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quelques petites pièces satiriques et de circonstance; à peine en revoit on quelques fragments dans le vénérable almanach de Mathieu Laensberg! Ce n'est même plus du wallon, c'est du français wallonisé.

Mais ne désespérons pas cependant. Il y a encore des savants qui luttent pour prévenir de la ruine cette langue si délicieuse d'originalité naïve et si franche d'allures. Il s'est même formé à Liége en faveur du wallon une société aujourd'hui très florissante. Souhaitons bonne chance aux efforts de tous ces hommes, parmi lesquels on cite des noms comme celui de M. Grandgagnage, de M. Forir, etc. Puissent leurs travaux être couronnés de succés! Puissent ils parvenir à faire renaitre E. L. dans toute sa pureté le charmant langage wallon! Nous publions aujourd'hui une première liste d'ouvrages concernant la langue wallonne ; nous recevrons reconnaissance toutes les communications qu'on voudra bien nous faire sur ce sujet, et nous serons très heureux si ce début peut être le germe d'une Bibliographie Wallonne.

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Dictionnaire Wallon-Français, par Cambresier. 8vo. Liége, 1787.

Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue Wallonne, par Ch. Grandgagnage. Tom I. et II., livr. 1. (A-OUT). 8vo., pp. viii. 358; xxxviii. 178, sewed. Liége, 1845-50. 12s. Vocabulaire des noms Wallons d'animaux, de plantes


et de minéraux, par Ch. Grandgagnage. 2e Edit. 36 pp. Liége, 1857. Dictionnaire Français et Wallon, parallèlle linguistique, par H. Chavée. Gr. in 18. Paris, 1857. Dictionnaire Wallon-Français, précédé d'observations sur la prononciation des lettres en Wallon, et de notions grammaticales sur ce patois, par J. HUBERT. 1 vol. gr. in 18.

Dictionnaire Liégeois-Français, par H. Forir, exprésident de la Société Liégeoise de Littérature Wallonne, etc. 2 forts vol. in 8vo., en cours de publication. Dictionnaire Wallon-Français, dans lequel on trouve la correction de nos idiotismes vicieux et de nos Wallonismes, par la traduction, en Français, des phrases Wallonnes, par L. Remacle. Pour rendre cet ouvrage essentiellement utile, l'auteur a traité longuement de la synonimie de la langue Française. 2e édition corrigée et augmentée de plus de dix mille mots. 2 vols. 8vo., pp. xxxvi., 687; 656, d.rel. Liége and Leipzig, sans date. 21s.

Dictionnaire des spots ou proverbes Wallons, par Joseph Déjardin. Ouvrage couronné par la société Liégeoise de Littérature Wallonne; contenant intégralement, outre le mémcire qui a obtenu le prix extraordinaire les travaux de MM. Defrecheux (prix ordinaire), Delarge (accessit) et Alexandre (mention honorable); revu, coordonné, et considérablement augmenté, par J. Déjardin, Alph. Le Roy et Ad. Picard; précédé d'une étude sur les proverbes par J. Stecher. 8vo. pp. viii., 628, sewed. Liége, 1863. 9s.

Fallot, Gustave. Recherches sur les formes grammaticales de la langue Française et de ses dialectes au XIIIe siècle, publiées par Paul Ackermann, et précédées d'une notice sur l'auteur, par M. B. Guérard. 8vo. Paris, 1839.

De lingua Francica Rheni inferioris, von Wahlenberg. 8vo. Bonn, 1849.

Grammaire élémentaire Liégeoise (Française-Wallonne) par L. M. (Michiels). 8vo. pp. vi., 158. Liége, 1863. 3s.


Etudes historiques et littéraires sur le Wallon, par Ferdinand Hénaux. 8vo. Liége, 1843. 3s. 6d. Pièces Couronnées par la Société Liégeoise de Littérature Wallonne au 3e concours de 1857, par A. Hock, N. Defrecheux, T. Delchef et J. G. Delarge. Broch. in 8. Pièces Couronnées par la Société Liégeoise de Littérature Wallonne aux 3e et 4e concours de l'année 1858, par F. Bailleux, A Hock, L. Van der Velden, et A. Delchef. Broch. gr. in 18.

Bulletin de la Société Liégeoise de Littérature Wallonne. (En cours de publication.)

Flandricismes, Wallonismes et expressions impropres

dans la langue Française, par un ancien professeur. 2e édition. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1811.

Wallonnades, par l'auteur d'Alfred Nicolas. 8vo. pp. 156. Liége, 1845. 2s. 6d.



Boutades Wallonnes, par Alcide Pryor. 2e édition revue et augmentée. 1 vol. gr. in 18. Caprices Wallons, par 1 vol. gr. in 18. Histoire littéraire, philologique et bibliographique des patois, et de l'utilité de leur étude, par Pierquin de Gembloux. Nouvelle édition. 8vo. pp. xl. and 339, 49. Paris, 1858. 7s. 6d.

Contient Bibliographie des Patois de la France, de la BelgiqueWallonne, et de la Suisse Romande.

Dinaux, Arthur.-Trouvères, jongleurs et ménestrels du Nord et du Midi de la Belgique. 8vo. Paris, 1835.

