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know what I shall do herein. I intend to gyve hym one of my servants for guide; and wold God I were then redy! If it were to the kinges plesure, I wold make hym such companie as shold not be unhonorable to the kyng," &c.—(MS. Harl. 282, f. 243, and printed in the Appendix to Nott's Life of Wyatt.)

By a letter to Cromwell, written on the 7th April, sir Ralph Sadler signified the king's wishes respecting this visitor; see this, with Cromwell's reply, in State Papers, vol. i. pp. 624, 625.

Again, on the 12th, sir T. Wyatt says:-" Off the prince of Salerne I shall advise tyme inough by the next; he is now gone to Bruges, and wolde here to morrow or to nyght; and if Mr. Pate made eni hast, I myght bring hym yet afore May day. It may plese your lordshipp that ther be comandement at Caleis to prepare an honest shipp and loging upon ainy advertisement, and not with much noyse and industrie, to th'end it may seme hym well without grete care, and I shall wryte to them in tyme." &c.— (MS. Harl. 282, f. 245.)


We learn who this person was from the following passage in Holinshed's Chronicle::- "In July the prince of Salerne and the lord Lois Davola came into England to see the king; and after they were departed, don Frederike marques of Padula, brother to the duke of Ferrara, the prince of Macedonie, the marques of Terra Nova, and monsieur de Flagy, with other, came from the emperor's court into England to see the king; the which, on Mary Magdalen's daye, came to the courte at Westminster; and after they had been highly feasted and nobly entertained, they were highly rewarded as the other, and so departed."

This Italian prince is, in Anderson's Genealogies, styled (not Frederick, but) Don Francesco of Esté, marquis of Massa and Padula, and count of Avellino he died in 1575.




The government of Calais by Henry lord Maltravers (afterwards the last Fitz-Alan earl of Arundel), when appointed successor to lord Lisle, is thus noticed in the life of that nobleman, written shortly after his decease:* Comminge to the age of 23 [29] yeares, he was by the king's owne choice assigned to the chardge of Callis, a matter much to be noted, weaghing the state howe that towne then stoode, partly in sects, and otherwise hardly governed to the king's good likinge, by the governour theare, beinge the lord Lilee, who at that tyme was newly withdrawen thence in hevye displeasure, and comitted to the tower of London, from whence he never alive departed, thoughe not convicted of any treason, but died theare of mere sicknes.

"Touchinge this noble man's [lord Maltravers'] goverment in that towne of Callis, I would it weare written by some of that crewe who then felt the benefitt thereof. Such it was, that nether in many yeares before him, nor since his tyme, theare ever was the like perfection that then was mynistred in that goverment. The king's care towards this lord was such as he greatlye increased his fee, towards his better maintenance, whereby all the deputies that since followed have fared the better. He used the matter so, as in place of artificer, or lame and decrepid person, then possessing the roome of soldiers, he furnished the places with strong and valiant personages. And, where the speres and men-at-arms of Callis were then nakedly furnished, he furnished them of horse and supplye, for exersice of feates of armes; he replennished the same full amply, partly with liberall bestowing necessaries amonge them, partly with incouraging them by his owne example to looke to the matter, and not to the bravery† till tyme for that should serve; and so he contented himselfe to accompanye them to theare exercises with watering headstales, in stede of riche showe, which noe doubte allured them more to use that exercise then otherwise they easely might have borne, for so nether had they excuse for theare deputees curious expectation, nor of any want of habilitye; and thearby in reason

* Printed in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1833, from MS. Reg. 17 A. IX. ti.e. handsome equipment.

might not omit theare service theare. He did not spare to make them banquets, to provoke them to exercise. He was glad when they amonge themselves would (unlooked for) breake downe his garden walls, thearby to enter and set up and use the tilt, and fighte at the turney, as a thinge which they thought best contented him. Then was his horse and furniture liberally by guifte bestowed amonge them, as unto those who did deserve such requitall.

"He allso was not unliberall to winne intelligence out of the well-heade of his adversaries, even from the French king's counsell, in soundry waighty matters pertinent to his realme and kinge his maister; yea and that many tymes before the kinge his maister's embassadoures (to whom such affaires especially appertained) could thereof advertise his majestye.

"While this noble man thus lived there, the earle his father died [Jan. 23, 1543]; whereuppon he, with good contentment and favour of the kinge, returned into England, and, after dewty donne to his majestie, withdrewe to his owne home, his castle at Arundell, where he so intertained his neighboures that Christmas then followinge, as to this day it beareth the name of the Greate Christmas."


(MS. Cotton. Faustina, E. vII. p. 109.)

"In the ende of this yere (1540) the Frenche kyng made a strong castel at Arde, and also a bridge over into the Englishe pale, whiche bridge the crewe of Calice did beate downe, and the Frenchemen reedified the same, and the Englishemen bet it downe again. And after the kyng of England sent fifteene hundred workemen to wall and fortefie Guysnes, and sent with them five hundred men of warre, with capitaines to defend them." Hall. The present document appears to describe the initiatory step in this quarrel, and some of the subsequent proceedings will be found detailed in the note appended at its close.

