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therefore, was regarded as one of the beft metaphysicians in Europe; his logic was looked upon rather as the work of a man skilled in metaphyfics, than in the dialect of the schools; his treatife upon matter, was alfo thought to be the most ingenious paradox that ever amused learned leisure; and many were the anfwers made to it by the literati of Europe.

His fame as a fcholar, but more his converfation as a man of wit and good-nature, foon procured him the friendship and efteem of every perfon of fortune and understanding; among the reft, Swift, that lover, yet derider, of human nature, became one of the most intimate; and it was by his recommendation that he was introduced to the earl of Peterborough, who made him his chaplain, and took him, as his companion, on a tour through Europe.

Some time after his return, he was promoted to a deanery, in which fituation he wrote his Minute Philofopher, one of the most elegant and genteel defences of that religion which he was born to vindicate, both by his virtues and his ingenuity. It was at this time also, that he attempted to establish an univerfity for our American colonies, in Bermudas, one of the Summer inlands. Doctor Depufch, an excellent mufician, and fome others of great abilities, were engaged in this de-. fign, and actually embarked in order to put it in execution; but the fhip being caft away, Berkeley was left to contrive fomething else to the advantage of his


He interested himself deeply in a scheme for improving the English language, by a fociety of wits and men

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of genius, established for that purpose, in imitation of the academy of France; in this defign Swift, Bolingbroke, and others, were united; but the whole dropt by the death of queen Anne, and the removal of Harley from the office of prime minister.

His friendship and connections, however, did not, as was the cafe with Swift and fome others, prevent his promotion; he was made bishop of Cloyne; and fure no clergyman ever had jufter pretenfions to the mitre ! No man was more affiduous or punctual in his duty, none exacted it more strictly from his inferior clergy, yet no bishop was ever more beloved by them. He spent his time with the utmost chearfulness, innocence, and humanity; the meaneft peafant within ten miles of his feat, was familiar with him; thofe of them that wanted, shared his bounty; and those that did not, had his friendship and advice. The country which was defolate and unimproved, he took the utmost pains to improve, and attempted to fet an example of the proper methods of agriculture to the farmer, as he had before of piety and benevolence to the whole kingdom.

Metaphysical studies were still his amusement, and the difpenfations of charity he looked upon as his duty.— But the opinions of metaphyficians he, at laft, began to contemn, and to doubt of the certainty, not only of every argument upon this fubject, but even of the fcience. He therefore turned his thoughts to more beneficial ftudies, to politics and medicine, and gave inftances in both, of what he could have done, had he inade either his particular study.

In politics, a pamphlet published by him, entitled The Querift, is a fine inftance of his fkill, and was at


tended with fome beneficial circumftances to his native country. His treatife on tar-water rendered him more popular than any of his preceding productions, at the fame time that it was the moft whimsical of them all. Here he pretends to prove, a priori, the effects of this, fometimes, valuable medicine; but then he extends them to every, and even oppofite diforders. The public were long undeceived before his lordfhip, who was the inventor, could be fo. He had built an hofpital at his own expence, near his gate, and to it all the poor were welcome; he attended them himself as physician; dosed them with tar-water, of the virtues of which he was entirely confident.-His intention in this particular cannot be fufficiently applauded, though, perhaps, the fuccefs might not have answered his expectations. Perhaps he carried his veneration for tar-water to an excess: he drank it in abundance himself, and attempted to mend the constitutions of his children by the fame regimen: this, however, he could never effect; and, perhaps, his defire of improving their health, and their understanding, at which he laboured most affiduously, might have impaired both. But his faults, if we know of any, all proceeded from motives of humanity, benevolence, and good-nature.

He preserved the closest intimacy with the gentlemen of the neighbourhood; and while he cultivated the duties of his ftation, he was not averfe to the innocent amufements of life: mufic he was particularly fond of, and always kept one or two exquifite performers to amuse his leifure hours.

His income he was entirely contented with; and when offered by the earl of Chesterfield, then lord lieutenant


of Ireland, a bishopric much more beneficial than that he poffeffed, he declined it, with thefe words, "I love "the neighbours, and they love me; why then fhould "I begin, in my old days, to form new connections, " and tear myself from thofe friends whofe kindness to "me is the greatest happiness I enjoy ?" acting, in this inftance, like Plutarch, who being asked, why he refided in his native city, fo obfcure and fo little?" I ftay, faid he, left it fhould grow lefs." But at length, finding his health and conftitution impaired beyond the power of medicine, even of his own tar-water, he removed, towards the end of the year 1752, to Oxford, an university he always loved, and at which he received a great part of his education, in hopes of receiving fome benefit from the change of air. His principal motive, however, was that he might himself fuperintend the education of his fon, whom he took along with him; and the profpect of enjoying two or three years among the literati of that famous feminary.

After a fhort paffage, and a very pleasant journey, he arrived at that famous feat of learning, where he was vifited by many of his former friends and admirers: but the certainty there was of fpeedily lofing him, greatly damped the pleafure they would otherwife have had in his company. In a fhort time after his arrival he expired, on the 14th of January, 1753, greatly regretted, by the poor, whom he loved, and the learned, whom he had improved.


*A LETTER to a Member of Parliament in the Country, from his Friend in London, relative to the Cafe of Admiral Byng.

Alfo an APPEAL to the People, containing the genuine and entire Letter of Admiral BYNG to the Secretary of the Admiralty: Obfervations on thofe Parts of it which were omitted by the Writers of the Gazette: And what might be the Reasons for fuch Omiffions.


hear both parties, and to condemn no man without a trial, are the unalterable laws of justice. The man who lately commanded the English fleet in the Mediterranean; after having had his effigies burnt in a hundred places, and his name difgraced by innumerable lampoons; after having suffered all that the malice of wit or folly could inflict on his reputation, now stands forth, and demands an audience from thofe who have almoft univerfally condemned him, but condemned him in his own opinion without juftice, and certainly without any calm or candid examination.

In this extract we fhall join the two apologies together, and give the argument which fhall refult from their


The general pofition which both pamphlets endeavour to prove is, that Mr. Byng is ftigmatifed with infamy,

Both this and the fubfequent article were originally printed in the Literary Magazine. They are afcribed to Dr. Johnson on conjecture.


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