Dinaux, Arthur.-Trouvères de la Flandre et du Théatre Ligeoi, Ki contin Li Voëge di Chôfontaine, li Ligeoi égagi, li Fiesse di Houtesi-plon, é les Hypocontes; Opéras burless, mettou é musik par feû Monsieu Hamal, maiss des chantes di St. Lambert, avou inn Chanson so l'céléb Gretry, Kouan i v'na r'véy s'patreie en 1784. Nouvelle édition. 32mo. pp. 51, 21, 39, 64. A Lige (1827). 5s. Théâtre Liégeois. Nouvelle édition augmentée d'une pièce inédite; revue et annotée par F. Bailleux, précédée d'une introduction historique par U. Capitaine, et d'une lettre aux éditeurs, par J. Stecher. 1 vol. gr. in 18, orné de trois gravures par J. Helbig.

Hainault. 8vo. Valenciennes, 1839.

Li Fiesse di Houte-si-plou, operâ comique ès treuz pârteie, mettou ès musik par M. Hamal. Liége (1768). 8vo. br.

Les Ypocontes, operâ burless ès treuz act, avou des gran Koeur, mettou ès musik par M. Hamal. Liége (1768). 8vo. br.

Li Savetí, comèdeie è deux actes, par Ed. Remonchamps. 1 vol. in 8vo.

Li Galand de l'Siervante, comédeie è deux actes, par Andrè Delchef. Pièce couronnée au concours dramatique de 1857 de la Société Liégeoise de Littérature Wallonne. 2e édition. 1 vol. gr. in 18.

D' ji vou, d' jinn'pou, vaudeville en 2 actes, par Joseph Demoulin. 1 vol. gr. in 18.

Es Fond Pirette, vaudeville en un acte, par Joseph Demoulin. 1 vol. gr. 18mo.

Le Val de l'Ambléve, par Marcellin La Garde. 2e édition. Bruxelles.

Le Val de la Salm, par Marcellin La Garde.

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Ine Copenne so l' Mariège, mœurs populaires, par M. Thiry. 1 vol. gr. in 18.

Novell collection d' Paskeye Ligeois. Li novelle féodalití. 18mo. 4 pp. 1s.

Novell collection d' Paskeye Ligeois. Responss dè chin dell régince Komm on vou bin lè loumè all pétition dé ci K'enn né son nin. 18mo. 4 pp. 1s.

Novell collection d' Paskeye Ligeois.-Paskeye d'onk di ju d'la Mouss so l'nouv tour di Sin-Foien et Kékz-ott monumin dell veye. 18mo. 4 pp. 1s. Novell collection d' Paskeye Ligeois.

Pot pourri

so le diérénè Fiess di Julett. 18mo. 12 pp. 1s. Sov'nir des Fiesses di Lige, 28 et 29 Octobre, 1860.

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DANTE-IN HEBREW.-As an interesting literary curiosity we cite a Hebrew translation of Dante's Divina Commedia, by Dr. S. Formiggini, at Trieste, the first part of which Hathaphthe" (Hell), has just been published. The translator, a learned Jewish Doctor at Trieste, where the Jewish community is quite Italian in character, and takes great interest in Italian literature, declares in his Hebrew preface that the great poet Dante Alighieri ranks immediately after the divine prophets by whom the spirit of God has been manifested, and that there is none equal to him in any nation or in any language; that right and justice are the subjects of his sublime poems, which, after having been translated into all languages of the civilized world, now appears for the first time in the holy tongue of Sinai. Dr. Formiggini has well got over the linguistic difficulties, and we hope with him that his translation will be welcomed by the Jews in Russia and Poland unacquainted with the Western languages.-Mag. f. Lit. d. Ausl.

THE SUEZ CANAL.-Mons. Paul Dupont, of Paris, is publishing a work on this subject; the text is by Marius Fontane, and it is illustrated by twenty-five lithographs in colours, executed by Eugene Ciceri, after paintings from nature by Riou. The first part is ready, containing two plates, imperial folio, with uniform letterpress. If we may judge from the specimens we have seen, this work will do credit to the artists and publisher.

ORIENTAL MSS.-" Among the Delhi, Arabic, and Persian manuscripts, the cataloging of which has been entrusted to me by the Governors of India, I have discovered two autographs of a gigantic Thesaurus of the Persian language, compiled at Delhi by a Hindu of the name of Jairam Dás, son of Lálah Mangal Sen. The work is entitled Miftahal Khazain, and was composed during A.H. 1220 to 1240. Unfortunately it only goes up to the end of the letter Sin (). The first two letters, Alif, Be, alone extend over 732 leaves quarto, closely written. We owe the best Persian Dictionaries to Indians, and some of them, as the Bahár i 'Ajam, the Mutala! át i Shúará, etc., to Hindús; but this compilation is so extensively planned, and so well executed, that no dictionary should be compiled by scholars at home without the use of this work." -Extract from a letter by Dr. Blochmann, Secretary to the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal.

SANSKRIT MSS. According to the latest dispatches (Nov. 9th) from Bombay, Drs. Bühler and Kielhorn, of the Elphinstone and Deccan Colleges at Bombay and Poona, have carried on, with great success, their search for Sanskrit MSS. in that presidency during the first five months of the current year. Dr. Bühler, on his tour through the Northern Division, visited the principal towns where Sanskrit learning is cultivated, and found the Brahmans and Shastris willing enough to enter into conversation and discussion on questions connected with their ancient literature and philosophical tenets. At Balsár and Junagadh regular Sabhás, or assemblies of the learned Brahmans, were held for the purpose of discussion. At the same time, catalogues of libraries, to which access had been gained, were compiled, containing upwards of 7000 entries. A great many MSS. of important Vedic writings, which had hitherto been unknown, have come to light, among which we may mention

the Maitrayani Sakha of the Yajurveda, and the Khadira Grihyasútra and the Samaveda. Dr. Kielhorn, during his visit to Dharvar, Belgaum, and Canara, for which unfortunately he was not allowed more than a month, does not seem to have met with quite so friendly a reception, many of the possessors of MSS. being very averse to showing their libraries to strangers. Among the MSS. purchased by him are some which well deserve the attention of scholars.-J. EGGELING, Sec. Royal Asiatic Society.-(From The Academy)