An order taken the xxviijth day of August, in the xxxijth yere of the reigne of our souveraign lord king Henry VIII. by the right honourable Henry lord Mautravers, deputie general to the kinges majestie of his towne and marches of Calais; and the right honourable lord Sandes, lord chamberlayn to the kinges said majestie, and lieutenaunt of his

castel of Gwysnes, and others the kinges highnes' counsailours in Calays aforsaid, concerning a common waye or passage for man, horse, and cariage, of late yeres past usurped, as well by Frenchemen as by Flemmynges, over and from a bridge called Cowbridge,* standing over the ryver departyng the lymytes and boundes of the English and French pales, unto the said towne of Calais, or unto any parte of the lowe countrey of Marke and Oye.

First, it is fully agreed and condiscended by the said lord deputie, lord chamberlaine, and others the kinges said counsailours of Calais, as wel upon a personal viewe made by them of a ryver brydge and common waye aforesaid, as also by knowledge and informacion given to them by dyverse of the honest and most auncient of the kinges majesties subjects, inhabitantes within the lordshipps of Marke and Oye, that the said ryver wheron now standeth the said brydge, called Cowbridge, is the very trew division and lymit of the said twoo pales, so that the one half of the said ryver appertaneth intirely to the kinges majestie our maister.

Also, it is agreed and condiscended that the said common way or passage from the said Cowbridge to Calais, is made and used directly and hooly upon the propre grounde (without contencion) of the kinges majestie our maister.

Also, it is further agreid and condiscended, in consideracion as wel of the losses dayly susteyned both by the subjectes of the kinges majestie and of the French king by reason of dyverse evel-disposed persons, inhabitantes upon the bordres of both the said pales, (the saide waye being only the occasion therof,) as also that if the said waye or passage shuld be suffered to be contynually thus usurped and used, not only the kinges highnes poore subjectes inhabitantes in the saide lowe countrey (in all tymes of warres had with France) shuld be in grete danger to be robbed of their catall and all other gooddes, but also the Frenchmen may easely convey from thens to Calays any artillery or ordenance at their pleasures.

In eschewing of all which inconveniences, it is thought mete, and fully agreed by all and every the kinges highnes' forsaid counsailors of Calays, in the accomplishment of the kinges majesties pleasure in that behalf lately signified to the said lord deputie and counsailors of Calays, by the right

* This bridge will be seen marked "the Cobroges" in the Map.

honorable lordes of the kinges highnes' counsail attending about his majesties person, in their lettres dated at Hampton Courte the xth of August, utterly to fordoo and destroye the said usurped waye or passage in manner and forme as herafter ensuyth.

First, it is agreid and condescended that a greate dyche shalbe made thwart the said usurped waye, the one hedd of the same dyche to beginn in the myddes of the dyche buttinge upon the kinges majesties grounde called the Mayne brooke, and the other hedd of the same grete dyche to extend to the myddes of the dyche abuttinge upon the grounde called the Cowswade. And the one side of the said grete dyche to begynne cloose to the said bridge called Cowbridge. The said grete dyche to be in bredth in the height or toppe therof from side to side xxvjti foote of lawfull assise; and the depth of the said dyche to be nyne or ten foote deepe (if mater will so suffer it,) and viij. foote in the botom. And all the erth taken and digged out of the said dyche, to be conveid by the labourers over, eyther into the Cowswade or elles into the Maign brooke, and ther to be cast and laide abrode, and not to lye in lumps or like a banke, so that no stuff or erth (meete to fill up again the same dyche) shall lye nigh therunto.

Also, it is further agreid and condescended, that the lord Graye of Wylton, sir Richard Greenfeld knight high-marshal, and John Rokwood esquier bailive of Marke and Oye, and others herafter appointed to be overseers of the making of the saide dyche, shal cause to be made twoo other dyches like in all points to the said dyche, to be digged, cut, and made in such places of the common waye most meete for the stopping of the same, as to their discrecion shalbe thought meete.

Also, in eschewing of such inconvenences as mought percace growe if the making of the said three grete dyches shuld be doon by a small nombre of persons, and so a long tyme required for the dooing therof, it is agreed and condescended that all the said iij. grete dyches shalbe begoon, made, and fynyshed all in one daye. And that for the good and speddy dispatch of the same shalbe appointed the nombre of ixxx. persons: wherof the lord Graye of Wylton shal have in his leading and conducting xxti, dykers, besides ten of his howsehold servauntes; sir Richard Greenfeld knight, high marshal, shal have in his conducting Richard Lee, surveiour of the kinges highnes' woorkes, with lx. laborers, and workmen of the kinges said woorkes in Calays, besides ten of his howsehold servauntes; and John Rookewood


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