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land payde for the Frenche men's coste, and all that cam with them to Calleys, and gave the ij. kyngs ryche gyftes. The first of Novembar kynge Henry made dyvars knights and officers, and the xiij. of Novembar toke shipe with lady Anne Boleyne marchiones of Pembroke, who bare a greate rome with hym, and what she wolde have done was shortly finished; he made hir marchiones of Pembroke, and hir fathar ser Thomas Bolen erle of Wilshere : they landyd at Dovar the same daye.

1533. The xxx. of May, and in the 25. of Henry the Eighth, ser Thomas Howard duke of Norfolke and lorde treswrar of England landyd at Caleis for to goo to the pope or to the Frenche kynge, or to bothe, as his servants sayde; with hym came ser Gorge Boleyne lorde Rocheforde, sone and heyre to Thomas Boleyne erle of Wilshere, ser Anthony Browne, ser Francis Bryan, ser William Pallet knight, comptrowlar of the kyng's howse, iij. doctars, and dyvars esquiers and gentlemen. The ij. day of June they set forward, and lay the same night at Boleyne.

The ij. of June Arthur Plantaginete vicount Lile, knight of the gartar, landyd at Caleis with the lady his wife, and the next daye he toke his othe to be deputye generall of the towne and marches, aftar the late decease of the lord Barnes.c

The xxix. of Awgust Thomas Howard duke of Northfolke cam bake to Calleis owt of Fraunce, and with hym the othar lord and knights above named, and they toke shipe and returnyd toward England the same nyght: they made suche haste, for the pope wowlde not speke with the duke or his companye.

The xxv. of Septembar the duke of Richemond, bastard sone to king Henry the Eighth, and the erle of Surrey, cam to Caleys owt of Fraunce, where they hade bene almoste xij. monthes.

See the Appendix.

b So created on the 1st Sept. preceding; she was married to the king in January following.

John Bourchier, lord Berners; see note in the Appendix.

1534. Ser Philipe de Shabott,a highe admirall of Fraunce, cam to Calais on the viij. of November, the xxvj. of Henry the Eighth; with hym cam other ij. great men of Fraunce that wer in comyssyon or ambassadors with hym, and othar, they about iij. c. horses; he was shiped in [the] Lyon, and sayled into England.

The ix. of Decembar the sayd Philipe Shabott, highe marshall' of Fraunce, comynge out of England, landyd at Caleis; the next day he rode towards Boleyne.

1535. The xix. of May, the xxvij. of Henry the Eighth, there landyd at Caleis Thomas Howard duke of Norfolke, Thomas Goodricke bysshope of Ely, and doctar Rede the kyng's almoner, and dyvars othar doctars.

The xx. of May landyd at Caleis ser Gorge Boleyne lord Rocheforde, lord of the v. ports.

The xxij. of May there cam to Caleis from the Frenche kynge Philipe de Shabott, highe amerall of Fraunce, and dyvars great men and doctors of Fraunce.

The xxvj. of May landyd at Caleis ser William Fitzwilliam, tresurar of the kyng's howse and chaunselar of the duchy of Lancaster. Item, when the duke of Norfolke and the bysshope of Elye came to the towne of Caleis, all the townsmen and sowldiars of Calleis powled theyr heads, becaws all the ambassadors' men wer powled.

The xiiij. of June ser Philipe de Shabott, amerall of Fraunce, with the othar Frenche men, departyd out of Caleis toward Fraunce. The same day at night the duke of Norfolke, the bysshope of Elly, the lord William Howard the duk's brother, the lorde Rocheforde the qwen's brother, and ser William Fitzwilliam toke theyr shipps and seyled into England in all haste, whan they had had longe comunication with the Frenchemen, and made an ende of theyre counsell. Whereof theyr counsell was God knowethe, for ther was none of the counsell of the kynge in Caleis that were privie there unto.

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The xxiiij. of Octobar ther landyd at Caleis the bysshope of Winchestar a to goo to the Frenche kynge, and the bysshope [of] Herefordeb to goo into Germany, and from thens into Lubecke and othar places for the kyng's bysenes.