Ancient and Medieval India, by Mrs. Manning, 2 vols. W. H. Allen & Co.-This work aims at bringing within small compass such information as every one should have concerning India. It not only traces the course of Hindu religious aspiration through ancient hymns, etc., and later sects, but it treats of Law, Medicine, Architecture, Poems, Dramas, Tales, Fables, etc.; thus endeavouring to place the reader within a little panorama of the thoughts and attainments of Ancient Hindus. The material is derived from indisputable authorities. Mrs. Marning's reading is indeed most astounding. No European scholar's labours in the department cultivated by her seem to have escaped her attention, and the judicial and judicious use she has made of her authorities cannot be enough praised.

INDISCHE STREIFEN.-The second volume of this work by Professor Albrecht Weber has now appeared, with the subtitle of "Kritisch-Bibliographische Streifen auf dem Gebiete der Indischen Philologie seit dem Jahre 1849. Mit einem Anhang: Iranische Philologie." It consists of a reprint of the Critical Notices contributed by the author since 1819 to various periodicals. Slight inaccuracies in the expression, or errors of the press, are corrected, and where the author saw occasion to modify his views he has pointed it out. One hundred and eighty works, ranging over all departments of Indian philology and science, are noticed in this volume. The arrangement is chronological, with a table of subjects subjoined.

SIDDHANTA KAUMUDI.-Pandit Taranatha Tarka Vachaspati, the learned Editor of the Siddhanta Kaumudi, a work already rare, although published only a few years ago, is engaged on a second edition, which will be made more valuable still, through the addition of the Ashṭthâdhyâyi Sutras, much desired by all Sanskritists. The same scholar is also preparing editions of the " Mudrârâkshasa" and of the Malavrikâgni Mitra," to which he will add commentaries of his own.

PERSIAN HISTORY.-In Number 28 of the "RECORD" We directed attention to a "History of Persia, in the Guzerati language," on which a learned Parsee gentleman of Bombay, of the name of Jamshedjee Pallonjee, was engaged. The work has since appeared in a handsome quarto volume of 400 pages, with twenty engravings and a portrait of the leading Zend scholars, under the title of a "History of Ancient Persia, from Sir John Malcolm, with latest modern researches." The work shows most extensive reading on the part of the editor, and its merits have been testified to by all the leading papers of India. The "Times of India" has, among others, devoted to it not one, but two articles of very considerable extent: and there is reason to believe that the work is a success in every sense.


COLONIAL MONTHLY (THE). No. 25. September, 1869. 8vo. sewed, pp. 80. Melbourne, 1869.

CONTENTS. -Double Harness: or, Pierce Charlton's Wives. By George Arthur Walstab. Chap. II. and III.-Restrictions upon Colonial Literature.-Colonial Gem Stones. By the Rev. Dr. Bleasdale.About Coal Formations.-A Confession.-Araluen. By Henry Kendall.-Elliston and Munden.-St. Valentine's Eve. By F. S. Wilson. -Death of Captain Sturt, with Portrait.-The Month.

AUSTRALIAN MELODIST (THE), containing the Words
of the Songs of Weston and Hussey Minstrels, and other
Popular Melodies. 18mo. sewed, pp. 96. Melbourne,

NEW SOUTH WALES. Edited by G. B. BARTON, of the

Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Reader in the English
Language and Literature to the University of Sydney,
8vo. pp. xvi. and 224. Sydney, 1866.

the Choicest Songs, as sung by the Christy Minstrels.
Crown 8vo. sewed, pp. 64. Melbourne, 1869.
BITE, with plain Directions for Injecting. By GEORGE
BRITTON HALFORD, M.D., Professor of Anatomy, Physio-
logy, and Pathology, in the University of Melbourne. 8vo.
sewed, pp. 16. Melbourne, 1869.

Exposition of our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. By Rev.

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of Passages from the Works of the best Poets and Dramatists. By CHARLES WILLIAM SMITH. Fourth Edition. Fcap. 8vo. pp. viii. and 312. Melbourne, 1869.

AUSTRALIA; its Resources and Requirements. By
EBENEZER WARD. Small 4to. with Map, pp. 96. Adelaide,
AUSTRALIA, as compared with older lands. A Lecture.
By H. J. WRIXON. 8vo. sewed, pp. 24. Melbourne, 1869.



Continued from No. 50, page 567.


LXXXI. Tâlavṛintanivásin's Prayogavritti to the tamba-çrautasútras. Telugu character; 338 palmyra leaves, 18+ 1; about six lines to a page; recent. Begins with a çloka (Gangâpravâhaparivîtajaṭâ°), and then Apastambîyasûtrasya dhûrtasvamivyakhyânusârena çâstrântarasiddhân (tân) apexitân aviruddhan apy upasamhṛitya darçapûrnamasam ârabhyate | viçvasṛijâmayanaparyantânâm karmanâm iyam prayogavṛittiḥ kriyate || somântâni nityâni | aphalârthinâ 'pi kartavyâni | etc. 8 patalas.

P. II. 166-Atha vedikaraṇam. 6 patalas.

III. 286-Iḍâm eke, etc. 7 paṭalas.

Iv. 54-Yâjamânakarmâni pûrvam evo'ktâni, etc. Ends abruptly in p. 5-Pûrvahomas tv amantrakaḥ | Praçnas v. and VI. are wanting.

