Abbildungen der Seite

18. An Act to ascertain the damages of Robert Lindsay, and others. by East Bay


19. City Council to tax lots on Sullivan's Island to build Pest house on James'
Island ...


20. The opening of Streets, Lanes, Alleys, and Courts, prohibited, without per-
mission specially obtained....


21. Certain lots to be assessed to widen East Bay Street.

22. An Act to relieve the inhabitants of Charleston District from the unequal du-
ty of serving on juries, &c..




City Council authorized, with consent of Congress, to impose and levy a duty
on the tonnage of ships and vessels, for the purpose therein mentioned... .480
24. The Treasurer of City Council of Charleston to account on oath, annually,
to the Comptroller, for the monies appropriated for the transient poor of Char-

25. The rates of storage of Cotton at Charleston, fixed..

26. An Act to repeal an Ordinance of the City Council of Charleston...




27. City Council authorized to ascertain and define the Wards, to appoint an es-
cheator, and other purposes...


28. Treasurer of Town Council to account annually to Comptroller, for fund of
the transient poor of Charleston...........515, 534, 553, 586, 610, 630, 656, 685, 707
29. An Act relating to wharfage and storage in Charleston..
30. Commissioners appointed to widen Market Street...





An Act to alter and amend "An Act to incorporate Charleston," and for other


32. An Act to alter and amend "An Act to incorporate Charleston" by an equal
division of Wards; and directing the representation thereof in Council, to be
apportioned on the principle of population and taxation, &c.....


33. An Act to authorize the City Council of Charleston to erect and build, with-
in the enclosure of the City Burial-Ground, lying without the City, on the bor-
ders of Ashley River, a substantial Magazine, for the storing of powder.......597
34. City Council of, authorized to levy a duty or tax ou auctions, provided it be
not laid on property heretofore exempt..



35. The Intendant and Wardens authorized to widen Motte Street, and to open
Kinlock's Court.....

36. Inspection of produce in Charleston, brought to market from the interior,
(except tobacco,) abolished, but by consent of owner.....


37. Commissioners appointed to assess the value of certain lands in the Parish of
St. Philips, on which fortifications are erecting for the defence of Charleston...724
38 An Act to authorize the widening of State, late Motte and Union Street..... ..642
39. An Act to authorize the Commissioners of the Orphan House to select the
number of youths therein mentioned, from that institution, to complete their
education at the South Carolina College..



Commissioners of Poor, &c, in Charleston, to account annually to the City


41. An Act to amend An Act entitled "An Act to authorize the opening and
widening of State, late Motte and Union Streets".

[blocks in formation]

1. The Commanding officer of every regiment to ascertain the number of all
the free white inhabitants in his limits of command, through the commanders of
Companies, aliens excepted..

[blocks in formation]

5. Heads of families to give an account of them, in eight days, on oath.


6. Commanders of Companies to report to commanders of Regiments, in fifteen
days after receiving the enumerations, on oath..


7. The Colonels to report to the Secretary of State, on oath, a general return
made from reports of Captains.....

8. Penalty on officers and others neglecting their duty.


9. Treasurers and Auditor General to ascertain the amount of taxable property
in the State, for ascertaining a just and adequate representation of the State...143
10. All Collectors required to make a correct return of all taxable property in their
Districts, for the year 1789, to the Treasurers and Auditor General..........143
11. A person to be appointed by joint resolution in each Circuit Court District
for taking a Census......

12. In case such appointment is not accepted, or vacancy otherwise, the Gover-
nor to fill it.....



13. Such person shall make a faithful Census of all the white inhabitants residing
in each election district contained in the Circuit Court district, so far as the
whole or any part of the election districts shall be contained therein..........567
14. The return of such Census, made on oath before a Justice of the Quorum, and
certified by him, to specify the number of free white inhabitants residing in
each and every such election district, or part of such election district contained
in the Circuit district....


15. Returns of such Census to be made to the Secretary of State's office, sealed,
certified and directed to the Governor, on or before the 1st day of August;
those of the Lower Division to the office in Charleston, and those of the Upper
Division to Columbia....

16. The Governor shall, as soon as possible after the 1st August, examine the re-
turns made, and if he thinks they have not been taken according to the provi-
sions of the law, to have others made according to law....

17. Those who take the Census to receive reasonable compensation..

18 Oath to be taken by those who take the Census.
19. Oath to be endorsed on each return made.....






20. Oath to be taken by person, (who in case the person who takes the Census
is unavoidably prevented from taking it to the Secretary of State's office,)
who receives the Census from the taker and delivers the same at the Se-
cretary of State's office.....

21. Heads of families, when summoned thereto, shall make, on oath, a correct re-
turn of all and every free white person of which his family is composed, un-
der penalty of $20....




