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To Honorable John H. Morehead,

Governor of Nebraska.

Dear Sir-Complying with the provisions of the statutes for the State of Nebraska, I herewith present for your consideration the Fourteenth Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics, covering the biennium in part, from February 1, 1913, to December 1, 1914. Respectfully,

Lincoln, Nebraska, December 1, 1914.

CHARLES W. POOL, Deputy Commissioner of Labor.

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The Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics was inaugurated in the year 1887, and has been a source of great benefit to the State of Nebraska, even though the different sessions of the Legislature have made but slight provision in the way of appropriation for the carrying out of the many provisions of the Act creating the office.

The statutes prescribe a multiplicity of duties to be performed by the Deputy Commissioner of Labor, namely:

To collect, collate and publish annually one bulletin upon the manufacturing statistics of the state.

To gather and publish information upon industrial accidents and occupational diseases of the wage earners of the state.

To collect, collate and publish bulletins giving statistical information upon all surplus shipments and products raised or manufactured within the state.

To collect and publish information concerning the state's resources and opportunities.

To inspect all buildings within the state, over three stories in height, as the means of determining whether or not they are properly equipped with fire escapes.

To inspect all theaters and moving picture houses within the state to ascertain if each is properly provided with exits in case of fires, and that booths are constructed in accordance with law.

The inspection of all factories, mills, workshops, mercantile or mechanical establishments, or other concerns, where men and women are employed, for the purpose of improving the sanitary conditions of their surroundings and the hours which they are required to labor, and to see that proper safe-guards are, placed around all machinery for the protection of the lives of those who are required to operate the machines.

To maintain a free employment bureau, and to render such assistance as is possible to those seeking employment, and those desiring the services of disengaged persons.

To investigate and inquire into the cause of strikes, lock-outs and all other matters pertaining to the welfare of the laborer.

To see that all persons, firms or corporations employing females keep posted in their places of business placards stating the exact facts as to the hours that their employees are required to work.

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