VII. 65-Paçubandhasya karmo' cyate | yasmin karmaņi yajñârtham yûpe paçur badhyate sa paçubandhaḥ | 8 paṭalas.

VIII. 856-Câturmâsyânâm karmo 'cyate | 6 patalas. IX. 220-Atha prâyaçcittâny ucyante | 5 patalas. x. 121-Somaprayoga ucyate | soma oshadhiviçeshaḥ| tatsâdhanatvât karmanâmadheyam, etc. 10 patalas. XI. 142—'Âtithyâ' iti yajamânaḥ | 8 patalas.

The next praçna (1. 169) begins-om-mahârâtre tribhâgâd, etc., and consists of 8 patalas. It is not numbered.

The next (according to the colophon) is the xivth P. It begins (1. 195) abhisḥavâdimâdhyandinam savanam tâyate, tasya karma. 7 patalas.

The next Praçna (not numbered) begins 1. 284b-ukthyash shodacy atirâtro' ptoryâmaç, etc.; extends to the end of the tenth patala. This seems to be Pra° xv.

LXXXII. The same work. Grantha character; 40 talipat leaves; 152; 10-12 lines on a page. Copied about 1800-20. The first section (? Praçna v.) begins 1. 1. atho 'ddhanyamânam iti, etc.; 7 patalas. Ends -âdhânam sampûrnam P. vI. begins 1. 176-agnihotrasya karmo 'cyate ] P. VII. 1. 276. After this, on 1. 386, begins another section-atha paçuhautram bhâsḥyakâreņa varṇitam tad ucyate-breaks off 1. 40b.


LXXXIII. The same work. Grantha character; 96 palmyra leaves; numbered 159-227; 163+14; 10 lines on a page. Copied about 1800. The sections are not numbered. gins with the last words of patala 5 of section 1x. (in No. LXXXI.); then Pra°. x. Pra. XI. begins 1. 173. The next Praçna (1. 1936.) begins-om mahârâtre, etc.;_8 patalas. The last section in this MS. corresponds to P. XIV. in No. LXXXI., and begins 1. 2116. LXXXIV. The same work. Grantha character; 206 talipat leaves; 11 +14; about 8 lines on a page. Copied about 1830. P. x. 1. 1; XI. 376. (impt.) The next section begins 586-'upasadaḥ, etc., iti paristaranam tûshnîm, etc.; 8 patalas. Ends-dvâdaçaḥ praçnah. The next section (=* in No. LXXXI.) begins 1. 896, and ends - trayodaçaḥ pra. The next (=xiv. in No. LXXXI.) begins 1. 1386. Ends-caturdaçaḥ pra. The last Praçna in this MS. (=xv. in No. LXXXI.) begins 1. 178, and ends abruptly on 1. 2066. This MS. is very carelessly and often incorrectly copied.

LXXXV. The same work. Grantha character; 26 talipat leaves; 13 1; 12 lines on a page. Copied about 1840. Begins-Agnim ceshtamânah-Agnir iti, sthaṇḍilam

ishtakâkritam ucyate | This seems to be the xvith praçna. Ends-prathamâ citi samâptâ.

LXXXVI. The same work. Grantha character; 36 talipat leaves; 15 + 2; 10-11 lines on a page. Copied about 1840. The first section in this is the same as the last MS. On 1. 20 another praçna begins-Çvobhûte paurvâhnikîbhyâm, etc.; 8 patalas. Ends-Ity agnicayanam samâptam | This seems to be the xvIIth praçna.

Grantha cha

This manual of Crauta rites based on and following the general arrangement of the Apastamba Kalpa S. is most commonly referred to by Adhvaryus, which is probably the reason why MSS. differ so much that an edition would hardly be possible at present. Tradition, which must be taken for what it is worth, states that the author was a native of S. India, called Anḍappillai, and that "tâlavṛinta” (v. 1. °vṛinda) is a translation of the Tamil panai-kkâṭu, a very common name for villages among palmyra trees (panai = palmyra, kâtu =forest), it should therefore probably be written "Tâlavrinda." At the end of each chapter he writesEsha traividyavṛiddhena tâlavṛintanivâsinâ | Somapena kritâ vrittiḥ prayogasya pradîpikâ || LXXXVII. (Apastamba) prayogakârikâ. racter; 23 palmyra leaves; 13 +2. Recent. LXXXVIII. Bhavasvâmin's (Baudhâyana) Kalpasútravivarana. Grantha character, on palmyra leaves 19 + 1}; about 11 lines on a page; leaves 61-94 inclusive are wanting, and 1. 5 is numbered twice. Breaks off abruptly on 1. 1166, line 1, with the words-Atha navame 'hni-in the second section of the râjasûya. Said on 1. 1466 to have been copied in the year "pingala" by Ranganatha, son of Tândaveça, son of Cidambara Crauti of Čidambara (ie. C'itamparam, in the S. Arcot district). c. 17. BeginsBrahmaṇânâm bahutvâd ekaikasyâm çâkhâyâm apari samâptatvâd arthasya ca durbodhatvâd asârvajanyatvâc ca samhṛitya vivaraṇârtham sukham buddhvâ karmâny anushthaya phalam sarve prâpnayur iti kalpa ârabdhab âcâryena vâkyasambandhaç ca 'garbhâdânâdisamskârais samskrito 'dhitya vedam nyâyataḥ kṛitadâra âhitâgnir âmâvâsyena ve' 'ti coditasya karmany adhikâraḥ. tâni ca karmâṇi nânâvidhâni. tatra darçapûrnamâsâgnihotrajyotishtomapravargyâny apûrvâni. tatra darçapûrnamâsavikârâ ishtayo 'gnishomiyaç ca paçuh, jyotishtomavikârâ ekâhâ dvâdaçãhâç ca, agnihotran na prakritih prakritir nama dharmânâm atideçakaḥ. pravargyâdhâne kundapâyinâmayaneshu pravargyâc ca na prakritih. dadhigharmme dharmâtideçam kecid icchanti parikhityo 'bhayatra çântim kritve 'ti darçapûrnamâsajyotishtomau prakriti eva; agnishomiyadvâdaçâhasamvatsarâdayaḥ prakritivikritayah ishtayo ekâhaç co' dbhidâdayo vikṛitaya eva; darvihomâdayo na prakṛitayo na vikṛitayaḥ -"âmâvâsyena vâ, etc.