1. Taxed 45 cents per cent. on the perquisites of their offices.
2. Increased to 624...




1. All persons who had put in demands against the State, before the 11th
March, 1786, which cannot be found, allowed twelve months to bring them in
before the Auditor, who shall lay them before the next Legislature..... ..106
2. Further time allowed to audit the claims of divers persons upon confiscated



3. Auditor authorized to send for persons and papers..


4. Governor authorized to employ an interpreter to translate papers in foreign


5. Treasurer to grant special indents to Lewis Bottner, and in payment of all
accounts passed by this law....


6. Further time given for registering them with the Comptroller..


7. Claims of a certain kind, heretofore unregistered, to be registered in the
Treasurers' offices, under direction of the Comptroller, on or before 1st Oc-
tober, 1808.



1. Vestry and Church Wardens of Clarement Church, authorized to sell a tract
of land, conveyed by Richard Richardson to the Vestry, Church War-
dens and Rector of St. Marks Parish, for a glebe..........

2. Boundary established



1. Released from the an ount debited by the Comptroller for single tax-executions
lodged with him, on condition that he make a full and satisfactory return of
said executions within ninety days....


1. Exempt from professional tax....



..626, 652, 680; 703

1. Of Orangeburgh, to be also Register of Mesne Conveyances of the Dis-

2. Justice of the Quorum, ex-officio..



3. Of the several Districts, to return to the Comptroller, annually, 1st Monday
in October, on oath, an account of all the fines and forfeitures which have
been inflicted, had or received within his district, of the manner how appropria-
ted, &c., and to pay over to the Treasurer of the State the balance in his hands
on that day.
.589, 611, 632, 659, 710, 733
.589, 612, 632, 659, 710

4. Penalty for default, $200.

5. Comptroller to direct suit for the penalty...

..589, 659, 710

6. Of Charleston, to deposite all monies officially collected, in State Bank, and
not allowed to draw it out but under certain restrictions.

7. Penalty for disobedience......


8. Justice of the Quorum in all cases, but for the trial of small and mean cases....625
9. Who shall receive from the Comptroller, a list of such persons as have paid
tax, to exhibit the same to any one who may wish to compare their receipts with
the account of tax returned by the Tax Collector, and if any difference found,
to report the same to the legislature....

10. Penalty for refusing to exhibit the same..

..632, 658, 686, 709, 733
..632, 658, 686, 709, 734

11. Shall send an express to the Treasurer at Charleston or Columbia, for the
Acts to be distributed at his office, and shall pay the express $3 for every forty
miles, going and coming..

..632, 659, 687, 710

12. Shall send every year, and have the same ready for distribution by the 10th
of March, of every year.......

.....633, 659, 687, 710
13. Clerks of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions to hold their of-
fices for four years, and until another is elected...


14. Before entering upon the duties of his office to give bond, as heretofore.......675
15. To transmit to Comptroller, annually, the returns of the Commissioners of
the Poor and of the Roads...

16. Penalty for neglect.....


...658, 686, 709
.658, 686, 709

1. Not to leave the State without permission of the Governor, upon forfeiture of
his office......


2. Governor authorized to fill such vacancy, and to grant leave of absence in
case of sickness only......


COLLEGE, See Cambridge, South Carolina College, Winnsborough.

1. Cambridge College authorized to establish a lottery..


2. Beaufort College incorporated, and certain lands vested in the Trustees......268
3. Trustees authorized to sell all the property of the College of Cambridge to
pay the debts of the College, and if any surplus, to apply it to the establish-
ment of a Grammar School in Abbeville district.....

[blocks in formation]

10. This Act public...


1. His name changed to John Ridgel..


1. All public records, except such as relate to Charleston, Georgetown and
Beaufort, to be removed from Charleston to Columbia, the new seat of Go-








Commissioners may sell lots...


Commissions allowed vendue masters

Allowed to build houses of any materials..

5. One square given to Free School, at Columbia.




6. Commissioners of, authorized to convey two squares of land to the Agricultu
ral Society of the State...................


7. An election 1st April, of every year, for seven Commissioners of the Streets,
at which all free white inhabitants, who have paid one dollar tax the preceding
year, to the State, may vote...

[blocks in formation]

Commissioners to choose Chairman..

10. To take an oath. Form of it.....

11. To have powers of Commissioners of Roads.

12. Inhabitants to work on Streets, and excused from working elsewhere........ .332
13. Commissioners given all power to fine and expel all keepers of gaming tables
in said town........

14. To grant tavern licenses, and licenses for retailing spirituous liquors..
15. Commissioners to make such rules and regulations necessary to the quiet and
safety of the inhabitants of the town, and for regulation of streets and markets;
provided, such rules, &c., are not in variance with Constitution and Laws of the
State and United States.......


