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"He has, mad a statute, þat vs hard byndes,
"Of forfeture of frute, & rent þat vs fÿndes,
66 þat tende ne tuende half no partie

"" þorgh gift to non salle lende, bot in his auowrie.
66 Opon þat he giffes a solempne cursyng,
"Tille po þat þer on liffes, without his wittyng.

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SIR clerke," said þe kŷng, “þou has said folie,
"Hote is dette ping, per treuth has maistrie.
"Bot if þe bulle vnfolden were red among vs here,
66 gour hote salle be holden, als dette in þat manere.
"pou & alle pin salle help me as ge hight.

"your hette wille I not týne, bi Jhesu in Marie light.
Archiepi- ¶ "Sir," þe bisshop said, "fulle gladly we wille,
"þat our godes be laid gow to help at skille,



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þorgh leue of pe pape, þat has of vs powere,

gour clerke ze þider rape with our messengere. "Whan þei had schewed him alle our state & your askýng, "With his leue we salle help gow at his bidding.

Responsio "Certis," Sir bisshop, "terme ne wille I sette,


"To conseile with be pope for þing þat þou me hette.
"Bot if þou wilt haf now respite in þis cas,


"Of gour hote conseile gow with be clergie pat pou bas. "For your hote is dette als to me,

"At Saynt Hillarimesse at Westminster salle be,

"No lenger may I lette, me comes on ilk half werre,

"Of þat þat ze me hette gyues me þan ansuere.

SIR," be bisshop said, be bisshop said, "of þis we pray þe, "þat no wikked braid of minystres þat be, "Tille vs ne non of ours, ne nouht of our lay fe "Be taxed with non of your's grante it per charite. ¶ "Sir bisshop drede pe nouht, pou salle no þing týne, "Scape salle non be wrouht þorgh no man of myne. "Sir bisshop I pray þe, & pou alle holelyche, "pat ge pray for me þorghout your bisshopriche. Ilk bisshop tille his se, whan it was don þei went, For þe kyng & his meyne forto pray þei sent. ¶ þider to Saynt Edmoun com þe tresorere,

Walter of Langtoun, þat had bien messengere
With be Cardinalle forto enforme pe pes.
Nouþer of som no alle, ne wist what þei ches,
Bot po þat were priue, oper mýght not witen,
Tille my maister no me was not told no writen.
I git com afterward oper messengers

Tille our kyng Edward, with luf & faire maners,
þat contek suld not skip eft, þorgh no treson,
Bituex him & Filip for pe lond of Gascon.
pe cardinalle was wys, ordeýnd how it suld be:
þe kyng at his auys sent messengers pre,
Sir Waltere of Langton, Sir Hugh Despensere,
Jon of Berwik was boun þe prid messengere,
pise wist þe certeyn of alle pe kynge's wille,
God bring þam wele ageyn, & saue pam fro ille.
Of pe barons of Scotland at þe parlement
Were non had git in hand, no gyuen jugement.

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Archiepi Scopus dixit.

Thesaurarius venit.

po pat porgh right dede were worpi,

& atteynt, þorgh þe kýng did þam merci.

With Wales did he so, & pei were neuer trewe,

Whan he had most to do, pei mad him sorow newe.

De parlia- ¶ þe day of Saynt Hillari þe kỳng set þam bituen, i

mento apud


At London certeynli his parlement to haf bien.

Was brouht him pis tiping comen fro Kaunbray,

pes to speke no ping, bot werre fro day to day.
Where for pe kyng wille fonde, forto purueie him
Trewe men bi water & londe, for doute of treson grim.
He sent his day to hold of parlement þat he sette,

þe certeyn wite he wold, what pe clergi him hette. Respons pe bisshop of Canterbire fulle bold his ansuere was, For him & alle his schire he vouwed to S. Thomas,


scopi ad Regem.

Rex dixit.

ArchiepiScopus. Rex.

