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burye, allways payable at the Feasts of th'
annunciation of oure Ladye, Mydsomer, Mis
chelmas and Christmas, is of the yerely value vid. ob.

The Rente of Customarye Tenannts and Copiholders apperteynyng unto the saide Lordeship, with the Workes and Customes, whiche they are bounde to doe by the tenure of theire Landes, is of the value of

Demaynes lett oute to Fermes.

xvs. vid.


The Demaynes apperteynying unto the saide Lordship, beying lett to Ferme to dy vers persons, for terme of theire lyves, by the same late Abbat and Convent, long before his At- xLixli. tayncture, with the herbage of the Parks of xiis. viiid. Norwood, xxvi. li. xiii. s. iii. d. Wyrrall xvi. s. and Sharpham XL. s. are of the yerely value of

Within the Parke of Norwood there are CLXXii. Acres of Woodde, of the age of xx. yeres, and heretofore have allwayes ben used to be felde and solde

every xvi. yeres every Acre thereof at this present Surveye worth xxs.

Also within the Parke of Wyrrall is LX. Acres of fayre Tymbre, estemed to be worth

Also within the Parke of Sharpham


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CCLXiii li. xi s. id.


not hurt

'vi d.

there are iiii. Acres

[blocks in formation]

of Wood, well sett with Okes, Asshes and Maples, whiche allweyes have ben used to be felled and solde every xiv. yeres, and every Acre is worth at this present tyme vi s. viii d.

Also within the same Parke there

ar cc. Okes fytt
for Tymber, every
Oke estemed to be

worth ii s.

[blocks in formation]

Northwood Parks Wyrrull and Sharpham.


ccciiii. ii.
li. ii. s. ind.

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Also there is apperteynyng unto the saide Lordeship one fayre Common, call'd Glastonburye Moore. the Pasture therof is very fertile, and in effect as good as XVI. Meade, wherin the Tenaunts doe common with theire (myles. Catall at all seasons of the yere, and it conteynêth in circuite

Able men to serve the King.


Also there ben of Tennants and other able men, ciaunt and inhabiting within the Precintte of the saide Lordeship, beying in redynes to serve the King's high cx. Majestie, when so ever they shal be called upon, to the nombre of


Also there are apperteyning unto the said Manor certayne men called Bondemen, whose Bodeys and Goodes are allwayes at the King's pleasure, as Lorde thereof,

to the nombre of

Perquisites of Courtes.

The Profits commyng of the Perquysites of the Courtes, with the Fynes of Landes, are this present year, as appereth in the Boks of Accompts,

The Mannour of Mere.

Te Scite of the Manour


xviii, li. xviis.

viii d.

The Scite of the saide Manour ys of an auncyent Buyldyng, having a fayre large Hall, th' one halfe wherof is covered with Leade, and th' other with Slate, with viii. fayre Chambers, a proper Chapell, with a Kitchyn, Buttery and Pantrye, and all other Howses of Office very necessary. Fynally, the Howse is fitt for a Man of Worship, but thayer thereof is not ii. li. very holsome, savyng to suche as have contynued long therein, whereunto are apperteyning iii. fayre Orchardes, well repleny shed with frutefall Trees, with iiii. large Pondes in them conteyned, full of all maner of Fysshe, whiche is not here put in value, untill the King's Highnes pleasure therin be knowne.

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Customary Rents and Perquisites of Courtes.

The Rent of Customarye Tenauntes] vi. s. iii d. q. and Perquisites of

Courtes. viii. li. iii. s. viii d. apperteynyng Lxvii. li. unto the saide Mannour, allwayes payable fixs. xi d. q. at the Feastes of th'annunciation of our

Ladie and Saynt Michell th'archangel, are of the yerely value of

[blocks in formation]

Also there were vewed at this present Surrey certayne Heronsewes, whiche have all-iiii.

wayes used to brede there, to the nombre of

[blocks in formation]


iiii. xiii 1. iiis. iii d.



Game of Fesanntes.

Semblablye in the sayde Woodes there were founde at this present Survey diverse Fesants, whiche don allwayes use to brede there, to the nombre of

Able men to serve the King.


Also there are of Tenaunts, and other able men, recyante, and inhabiting within the sayde Lordeship, redye to serve the xxx. King, when so ever they shall be called upon, to the nombre of


Also there are apperteynyng unto the sayde Manour certayne Bondemen, whos Bodyes and Goodes are allwayes subject to the King's pleasure, as Lorde therof, to the nombre of

The Mannour of Weston.

Rentes of Assise and Customary Tenauntes.

XX li

The Rentes of Assise of the Freholders and Costomarye Tenaunts, belonging unto iiiixiiii. the sayde Lordeship, payable at the Feastes (iii s. vii d. afore sayde, are of the yerely valew of


Perquysites of Courtes and Fynes.

The Perquysites of the Courtes, there kept twyse in the yere, with the Lawe dayes and Fynes, were answered this present yere to the King's Highnes, as appereth in the Bokes of Accomptes,


Also there ys a Common there, called Weston Moore, and the Tennantes of this Lordeship, with the Tenauntes of Chadsay,

xxi li.

iii s. x d.

[ocr errors][merged small]

maye dryue or praye from a Common, iii c. Acres vii s. vd.

called Rowyng Lake, unto Dower, and

the King, as Lorde of thys Lordeship,

shall have the Moytie of the Strayes, and conteyneth



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