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onlie 4 parrishes names begining with an are to be found in all Sommersett, Dorsett, Glocester and the West of Wiltshire, as there are 10 Mills, so 14 ans, about Stonage, the Wills voting that it was a Temple, the Ang that it was a Temple of Andraste, alias Anraith, alias Andates.

Q. But of what forme and countenance was this Idoll? Gildas sapiens (alias Badonicus) an old Briton, borne at Bathe about 20 miles from tonage Anno Domini 493. in his Book de excidio Britannorum describeth the Idols of that his native Country in these words:

Nec enumerans patriæ portenta ipsa diabolica, pene numero Egyptiaca vincentia, quorum nonnulla, lineamentis adhuc deformibus, intra vel extra deserta mœnia solito more rigentia, torvis vultibus intuemur. He doth charactarize them, first by their monstrous shape, implied in the word portenta.

2. by their Father and Patron, in ipsa Diabolica.

3. by their multitude, in pene numero Egyptiaca vincentia, although they Goddified their very Leeks and Onyons, to encrease their number, insomuch that Juvenal scoffed at them, saying, felices gentes, quibus hæc

noscuntur, etc.

4. by their deformed lineaments, in lineamentis de formibus.

5. by their Temples, in intra vel extra monia.

6. by their long standing in the word, adhuc, from the begining of the world till his daies.

7. by their bullish countenances, in torvis vultibus. For torous comes from Taurus. Gold. Dictio, and as these words of Gildas, so the bullish names of divers cir cumjacent parrishes, do intimate, that Anraith was a very Bullegger, as Bulford, two Blunfoons, orthog. Bul


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Lansdownes, (i. e.) Bulls-Temple Downes, and Willfall, orthog, Bullfall, (i. e.) Bul Devil, and why might not the sold Britons have their Bul Devil, as well as the Israelites their Calf Devill, and, the Egyptians their Or Devil, Apis?

12. In this Temple the said Victors sacrificed their Captives and Spoiles to their said Idoll of Victorie, where I shall shew, that

1. The said Britons usually sacrificed their, Captives and Spoiles,

2. to Andates, aliàs Anraith, in Temples consecrated. 3. That they sacrificed their captives and spoiles there in this Temple of Andate.


The Britons usually sacrificed their Captives and Spoiles of war, according to the testimony of Julius Cæsar, when he invaded this Island, Qui in bello versantur, aut pro victimis homines immolant, aut se inmolaturos covent, (i. e.) They which addict themselves to warr either sacrifice, or wow they will sacrifice men, (i. e.) their Captives, as Victimes for Victory (saith he). The Majesty of the immortal Goddess would not be pleased, un- · less they offer up the life of a Captive, or the life of a man, and they have sacrificed or publickly instituted, and some of them (saith he) make hallow images of vast magnitude, with twiggs wreathed about together, whose members they fill up with living men, (i. e.) Captives, and so burn the Images, men and all together; and these instanses are sufficient, to prove, that the old Britons did usually sacrifice their Captives.

1 Cæsar's Com. I. lib. * 5to. [* L. 6t0. H.] 2 Emolantur MS. H. 3 F. Gods. H. 4 Sic. H.

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2. They

2. They usually sacrificed their Captives and spoiles to Andates in her Temple; and this I prove out of Cornelius Tacitus. The Romans having conquered Britainė, tyrannized so intollerably over them, that Prasutagus, King of the Iceni, that he might free his Subjects from their calamities, made the Romane Emperor Nero his Heir, hoping that he, and his, should thereby have the more favour, during his life at least ; but the Romanes taking all for their owne, presently tyrannized infinitely the more, whipped his Queen Baodicea, ravished his daughters, and plundered his Subjects of all their estates, whereupon his wife Baodicea (whom Gildas termes the subtill Lioness) stirring up first the Trinobantes (i. e.) the Londoners, and afterwards the Britons in generall, raised a most blody warr against the Romans, cut off their two Colonies Verolamium, and Camalodunum, destroyed 'three in the Legion, put Catus Decianus to flight, destroyed 80000 of them, some by the sword, and some by sacrificing them with the greatest crueltie to Andates in her Temple.

And that those old Britons sacrificed their Captives also to Andates in this her Temple, may appear by this, that it had all accomodations for such heathonish sacrifices, as an internall, or spatious, Court, lying round about, marked with the Letter A in the frontispice, wherein the Victimes for oblation were slain, into which it was unlawful for any prophane person to enter. It was seperated from the circumjacent plain with a large trench, (marked with B) instead of a wall, as a boundarie about the Temple, most conformable to the maine

1 F. their ninth Legion. H.


work, wholy exposed to open view. Without this Trench the common promiscuous multitude, with zeal too much attended their Idolatrous sacrifices, and might see the oblations, but not come within them.

Cætera desunt. Vide Inigo Jones.


A, Bangor.


a, at, to. a Bangore, at Bangor. a Gode's grace, of God's grace, or by God's grace. a dynt, at a blow. abaist, abash'd, terrify'd, confounded. þe kyng abaist him nouht, The king did not at all abash or lessen himself; sive potius, The king was not at all terrify'd.

abaued, abashed, astonished, duced to mean fortune.

abbeus, abbeys.

affie, affie, assure, affirm, confirm,
rely, trust, affix, joyn, to have af-
fiance, to fix. on his folk af-
fie, joyn himself to his people.
affied, relyed, depended.
affies, trusts.

affraied, affrighted, affraid.
affraies, frights.

affray, affright, to affright, af-
frighten, terrify, affraid, fright, a
fright, a fear. þer of had many
affray, many were affrighted at it.
affrayes, frays, frights, terrors.
re-affrays, fright, terror, fear.
afie, fix, rely.

a frygte, afrighted.

abide, abide, exspect, remain, con- after with dede, followed after.

[blocks in formation]

ageyn sive a geyn, to, towards,

against, again.

ageyns, towards, against.

ageynsaid, gainsaid, contradicted.

ageynto, again to.

ageynward, towards them again, backwards.

agrete, a great.

agreued, aggrieved.

aiorned, adjourned.

akres, fields. So that the Word was taken formerly in a more extended Sense than it is at

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