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Robert Crane.

Lyonell Talmach.

Robert Garnishe.

John Harman.

Richard Candishe.

John Wingfield, of Letheringham.

Charles Wingfield.

John Poulet.
John Kingesmell.

Nicholas Tychborne the younger.
Nicholas Upton.

Robert Puttenham.

Thomas Welles.

Richard Pexall.

John Stowell.

John Rodney.

William Wroughton.
Thomas Yorke.

Edmund Mountperson.*
John Hungerford.
John Erneley.
Robert Longe.

John Bonham.

John Choke.

Thomas Aprice.

John Pye.

Barthelmew Husseye.

William Lucy.

John Gascoigne.

John Gostycke.

William Willington.

Foulke Grevell.

* Mompesson, of Wiltshire.

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Note. These names evidently constitute the "book" mentioned in p. 171. It does not follow that all were present on this occasion, but only that they were those who, from their rank and family, were entitled and expected to increase the state of such a court ceremonial, if they were able to attend. Edit.


The crime of this person was, it appears, of a religious complexion. At a privy council held at Windsor, 7th Nov. 1540, "lettres were browght from the depute and counsail of Calais, declaring that sir [John] Butler prist, sone and heyre unto the late lady Banestre decessed, was endited for a sacramentary, and that upon that respect they had seised the howse and goodes to the late lady Banestre; and with the said lettre was sent a copy of the sayde indictment; which lettre remayneth in the handes of master Wryothesley, secretary." Letters were the same day addressed "to the treasurer and comptroller of Callais, requyring them to deliver unto master Banastre, without takyng suretyes of him, such gooddes as were founde in the lady Banastre his [sic] howse decessed to be his, and to delyver the rest belonging to sir John Butler prist, who was endited for a sacramentary, upon sureties.*" The subject of the death of lady Banastre had been first announced by a letter received on the 11th Oct.; and it had been then ordered that her goods should be delivered to Banestre her "sonne in law," i. e. step-son. This person is again mentioned in Feb. 1541, as having violently quarreled with the deputy "for the bargayne of a certain horse," and having been guilty of" intemperat languge and mysbehaviour towardes the sayde depute." On this occasion he is styled "one of the gentlemen pencioners." And subsequently, on the 23d March, John Bannester was brought before the council at Rochester, and examined" of his misdemeanour used by him towards the deputy of Calais at his being there; which he denying constantly to be true, was referred untill another tyme to be further examined."§

There was a William Butler, one of the principal merchants of the staple in 1540.||

* Proceedings, &c. of the Privy Council, vol. vii. p. 79.

+ Ibid. p. 58.

§ Ibid. p. 162.

+ Ibid. p. 132.

|| Ibid. p. 32.


In this letter, lord Lisle and the council of Calais represent to the king the precarious state of the town and of the marches, in respect of victuals. Its year has not been ascertained.

(MS. Harl. 283, f. 5 b.)

Mooste royall magestie, after our moost humble recommendacions, thies shalbe to advertise your highnes, we receyved your moost gracious lettres written at Westmynster, the xiij. day of this moneth, by which it hathe pleased your magestie that we shuld do many and divers thinges of grete importaunce for the weale and suretie of this your towne and marches. Amongest whiche your highnes commaunded, that the proclamacion shuld be made with all dilligence concernyng the resorte of all officers and soldeours that belong unto this towne, whiche we have cawsed to be made, so that in that mater we trust every man will save his owne indempnitie. And as touching all other things whiche be conteyned in your said moost gracious lettres, with the grace of our Lord we shall do all that is possible for us to do; and the rest is to be considered by your highnes and councell, howe that whiche we cannot do may be brought abowte, according to your mynde and pleasour. And to the intent that your magestie shall knowe what we may do, wee shall declare our possibeletie in thies lettres following. So it is, moste gracious magestie, as touching all suche provesions of victaile as be nowe redye in this towne, and maye be founde in thies marches, we doubte not but we shall certifie your highnes duely of the same, to the intent, that when your magestie and councell shall have taken a view of the same our reapporte, we doubte not but all thinges shalbe considered by your magestie, as shalbe consonant to perfourme your high pleasour. And specially it is to be noted by your highnes and councell, that almaner of vitailes whiche be in poer men's handes, with that they provide all their necesseties; for all the substance of thies marches is conteyned in corne

