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was constrayned for to aske how oo sayde in Flamysche lavon. And afterwardes I sayd to hym in Flamysche dieffe, and I preyde him many tymes to gyff yt me agayne, for that yt was to myche knowen. Butt he understood me not weelle, and kept yt on to the next daye that I spake to the kynge, hym reqwyrynge to make hym to gyff yt me, becawse yt was to myche knowen. I promysyng hym oon off my bracellettes the wyche I waare, the wyche I gave hym. And than he gaffe me the sayd rynge, the wyche oon other tyme at Lylle, beyng sett nye to my lady of Hornes, and he befor upon his knees, yt tooke agayne fro my fyngar. I spake to the kynge to have yt agayne, but yt was not possyble, for he sayd unto me that he wolde gyffe me others better, and that I schwlde leve hyme thatt. I sayd unto hym that yt was not for the valewe, but for that yt was to myche knowen. He wold not wnderstand yt, and departyde fro me.

The morow after he browte me oone fayr poynt of dyamant, and oon table of rwbye, and schewed me that yt was for the other rynge; wherfor I durst no more speke of yt, yff not to beseche hym that yt schwlde not be schewed to ony person; the wyche hath not alle bene to me doon. (Thus, my lord the anbassadour, see alle of thys affayr, and for to knowe myn advysse opon alle, I schalle gyff yt yow mor at lengthe, wyche ys thys.)

(Sheet D.) Thatt yff the thynges hadd not been so pwblysched, the wyche I find the most strange of the worllde, knowyng that creatur of the worlde, at the lest on my partye, kowlde thereof never speke, for thatt wych I hadd sayde and doon was for not to annoye the kynge, for I knewe welle that yt kam to hym of gret love for to speke so far forthe as off maryage. And of oon other prynce I hadd not so welle taken yt as of hym, for I holde hym alle goode, and that he thynketh none evelle, werffor I have not wylled to dysplesse hym. And in thys besynesse I have fownd mysellf mor empeched for to know that wyche mesemed towched to the kynge then that wyche me towchede.

By oone bylle I shall put you in wrytynge all the inconvenyences wyche may happen of thys thynge. Also that wyche semeth to me for the remedye owt to be doon; but, for that I have no laysure, I shall make an hende, prayng yow to do with thys that wych the berare shall saye yow, and no mor. I trow that ye know thys hand.

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My lorde the anbassadoure, ye may have seene how the thynges have been.

and ye know the unhappy brwytt wyche thereof hathe ron not onlye heer but on alle partyes, as welle yn Allmayne as yn alle contrees. Wheroff I have fownd mysellfe so myche abasschede that I kannot ymagyne wherfor thys thynge ys sayed so openlye as yn the handes of marchantz strangers. And for to saye you the trowthe, I have been constrayned as well by the cowncelle of my servantes as of the lord Berques and others, to make enqwyre whereoff yt kame, and as welle by informacion as wrytynges allwey I have fownde that yt procedyde fro Ynglonde. Wheroff I have hadde on marvelowse sorowe. And I have lettres of the sellf hande of an Ynglysche marchant, the wyche hathe been the fyrst that hath maade the wagers, as Bresylle knowthe weelle. Now, my lorde the anbassadoure, the kynge, at the reqwest of the sayd Bresylle, and the personage allso, have doon many thynges for to remedye to thys fortune, whereyn I am holldyn on to tham, but 3yt I see that the brewtt is so enprynted in the fantasyes of pepulle, and fear if that yt contynew longe, that alle thatt wyche ys done ys not inowe, for I contynew alleweye in feare. And alsoe I know that I maye not schewe towardes the personage the weelle and honowre wyche I desyr to do as byfor.

(Sheet E.) For 3ytt I dar not wryt unto hym whan I have any thynge to do towardes the kynge, nor I dar not onlye spek of hym. And I am constraynede to entreat hym in alle thynge lyke a stranger, at the lest befor folkes, the wyche doth me so myche dyspleasure that I kannot wryt yt, seyng that I take hym so myche for my good frend and servant; and that I am constraynede so to do, and also I see that to thys jentyllmanne onlye wyche ys heer I dar not spek or loke to hyme. Wherof I am so myche dysplesant that nothyng mor. He himself aperceyvethe welle that everé oone beholldethe hyme of the othere syede.

And as to the dessenta of the kynge yt schalle behove me to speke so soberlye as I may me constrayne, for yt ys the thyng that I desyr as myche as hys comyng. And the same of my lady Marye, as God knowthe. The hart me brekethe wan yt behoveth me to dyssymble, not yn thys but in many others. And yt semeth to me that I may not soe welle serve the kynge, beyng in thys fear, as befor; so when the kynge schalle dessende that I schalbe allwayes in thys payne, and I fealle me I schalle not daar speke nor schew good semblant to the sayde personnage; wheras I wolld make to hym myche honnowr and good cheer, I schalle not dare beholld hym with a good hye, Apparently his landing on the continent.

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what dysplesure schalbe the same to hym and to me. And I know no remedye a but the same that Bresylle schalle schew you for to put remedye to alle. I wolld not constrayne hym to yt agaynst hys wylle, but, and he desyr ever that I do hym honowr or plesure, yt ys force that yt be so, not for that I have not the good wylle towardes hym, syche as ever I have hadde, but for that I am for myne honnowr constrayned so to do.

