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EDWIN H. CHAPIN is one of the ablest and most eloquent expounders and defenders of the doctrine of unlimited salvation. He has no faith in the old black fellow who keeps the fire-office. He imagines that poets and divines give him more credit for sagacity and potency than he deserves, and that if he ever was a genius he is now in his dotage, and, furthermore, that he has not goodness enough to be entitled to our respect, nor influence sufficient over our future destiny to alarm our fears. To him a devil by any other name is just as dreadful, and the Satan he endeavors to subdue he calls Evil, Sin, Crime, Vice, Error. He thinks the distillery, where the worm dieth not and the fires are unquenched, is a hell on earth, which causes weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

Mr. Chapin is an independent, straight-forward man, who has a will and a way of his own, and he is willing to allow others the same freedom he assumes himself. He does not expect his church to cough when he takes cold, nor to acquiesce in silent submission to every proposition that he makes. He is not a theological tyrant, threatening vengeance, and outer-darkness, and eternal fire, to all the members of his flock who will not uncomplainingly and unhesitatingly yield to his spiritual supervisorship. His lessons and lectures may

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EDWIN H. CHAPIN is one of the ablest and most eloquent expounders and defenders of the doctrine of unlimited salvation. He has no faith in the old black fellow who keeps the fire-office. He imagines that poets and divines give him more credit for sagacity and potency than he deserves, and that if he ever was a genius he is now in his dotage, and, furthermore, that he has not goodness enough to be entitled to our respect, nor influence sufficient over our future destiny to alarm our fears. To him a devil by any other name is just as dreadful, and the Satan he endeavors to subdue he calls Evil, Sin, Crime, Vice, Error. He thinks the distillery, where the worm dieth not and the fires are unquenched, is a hell on earth, which causes weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

Mr. Chapin is an independent, straight-forward man, who has a will and a way of his own, and he is willing to allow others the same freedom he assumes himself. He does not expect his church to cough when he takes cold, nor to acquiesce in silent submission to every proposition that he makes. He is not a theological tyrant, threatening vengeance, and outer-darkness, and eternal fire, to all the members of his flock who will not uncomplainingly and unhesitatingly yield to his spiritual supervisorship. His lessons and lectures may

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to his spiritual supervisorship. His lessons and lectures may

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