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Concerning their fourth Affertion, That touching feveral public Duties of Chriftian Religion, there is among ft us much Superftition retained in them; and concerning perfons, which for performance of thofe Duties are endued with the power of Ecclefiaftical Order, our Laws and proceedings according thereunto, are many ways herein alfo corrupted.

The Matter contained in this Fifth Book.

1. True Religion is the root of all true virtues, and the Stay of all well-ordered commonwealths.

2. The most extreme oppofite to true Religion, is affected Atbeifm.

3. Of Superftition, and the root thereof, either misguided zeal, or ignorant fear of divine glory.


4. Of


BOOK 4. Of the redrefs of Superftition in God's Church, and concerning the question of this Book.


5. Four general propofitions demanding that which may reasonably be granted, concerning matters of outward form in the exercife of true Religion. And fifibly, Of a rule not fafe nor reasonable in thefe cafes.

6. The first propofition touching judgments, what things are convenient in the outward public ordering of Church affairs.

7. The fecond propofition.
8. The third propofition.
9. The fourth propofition.

10. The rule of men's private fpirits, not fafe in thefe cafes to be followed.

11. Places for the public fervice of God.

12. The folemnity of erecting Churches condemned, the ballowing and dedicating of them fcorned by the adverfary.

13. Of the names whereby we diftinguish our Churches. 14. Of the fashion of our Churches.

15. The fumptuoufness of Churches.

16. What holiness and virtue we afcribe to the Church, more than other places.

17. Their pretence that would have Churches utterly razed,

18. Of public Teaching or Preaching, and the firft kind
thereof, Catechizing.

19. Of Preaching, by reading publickly the Books of holy
Scripture, and concerning fuppofed untruths in those
tranflations of Scripture which we allow to be read;
as alfo of the choice which we make in reading.
20. Of Preaching by the public reading of other prç-
fitable inftructions; and concerning Books Apocryphal.
21. Of Preaching by Sermons, and whether Sermons be
the only ordinary way of teaching, whereby men are
brought to the faving knowledge of God's Truth.
22. What they attribute to Sermons only, and what we
to reading alfa.

23. Of Prayer.

24. Of public Prayer.

25. Of the form of Common Prayer.

26. Of them which like not to have any fet form of Common Prayer.

27. Of them, who allowing a fet form of Prayer, yet allow not ours.

28. The form of our Liturgy too near the Papifts', too far different from that of other reformed Churches, as they pretend.

29. Attire belonging to the fervice of God.

30. Of gefture in praying, and of different places chofen to that purpose.

31. Eafinefs of praying after our form.

32. The length of our fervice.

33. Instead of fuch Prayers as the primitive Churches bave ufed, and thofe that the reformed now use, we bave (they fay) divers fhort cuts or fhreddings, rather wishes than Prayers.

34. Leffons intermingled with our Prayers.

35. The number of our Prayers for earthly things, and our oft rebearfing of the Lord's Prayer.

36. The people's faying after the Minifter.

37. Our manner of reading the Pfalms, otherwise than the rest of the Scripture.

38. Of mufic with Pfalms.

39. Of finging or faying Pfalms, and other parts of Common Prayer, wherein the people and the Minifter answer one another by courfe.

40. Of Magnificat, Benedictus, and Nunc Dimittis. 41. Of the Litany.

42. Of Athanafius' Creed, and Gloria Patri. 43. Of our want of particular thanksgiving.

44. In fome things the matter of our Prayer, as they affirm, is unfound.

45. When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death, thou didst open the kingdom of Heaven to all believers. 46. Touching Prayer for deliverance from fudden death. 47. Prayer for thofe things which we for our unworthi

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