Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

Andrews, E. B., An Honest Dollar,


250-252; standing, 251; appro-
priation for, 250

Articles of Confederation, adopted,
41; provisions of, 42
Assembly, the popular, 5
Assessments, special, 268; of prop-
erty, 282

Assessors, 199, 282
Attainder, Bills of, 50
Attorney-General, of the United

States, 141; of a State, 173
Auditor, State, 173; county, 199
Australian Ballot system, 346


Baldwin, S. E., The American Ju-
diciary, 161

Ballot, casting and counting of,

345; the secret, 346
Baltimore, not in a county, 195
Bankruptcy, 402

Banks of the United States, 319;
State, 320; national, 321
Annapolis, convention at, 46; Na- Bastable, The Theory of Interna-

Anglo-Saxon, 17

val Academy at, 357
Anti-Trust Law, 364, 367
Apportionment of Representatives,


Arbitration, International, 262; of
labor disputes, 374

Aristocracy, defined, 6; not per-
mitted under the Constitution,

Arizona, the government of, 186
Arkansas, admission of, 68; local
government in, 196; registration
in, 345

Army, commander-in-chief of, 134;
support and management of,

tional Trade, 336

Bill of Rights, 34; in constitutions,

Bills, passage of, in Congress, 124-
129; in State legislatures, 163-

Bimetallism, 316; international,

Blacklists, 372

Bland-Allison Act, 314
Boards of Health, 391
Bonds, 288

Boone, R. G., Education in the
United States, 359
Boroughs, 218

[blocks in formation]

California, admission of, 69; muni-
cipal home rule in, 76; discovery
of gold in, 313; labor clause in
constitution of, 372
Callahan, J. M., The United States
in the Pacific and the Far East,

Campaign, the presidential, 230
Canals, the construction of, by
States, 340
Capitation tax, 268

Carson, The Supreme Court, 154
Census, 118

Chancery Courts, 181

Charity, a function of local gov-
ernment, 385; State boards of,
387; organization, 388
Charter, the Great, 88
Charters, colonial, 31; changed to
constitutions, 33; of cities, 76;
of corporations, 360
Chinese, cannot become citizens,
96; exclusion of, 334
Chisholm vs. Georgia, 153
Circuit Court of Appeals, organiza-
tion of, 149; jurisdiction of, 156
Circuit Courts (federal), organiza-
tion of, 149; jurisdiction of, 156
Circuit Courts (State), 178
Cities, the nurseries of democracy,
11; how governed, 76; rights of,
77; organization of, 218-222;
finances of, 292

Citizens, who are, 95
Citizenship, origin of, 6; inter-
state, 59; rights and duties of,
95-100; the civil rights of State,
96; the civil rights of federal,
98; duties of, 100
City Council, 219

City-state, the, 6

Civil cases, 155

Civil liberty, 87-93; growth of, 88-
92; preservation of, 93

Civil Service, the national, 143; re-
form, 144

Civil Service Commission, 143
Clay, Henry, 81

Cleveland, F. A., Growth of Democ-
racy, 16

Coinage, a function of government,
307; in colonial times, 307; of
gold and silver, 311-317; ratio
of silver to gold, 312; subsidi-
ary, 315

Collection of taxes, federal, 275;
State, 284

Collective Bargaining, 374
Colorado, admission of, 68; wo-
man's suffrage in, 105; local
government in, 196
Combination, corporate, develop-
ment of, 361-365

Commerce, attempts to regulate,
46; regulation of, 129; foreign,
328-335; interstate and intra-
state defined, 337; foreign regu-
lated by Congress, 328; regula-
tion of interstate, 338; intra-
state, 339

Commerce and Labor, department
of, 142

Commissioner of Education

(United States), 357
Committees, of Congress, 125; of

State Legislatures, 163
Common law, State recognition of,
55; its origin and nature, 243
Common Schools, 356
Comptroller, duties of State, 173
Concurrent powers, 49
Confederation, 38; Articles of, 41;
its weakness, 43; efforts
strengthen, 46