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The first part (in 17 sections) ends 1. 27-Iti bhavasvâmikritau darçapûrnamâsam samâptam. The second part ends 1. 326-daçâdhyâyikâ sa°. The third on 1. 51samâptaḥ paçubandhaḥ. The fourth on 1. 53-samâptan ca yâjamânam. The fifth on 1. 60-samâptâgni câturmâ syâni. The end of 1. 60 corresponds with line 7 of 1. 82 in No. LXXXIX. On 1. 108-Iti bhavasvâmikṛite bodha yaniye kalpavivarane agnâv ekonavimço dhyâyaḥ | L. 114-Iti bha ka vajapeyaprayogas sa I L. 115-Iti bha ka atirâtras samâptaḥ [

• Commonly called Chillambram

The second division of this MS. is called Karmântavivarana (11. 117-146, and begins-'Pañcatayena kalpam apexete" tyâdi karmânta ity anvarthasañjña; karmaņâm anta iti samâptir atra karmâņi samâpyante.

L. 1286-Iti bhavasvâmikṛite karmmântavivarane prathamasya karmântasya vimço'dhyâyaḥ karmmântas samâptah |

L. 137-Iti dvitiyasya karmmântasya ekonavimço 'dhâyaḥsamâpto dvitîyaḥ praçnaḥ |

L. 1466-Iti bhava karmmâ tritîyasya karmmântasya viñço 'dhyâyaḥ | karmmântas samâptah.

The third division is called Dvaidhavṛitti, and is in four praçnas (11. 147-215, also numbered a-kam; 206 is numbered twice in figures). Begins-Upavasatha ityâdi dvaidhânâm pûrvanirapexitatvam viçeshitam viçeshanatvam vispashteshu vikalpârthañ ce 'ty uktam | âmâvâsyena ve 'ty atra kvacit kalpe sandigdhoktam dvaidhasya sambhâvanam, etc.

Pr. 11. begins 1. 1716.

Pr. III. begins 1. 188, in ten adhyâyas.
Pr. iv. begins 1. 2016, in ten adhyayas.

This last division is not so carefully copied as the rest, and here and there blanks are left.

LXXXIX. The same work. Grantha character; 132 palmyra leaves; 16+ 14. The upper edge has been in some parts injured by white ants, so that in a few places parts of the first and last lines on each leaf have been destroyed. 6-10 lines on a page. Copied in the early part of this century. Ends-Samâpto 'gnishtomaḥ This MS. is not so correct as the last.

The name 'Bhavasvâmin' proves that the writer of this commentary was a worshipper of Civa, and he was probably an inbabitant of Ujjâyinî, (on 1. 166, line 7, we read—Yatha ujjâyinyâm prasthito mâhishmatyâm sûryam udgamayati), which was famous for three mahalingas. As he is quoted by Bhatta Bhaskara, he may have lived in the eighth century. Quotations from other çâkhâs and kalpas are frequently given in Bhavasvâmin's commentary.

XC. Somaprayoga, by Ranganathadixita. According to the Baudhâyana ritual. Grantha character; 18 talipat leaves; 17+21. Copied about 1800. Begins

Praṇamya sâmbam îçânam vânîm bodhâyanam gurum | Kriyate Ranganathena jyotishtomapradîpikâ || Agnishṭomena yaxyamâno bhavati, etc.

Ends Agnishomîyas samâptaḥ | Iti somaprayoga ranganâthadîxitîye prathamaḥ praçnas samâptaḥ |

XCI. Darçapurnamasaprayoga, according to the Baudbâyana ritual. Grantha character; 40 palmyra leaves; 13+1. Copied 1820-30. Begins

Ciromanim sûtrakṛitâm naumi bodhâyanam munim | Yena karmâny açesḥâni sûtritâni mahâtmanâ || 1 ||| Darçapaurṇamâsasya prayogam havisha(s) sphutam | Kurve samxipya vidusḥâm mude mandahitâya ca || 2 || L. 15-Pra praçnaḥ. L. 31-Iti darçapûrṇamâsaprayogas samâptaḥ|

The agnyâdheya rites begin after this, and the MS. breaks off abruptly on 1. 406; 11. 41-3 are wauting; the paçuprayoga begins on 1. 44 and ends on 1. 60.

XCII. The same. Transcript of the last MS., P. 1.; on paper, 151 ff. 4to. 1862. The Apastamba manual is given on the alternate pages.

XCIII. Baudhâyanaprayaçcittadipika. Grantha character; 56 palmyra leaves; 17+ 1. Copied about 1800. Imperfect. Begins

Natvâ bodhâyanâcaryan teno 'ktaçrautakarmaṇâm |
Vidhyatikrameņa prẩyaçcittadîpâ prakâçyate

XCIV. Câturmasyaprayoga (Baudhâyana) by Bhavâyya. Grantha character; 13 palmyra leaves; 13 + 14. Copied 1820-30. The form of the compiler's name shows that he was a Tamil Brahman.