16. May impose and collect in summary way, before any two of the Commission-
ers, such fines as persons may incur by violating their by-laws. But no fine for an
offence shall exceed ten dollars....




[blocks in formation]

19. May sell timber and lumber trees in the streets and unsold lots in the town...333
20. May grant written order to cut timber... ..

21. May restrain all persons from cutting, but by their order, by such fines and
penalties as they may impose, so as not to exceed ten dollars for same offence...333
22. Door-keeper or Keeper of State House, exempted from above restraints......333
23. All fines, &c., shall be applied in keeping in repair the market-house, the
streets, paying the Clerk, and such other officers as they may appoint...
24. Surplus, if any, to be paid over to Trustees of Columbia Academy..
25. Act of December, 1797, repealed....

[blocks in formation]

28. Receipt for Licenses for Billiard Tables in Columbia, to be laid out in sinking

29. Commissioners of, allowed to cancel certain bonds given for lots in Columbia,
and to convey them to the Trustees of the South Carolina College............437
30. Governor to appoint a Commissioner for selling lots, and to fill vacancy......589
31. Commissioner to execute titles for lots sold by former Commissioners, but no
titles made.....



Power and duties of Commissioner...

33. An Act to repeal "An Act for the better regulating the streets and market of
the town of Columbia, and to incorporate the said town,”.
34. Persons who purchased lots from part of the Commissioners, to register their
titles within a year; which titles, so recorded, shall not be impeached. If not
recorded in time, not to have the benefit of this law.......



All bonds and specialties given for lots so sold, declared to be valid....
36. Governor to appoint five Commissioners, and from time to time to fill vacan-



COLUMBIA, (continued.)

37. Comptroller to examine the annual report of Commissioners, and to cause all
bonds, notes and specialties, due and owing for purchase of lots, to be placed
in the hands of the Attorney General, or Solicitors, for collection, and to sue
for balances in hands of the respective Commissioners...

38. Commissioners to report annually, to the Comptroller, the amount of sales, re-
ceipts, and expenditures...

39. No person allowed to keep a Billiard Table in Columbia, without a license
from the Town Council, for which he shall pay $500....

40. Penalty for breach of this law $2,000.....





41. The inhabitants of the town liable to work on the streets, under the directions
of the Intendant and Wardens, as the citizens in other parts of the State are
liable to work on the roads....


42. Intendant and Wardens authorized to regulate the assize of bread...........642
COMBER, DANIEL, See Thomas Fletchall.

COMPTROLLER, See Taxes and Treasurers. Public Debt.

1. The office established...


2. Duties prescribed......

.360, 408
.360, 408

3. Law officers having in charge the recovery of any public monies, to render
an account of the same to the Comptroller....


4. Right of imparlance taken away from those sued by the Comptroller, for ne-
glecting to account for public monies received by them...

....360, $09

5. To suspend any Tax Collector for neglect of duty, with consent of the Go-


.361, 409

6. Treasurers to report their cash transactions to the Comptroller, once a

..361, 408

7. Comptroller, once a month, and whenever he thinks necessary, to examine
the cash in the Treasury of Charleston, and once a year at Columbia.........361
8. Must superintend transfer of money and papers from Treasurers to their suc-
9. To draw warrants on the Treasury for all sums exceeding $100.........361, 409
10. Treasurers, on receiving monies, to give two receipts, one of which the person
so receiving, shall transmit to the Comptroller......



361, 409

11. Penalty for Tax-Collector not taking such receipt and transmitting to

12. Comptroller to do the duties of Commissioner of Accounts.

.361, 409

13. To go into office 1st March, and shall continue in office two years, with a sa-
lary of $2000... .. . .

......361, 410

14. All accounts against the State to be transmitted to one of the Treasurers,
who shall transmit it to the Comptroller, on or before the 1st October, in every
year, to be examined by him and laid before the Legislature with his report.362, 410
15. Demands against the State to be registered in the Treasurers's offices, before
1st October, 1801, or be barred

16. Time extended to 1st October, 1802.



17. Former Treasurer whose accounts have not been settled with the Comptrol-
ler, not eligible as Comptroller....


18. Comptroller to give bond.....

..362, 410

19. Shall keep a book and register all the aggregates of taxable property in this
State, from Tax-Collectors's returns, which he is to receive from Treasurers, and
to keep in his office...



20. Office hours from 9, till 2,P. M...

21. Shall examine and compare returns, and proceed against Collectors when
there are undue returns...


22. To do the duties prescribed by this and all future Acts...

23. How to pay registered debt.......

.362, 410

24. To enquire if any Bank exist, bottomed on paper medium, and penalty there.

25. To give information thereof to Attorney General......



......374 391

26. Authorized to draw his warrant for the amount of paper medium to be burnt
in the Treasury, and to discount the same in the State Bank, or any othe Bank,
VOL. V.-95.

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