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I might do.

I might have done.
You might see him.
Might I not go with you?

He might have written.
Might not Henry have

Je pourrais faire.
J'aurais pu faire.
Vous pourriez le voir.
Ne pourrais-je pas aller

avec vous?

Il aurait pu écrire.
Henri n'aurait-il pas pu
venir ?

Might we not set off to day? I think you might be more attentive. Might they not have skaited? You might have learnt mathematics. Might not the boys return earlier? You might have warned me. Might not James bring it? We might have done it in one day. Do not go alone, you might mistake the road. You might have been attacked. Might you not show him a little more attention? Own it, you might have done it, if you had liked. You might surely have avoided these disagreeables. Might not John come with us?

MUST, with verbs, implies obligation, necessity, advice. We must do it directly.

When must you return?

Must not the subject obey the prince?

I must go to London tomorrow?

Must you not pay him; (were you not obliged to pay him.)

Il faut que nous le fassions à l'instant.

Quand faut-il que vous re-
veniez ?

Ne faut-il pas que le sujet
obéisse au prince?
Il faut-il faudra-que j'aille
à Londres demain.
Ne fallait-il pas que vous le


We must learn to obey.
It also implies supposition,
You must be hungry.
He must have been glad.
He must be happy then.

Il faut apprendre à obéir.
an idea that a thing is.
Vous devez avoir faim.
Il doit avoir été content.
Il devait être heureux alors.

Falloir, fallu: il faut; il fallait; il fallut; il faudra; il faudrait; qu'il faille; qu'il fallút.

I must not stay long. Must you not write your letter before going out? These men must not make that noise. Soldiers must obey their officers. Must not the master pay his servants? Let him go, for he must be at home by seven o'clock. What must we do? What must Frank say to them? What must I bring you from Paris? It is a secret which I must not tell you. We must not complain of our lot. I must not deceive you. Go and tell them they must be ready by twelve o'clock. What must I give them when they come to-morrow? Must not a man try to better himself? Well, well, they must wait; I cannot see them now. You must not pay attention to what he says. How cold you must be. The children must be very glad to see you back. How cold you must have been on the top of the stage. They must be very tired after their long walk. You must be mistaken. It must be a great relief. This news must have been very gratifying to you. That man must be sixty-six at least. He must be in Ireland

now. How rich these people must be. Mary must have been astonished when she saw you.

MUST HAVE with nouns expresses want, necessity to have.

[blocks in formation]

We must have a good stock of linen. He must have a uniform. What must they have? Those who go abroad must have a passport. Must he not have a guide? Remember I must have a good horse. Soldiers must have good officers. Must not a man who teaches have much patience? She must have a new dress for the ball. I cannot give her all she says she must have. If you learn Italian, you must have a grammar and a dictionary. He says he dislikes his house, that he must have another. Must he not have a room to work in? I must have something to eat immediately. If you go to Paris, you must have money. You will want a great many things. What shall he want? I want a watch and a good telescope. She wants nothing. I could not supply all they wanted. He says he must have it.


I have been two hours waiting.

How long have you been learning-have you learnt? We have not seen him these two months.

Il y a deux heures que j'attends.

Combien y a-t-il que vous apprenez ?

Il y a deux mois que nous ne l'avons vu.

She has been absent six Il y a six mois qu'elle est


months. He has been dead these ten Il y a dix ans-voilà dix ans


I saw him half an hour ago.

I have not spoken to him for six months.

—qu'il est mort.

Il y a une demi-heure que je

l'ai vu.

Il y a six mois que je ne lui ai parlé.

How long have they been in France? I have been three years at Eton. That man has served me these five years. I wrote to them five days ago. How long ago did you begin? I began about five months ago. It is full three years ago since they went to America. How long have you been ill? I have been confined to my bed for a fortnight.


How far (many miles) is it
from here to London?
It is about twenty miles.
I did not think it was so


It is 120 miles to Bristol. 110 miles. Our houses are

Combien (de milles) y a-t-il
d'ici à Londres.
Il y a environ vingt milles.
Je ne croyais pas qu'il y eût
si loin.

Is it so far? No, it is only not far distant; it is half a

mile from the one to the other. If it is only five miles, I can walk it. Come with me, it is not far.


Verb model. Parler, parlant, parlé.

Je parle; je parlais; je parlai; je parlerai ; je parlerais; que je parle; que je parlasse;—parle.


To begin, commencer ;
to bring (things), apporter;
to neglect, négliger;
to take, porter;
to meet, rencontrer ;
to speak, parler ;
to give, donner ;

to pay, payer;
to clean, nettoyer;

to eat, manger ;

to reward, récompenser ;

to knock, frapper;
to deceive, tromper;

to bring (persons), amener ;
to invite, inviter;

to dine, diner;

to live (to dwell), demeurer ;

to quarrel, quereller;

to inform, informer;

to show, montrer ;
to notice, remarquer;
to doubt, douter de.

We will bring back good fruit.

I begin to be warm. You neglect your duty. Take this letter to the post. I met them last in Paris. Do speak louder. year

Will you not give me a little more time? Have you not paid him yet? Has John cleaned my boots? What are you eating? We generally speak French. ought not to speak


English. She will reward her servants. I knocked at the door. We do not deceive you. Bring your sister with you. Have you not brought your flute with you? He invited them all to dine with him. We live in the country. How long have you lived in the country? You should not quarrel. I shall inform him of the accident. I will show you my flowers. Have you not noticed his beautiful horse? Do not doubt my word.


Verb model. Punir, punissant, puni, -e.

Je punis; je punissais; je punis; je punirai; je punirais; que je punisse; que je punisse ;- -punis.

To obey, obéir à;


to abolish, abolir;

to accomplish, accomplir;

to weaken, affaiblir; to warn, avertir;

to build, bátir ;

to fill, emplir;
to amuse, divertir ;

to disobey, désobéir à ;
to grow, grandir ;
to betray, trahir;

to grow thin, maigrir;
to enjoy, jouir de ;
to soften, adoucir;
to finish, finir;

to sympathise with, com-
patir à;

to blush, rougir;
to cool, raffraîchir ;
to furnish, fournir;
to applaud, applaudir.

We obey the orders of the master. The law should be abolished. You will never accomplish your design. This labour weakened me. You did not warn me of the danger. We are building a larger house for our family. Do not quite fill the bottle. You might have amused them. Let us disobey him when he gives us unjust orders. These children grow very fast. He betrayed all the secrets which were intrusted to him. You are growing very thin. We enjoy very good health in this fine country. You might have softened his anger. We have just finished our lessons. Do you not sympathise with our misfortunes? She blushed if you spoke to her. Take a glass of wine and water, it will cool you. We furnish them with everything they want. Everybody applauded his conduct.

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