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at Geneva; the promife he made to La Roche and his daugh. ter, on his former vifit, was recalled to his mind, by the view of that range of mountains, on a part of which they had often looked together.

42. There was a reproach too, conveyed along with the re collection, for his having failed to write to either of them for feveral months paft. The truth was that indolence was the habit most natural to him, from which he was not eafily roufed by the claims of correfpondence either of his friends or his enemies; when the latter drew their pens in controverfy, they were often unanswered as well as the former.

43. While he was hefitating about a vifit to La Roche, which he wished to make, but found the effort rather too much for him, he received a letter from the old man, which hai been forwarded to him from Paris, where he had then fixed his refidence.

44. It contained a gentle complaint of the philofopher's want of punctuality, but an afferance of continued gratitude for his former good offices, and as a friend whom the writer confidered interested in his family, it informed him of the approaching nuptials of Mademoifelle La Roche, with a young man, a ralation of her own, and formerly a pupil of her father, of the most noble difpofition, and refpectable character.

45. Attached from there earlieft years, they had heen fepa. rated by his joining one of the fubfidiary regiments of the Canton, then in the fervice of a foreign power. In this fituation, he had diftinguished himself as much for courage and military fkill, as for the other endowments which he had cultivated at home. The term of his fervice was now expired, and they expected him to return in a few weeks, when the old man hoped, as he expreffed it in his letter, to join their hands and fee them happy.

46. Our philofopher felt himself interested in this event: but he was not, perhaps, altogether fo happy in the tidings of Mademoiselle La Roche's marriage, as her father fuppofed him. Not that he ever was a lover of the lady; but be thought her one of the most amiable women he had seen.; and there was fomething in the idea of her being another's forever, that fuck him, he knew not why, like a disappointment.

47. After fome little fpeculation on the matter, however, he could look on it as a thing fitting, if not quite agreeable, and determined on his vifit, to fee his old friend and daugh ter happy.

48. On the last day of his journey, different accidents had etarded his progrefs; he was benighted before he reached the quarter in which La Roche refided. His guide however, was well acquainted with the road, and he found himself in view of the lake, which I have before deferibed, in the neigh borhood of La Roche's dwelling.

49. A light gleamed on the water, that seemed to proceed from the houfe it moved flowly along as he proceeded up the fide of the lake, and at laft he faw it glimmering thro the trees, and top at some distance from the place where he then was.

5. He fuppofed it fome piece of bridal merriment and uhed on his horfe that he might be a fpectator of the feene; Lut he was a good deal fhocked, on approaching the spot to find it to be the torch of a perfon cloathed in the dress of an attendant on a funeral, and accompanied by feveral others, who, like him, feemed to have been employed in the rites of fepulture


51. On the philofopher's making enquiry who was the perfor they had been burying? One of them with an accent more mournful than is common to their profeffion, answered, then you knew not Madamoifelle, fir, you never beheld a lovelier""La Roche !" exclaimed he, in reply--" Alas, it was fhe indeed!" The appearance of grief and furprise which His countenance affumed, attracted the notice of the peasant with whom he talked.

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52. He came up close to the philofopher-" I perceive you were acquainted with Mademoiselle La Loche." Acquaint ed with her! Good God! when-how-where did fhe die? Where is her father?" "She died, fir, of heart break, I be. lieve; the young gentleman to whom he was foon to be married, was killed in a duel by a French officer, his intimate companion, and to whom before there quarrel, he had often done the greatest favors.

53. "Her worthy father bears her death, as he has often told us a chriftian fhould. He is even fo compofed, as to be now in his pulpit, ready to deliver a few exhortations to his parishioners as is the cultom with us on fuch occafions. Fol low me, fir, and you fhall hear him." He followed the man without anfwering.

54: The church was dimly lighted, except near the pulpit, where the venerable La Roche was feated. His people were now lifting up their voices to that Being whom their paftor had taught them ever to blefs and revere. La Roche fat, bis

figure bending gently forward, his eyes half clofed, Kifted up in filent devotion. A latap lay placed near him, threw a light ftrongly on his head, and marked the fhadowy lines of his age across the palenefs of his, brow, thinly covered with grey hairs.

55. The mufic ceafed-La Roche fat for a moment, and nature wrung a few tears from him. His people were loud in their grief. The philofopher was not lefs affected than they La Roche arofe "Father of mercies," faid he, "forgive thefe, ears; affift thy fervant to lift up his foul to thee; to lift to thee the fouls of thy people! My friends, it is good fo to do; at all feafons it is good; but in the days of our diftrefs, what privilège it is! Well faith the facred book, Truft in the Lord; at all times truft in the Lord.'

56,"When every other fupport fails us; when the fountains of worldly comfort are dried up, let us then feek thofe living waters which flow from the throne of God. It is only from the belief of the goodnefs and wifdom of a Supreme Being, that our calamities can be borne in a manner which becomes

a man.