and cattell; wherfor, when your magestie and councell hathe seen the contentes that we shall send unto you, and knowe that those thinges cannot be had without redy money, provesion must be made howe it shalbe opteyned; for in this towne ther is not money inowe for men to provide necessarie victailes for theymselves; and the poer men, whiche be owners, may not kepe it in their handes, for it liethe not in their powers. Also another hard poyncte ther is, that thoughe a grete quantetie of victailes may be founde within your marches here, of whiche we shalnot fayle, God willing, to certiffie your magestie, yet if ther shuld fortune a sodeyne rode to be made upon your said marches, moche of those things that we shall certiffie your highnes of shuld faile; wherfor it semyth unto us, that if any urgent chaunce shall fortune to fall by forse of enemys, it were right meitt that this towne shuld be pourveyed assuredly, and not to trust in thinges that hanges in suspence; for the moost that we can do is, to certiffie your magestie in what case this your towne and marches of the same stonde in, of whiche, nowe that we have shewed our myndes in the premisses, under correction, we shall beseche your magestie to take this our certifficate in good parte, for more than we can bringe abowte is not meyt for us to enterprise. Also your magestie shall knowe by our certificate, what lack is in this towne of fortifficacions and munycions; for suerly ther wantes many thinges in this towne, if it shuld fortune to be put in besynes, of whiche I your deputie have certiffied dyvers tymes, whiche is also to be considered and provided for; for as touching timbre and all suche thinges as must serve for reparacions and fortifficacions, your highnes is cleerly voyded of in this towne; wherfor of those things provesion is to be made with all celeritie, according as your magestie and councell shall thincke meytt. And because that your highnes hathe gyven straicte commaundement by your before mencioned lettres; yet, because that tyme must passe or we can certiffie your magestie of all suche thinges as may be founde necessarie, therfor we do take upon us to certiffie your highnes, under correction, of suche thinges as we have expressed in thies our lettres in moost breeff maner. And as touching the rest that may be doen by us, shall not faile to be doen, to the beste of our powers and witt, with the grace of our Redymer, whome we beseche to grante unto your moost worthie magestie good spied in all your entrepricis, with prosperous helthe, long lieff, and

joye for ever, to the utter confusion of all your ennemys. Written at Callis the xvj day of Feveryer.

*Your most bownden and umbylle subject and servaunt,

(Autographs,) ARTHVR LYSSLE, B. k'.

RYC' GRAYnffeld.



Directed, To the kinges moost gracious magestie.

[P. 48.] THE recall of lord Lisle from CALAIS.

The disgrace of lord Lisle appears to have resulted from the king's suspicions that he favoured the Poles and the Roman Catholic party. Some particulars of the attendant circumstances will be found in a subsequent page. The following letter is that by which the king signified to the deputy his wish to see him in England. It is much burnt, from the fire of the Cottonian library; and in the introductory lines supplied it has been supposed that the lord deputy's summons was in pursuance to his own request, which had been conveyed through his late visitor the duke of Norfolk, in order to expose to the king the insubordination of some of his fellow officers,- for such appears to be the bearing of the context. It is evident that divisions had existed in the counsels of the town, which had arrived at a height pregnant with danger to so exposed and hazardous a possession.

* This line is written by lord Lisle's own hand, and he certainly added k. to his name for knight, before which is a flourish that may have been intended as B. for Baron. See his signature, engraved in Autographs of Remarkable Personages in English History, 1829, plate 15.

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