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Forma maritagii inter

Fro Rome biderward fayrer non was,

Enamoured bicom Edward of dame Blanche, allas!

Blanche did write stille, a letter Philip sent,

Hir herte & hir wille alle wist he what scho went.

A pousand &. cc. fourscore & fourtene,

git salle Edward be encombred porgh dame Blanche schene.

OFT pad pe parties spoken of þis mariage, Edwardum & teld bope per avis to messengers of passage.

& Blan


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Philip & dame Blanche granted pe aliance,
No pe les of a branche per was a disceyurance.
How be granted þer tille pei tald bi a messengere,
be fourme of þer skille þei said on þis manere.
"Edward withut essoyn salle gyue Philip pe kyng
"Alle holy Gascoyn, withouten disturblyng.

"After be forty dayes of þat feffement,

"Philip, without delayes, salle gyue þat ilk tenement
"Tille Edward & tille Blanche, & per heires of pam comen.
"If it be so no branche in wedlaike of bam be nomen,

"If Blanche ouer lyue Edward, scho sallę haf hir lyue

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"Goscoyn afterward, ageýn þat non salle strýue ;

" & after Blanche desces, withouten gaynsaying,
"Salle turne to be heires in pes of pe Inglis kyng,
To bat ilk scrite Edward set his seale,

þat his gift was perfite, & with witnes leale.

Whan alle was spoken, wist not Sir Antojn,

Fulle sone it had bien broken, & Philip fro Gascoyn,
Philip seysed Burdews, þorgh Sir Edward scrite,

pe toper, as so say deus! gald þam also tite.




WHAT did kyng Philip, whan alle pis was ent?

To Paris gan he skip, & held his parlement,
& Charles his broper with him com he þidere,
pe erle of Artous þe toper, pre fals men togidere.
pise pre ageyn Edward mad a compassement,
For Normand & Pikard to courte after þam sent.
po þat were in þe bataile, pat on pe had lorn,
pat portes gan assaile, as I told biforn,

Edward þei cald & teld, þat he was mayntenoure,
be robbed he alle held, as a resceyuour.

Of suilk felonie Edward in courte pe cald,
Did non þat curteisie, þat þer for him wild hald.
Of þat fals controueyng gaf þei jugement,
Deprived bei our kyng of alle be tenement

Of londes of Gascoyn, pat neuer more suld he,

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For no maner essoýn, eft chalange þat fe,
Bot of pe kyng of France holden suld it be.
Edward kepe þi chance, bei haf bitraised be.


MEN sais in pe courte of France, among þe deze pers,
With right he leses his chance, porgh faut þat not apers.
þer may ne write be brouht, to wynne ageyn his right,
Bot porgh force be souht, porght dynt of suerd & fight.
Edward sore it ment, whan he wist þat tirpeil,
For Sir Antoyn he sent, to com to his conseil,

& for po barouns, þat were his wele willand,
For conseil & resons, & chance þat was comand.

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Ecce dicta

Sir Antoŷn first bigan, spak hastily & wilde,
"Sir kyng þou was a man, be not now hold a childe.
"þou suld do right nouht without þe comon sight,
"þat may of scape be wroulit ageýn þe reame's right.
"Do git be be consaile, pou salle not it repent,

"Bot som þat may not auaile, þi wille to suilk es went.
pi manace drede bei more, in hastynes suorn,

"þan if þi reame alle wore in poynt forto be lorn.
"Sir Antoyn," said þe kyng, "I wite pis no man,
"Bot myn vnconyng, þis folie my self bigan.
"Sen pou has don1amysse, at þin vnconyng,
“We may not faile at þis, to help þe in alle ping,
" & if pou pink to wynne Gascoyn ageŷn þi lond,
"Hastily bigynne Philip to folow pou fond.

66 þou may not ligge & slepe as monke in his dortoure,

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pou salle rise vp & lepe, & stirre vnto þe stoure,

" & gete pe frendes fele, porgh gifte of mone,

"Tresore may pou non spele of lordes bigond þe se.
CC þe kyng of Almayn, & þe duke of Boloýn,
"6 þe to help were faýn, & pe erle of Burgoyn,
þe kyng of Aragoûn, & þe erle of Sauuaỷ.
"þise er redý boun, to help þe nýght & day.

"Whan pou of pise ert sikere to pe porgh aliance,

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pan is tyme to bikere with be kyng of France.

Said he bishop addenda sunt, si Codices Gallicos sequamur.


WHAN Antoyn his resons to þe kyng said þus,
þan spak þe barons, "Sir kyng listen tille vs.
"Forsoth ilk lordyng, whilk Sir Antoŷn has said,
"Disherited is þorgh þe kyng, chalanges þam of neid.
"He has spared non, þer he mot fynd encheson,
"þat he disherites ilkon of castelle & of toun.
"perfore we rede ze sende to be kýng of Almayn,
" & your londes to defende, & reue Philip his wayn.
"& to be kyng of Aragoun, & tille alle pe toper,
"Be calle þam of tresoun, Philip & Charles his broper.
"Bynd zow alle togider, to lyue & to deie,
"We se nouber whidere pou may haf sikerer weie.
"Siluer may þou non spare of þo þat with pe be,
"For Philip is euer gare, & has so grete pouste.

To pat ilk consail þe kỷng acorded to,

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Sir Antoýn wille trauail, pe message forto do.
'pe ersbisshop of Deuelyn he was chosen his pere,
A baron bold & fyn, Sir Hugh Despensere,
Of Krawecombe Sir Jon, a clerke gode & wys.
Now is Antoyn gon to procure pe partys,
þe Almanz alle wer lefe be suorn to be Inglis,
& þer kyng was chefe in wille to do alle pis,
& bisshop & baron alle þei ħad gode wille.
With obligacion þe Inglis suore þei tille

1 Par commune counsaylle Antoyne est alez, Et luy [vel ly] erceuesque de Diuelyn sacrez, Hug le Despensere ba

roun renomez, Et Jon de
Cracoumbe clerk bien auý.
sez, MSS. Gall.


Consilium baronum.

Antonius factus est nuncius,

Be helpand þe Almanz in alle maner of nede.
Bope to hold couenaz with scrite enselid be dede.
Now Antoyn is of lond, God saue him & his pers,
Edward sendis his sond, to France messengers,


Frere Hugh of Malmcestre was a Jacobyn,

& William of Gaynesburgh was a Cordelyn.
Alle pise passid þe se, so com þe erle of Artoys
In prison did þam be a seuenýght in Caleys.
To Paris sipen þei cam, & per fond þei þe kỷng,
þe letter forth þei nam, to trowe per sayng.
pis letter of credance pei schewed in his present,
Here now be acordance, what þer sayng ment.

Duo fratres SIR Hugh was man of state, he said as I salle rede,

facti sunt

nuncii ad Regem Franciæ.

"To prince & to prelate men salle loute & drede,
" & for lord dere his biddyng salle men do,

"To lesse & more in fere haf fayth & treuth also,


" & for our lord Edward, þat God him saue & se,
"We tok pis trauaile hard, his bode to bere to be.
"He settes pe terme & stage bi vs, whan & why
"þat he has don homage for Gascoyn plenerly,
"In forward formed in pes, as was per acordance,
your ancestres ches of Inglond & of France,


66 þei mad a pes final aftere per contek,

"6 pou has broken it alle, & don him many ille chek.
"Now at his last goyng, whan he to Gascoyn went,

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ge sette a certeýn þing, at your bope assent,

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Hugh de Mauncestre, Codd. Gall. 2 Qe dieu de vel Huge de Maumecestre, in mal defent, Gall.

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