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FRANCE, 1492.

(Extracts by Mr. Craven Ord from the Privy-purse Accounts of king Henry VII. MS. Addit. Brit. Mus. 7099, printed in the Excerpta Historica, p. 91.)

2. Oct. At Calais by 11 o'clock.

To the shipp botes that brought the kinges grace to and fro the ship the Swan, 40s.

To the maryners of the same Swan, 67. 13s. 4d.

To the mynystrels that pleyed in the Swan, 13s. 4d.

To Dego the Spanish fole in reward, 6s. 8d.

14. Saundeford.-15. Margeson.-17. Brytenvyle.-18. At a village, Wikersdenne, half a mile from Boillongne.

Nov. 4. Sunday the peax cried.

7. Calais.-10. Genes.-11. Calais.

Dec. 10. For hiring the chapel stuff at Calais, 10s.

To one that hadd corn trodden down, 6s. 8d.


(MS. Arundel 26, f. xxxiiij.)

THE yere of our Lord God and the reigne of Kyng Henry the VIIth the xyth, was the provision made at seynt Peturs churche by Kales for the meetyng of the kyng and the archeduc, in maner as ensueth.

Furst the churche was devyded by riche clothes of arras into dyvers chambers, Furste oure Lady chappelle was richely beseen with riche clothe



of arras of the story of Assuerus and Esther,a for the dukes chamber, and behynde the aulter well beseen with scarlet, embrawdered with the kynges armes and crest, for a secret place. And the upper part of the dukes chamber leid with carpettes strewid with roses and lavandre and oder suet herbis; and the neder part of that yle hanged with riche clothe of arras of the Sege of Troy, for the dukes gret chamber; and the qwere hanged with blew clothe of arras with floredeluce perssis, and written in golde Jamais. And ther was on the lefte syde of the highe aulter a travers of red sarcenet, the upper part of the flore empareled as the other. In maner or richer was the sowthe syde empareled for the qwenes chambers; and the vestary most richely beseen, for the conseil chamber; and the other littelle vestary for the qwenes secret chamber. And the belfrey was ordeyned for the offices of the celer, the pantry, and the confectionary, and other offices, with the helpe of the littelle house besidis the stepulle. Ther were ordeyned vij. horselode of cherys; ther lakked noo creme, strawberys, nor sugar, bake venyson, spice kakes, nor wafers; ther were couched gret plentie of wyne and byer in houseyng therby for them that wil drynke; and in that belfrey dyverse sortes of wyne, and ij. hoshedys of ypocras, besides pypyns, grengenger, and other sugadys. Alsoo there were spente at that banket the gretest nowmber of yonge kyddes that ever I saw; an Engleshe fatt ox poudred and lesed, veneson bakyn into cold pastries; and a suger case of vafours. The plenté was so moche that the peple cowde not spende hit that day, wherefore the kyng command [ed] hit to be spent on the morue amonge the peisaunce b ther.

The kyng had ordeyned that they shold no man nor woman passe owt of the gate of Cales, but iff their names were written in a bille, oon for the kyng, another for the qwene, as shalle appere in the boke followyng. And sir Richart Nanfant and sir Sampson Norton, and other of the kynges conseil of Cales, had those billes at the gates, and vj. sergeantes of armes kept the brigge beyonde the gate. And when that the kyng, accompanyed accordyng to his bille and soo richely a beseen a compagnye, in especyalle the duc of Buckyngham, in soo large and so riche a gowne of clothe of

a After in MS., in error for Aster. The volume from which this document is derived is of a miscellaneous character, and has the appearance of having been written for exercise in penmanship by a scribe or notary, not always very conversant with the subjects of his papers. In the present article are several other clerical errors, which have been silently b Peasants.


golde, his courser richly trapped, and the trapper enramplished a with littel prety belles of silver and gilt, of a very goodly fascyon; the erlle of Northumberlond also in a large and a riche gowne of clothe of golde; the erlle of Suffolke in an other garment of clothe of golde, and an hatte of silke garnysshed with a cheyne of gold, and the goodliest plumashes of whit austriche feders that ever I saw, his hors harneys of lether of the fascyon of, &c.

Nota quod lord MonJoye and sir John Wynkefeld came the said day that the duc was with the kyng, and sir Richard Nanfant, sir Sampson Norton, and sir Richard Loveles kept the towne of Cales.

[blocks in formation]

[Of the king's expenses on this occasion Mr. Ord has extracted only the following sum total:"1500, May. Paymentes in the kinges journey from Grenewiche to Calais, and frome Calais to Grenewiche agen, by the space of 9 weeks, 1589li. 12s. 10d. ob." MS. Addl. 7099, f. 64.]