Congress (Continental). See Con-
tinental Congress

Congress (of the Confederation),
its powers, 42; enacts Ordinance
of 1787, 65

Congress (of the United States),

powers of, 129; admits new

States, 63; reënacts Ordinance
of 1787, 65; its place in Ameri-
can politics, 120; organization
of, 115-120; the assembling and
adjournment of, 123; sessions
of, 124; and the executive de-
partment, 136; determines juris-
diction of federal courts, 155;
controls Territories and Depen-
dencies, 184; declares war, 249;
the treaty power of, 260; its
power in respect to taxation,
272; its power in respect to
money, 307; charters banks, 320;
regulates foreign commerce,
328; and the representation of
States, 104; regulates interstate
commerce, 338; appropriates
money for rivers and harbors,
340; charters transcontinental
railways, 360; controls the post-
office, 341; the police power of,
395; enumeration of the powers
of, 402; resolutions of, 401
Connecticut, frames the first writ-
ten constitution, 32; in the con-
vention of 1787, 117; road com-
missioners in, 340; text of the
first constitution of (Appendix

Constable, 207

Constitutional government, 31-36
Constitution (of the United
States), its authority given by
the people, 9; a fundamental
law, 33; framing and ratifica-
tion of, 47; a distinct creation,
48; nature and extent of its
powers, 49-52; how amended,
53; federal and State relations
maintained by, 60; bill of rights
in, 92; and the Supreme Court,
Constitutions, the first written,
32; general features of, 34; rati-
fied by the people, 35; supplant
the colonial charters, 33; the
safeguard of liberty, 36, 92
Constitutions (State), origin of,
32; how ratified and amended,
36; bills of rights in, 97; should

[blocks in formation]

Convention of 1787 meets in Phila-
delphia, 47; frames a Constitu-
tion, 48; how it distributed the
power of government, 49-51;
provides for a federal legisla-
ture, 116; creates a strong ex-
ecutive, 132; establishes an in-
dependent judiciary, 147; gives
the taxing power to Congress,
272; gives Congress the power to
regulate commerce, 328
Conventions of political parties,

Copyright, 364, 402
Coroner, 199

Corporation defined, 75
Corporation tax, defined, 267; re-
form in the, 298
Corporations, two kinds of, 75
Corporations (municipal), 75; two
classes of, 217; organization of,
218-222; sphere of their activi-
ties, 222

Corporations (private), created by
State authority, 360; great im-
portance of, 361; evolution of,
362; Bureau of, 367; the prob-
lem of, 365-368
Council, the King's, 5
County, the organization of, 197-
200; in the south and southwest,
195; in the middle States and
the west, 196; in New England,
197; commissioners of, 198; the
citizen and his, 200
County-Township system, 210
Courtesy, senatorial, 130
Court of Claims, 150
Courts (federal) four grades of,
149-150; kinds of cases tried in,
151; jurisdiction of the four
grades of, 155; their relation to
State courts, 181

Courts (State), organization of,

177-180; their relation to fed-
eral judiciary, 181; their powers,


Courts of Appeal (State), 180
Crime, 377-383; proportioned to
the offense, 88; definition of,
377; punishment of, 378; State
defines and punishes, 379; crime
and the federal government,
380; prevalence of, 381; preven-
tion of, 382
Criminal cases, 155
Criminality, 383

Criminals, surrender of, 59
Currency, metallic, 311-317; paper,
319; amount of, in the United
States, 326

Customs Duties, defined, 268; a
source of revenue, 275; amount
collected, 333


Daniells, W. M., Elements of Pub-
lic Finance, 271

Debt. See Public Debt

Dependencies, how they differ from
Territories, 184; government of,
184-193; education in, 357
Dingley Bill, 332
Dispensary system, 395
District Courts (federal), organi-
zation of, 148, 150; jurisdiction
of, 156

District Courts (State), 178-180
District of Columbia, government
of, 188; courts in, 151


Education, encouraged by Ordi-
nance of 1787, 65; the State
superintendent of, 173; county
superintendent of, 200; school
directors, 213; a function of
government, 351; and democ-
racy, 351; a local affair, 353;
supported by local taxation, 354;
supervision in, 354; educational
activities of federal govern-
ment, 356

Election, of representatives, 119;

Declaration of Independence, 41; Elections, 344-349; importance of,

[blocks in formation]

344; held under State authority,
344; casting and counting of
ballots, 345; secret, 346; bribery
at, 347; should be frequent, 349
Elective franchise, 103

Electorate, the American, 105
Electors, presidential, 132, 231
Elkins' Law, 339

Ely, R. T., Taxation in American
States and Cities, 287

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