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He boasts of being rich. You are always boasting. What does he complain of? I will complain of your bad conduct. Do not always complain. You will lose yourself in the wood. Cannot you (ne sauriez-vous) do without coffee? You must do without money. I always awake at six o'clock. I do not trust you. He will not trust your fine promises. People rapidly grow rich in India. We are very dull in the country. Come with us, we shall not be dull. You will catch cold, if you go out without your hat. I fall asleep by the fire. Do not go far from the house. Go away from the fire. will embark to-morrow for Ireland. I will not go to sleep. You do not sufficiently make haste. Make haste to eat your dinner. I will make haste to write my letter. Let us go to bed? Why do you not go to bed? The children go to bed very early. Stop, I have not done yet. We shall not stop on the road. You do not behave well to me. Children should behave respectfully to their mother. Where do you hide yourself? He applies to mathematics. Lean on my arm.

The Queen

Compound Tenses of Reflective Verbs are conjugated with étre.

We have made haste.


We have not deceived our-

Has she not fainted?
Has she not stopped?
I have not fought.
Did you not get up?*

Nous nous sommes dépéchés.
Nous ne nous sommes pas

Ne s'est-elle pas évanouie?
Ne s'est-elle pas arrêtée?
Je ne me suis pas battu.
Ne vous êtes-vous pas levé?

We have not boasted of our riches. Has not your father complained of him? Why have you complained of me? Not having any, we have done without. At what time did

The sign did is translated by avoir, or être, in French. I did see him (I have seen him), je l'ai vu.

you awake (have you awaken)? Has not John trusted that man? She did fall asleep by the fire. He did not grow rich in America. Have you not caught a cold? I did not make sufficient haste. Why have you not stopped? I did not hide myself. I have improved since I have applied. You have behaved very ill to him. I would not have complained, if he had not provoked me. The troops have all landed yesterday. I have sadly deceived myself. Have you not mistaken the door? All the boys did behave well. We did lose ourselves in the wood.

Of the Elliptical Expressions I am; I have; I do; I shall; I will; I would.

[blocks in formation]

You have dined, but I have Vous avez diné, mais je n'ai

[blocks in formation]

pas diné, moi.

Vous avez plus d'argent que
je n'en aurai jamais.
Vouz avez plus fait pour
que je n'en ferais.


Are you a Frenchman? Yes, Etes-vous Français ? Oui,

I am.

je le suis.

Will you write to me immediately after your arrival? Yes, I will. You have stayed much longer than I would, in your place. Would you have me go to London? Yes, certainly, I would. Every one likes him, but I do not. They are very rich, but you know that we are not; consequently we cannot do as they do. Has she paid him? Yes, she has. No, she has not. My brother returned yesterday

Would you like to spend

evening, but my sister did not. the summer in the Isle of Wight? Yes, I would. All the others come regularly, but you do not. You have no patience, but I have. You have done more for them than I ever shall. You look as if you were tired; are you? No, I am not. You will be scolded; I fear I shall. Do you say so? Yes, I do. Will you pay him? may be I shall.


Aller; allant; allé ; été ;——avoir été ; étre allé.

Je vais; j'allais; j'allai; j'irai; j'irais; que j'aille; que j'allasse; -va. S'en aller; je m'en vais, &c. to go away.

[blocks in formation]

We shall go to Italy next spring. We were going to London. Shall you not go in the country this year? They go to Bath every year. I would go to America if I could. Why do you go away? I must go away directly, for it is late. I do not know why he did go away. They are going to spend the winter in Devonshire, and I think they go to-morrow week. I would not have gone to the play if I had known it. Let us go to see them. Let us not go yet. Go and tell him to come directly. Where do you wish me (voulez-vous que) to go? He went and told his father every thing. Shall I (voulez-vous que) go and fetch it? William has gone for the doctor. Nobody knows why he

has gone away. Make haste if you wish to see them, for they go early. They are gone in the country for two months. Have they not gone to fetch him? Have you never been in Spain?

Vouloir, voulant, voulu.

Je veux; je voulais; je voulus; je voudrai; je voudrais ; que je veuille; que je voulusse.


I wish you would come.
My sister wishes you would
write oftener.

I would not wish you to do it.

Je voudrais que vous vinssiez.
Ma sœur voudrait que vous
écrivissiez plus souvent.
Je ne voudrais pas que vous
le fissiez.

I wish my mother saw you act as you do. I would not wish you to be punished. The children wish the rain would cease, for they cannot go to London if the weather is bad. Do you not wish they would come back? I wish you would not torment us in this way. My brother wishes you would give him your direction. Every one wishes he had been punished for his insolence. I wish my father would return; it is getting late, and it is very dark. I really wish those children were at Jericho; they make such a noise, I cannot hear what is said. Would you wish me to do it? My father sends you 301., but he says he would wish you to be more economical. Would you not wish your children

to learn the elements of mathematics?

I will not go.
Will you not come in?
What will you have?


I will not have this coat. Will she not have these gloves?

Je ne veux pas partir.
Ne voulez-vous pas entrer?
Que voulez-vous, que désirez-

Je ne veux pas de cet habit.
Ne veut-elle pas de ces gants?

[blocks in formation]

He has invited us, but we will not go to his house. He never would do what you asked him. Why will you not have these pens? I will have you know that I am the master. He would have us get up at five o'clock. Would you have these children stay at home the whole day? Take away these pencils, for I will not have them. If you want him, shall I go and fetch him? Shall I go and tell them that you want them? If she wishes me to return to-day I will do so. He would have us learn everything, but we have not sufficient time. Will you not come with me? I would not have you believe that I am ungrateful. Say what you will have (wish for) and you shall have it.

S'asseoir, s'asseyant, assis; Je me suis assis. Je m'assieds, or je masseois; je m'asseyais; je m'assis; je m'assiérai; je m'assiérais; que je m'asseye; que je

m'assisse ;


Pouvoir, pouvant, pu.

Je puis, or je peux; je pouvais ; je pus; je pourrai; je pourrais; que je puisse; que je pusse.

Savoir, sachant, su.

Je sais; je savais; je sus; je saurai; je saurais; que je sache; que je susse ; -sache.

Voir, voyant, vu.

Je vois; je voyais; je vis; je verrai; je verrais; que je voie; que je visse;――vois.

* When this form expresses that you consult the wish of another, it is so rendered in French.

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