Abbildungen der Seite

souris ne lui mangeroient pas les pieds; et il est étrange qu'on nous condamne à la mort parceque votre femme-de-chambre n'a guères plus de mouvement qu'un limaçon.

Ces raisons si fortes ne sont pas encore les seules qui peuvent nous excuser envers vous des dégâts que les souris font dans votre maison.

Ah! très-illustre Dame, en quelle conscience peut-on se plaindre de ce que nous ne prenons pas vos souris, lorsque vous avez sans cesse auprès de vous deux monstres altérés de notre sang, qui ne nous permettent pas d'approcher de votre chère personne, comme la reconnoissance et le devoir nous y porteroient? deux chiens, c'est tout dire ; animaux nourris dans la haine des chats, dont les aboiemens continuels nous remplissent de terreur. Comment ose-t-on nous reprocher de nous tenir éloignés des lieux où règnent ces animaux féroces, en qui la nature a mis l'aversion pour notre race et la force pour la détruire? Encore, si nous n'avions affaire qu'à des chiens François; leur haine ne seroit pas si active, leur ferocité seroit moindre; mais vous êtes toujours accompagnée d'un bull-dog que vous avez fait venir d'Angleterre, (au mépris des sages dispositions de M. le Contrôleur-Général) et qui nous hait doublement, comme chats François. Nous voyons, sous nos yeux, tous les jours, les cruels effets de sa rage, dans la queue dépouillée de notre frère Le Noir. Notre zèle pour votre service, et même le goût que nous avons

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pour les souris nous conduiroit à la chasse dans vos appartemens, si nous n'en étions pas bannis par ces ennemis redoutables que vous en avez rendus les maîtres. Qu'on cesse donc de nous reprocher les désordres que causent chez vous les souris, puisqu'on nous met dans l'impossibilité de les réprimer.

Hélas! ils ne sont plus ces tems heureux, où l'illustre chat Pompon régnoit dans ces mêmes lieux, dormoit sur vos genoux, et reposoit sur votre couche; où cette Zémire,' aujourd'hui si ardente à nous chasser de chez vous, et qui entre en fureur au seul mot de chat, faisoit humblement sa cour au favori dont elle occupe aujourd'hui la place. Alors nous marchions la queue levée dans toute la maison. Feu M. Pompon daignoit quelquefois partager avec le dernier d'entre nous les lapins que Sa Majesté lui envoyoit de sa chasse, et à l'ombre du crédit de cet illustre favori nous jouissions de quelque paix et de quelque bonheur. Cet heureux tems n'est plus! Nous vivons sous un règne de chien, et nous regrettons sans cesse le chat, sous l'empire duquel nous avons coulé de si beaux jours! Aussi allons-nous toutes les nuits arroser de nos pleurs le pied du cyprès que couvre sa tombe.

Ah! très-illustre Dame, que le souvenir du chat que vous avez tant aimé, vous touche au moins de

Petite chienne.

quelque pitié pour nous. Nous ne sommes pas à la vérité de sa race, puisqu'il fut voué dès sa jeunesse à la chasteté; mais nous sommes de son espèce. Ses mânes, errans encore dans ces lieux, vous demandent la révocation de l'ordre sanguinaire qui menace nos jours: nous employerons tous ceux que vous conserverez à vous miauler notre vive reconnoissance, et nous la transmettrons aux cœurs de nos enfans et des enfans de nos enfans.




A TERRIBLE piece of news has just reached us to interrupt the happiness we enjoyed in your poultry-yard and wood-yard. We learn, that in consequence of certain calumnious representations on the part of our enemies your Abbés,' a sentence of proscription has been issued against us, and that by means of a diabolical invention, we are all to be seized, put into a cask, rolled down to the river, and abandoned to the mercy of the waters. At the moment in which we are drawing up this our humble request, we hear the strokes of the hammer and hatchet from the hands of your coachman, who is employed to frame the instrument of our destruction.

But, most illustrious lady, shall we be condemned without being heard? and shall we be the only creatures among so

The Abbés Morellet and La Roche.

many fed and nourished by you, who do not find your bosom alive to justice and compassion ?-We see your beneficent hand every day feeding two or three hundred chickens, as many canary-birds, pigeons without number, all the sparrows of the neighborhood, all the blackbirds of the Wood of Boulognenay, even the very dogs of your domain; and shall we alone not only cease to experience the effects of your beneficence, but, what is more terrible to think of, become the objects of a cruelty wholly foreign to your nature, and never exercised but towards us. No, the natural goodness of your heart will recal in you sentiments more worthy of your catology.

Alas! what are the crimes that we have committed! We are accused-to what lengths will not calumny transport the heart! --we are accused of eating your chickens while they are still young, of making depredations from time to time upon your pigeons, of watching your canary-birds incessantly, and seizing any that come near enough to the lattice of your aviary, and of suffering the mice to infest your house unmolested.

But are imputed crimes sufficient to render any one guilty? These horrible accusations we can easily repel. In the first place, it must be observed, that they do not rest upon any proofs. Granted that the feet of some pigeons, or the feathers of some chickens may be produced; can these be admitted as evidence before any tribunal upon earth? Great crimes are, besides, the consequences of great misery and want, and we receive every day from you, to the number of eighteen cats of which our troop consists, abundant means of subsistence; nothing is wanting to us. And can we be supposed to scratch the hand by which we are nourished? Have you not, more than once, with your own eyes seen your chickens come and eat off the same dish with us, without the least hostile movement on our part? And if you are told, that we never eat the chickens when conscious that we are observed, that it is by night our murders are committed,-we answer, that it is our calumniators who hide themselves under the veil of darkness to frame their cruel

plots against us. This we may the rather say, since they are reduced to impute to us nocturnal crimes, which are contradicted by our conduct throughout the day.

But, say our enemies, the poultry-yard of our most illustrious lady is maintained at an expense of twenty-five louis annually, while of two or three hundred chickens reared there, she never eats more than fifty; so that, from her great economy, they cost her only twelve livres each: what then becomes of the rest?

We will ask, in the first place, were the chickens numbered and consigned to our care, and are we answerable for them? Surrounded by so many destructive beings, by mankind in particular, who are firmly persuaded that chickens were only created to be eaten by them, is it on us that the first suspicion can with justice fall? Every Sunday at the gate of the Wood of Boulogne, and in the public-houses of Auteuil, a hundred fricassees are served up; is it not probable that some of your chickens may have glided gently in among them? and certainly it is not by us that they are remitted to the innkeepers. After all, madam, without wishing to become the apologists of chicken-stealers, let us be permitted to observe, that whatever may be the causes which occasion the diminution complained of in your stock of poultry, they are in the order of nature, and produce a salutary effect to yourself, since they restrain within due bounds the multiplication of this species, which, if suffered to go on unrestrained, would soon convert your whole house into a receptacle for chickens, and reduce you to going without a shift, that no limits may be placed to the number of your fowls.

As to the pigeons, it must be allowed that several of the children of Coco have disappeared; but you must not permit your tenderness for him, which goes so far as to suffer him to break your china, provided he will condescend to eat out of your

* A favorite tame pigeon of Madame Helvetius, to which she had given that name.

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