1536. The words of ser Gorge Boleyne, brothar to qwene Anne, warden of the v. portes, on the xvij. of May, when he toke his deathe at the Towre Hill at London, he sayde thre tymes, "Christen men, I am borne undar the lawe, and judged undar the lawe, and dye undar the lawe, and the lawe hathe condemned me. Mastars all, I am not come hether for to preche, but for to dye, for I have deserved for to dye yf I had xx. lyves, more shamefully than can be devysed, for I am a wreched synnar, and I have synned shamefully, I have knowne no man so evell, and to reherse my synnes openly it were no pleaswre to you to here them, nor yet for me to reherse them, for God knowethe all; therefore, mastars all, I pray yow take hede by me, and especially my lords and gentlemen of the cowrte, the whiche I have bene amonge, take hede by me, and beware of suche a fall, and I pray to God the Fathar, the Sonne, and the Holy Ghoste, thre persons and one God, that my deathe may be an example unto yow all, and beware, trust not in the vanitie of the worlde, and especially in the flateringe of the cowrte. And I And I cry God mercy, and aske all the worlde forgevenes, as willingly as I wowld have forgevenes of God; and yf I have offendyd any man that is not here now, eythar in thowght, worde, or dede, and yf ye here any suche, I pray yow hertely in my behalfe, pray them to forgyve me for God's sake. And yet, my mastars all, I have one thinge for to say to yow, men do comon and saye that I have bene a settar forthe of the worde of God, and one that have favored the

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In the Excerpta Historica, 1831, is printed a contemporary account by a Portuguese gentleman of the executions of queen Anne, lord Rochford, &c. containing the speech of lord Rochford, at somewhat greater length than here given, but entirely to the same purport, a very remarkable confirmation of its accuracy.

Ghospell of Christ; and bycawse I would not that God's word shuld be slaundered by me, I say unto yow all, that yf I had followed God's worde in dede as I dyd rede it and set it forthe to my power, I had not come to this. I dyd red the Ghospell of Christe, but I dyd not follow it; yf I had, I had bene a lyves man amonge yow: therefore I pray yow, mastars all, for God's sake sticke to the trwthe and folowe it, for one good followere is worthe thre redars, as God knowethe."

The xix. of May qwene Ann Boleyn was behedyd in the Towre of London, by the hands of the hangman of Caleis, withe the swerde of Caleis.

The bysshope of Hereforde, returnynge owt of the easte contryes, cam to Caleis on the xxv. of June, the xxviij. of Henry the Eighth.

1538. The xij. of June, in the fore-none, ther cam a great swarme of beene, and lyghted upon the north syde of the pilorye in the market place at Caleis, whiche was a strange syght to all men that wer present.

1539. The x. of Awgust, the xxxj. of Henry the Eighth, ser John Butlar priste, comyssary of Caleis and marches there, and Thomas Broke chefe clerke of the excheqwere, and customar of the towne of Calles, wer sent to the flete.

1540. The x. of Apryll ther was set up a payre of gallows in the market place of Caleys, and theron was hanged ser William Peterson prist, late comissary of Caleis and the marches, and ser William Richardson, late the maior's preste ; c thes ij. were browght owt of England to Caleis, and ther they wer judged to be hanged, drawne, and qwartered; they were drawne from the

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eNote in margin.--The xij. of Marche thes ij. pristes wer araigned in the Gwild hall at London, and condemned for the pope's suppremacy.

Watargate strete, and then to the Castle strete, and so rownd abowght to the market to the gallows. The maior's prest was hanged, and shortly cut down, and his clothes pulled of, and his belly cut, his bowels and membars cut and cast in the fire, he lokynge on; then his heade was smiten of. Ser William Peterson was hanged and served as the othar; then they wer qwartered, and theyr heads and qwartars set on the towres about the


In the monithe of June, and the 32. yere of Henry the Eighth, Arthur Plantaginet vicounte Lisle, the kyng's deputie of the towne and marches of Caleis, was put in the Towre of London, his goods seased, his wyffe kepte in one place, his dowghtar in an othar, and his dowghtars in an othar place, that none of them myght speke with othar, and all his servaunts dyscharged.

The last of June ther landyd at Calais doctor Clement a Clarke, bysshope of Bathe, and the next morninge he toke his jurneye toward the emperowr.

The ij. day of July the prince of Salerne b cam to Caleis from themperowr as some sayde, othar some sayde he came for his own pleasure for to se the kynge of England; he had about xl. men all in blake clothe coates; the next day he toke shippinge and seyled to Dovar.

The xv. of July the prince of Salerne landed at Calleys, cominge owt of England, and the same day he toke his jurney homewarde, for he caried no horse into England with hym.

The xvij. of July cam to the towne of Callais the duke of Ferrer's brothar; he and all his companye cam in blake; the next day he toke shippinge and sayled into England.

The xxx. day of July the duke of Ferrer's brothar landyd at the towne of Calais out of England, and the next day he departyd owt of Calais homeward.

a Read John.

b Ferdinando de San Severino, prince of Salerno: see the Appendix.

A brother of the duke of Ferrara.

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