLETCHER, 322, Commercial Road, London, E.


I. THE CHESHIRE CONFERENCE met at Wheelock Heath on Tuesday, March 27th. Morning service at 11. Preacher, Rev. S. Hirst. Business in the afternoon. The reports from the churches showed 40 baptized a slight decrease upon last year. The following ministers were heartily welcomed into the Conference-Revs. P. Williams, Nantwich, and G. Towler, Audlem. The newly-formed church at Crewe was received into the Conference. The prospects of the cause at Crewe are most bright and encouraging, especially since so able and good a man as Mr. Lees, of Walsall, has decided to accept the pastorate. Several of the brethren gave expression to their hearty sympathy and goodwill.

An important discussion took place on "the Desirability of Supporting our Denominational Institutions." It was introduced by the Rev. Z. T. Dowen. It is hoped that good results will follow, especially to the College.

Much regret was expressed at the absence of the Rev. Isaac Preston through illness. Since our gathering we have been called upon to mourn his death. The Conference has sustained a great loss. He was much beloved by all the churches, and looked up to by not a few. Our loss is his gain.

The Conference was favoured by the presence of the Rev. W. Lees, pastorelect of Crewe.

It was decided to hold the next Conference at Audlem on the last Tuesday in September. Preacher, Rev. W. Lees.

The thanks of the brethren were enthusiastically accorded to the friends at Wheelock Heath for their abounding hospitality. Mr. R. Pedley J.P., ably conducted the proceedings.

In the evening a public meeting was held on behalf of our Home Mission. Addresses were delivered by Revs. W. Lees, Z.T.Dowen, and G. Walker. R. Bate, Esq., of Tarporley, presided. All the meetings were well attended, and much enthusiasm was displayed. S. HIRST, Sec.

II. THE SOUTHERN CONFERENCE held its Spring meetings at Haven Green Chapel, Ealing, W. April 4. Rev. C. Pearce, of Tring, presided. Business commenced at 3 p.m. with prayer by Mr. J. H. Holloway (Westbourne Park), and Rev. F. J. Bird.

1. Rev. J. Clifford, M.A.-A telegram expressive of sympathy from the Conference was despatched to Rev. J. Clifford, who is staying at Nice.*

2. Rev. J. F. Smythe, who has recently settled over the church at Berkhampstead, was publicly welcomed into the Conference.


Special Cases.-Rev. J. Fletcher reported concerning the chapel property at Honiton, and the Secretary concerning that at Downton.

4. Rev. Giles Hester.-It was stated in regard to the proposed annuity fund for Rev. Giles Hester, that about £630 have been given or promised towards the £1,000 asked for, and that trustees for the administration of the fund were in course of election. Upon the motion of Rev. C. Clark, seconded by Rev. J. F. Smythe, the action of the Committee was heartily approved and fully confirmed by the Conference.

5. Denominational Boards.-Upon the recommendation of the executive, brethren were appointed as follows to represent the Conference on Associational Committees: Board of Reference, J. Fletcher; Home Mission, W. J. Avery, G. W. M'Cree, and A. H. Moore (Ealing); Foreign Mission, R. P. Cook, and C. Pearce.

6. Next Conference to be held at Walsworth Road Chapel, Hitchin, on July 4th.

7. It was unanimously resolved, upon the motion of the Secretary, seconded by Rev. J. Batey, "That the following scheme for the formation of a Ladies' Auxiliary Home Missionary Association be submitted to the Home Mission committee, with a view to its adoption throughout the General Baptist Connexion"

(a.) Name.-General Baptist Home Missionary Society (Ladies' Auxiliary).

(b.) Object.-To enlist the help of ladies in all our churches on behalf of the Home Missionary Society, as collectors, subscribers; and as workers, by means of sewing-meetings, etc.

(c.) Membership.-Open to subscribers of not less than one penny per week; life membership to subscribers of £5, either in one sum, or in five annual instalments of £1.

(d.) Committees.-The lady subscribers

* A reply was received by the Rev. C. Pearce, President of the Conference, from Mr. Clifford, expressive of warm gratitude for, and cordial appreciation of, the sympathy and good wishes of the brethren.

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