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Capitol, in the City of Richmond, on Monday the fourth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and nine,

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An Act imposing Taxes for the support of Government,

[Passed February 7, 1810.]

E it enacted by the General Assembly, That the public taxes Public taxes for the year 1810.

as follows, to wit: on lands for every hundred dollars valuc, agreeably to the equalizing law, forty-eight cents; for every slave above the age of twelve years, except such as have been or shall be exempted in consequence of age or infirmity, by the respective county or corporation courts, forty-four cents; for every stud horse or jack ass, twice the price such horse or ass covers a mare by the season; for all other horses, mules, mares and colts, twelve cents each; for every ordinary licence five dollars, on every hundred dollars of the rent of such ordinary, to be ascertained by the rent paid by the tenant, and where such tavern is in the Occupancy of the proprietor, the yearly value shall be ascertained by the commissioners of the revenue: Provided, That for every ordinary licence, not less than twelve dollars and fifty cents shall be paid for every four wheeled riding carriage, except phætons and stage waggons, one dollar and twenty-five cents per wheel; for all photons and stage waggons, eighty-four cents per wheel; for every other riding carriage with two wheels, forty three cents per wheel; for all houses and lots in town, one dollar and fifty-six cents on every hundred dollars of the rent thereof, to be ascertained by the rent paid by the tenant; and where such house or lot is in the occupancy of the proprietor, the yearly rent or value thereof shall be ascertained by the commissioners of the revenue, or either of them, by comparison of its value with that of other houses or lots actually rented; on every licence to sell merchandize of foreign growth and manufacture, by wholesale and retail, forty dollars; on every licence to retail such goods, fifteen dollars; on every licence to a hawker or pedlar, thirty dollars; on each appeal to the court of appeals from the superior chancery courts, and superior courts of law for the several counties in the commonwealth, two dollars: Provided, That no taxes shall be collected on lands, lots, houses or other property belonging to this commonwealth, or to any county, town, college or seminary of learning, or attached to any house or houses for divine worship: And provided also, That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent any farmer or planter, from selling salt, tea, sugar, molasses, coffee, spices, iron or steel to his neighbors, when such articles were purchased as a return load for his or her produce or other property taken to market.

2. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the Commencement. passing thereof.

how appropriated.


An Act Appropriating the Public Revenue,

[Passed February 7, 1810.]

Public revenue, 1. BE it enacted by the General Asembly, That the taxes and ar rearages of taxes not otherwise appropriated, due prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and ten, and all other branches of public revenue which arise to the commonwealth prior to the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, and the surplus of all appropriations heretofore made, shall constitute a general fund, and be appropriated in the following manner: For the expenses of the general assembly, fifty thousand dollars; for officers of civil government, seventy thousand dollars; for offi, cers of militia, including adjutant general, brigade inspectors, adjutants, clerks, provost martials and musicians, six thousand dol lars; for criminal charges, including guards in the country, twenty-five thousand dollars; for removing criminals to the penitentiary and internal charges, seven thousand dollars; for officers' salaries of the penitentiary, three thousand three hundred and forty. one dollars, and twelve cents; for slaves executed and transported, six thousand dollars; for the lunatic hospital, seven thousand five hundred dollars; for the seventh instalment to the bank of Virginia, and one year's interest on the state shares therein, thirty-four thousand eight hundred dollars; for interest on the public debt, six thousand dollars; for pensioners, six thousand five hundred dollars; for repairs of public warehouses and commissioners' compensation, three thousand five hundred dollars; for commissioners of revenue, fourteen thousand dollars; for the manufactory of arms, including foundery and boring mill, fifty-one thousand dollars; for officers' salaries of the armory, four thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty-one cents; for cleaning and repairing arms, under the contract made by the executive agreeably to an act of last session, fifteen thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars; for rifles to be made under contract agreeably to an act of assembly, four thousand five hundred dollars; for the guard for the protection of public property in the city of Richmond, nine thousand dollars; for the militia fine fund, three thousand dollars; for the purchase of lead, and materials for powder, two thousand dollars; for public services of circuit court clerks, two thousand nine hundred and forty dollars; for public services of district court clerks, four hundred dollars; for clerks' and sheriffs' fees, two hundred dollars; for the Upper Appomattox company, two thousand five hundred dollars; for one hundred and fifty copies of Hening's Statutes at Large, seven hundred and fifty dollars; for expense of representation to congress and state senate, five hundred dollars; for wolf scalps, two hundred dollars; and for contingent expenses of government, fif


teen thousand dollars.

2. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the passing thereof.

1. BE


An Act concerning Certificates.

[Passed December 29, 1809.]

certificates when required.

E it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Auditor of Auditor to divide Public Accounts be, and he is hereby authorised and directed to take in the certificates of the state, when applied to, and issue two or more new certificates as required by the person or persons making such application, not exceeding the amount of the original certificate or certificates.

May combine

2. And be it further enacted, That the Auditor be, and he is hereby authorised and directed, to take in certificates of small small ones, &c. value, and issue one or more new ones, not exceeding the amount of the several original certificates.


Whereas by an act of the General Assembly, entitled "An act See sess❜ns for calling in and registering certificates of the public debt of this acts of 1801, ch. state," passed the twenty-eighth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and two, the second section of said act declares, that if the holder or owner of any certificate of a debt due from this state, shall not, on or before the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and three, make application for a warrant for the interest due thereon, such interest shall cease after that period until the said certificate shall be deposited with the treasurer as aforesaid

3. Be it enacted therefore, That on application of the holder or To issue warowner of such certificates as aforesaid, the auditor of public ac- rants for interest in certain cases. counts is hereby authorised and required to issue a warrant oa the treasury, for the interest that may be due on any such certificate, up to the time of such application: Provided nevertheless, Proviso. That if application as aforesaid shall not be made for a warrant to draw such interest on or before the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, such interest shall cease after that period until the said certificate shall be deposited with the treasurer as required by the above recited act-And provided always, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to affect the rights of infants, femes covert or persons of unsound mind, until one year after the disabilities shall have ceased.

4. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the Commencement. passing thereof.


An Act concerning Pilots.

[Passed January 8, 1810.]

For subse quent regulations see post ch. 91 & 92, and Sess'ns scts of 1811, ch. 11, 12.

ers who want a


1. BE E it enacted by the General Assembly, That it shall be the duty of every master of a coasting vessel, sailing under Duties of coastcoasting licence, and wanting a pilot to conduct his vessel into any port within this commonwealth, to signify the same by hoisting a signal at his foremast or foretopmast head, as the case may be; whereupon it shall be the duty of any pilot, acting under the authority of this commonwealth, to repair to such vessel and take charge of her as a pilot.


2. And be it further enacted, That, whenever a pilot shall be Pilots' fees. thus required to perform his duty on board of such vessel sailing under coasting licence, he shall demand and receive double the amount of fecs allowed to them when conducting American ves



sels sailing to or from foreign ports: Provided always, That no greater charge shall be made for conducting a coasting vessel outward bound, than is now paid on vessels bound to foreign ports.

3. This act shall commence and be in force on the first day of March next.

authorised to al

low a reward for killing wolves.


An Act authorising County Courts to allow a reward for Killing


[Passed January 17, 1810.]

County courts 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly. That it shall be lawful for the courts of every county wherein it may be thought expedient to do so, a majority of the acting magistrates of the county concurring therein, to allow such reward for killing old or young wolves as in their opinion the necessity of the case may re quire, to be levied and paid in the respective counties allowing the same, in like manner as other county charges are annually levied and paid, the party or parties entitled thereto, producing a certificate thereof, to the court laying the county levy, obtained in the manner required by this act: Provided always, That not more than twelve dollars shall be allowed by the said courts for each wolf' scalp, as the case may be.