XCV. Baudhâyanapaçuprayoga. Grantha character; 21 palmyra leaves; 16+1. Copied about 1800.

• Wilson, in As. Res. xvii.

XCVI. Vasudeva-dixita's Mahâgnisarvasva. Grantha character; 97 talipat leaves; 163 + 2; 12-20 lines on a page. Copied about 1800-20. Begins

Bodhayanam pranamyâ 'gneḥ kalpasûtram yathâmati | Dvaidhakarmântasûtrâbhyâm saha vyâkhyâsyatetarâm || Agner anârabhyadhîtatvâd anârabhyâdhîtânân ca prakṛitigâmitvâd dîxâdisambandhâd darçapûrnamâsayoc ca dîxâ. dyabhâvâ jyotishṭomângatâ 'dhyavasîyîta dîxâdibhir jyotishṭomângam prasiddhan tatsambandho 'gnau bhavati, etc. Adhyâya 11. begins 1. 9; m. 116; rv. 14; v. 21b.; vi. 22b.; VII. 28; VIII. 33; Ix. 366; x. 41b; xI. 466; x. 51; XIII. 52; XIV. 53b; xv. 58b; XVI. 616; XVII. 65; XVIII. 77; xix. 816; xx. 90. In A. IV. the proportions, size, and number of the ishtakâs used for building altars are very fully discussed, and in the next chapter the size and forms of the altars. In chapter VIII. prathamaprastâraçulvopadhâna; in XI. dvitîyaprastâra; the last Adh. contains the Yûpaikâdaçinîprayoga. Vasudeva quotes the Apastamba and Satyâshadha K. Sûtras, the Çulvasútra, Taittirîyabrâhmana, a bhâshya (apparently Bhavasvâmin's), and Kârikâs by Gopâla. At the end of Adh. xix. he gives some accouns of himself, by which it appears that he was a son of Mahâdeva-vâjapeyayâjin and Annapurņâ, and that his father was adhvaryu to Anandarâya, minister to Criçarabhatulajâkhyacolamahîpâla. Cola' is written forc'ozha,' the Tamil name of the Tanjore province; and this work must therefore have been written some time in the last century under the Mahratta government. XCVII. A fragment of a Kalpa work (? Baudhâyana K. S.) on 7 talipat leaves at the end of the last MS. Breaks off abruptly at the beginning of Kh. 23. Begins—Ukhâs sambharishyann upakalpayate | açvañ ca garddabbañ ca tayor eva, etc.

XCVIII. Baudhâyanasoma pañcaka. (Thus the title at the end. Grantha character; 49 talipat leaves; 17+ 2; Begins-Athâto mahârâtra eva budhyante sambodhayanty etân ritvijaḥ adhvaryvâdisadasyam ye câ 'nye parikarmmino bhavanti, etc.

XCIX. Baudhûyana-çulva-mîmâm̃sâ (a C. on the BaudGrantha hâyanaçulvasutras) by Venkateçvara-yajvan. character; 161 palmyra leaves, 17+ 1; about 4 lines on a page. Copied about the end of the 17th or beginning of the 18th century. Leaves 1-5, 7-10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 98 have been replaced about 50 years ago; 20 and 36 have been passed over in numbering the leaves. Venkateçvara (i.e. the god of Tirupati, 150 miles N.W. of Madras) was brought into notice by Râmânujâcârya, and since then the name has been a favourite one among the Telugus. The author probably lived in the 15th or 16th century. The eight introductory clokas are full of blanks, but the text is perfect, and begins-Iha khalu bhagavân bodhâyanâcâryaḥ agnicayân vyâkhyâsyan çishtâcârapariprâptam athaçabdoccaranam mangalam kurvvan çishyopadhânârtham vaxyamânârtham pratijânîte | 'athe 'me agnicayâ 'iti agnînâm çyenâdyâkâraviçishtasthandilaviçeshanâm cayâç cayanaprakârâh pradarçyante iti çeshah | Samacaturaçrakarana (1.116), viharanaprakâra (13), dîrghacaturaçrakarana (14), ekato 'nimaddirghacaturaçrakarane prakârântara (156), dvikaranî (166), trikaranî (17), mandalaxetra (28), agnyadheyikavedi (30), darçapûrnamâsavedi (34), agnishomikavedi (39), saumikamahâvedi (41), sadaso deçaviçeshakarana 416).

Adhy, II. 1. 486. Xetrâdimânopâyâdîn darçayitvâ sarvâgnisâdhâranyenâ 'gnidharmmân âha-ardhashṭamâ' iti. On 1. 77, ishtakâdharmmâḥ; the ishṭakâs are not too be used if broken, or too much or too little baked! gârhaptyavedipramâna (796), parimandalaprakâra (816), dhishṇyopadhânaprakâra (82).

Adhy. 111. 1. 85b. Athe 'dânîm çyenasya prakrititvena prathamam anushṭheyatvât tatsvarupan darçayati | atha vai bhavatî' 'ti brâhmanam iti çeshaḥ | etc.; caturaçraçyena (856), vakraçyena (kutilau paxau yasya) (926), shaṭpatraçyena (976, kankaciti* (1006), alaja (101), rathacakra (106), sârarathacakra (107), caturaçradronacayana (119), parimandaladronaca (1296) samûhyaparicâryaca",

* The 'kanka' is not the heron, as the dictionaries explain it, but the carrion kite. It is still reverenced at Kankâcala' (for the Tamil Tirukkazhukkunram), a shrine 30 miles S. of Madras.