The death of the queen in 1502-3 had renewed her husband's natural jealousy of the blood of the house of York. The fate of her cousin the

So MS. perhaps for encompassed.

earl of Suffolk has been noticed in pp. 5, 6. Her nephew Thomas Grey, marquess of Dorset, who had succeeded to that dignity on the death of his father in 1501, was afterwards in favour during the reign of Henry VIII. and died in peace in 1530. William lord Courtenay, the nephew of king Edward IV. by his sister Katharine, succeeded to the earldom of Devonshire on his father's death in 1509, and was released from confinement after the accession of Henry VIII. In less than a year after, he died young, in 1511: but the royal jealousy descended to his son Henry marquess of Exeter, who was beheaded on Tower-hill in 1538-9—as was Henry duke of Suffolk, the son of the marquess of Dorset above mentioned, and father of lady Jane Grey, in 1554.

[PAGE 6.] Letter of king HENRY VII. TO SIR JOHN Wilteshire, comptroller of Calais; ordering him to communicate with the Lady Margaret of Savoy concerning a meeting at Calais; dated May 24, [1508.] (MS. Cotton. Vesp. C. vI. p. 309.)

H. R.

(the King's sign manual.)



Trusty and welbeloved, we grete you wele, and have receyved your by the handes of our servaunt Rysbanke, dated at Arras the xx. day of this present moneth of May, wherin ye furst write, how that ye have not oonly delyvered our lettres directed to our Cousine the Duchesse of Savoye, but also according to the tenour and pourport of the same, and of our other lettres to you addressed, have declared suche credence as we willed you to disclose to the said Duchesse. Shewinge that with the consideracions conteigned in our said lettres, whiche were thoughte to hir right good and reasonable, she was right wele contented, and hath sent the same our lettres, with other her writinges of hir owne hand, in poost to the King of Romayns hir fader, abyding aunswer of the same within xv. dayes, and therfore at this tyme she writeth not unto us in that behalfe. Nevertheles of other devises and matiers concernyng hir commyng to our towne of Calays there to mete with us, (yf we wold take the payne to comme thyder,) and, according to the mynde of hir fader to commune and treate with us, as well upon the aliaunce and mariage betwixt the Prince of Castile and our doughter the Lady Mary, as of other grete matiers, she willed you to write unto us. Shewing finally,

that if the Kyng hir fader contynue and persevere in the same opinion, she is fully determyned soo to doo,a desiring to be ascertayned of our mynde and pleasure in that behalfe with diligence.

As unto that matier we wol that, after al due and affectuous recommendacions to the said Duchesse, ye on our behalf, with as good and amyable words as ye can use, yeve unto hir our righte herty thankes for that hir kynde and lovyng mynde, in that she wold take the payne and labour to travaile so farre to see and visite us at our said towne. Wherin we counte ourself moche bownde unto hir, and in semblable maner we for our part, hering the famous and honorable reapports that dailly been spoken and publisshed of her manyfold vertuous and other singlier merits, bee as desirous to see and commune with hir; howbeit the contynuaunce of our disease and siknesse hath been suche almoost this foure monethes, (wherof we bee not as yet clierly delyvered,) that it shuld bee daungerous for us to labour and passe the see as yet; whiche thing is now the more displeasaunt and grevous to us, bicause the same is the occasion of stoppe and lette that we may not conveniently at this tyme reasort unto our said towne of Calays to visite the said Lady, and to treate with her uppon such honourable matiers as been conteigned in your said writing; wherunto we bee right gretely mynded and enclyned. Neverthelesse ye may saye that, for thadvancement and furtheraunce of the said matiers, it is thought to us and our Counsail right expedient and necessary that some descrete and hable personnages shuld be deputed and auctorised aswell by us as the said Lady to treate, commune, and to reduce the said matiers to a fynal and perfit conclusion before our metyng togeders; soo that when we booth shal mete at our said towne, we may devise of and uppon other pleasaunt and comfortable matiers, and alsuche weighty causes to bee in maner concluded before our said metyng, for if we shuld there mete, and noon effectuel conclusion shuld ensue, uppon such greate causes to be treated betwext us, evyll brutes and reapports to the reioysing of suche as wold bee gladd to here of the lette and breche therof, mought followe uppon the same. Where as and the said matiers bee ripely debated before our said meting, it shalbe verray honourable to booth parties, and righte displeasaunt to suche as desire the contrary. Whiche tyme depending, we trust in Almighty God, not oonly to bee better releved of our said disease and siknesse, so that we shalbe hable and stronge to take our journey to our said towne for thentent above specified, but also in the meane * That is, to accept king Henry's offer of marriage to herself: see hereafter, p. 68.

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