57. "Human wifdom is here of littleufe; for in proportion as it bellows comfort, it repreffes feeling, without which we may ceafe to be hurt by calamity, but we fhall alfo ceafe to enjoy happiness. I will not bid you be infenfible, my friends! I



58. "I feel too much myself, and I am not ashamed of my feelings but therefore may I the more willingly be heard; therefore have I prayed God to give me ftrength to fpeak to you; to direct you to him, not with empty words, but with thefe tears; not from fpeculation, but from experience; that while you fee me fuffer, you may know alfo my confolation. "You behold the mourner of his only child, the last earthly ftay and bleffing of his declining years! Such a child too! It becomes not me to fpeak of her virtues; yet it is but grateful to mention them, because they were exerted towards myfelf. Not many days ago you faw her young, beautiful, virtuous and happy; ye who are parents will judge of my affiction now. But I look towards him who ftruck me; I fee the hand of a father amidft the chaftenings of my God." 63. "Oh! could I make you feel what it is to pour out the heart when it is preffed down with many forrows; to pour it out with confidence to him in whofe hands are life and death; on whose power awaits all that the first enjoys, and in contem

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plation of whom difappears all that the laft can inflet! For we are not as thofe who die without hope; we know that our Redeemer liveth; that we shall live with him, with our frien¿s, his fervants, in that bleffed land, where forrow is unknown, and happiness as endless as it is perfect.

61. Go then, mourn not for me; I have not loft my child! But a little while and we fhall meet again never to be fepara ted. But ye are alfo my children. Would ye that I fhould not grieve without, comfort? So live as he lived; that when your death fhall come, it may be the death of the righteous, and your latter end like his."

62. Such was the exhortation of La Roche; his audience anfwered it with tears. The good old man had dried up his at the altar of the Lord; his countenance had loft its fadnefs, and affumed the glow of faith and hope. The philosopher fcl lowed him into his houfe.

63. The infpiration of the pulpit was paft; the scenes they had la met in, rushed again où his mind; La Roche threw his arms around his neck and watered it with his tears. The other was epually affected; they went together in filence into the paricur, where the evening fervice was wont to be performed.

64. The curtains of the organ were opened; La Roche ftarted back at the fight"Oh my friend," faid he, and his tears burt forth again. The philofopher had now recollected inflf; he ftept forward and drew the curtain clofe. The old inan wiped off his tears, and taking his friend by the hand, you fee my weakness," faid he," tis the weaknefs of humanity; but my comfort is not therefore loft."

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65, "I heard you," faid the other, " in the pulpit ; I rejoice that fuch confolation is yours." "It is my friend said he, and I traft I fhall ever hold it faft. If there are any who doubt our faith, let them think of what importance religion is to calamity, and forbear to weaken its force; if they cannot reftore our happiness, let them not take away the folace of our affliction."

66. The philofopher's heart was fmitten; and I have heard him long after confeis, that there were moments, when the remembrance overcame him even to weaknefs; when amidst all the pleasures of philofophical difcovery, and the pride of lite rary fame, he called to mind the venerable figure of the good La Roche, and wifhed that he had never doubted.


Funeral of GENERAL FRASER, near Saratoga.
Related by GEN. BurGOYNE.

ABOUT funfet the corps of General Frafer was brought up the hill attended only by the officers who had liv ed in his family. To arrive at the redoubt, it paffed within view of the greatest part of both armies.

2. General Phillips, General Reidefel and myfelf, who were standing together, were ftruck with the humility of the pro ceffion: They who were ignorant that privacy had been requefted by General Frafer, might afcribe it to neglect.

3, We could neither endure that reflection, nor indeed reftrain our natural propenfity to pay our laft attention to his remaiss. We joined the proceffion and were witneffes of the af fecting feene that enfued.

4. The inceffant cannonade during the folemnify: the stea. dy attitude and unalterable voice of the chaplain who officiat. ed, tho frequently covered with duft, from the fhot which the American artillery threw around us; the mute, but expreffive mixture of fenfibility and indignation upon every countenance; thefe objects will remain to the laft of life on the minds of every man who was prefent.

5. The growing dulkinels of the evening added to the fee. nery,and the whole marked a character of that juncture, that would make one of the fineft fubjects for the pencil of a mafter that the field ever exhibited.

6. To the canvas and to the faithful page of a more impor tant hiftorian, gallant friend, I consign thy memory.


STORY OF LADY HARRIET ACKLAND, by Gen. Burgoyne. LA ADY Harriet Ackland had accompanied her husband to Canada, in the beginning of the year 1776. In the courfe of that campaign fhe had traverfed a vaft fpace of coun try, in different extremities of feason, and with difficulties that an European traveller will not eafily conceive, to attend, in a poor hut at Chamblee, upon his fick bed.

2. In the opening of the campaign of 1777, he was reftrained, by the pofitive injunctions of her hufband, from of fering herfelf to a fhare of the fatigue and hazard expected before Ticonderoga. The day after the conqueft of that place, hs was badly wounded, and the croffed the Lake Champlain to join him,

3. As foon as he recovered, Lady Harriet proceeded to follow his fortunes thro the campaign, and at Fort Edward, or

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