çmaçânaca (1386), kûrmaca (1466), parimandalakûr-
maca (1546). Ends-Iti çrîmadadvaitavidyâcâryasâg-
nicitya sarvatomukhâtirâtrasâgnicityâ ptavâjape(ya) yâji-
govindadixitavaranandanasya sarvatantra-svatantrasâgni-
cityasarvakratuyâjiçrîyajñanârâyaṇadixitendrânujasya tac-
chishyatâlabdhasamastavidyâvaiçadyasya çrivenkateçvara-
yajvanaḥ kritishu bodhayanaçulvamîmâmâyâm tritîyo
'dhyayas samâptaḥ | The quotations in this work are
but few. Apastamba (776), Apastambâcâryâḥ (51, 2),
Karmâutasûtra (36), Kalpasûtra, frequently; Kâcya-
piyâh (5), Jaimini (mîmâmsâsûtra) (7), Taittirîya-
çâkha (516), Dvaidhasûtra (636), Pramânâdishodaça-
padarthapratipâdakaçâstra (8), Brahmana (Taittirîya) is
frequently cited, and on 1. 1466 a çâkhântara brâhmaṇa,
Bhattoktatantra (16); other âcâryas' are frequently quoted,
and their opinions compared. In the çulva portions of the
Kalpasûtras we must look for the earliest beginnings of
geometry among the Brahmans. For the construction of some
of the altars considerable knowledge is required. The Agni-
cayana rites are performed by the Adhvaryu alone, and
form parts of the greater soma sacrifices. The annexed
diagram (from one actually constructed and used) will show
the form of the 'çyena-citi.' The form of the more usual
altars may be seen in the plan at the end of vol. i. of Dr.
Haug's Aitareya Brâhmaṇa.'

C. Culvakarika, by Venkatanâthavâjapeyayâjin.


character; 11 palmyra leaves, 13+ 14. Copied about
1820-30. Begins-çulvokteshu prayogeshu yat spashtan
na pramîyate

CI. Apastambagrihyasutra. Grantha character; 15 palmyra
leaves, 16+ 1; 7 lines on a page. Copied about the
middle of last century; 23 sections and index of first words
in reverse order. Begins-Atha karmmâny âcârâdyâni
grihyante. udagayanapurvvapaxâhaḥpunyâheshu kâryani.

CII. The same work. Grantha character; 20 talipat leaves,
81; 9-10 lines on a page. Copied 1840. Not so
correct as the last.

CIII. The same work. Grantha character; 40 pp. 4to. The
watermark of the paper is 1828, and this MS. must have
been copied about 1830.

CIV. Darçanárya's (vv. ll. Darçanâcârya and Sudarçanâ-
rya) Commentary (Tâtparyadarçana) on the Apastamba-
grihyasûtras; 6 patalas out of 8. Grantha character; 105
palmyra leaves, 15+ 1; 8 lines on a page. Copied about
1750. Begins-


Yo varṇair ijyate nityaiḥ karmmabhiç coditair nnijaiḥ |
Tebhyo 'pavargado yaç ca tan namâmy advayam harim]1]
Apastambamunim vande mandadhîhitakâmyayâ |
Yo 'nushtheya padârthânâm kramakalpam akalpayat | 2 |
(Yat)kritam vedavad bhâshyam âdriyante vipaçcitáḥ |
Sa kaparddi ciram jîyâd vedavedârthatatvavit | 3 |
Sudurçanaryaḥ kurute grihyatâtparyadarçanam |
Kevalam vaidikaçraddhaprerito mandadhir api | 4 |
"Atha karmmany âcârâdyâni grihyante" | athaçabda
ânantaryârthaḥ | tadartham pûrvavṛittam ucyate |
(yajua) ekavimçatibhedâḥ; tatra sapta pâkayajñasamsthâḥ|
aupasanahomo vaiçvadevam pârvvanam ashtakâmâsicrâdd-
ham sarpabalir îçânabalir iti. Sapta (ca) haviryasañajm-
sthâh agnihotran darçapûrnamâsâv âgrayanan câturmâ-
syâni nirudhapaçubandhas sautrâmanî. Pindapitriyajñâ-
dayo darvihoma iti. Saptai 'va ca somasamsthâh; agni-
shtomo 'tyagnishtoma ukthyash shoḍaçî vâjapeyatirâtro
'ptoryyâma iti. ete ca nityâ, niyatapradoshâdikâlînajîvani-
nimittâ ity arthah. kuto nityâḥ'? jâyamâno vai brâhmaņas
tribhir riṇavâ jâyate; brahmacaryyena 'rshibhyo yajñena
devebhyah prajayâ pitribhyo esha anrina iti. Patala II.
begins 1. 29; III. l. 42; iv. l. 716; v. l. 83; vi. l. 946.
CV. The same. Grantha character; 98 palmyra leaves,
14+ 1; 7 lines on a page. Correctly copied about the
end of last century in a very small and beautiful hand
from an older imperfect MS. as there are here and there
blanks at the beginning and end. This MS. is much worm-
eaten (leaves 30-33, 49-51, 54-56, 60-68, 81, 2, 93, 8).
8 patalas, complete.

Patala 1. begins 1. 1; 1. 20; III. 286; Iv. 486; v. 556;
VI. 64; VII. 726; vIII. 83. The beginnings of these patalas
correspond with the beginnings of sections 1, 7, 10, 12, 14,
17, of the text.