þat no kirke of hise taliage suld non gyue,
"Ne do to non seruise, to while þat he mot Iyue,
"Without pe pape's leue, þat has of vs powere.
Tille his partie gan cheue pe bisshop Oliuere,
He turned not forbi for leue ne for loth.

þe kyng vnto pe clergi was perfor fulle wroth,bi
& said with euel wille, " despite he suld him do.
þe bisshop said per tille, "I am redi perto.
"Nay, Sir," said pe kyng, " pou ert not so worþi,
"Ne I wille for no ping be so fole hardi.

Tille po was he so hard out his pes did þam deme,
Bot sone afterward som gan him queme!

Som of þe bisshops said, "þat help behoued him haue,
"At skille pei wild be laid, his right forto saue,


" & holy kirke defende, saue it & vs fro schame. be bisshop of gork so kende, & wild do þat same, He granted for to gyue þe fifte penie to þe kỳng, In his werre wele to lyue, & saue per oper þing.


IN alle pis grete gram of þe clergi & þe kỷng,
Of Flandres pe erle William sent him a tiþing,
borgh his conseilers & sauhtillyng wild he schewe,
With pre lordes pers of Blankmonte & of Kewe,
be prid messengere a lord of grete honoure,
þat was pe tresorere of Flandres resceyuoure.
Of Hanaud þe erle first bigan, & alle his Henners,
be duke Jon of Braban with þe Holanders,
pise praied pe erle William, for þer aller sake,
þat þei tille Edward nam þe aliance to make.

pise sent þis men & said, " þat þer conseile so ches,

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þei wild tille vs be laid, in gode lufe & pes,

"þat our merchantz mot go forto bie & selle,

"With luf withouten wo, & at your hauens duelle.

"If he wild ageỷn France reise werre & baners,

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be Flemmynges wild þat chance to be his souders, Ageyn kyng Philip & his duze pers,

"þat with wrong wild skip, & reue him po maners,

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þat þe kyng2 Arthu gaf Sir Beduers,

"In Gascoyn alle poru to his botlers,

"be whilk kyng Henry, & now his sonne Edward,

"His ancestres holy haf had it afterward.

Venerunt nuncii comitis Flandriæ ad Regem.

Ken Codd. Gall.

Pro, Arthur.

E 3


De capcione Domini Johannis de Sancto Johanne apud Belgarde.

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pise teld to be kyng alle per lorde's wille,
& for pis tiping leue zit þe prisons stille.
¶ For þise ilk chances, þat I haf of tolde,
Was no deliuerance of pe Scottis bolde.

Nouper1 as Saleberi, no at Saýnt Edmunde's toun,
Was non git at þe wiri, ne golden for raunsoun.

Of many foule mischeue com him tiþing þikke,

Bot on þer was oure greue, & þat him þouh most wikke.

I be tiping is so nowe, his courte it dos to blaken,

þe soth ilk on þei knew, Sir Jon of Saynt Jon is taken. He kept his castels, his vitaile, his mone,

Undere þe kýng seales, þe chance listnes me.

¶ þe Wednesday next at euen befor Kandilmesse
A spie did Sir Jon leue, þat Frankis oste non was.
Namely in þat pas, þat he suld lede þam bi,

He lied þat Judas, ten pousand were redi.
Sir Jon mad him prest, he trost þat losengere,
His bataile was formest, displaied his banere,
& passed alle pe pas, þat þei alle so dred,
Biside enbussed was fiften hundred sped,

In foure grete escheles alle to batail sette,

þe first he disconfet wele, be toper with him so mette, Sir Jon fulle hardely to fight did his peyn,

& bad Sir Henry Lacy, þat he suld turne ageyn.

'pis oste is grete biforn, I rede þat ge fle.

per vitaile was alle lorn, herneis & per mone.

Sir James of Beauchamp wonded, & may not stand,

In a water stampe he was dronkled fleand.

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