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The Examination upon the Sixth

Doft thou endeavour as

much as in thee lies,

to preserve the Lives of all Men; as bearing the fame Image of thy Maker with thee?

2. Art thou a Lover, a Follower, a Procurer of Peace, among those with whom thy Converfation is ?

3. Haft thou been either caufelefly or finfully angry? Haft thou born Malice, Hatred, or Revenge in thine Heart Haft thou forgiven, haft thou loved thine Enemy for Chrift's fake ; who loved thee, when thou wert yet his Enemy?

4. Haft thou Compaffionate, Bowels? Haft thou to thy power, Fed and Cloathed them whom thou hast known to be ready to perish with Hunger and Cold? 5. Haft

5. Haft thou been careful of thine own Life; Or haft thou any way haftened thine own End, by wilful Intemperance or Diforder?


The Examination on the Se-
venth Commandment.


Oft thou confider, that thy Body was made to be a Temple of the Holy Ghoft; that whofoever therefore fhall prefume to pollute this Temple, him fhall God destroy?

2. Haft thou preferved it in that Purity which is required of thee? Or haft thou defiled it by Fornication, Adultery, Lafciviousnefs, or any other Uncleanness; of which the Apostle pronounsceth, that they who do fuch things, fhall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven ?

13. Haft

3. Haft thou'deliberately pleafed thy felf with any foul lafcivious Thoughts; or, continued in them to a Delight? Haft thou confented to them, or haft thou rejected them?

4. Haft thou been careless in avoiding the Occafions and Approaches that lead into thofe Sins? Or, haft thou expofed thy Self, either unwarily or wilfully to Temptation?

5. Haft thou delighted in wanton Company, in unchafte Songs, or unclean Difcourfes?

The Examination on the Eighth Commandment.



Aft thou taken away from Others, by Deceit or Violence, that which belongs not to thee? Haft thou injured no man in his Rights?

2. Haft

2. Haft thou defrauded Servants of their Wages, Labourers of their Hire, or Creditors of their just Debts?


The Examination on the Ninth

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Aft thou úpon all Occafions, been Witness to the Truth, without fear or flat


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2. Haft thou faid any thing falfly, that hath been injurious to the good Name and Reputation of another?

Or, haft thou pleased thy felf, either in inventing, or spreading Rumors of that kind?

3. Doft thou willingly give ear to Slanderers, and to fuch as go about with Lies? Or, doft thou abhor them, both in thy Self and Others?



The Examination on the Tentha



Oft thou reft contented in that Condition State of Life, wherein God hath placed thee? Or haft thou at any time inordinately lufted after that which belongs to Others?

2. Haft thou entertained fecret Covetings in thy Thoughts, with any Delight or Complacency? Or, haft thou laboured to reftrain them, and quench them in their firft Beginnings?

When the Sick Man hath diftin&tly read, and seriously considered these several Articles; let him then thus make Applica



1. When his Confcience accufeth him, he may say thus. I confefs my Guilt. And, O my God, wash it away in the Blood of Jesus: and be merciful to me a Miferable Sinner. 2. When he doubts, and is in fufpence, he may fay thus. O God, enlighten me, and cleanse me from my Secret Faults. 3. When

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