Person claiming 2. Every person claiming such reward, shall produce the whole reward, how to skin of the head of every wolf to a justice of the peace of the counproceed. ty, in which the same shall have been killed, and shall then also, before the same justice, make oath or affirmation to the effect following, that is to say: "I, A. B. do swear, that the scalp or "sealps (as the case may be) by me now produced, was or were "taken from a wolf or wolves caught and killed by me in the said Justice to grant 66 county of So help me God." And thereupon the jusa certificate, &c. tice shall grant to the wolf killer, a certificate reciting his name, the number of scalps produced, either of old wolves, or such as in his opinion appear not to exceed six months, the time and place when and where killed, and that oath or affirmation or other sufficient proof thereof hath been made before him; which, being preduced to the courts laying the levies of the said counties, shall entitle the party or parties therein mentioned, to such reward as the court in their discretion may think proper to allow; but no claim or demand for the same shall be allowed without such certificate: Provided always, That every justice of the peace shall cause the ears of all woll' scalps, brought before him, to be cut off in his presence, and he shall not grant a certificate for any scalp without




3. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.


See R. Code An Act to amend the seceral Laws regulating the Inspection of

1st vol. ch 117,

155, 203, 225,

293, 301.

be had when ow


[Passed January 18, 1810.]

Proceedings to 1. BE it enacted. That when any owner or owners of flour, his, her or their agent or agents, shall think himself or themner of flour is selves aggrieved by the decision of the inspector, as to the degree dissatisfied with of fineness which any inspector shall determine his, her or their judgment of in- flour to be of, such owner or owners, his, her or their agent or


Ibid. ca. 117.

agents, shall have the same remedy as is provided by the tenth section of the act, entitled, "An act reducing into one the several acts for regulating the inspection of flour and bread," in cases of flour condemned and unmerchantable.

2. Be it further enacted, That whenever the decision of the inspectors of flour shall be reversed by those named in the warrant to review the same, the said inspectors shall pay three cents on each barrel of flour to said persons thus appointed to review the same; and in like manner should the judgment of said inspectors be confirmed, the owner, his, her or their agent or agents shall pay threecents on each barrel of flour, to the persons so appointed to review the same, as a compensation for their services.

S. Be it further enacted, That if any person so appointed by a warrant of any justice of the peace to review any flour shall refuse to act, the person or persons so refusing shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars, to be recovered by a warrant, for the use of any person who may prosecute the same.

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To be but one

4. And be it further enacted, That from and after the first day of September next, there shall be but one inspector of flour for inspector in Pe the town of Petersburg, who shall be appointed annually by the tersburg. Hustings Court, holden for the said town, any law to the contrary spections-acts notwithstanding.


An Act extending the time of the Commonwealth's Agents to collect certain Arrearages of Taxes due this State.

[Passed January 23, 1810.]

See new in

of 1810, chap. 63, 124.

1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That the agents ap- Power of agents


pointed, or hereafter to be appointed, by virtue of an act of in collecting taxthe general assembly, passed the cleventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and nine, entitled “ An act to amend an Sess❜ns acts aet, entitled an act, to empower the executive to appoint persons of 1808, ch. 26, to collect arrearages of taxes," shall be, and they are hereby au- ante p. thorised to proceed to the collection of all arrears of taxes due

this commonwealth, prior to the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eight.

Provisions of

2. Be it further enacted, That all the provisions of the above recited act, shall be in force as they regard the collection of taxes former act in hereby authorised, except so far as the same may be altered by force. this act.

s. This act shall be in force from the passage thereof.


An Act making provision for the Sale of Public Property in cer

1. BE

tain districts.

[Passed January 24, 1810.]


See also Seg. sions acts of 1811, ch. 90.

Public property

E it enacted by the General Assembly, That in all cases where buildings, as jails, courthouses, or clerk's offices, for the belonging to late use of the late district courts, have been erected at the ex- districts, to be pense of the counties which composed the districts, it shall and sold by commis may be lawful for each of the courts of the counties and corporations at whose expense any such buildings have been erected, and they are hereby authorised and required to appoint one person to



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