I praye you weelle myche to take payne for to make welle to understand to the kynge and to the personage thys thynge, to thende that I may do to hym better servyce, and to hys fellawe plesure. I praye you to do of thys as of the other.

(lyke wysse assygned,

(Indorsed, Secrete matiers of the duke of Southfolke.)


[P. 17.] MARRiage of the PRINCESS MARY TO LOUIS XII. 1515. "The names of the Lords and Gentlemen of England being at the Marriage of the right excellente princesse the lady Mary, sister to the king our soveraigne lord king Henry the Eight, and the which accompaigned her out of Englond," will be found appended to the 2d volume of Leland's Collectanea, 1770, vol. ii. p. 701. A list of those who were assigned to remain with the Queen in France, signed by king Louis, is preserved in the British Museum, and is as follows:

(MS. Cotton. Vitell. C. xI. f. 155.)

Sensuyvent les noms des hommes et femmes Re

Le service de la Royne au bon pl[aisir] dudit seigneur.

[blocks in formation]

par le Roy pour

Pannetiers, eschancons,

et valetz trenchans.

In the margin is written, "Bresylle sayde ther was no waye to avoyd the brewt but that my lord schulld marye the ladye Lylle, as more at length I have wreten on to my sayd lord."

Read Leonard (lord Leonard Grey.)

Francoys Buddis, huissier de chambre.

Maistre Guille, medicin.

Henry Calays, varlet des Robes.

Robert Wast.

Madamoyselle Grey, seur de marquis.

Madamoyselle Marie Finis, fille de monsr Dacres.

Madamoyselle Elizabet, seur de monsr Grey.
Madamoyselle Boleyne.a

Maistres Anne Jenyngham, femme de chambre.
Jehanne Barnesse, chamberiere.b

(signed by the King)


[P. 18.] THE FIELD OF CLOTH of Gold, 1520.

Although many documents have been already published on this subject, particularly some of great interest in the Society's volume entitled "RUTLAND PAPERS," yet the stores of the British Museum furnish some others that have hitherto escaped notice, but will yet be found worthy of attention.

It is stated in p. 18 of the present volume that the royal commissioners appointed to superintend the erection of the temporary palace at Guisnes, were sir Nicholas Vaux, sir

a Anne Boleyne, afterwards Queen.

b In the list in Leland's Collectanea above referred to, the names of the "Gentil women which were appointed to have abidden in France with the French qwene" are thus given

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In the Archæologia, vol. xxi. will be found two papers bearing the following titles, communicated by Mr. Caley, from the Chapter House at Westminster.

1. "A memoriale of such thengs as be requisite and necessarie for the honorable transportyng of the Kyng's highnes to mete with the Frenche Kyng, for an interview to be had betwixt both the said Kyngs, thear Qwenys, the Quene Mary Douagier of Fraunce, and the moder of the said Frenche Kyng."

2. "A memoriale of such things as be requisit and necessary for the honorable transportyng and appoyntyng of the Kyngs Hyghnesse to mete with the Frenche Kyng, for an intervew to be had betwyxt the said Kyngs, thayr Qwenys, and the moder of the said Frenche Kyng."


Edward Belknap, and sir William Sands, K.G. In the Cottonian volume Calig. D. vII. are preserved the following letters from those parties (somewhat injured from fire): Letter of the King to Sir Adrian Fortescue, directing him to prepare to attend upon the Queen.

[MS. Cotton. Calig. D. vII. f. 227.]


Sevizy JES

Trusty and welbiloved, we grete you wele.


And where as this yere last

passed, after conclusion taken betwixt us and our right dere broder, cousin, confederate, and alie the Frenshe king, aswell for firmer peax, love, and amitie as of aliance by way of mariage, God willing, to bee had and made betwixt our deerest doughter the Princesse and the Dolphin of Fraunce, a personall meting and entrevieu was also then concluded to bee had betwixt us and the said Frenshe king, which, upon urgent consideracions and great respect, was by mutuell consent for that yere put over and differred, So it is nowe that the said Frenshe king, being moch desirous to see and personally to speke with us, hath sundry tymes by his ambassadours and writinges instantly desired us to condescende to the said entrevieu, offering to mete with us within our dominion, pale, and marches of Calays, wheras heretofore semblable honour of preheminence hath not been yeven by any of the Frenshe kinges to our progenitours or auncestres; We therfor, remembring the manyfold good effectes that bee in apparaunce to ensue of this personall meting, aswell for corroboracion and assured establisshement of the peax and aliaunce concluded betwixt us, as for the universall weale, tranquillitie, and restfulnesse of all Christendome; taking also consideracion to our former convencions, and the greate honour offred unto us by the Frenshe king for the said meting within our dominion, have condescended therunto accordingly, the same to bee, God willing, in the moneth of Maye next commyng.

The same volume contains many letters of Sir Thomas Boleyne and Sir Richard Wyngfeld, ambassadors in France, in which the arrangements preliminary to the interview are discussed. The most important of these have been printed by Sir Henry Ellis, in the first series of his " Original Letters." The papers now selected are, for the most part, of a descriptive character, and not merely upon questions of time and convenience.

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