Sistema Nervoso - Volume 7 - Parte I - Cérebro: Coleção Netter de Ilustrações Médicas, Volume 7

Elsevier Brasil, 18 de dez. de 2014 - 400 páginas
Chegou Coleção Netter de Ilustrações Médicas Volume 7. Esta segunda edição apresenta, em todos os volumes – cada um dedicado a um sistema do corpo humano –, um texto moderno e novas ilustrações criadas por artistas que trabalharam de acordo com a tradição Netter.Estudantes e médicos encontrarão neste livro centenas de trabalhos artísticos originais – o corpo humano em imagens –, acompanhados dos conhecimentos e das inovações médicas mais atuais.A transdisciplinaridade permite estudar em um cenário onde se pode contar com a ciência básica (Anatomia, Fisiologia, Histologia, Genética e Embriologia) e a ciência profissional, que inclui, além da clínica e da cirurgia, a Epidemiologia, os exames e as intervenções por imagem (raio X, tomografia computadorizada, ressonância magnética, ultrassonografia e cintilografia) que mostram as patologias e seus tratamentos.

Sobre o autor (2014)

Dr. Michael Aminoff was born and educated in England, graduating from University College London in 1962 and as a physician from University College Hospital Medical School in 1965. He subsequently trained in neurology and neurophysiology at The National Hospital (Queen Square) in London, and in 1974 moved to UCSF where he has been Professor of Neurology since 1982. He was Director of the Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratories at UCSF until 2004, when he became Executive Vice Chair of the department of neurology, and also directs the Parkinson's Disease Clinic and Research Center, a National Parkinson Foundation Center of Excellence. He is the author of more than 230 published medical or scientific articles, as well as the author or editor of some 29 books. His published scientific contributions led to the award of a Doctorate in Science, an advanced doctorate in the Faculty of Science, by the University of London in 2000. He is the one of the two editors-in-chief of the four-volume Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences (2nd Edition, Academic Press, 2014), and one of the series editors of the multi-volume Handbook of Clinical Neurology (Elsevier). He was Editor-in Chief of the journal Muscle & Nerve from 1998 to 2007 and serves on numerous other editorial boards. He was a director of the American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology for 8 years, and chair of the board in 2011. Dr. Aminoff has received numerous prizes including the Lifetime Achievement Award of the American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine in 2006 and the A.B. Baker Award of the American Academy of Neurology for life-time achievements and contributions to medical education in 2007. In 2010, he was awarded the title of "Distinguished Professor at the University of California, San Francisco. He is married and has three children, one a pediatric rheumatologist, another a federal defense attorney, and the third an assistant district attorney.

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