CVI. Tâlavṛintanivâsin's Gṛihyaprayogavṛitti (v.1. dipikā)
to the Apastambagrihyasûtras. Grantha character; 55
talipat leaves, 10+ 1; 11-12 lines on a page. Copied
about 1800-10. Begins-Smârttâ 'nḍapillai (!) | apas-
tambîyagribya(pra) yogo vaxyate athâ 'trâ
âcârâdyani grihyante karmmâni jñâyante kartavyatvena
tâni karyâni kutra udagayanapûruvapaxâhaḥpunyâheshu
kâryâni udagayanâdayaḥ prasiddhâḥ |


Patala 1. begins 1. 1; 11. 6b; III. 126; v. 246; v. 316.;
VI. 34; VII. 406; v. 47.

The author quotes a ‘kapardikârikâ.'

CVII. Manual of grihya rites according to the Âpastamba
ritual. Grantha character; 98 talipat leaves, 14 + 2.
Copied about 1800. Begins-Crîganâdhipataye namaḥ
sumuhûrto 'stv iti bhavanto 'nugrihṇantu, etc.
CVIII. Manual of pûrva' ceremonies according to the Baud-
hâyana ritual. Grantha character.

[ocr errors]

CIX. Kârika by Kanakasabhápati. Grantha character; 173
and 37 palmyra leaves, 12+ 1. Recent. Very badly
written in a running hand. On Grihya rites according to
the Baudhâyana school. Fragmentary.

CX. Bharadvajagrihyaprayogavṛitti by Bhatta Ranga.
Grantha character; 24 talipat leaves, 13 + 2; 10 lines on
a page. Copied 1850. Begins-
Bharadvâjamukhân natva sûtragṛihyakṛitân (sic) munîn
Yeshâm anugraheņai 'va varṇaḥ karmmâņi kurvate | 1 |
Bharadvajasya grihyoktakarmmanâm anupûrvaçaḥ |
Asmâbhir adhunâ samyak prayogakrama ucyate | 2 |
The first section of this manual of Grihya rites begins with
the Upanayana, and contains the godâna, vivâha, stâli-
pâka,simantonnayana, puñsavana,xiprasavana,†Jâtakarma,
agâraçauci, nâmakarana, gribyapraveça, annaprâçana and
cauḍakarma rites, and ends 1. 188. Iti kânciflaxanakula.
tilakaçrîmadbhaṭṭarangaviracitâyâm bharadvajagrihyapra-
yogavrittau prathamaḥ praçnah. The rest (which appears
to be imperfect) ends with the Crâddhaprayoga, and con-
sists chiefly of sûtras. Ends-Iti çrâddhakarma | Bhâra-
dvâja-sútram samâptam | The following will serve as a
specimen (1. 66)-Parîxaprakârabahubhede saty âcârya(s)
svayam eva mṛidgrahaṇâtmakam prakâram uktavân. tasyai
'vam anushthanam, kanyâvarayor anukûle naxatre çubhe
muhûrtte sa (ha) varena pitrâdiḥ kanyâgriham gatva vedi-
goshtahalamukhaxataçmaçânadeçebhyaç catasro mrida
ahârya, etâbhiç caturah pindân kritvâ çucau deçe gomayeno
'palipte nidhâya, tân gandhapusḥpâdibhir abhyareya, varaḥ
kalyanalaxanam alankṛitâm ânîtâm kanyâm esḥam catur
nâm pinḍânâm ekam âdatsve 'ti brûyât, sa ca svecchayâ
ekam pindam âdadyât.teshusarvesḥutrayaḥ pindâḥ krameņa
çubhaçubhatarâḥ; cubhâh putrasampattisucakaḥ; turiyas
tu vaidhavyasûcakaḥ, tasmâd asyâdâne tâm varjayet. This
usage is also described in the Apastambagrihyasutra, § 3.
çaktivishaye dravyâni praticchannâny upanidhaya brigád
upasprice ti G. çaktis, sâmarthyam, vishay', 'vakâçah.
dravyâni savyamânâni; mritpindeshu praticchannâny ekas-
minbhajane nidhaya kanyasamipekritva tâm bruyad eshan
pindânâm ekam upaspriçe 'ti kâni tânî 'ty âha | nukŮ-
vijâni samsṛishțâni vedyaḥ pámsún xetrål loshṭam çakrie
chmaçânaloshṭam iti | C. nânâvîjâni, vrîhiyavâdivîjāni
samsṛishtâni, ekasmin pinde xiptâni. vedyâs saumiky
âhṛitâḥ pâmsûn. xetrat sasyasampannâd âhṛitaloshtam .
avaçishte prasiddhe | pûrvvesham upasparçane yathalingam
riddiḥ | C. pûrvvesham caturnnâm upasparçane yatha
yogyam riddhiḥ nânâvîjânâm upasparçane prajanam
samriddhiḥ. vedyâḥ pâñsûnâm, yajñânâm̃ xetral losht-
asya, sasyânâm. çakritaç ca paçûnâm, iti riddhiniçcayâd
vivâhakarttavyatâniçcaya ity arthaḥ. uttamam paricazate
C. uttamam çmaçânaloshtam paricaxate garhante çishta;
jâyâpatyor anyatarasya vâ maraṇa lingâd ity, etc. Similar
passages from other grihyasûtras are given by Dr. Hass
in the "Indische Studien," vol. v. p. 288, et seq.

[ocr errors]

V. note to No. LXXXVI.
+"Prasavakale xipraprasavârtham."
That is, Conjeveram, properly kañci.

(To be continued.)

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