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which best served arbitrary power.-3. THE total suppression of puritanism-As a system tending to excite free inquiry-HIGH notions of popular rights-HUMAN dignity-AND general freedom--AND so to produce what he called sedition.

REVIEW of episcopacy.—It is a shrewd prejudice against it, that the most arbitrary of our princes have discovered the greatest fondness for itAs if it served their designs better than any other system called religion.—WHILE it was a creature of the pope it promoted papal tyranny-WHEN the British crown adopted it, it increased despotism and tyranny.-IT must of necessity serve its creator, for it is only for the sake of service.--FROM its rise to its suppression it possessed but little learning-LESS moderation-No notion of civil liberty-AND piety is out of the question.-Ir has stood in its utmost splendor without any of them all-CONSEQUENTLY learning, liberty, humanity and piety are not essential component parts of it.—THE sane principle, implicit obedience to superiors, that makes it do any thing right, will oblige it to do every thing wrong.-THEIR cant of no bishop no king is a bold-impudent falshood -FOR Our monarch is independent on the being of episcopacy-INDEED, no king no bishop is true-FoR episcopacy is not upheld by argument— REASON-SCRIPTURE-FREE election of people -BUT it is supported by authority at a vast expence. It is neither of divine-NOR human right -BUT it is a human wrong suppressive of divine AND human rights.

Finish-BY distinguishing persons from things -BISHOPS from episcopacy-AND shew that strictly speaking prelates are objects distinguishable from prelacy-SOME prelates like some christians have never entered into the spirit of their profession—AND as christianity is laudable—BUT some christians are execrable-so some prelates may be laudable—BUT all prelacy is execrable— FOR it is composed of secular pomp—AND civil power-IN matters of religion-WHICH belongs to neither.-COMMEND the ingenuousness of those prelates-WHO have execrated intolerance-APPLAUD those—WHO have acknowledged the defects of their constitution-AND blame their pusillanimity-FOR not daring to act on the very principles-WHICH they propagated. HENCE derive an argument against the constitution itself— IT cripples some-AND shackles all.


The terms of communion-nomination of officers --and discipline of the episcopal church.


THE preface to the episcopal liturgy calls it divine service—AND quaintly adds the first original was ordained by the ancient Fathers.-EVERY thing in this community has been blasphemously put to God's account.-THERE was the divine right of kings-THE divine right of bishops-THE divine right of tithes-AND now here is a book of divine right. HOWEVER, like other divine things -IT may be examined-REASON-AND religion require it.

THE terms of admission to membership-AND the ministry-ARE calculated so as to render examination useless-OR dangerous.—INFANTS are admitted-IN publick-OR private-BY dipping -OR Sprinkling-ANSWERING interrogatories by proxy.—PROXIES are even required for adults-~ WHO are admitted on their own profession of faith -MINISTERS are admitted by subscribing thirtynine heterogeneous-ABSTRUSE-HUMAN articles -BY declaring that the books of ordination—AND common-prayer--ARE agreeable to the word of GOD THAT the two books of homilies contain a godly-AND wholesome doctrine-AND by swearing such obeedience to a lord bishop as 141 ca

nons require.--SOME of their divines say the articles are arminian--OTHERS say they are calvinistic. SOME say they subscribe to the words

OTHERS say to the sense --SOME say to their own--AND others to that of the compilers-OTHERS again in no sense-THEY subscribe them as articles of peace-NOT of truth.-THE whole affair of subscription is a miserable scene of prevarication.

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THE episcopal church imposes ministers on parishes without the people's consent-HENCE no emulation in the priests-NOR the least aspiration after freedom in the people-YET they call themselves clergy-THAT is-ministers chosen by lot, -THE king-OR queen-for the time beingCHOOSES all the bishops-ALL the deans in England-ALL the prebendaries-AND many rectors. -THE Lord Chancellor chooses many-THE Bishops choose the Welch deans-THE Archdeacons rectors VICARS, &c.-NOBILITYAND gentry-have right of patronage AND all present without the consent of the people.-ALL this arrangement is for purposes of civil government-OR rather for purposes of the regal prerogative AND it despoils priests-AND people alike of religious liberty.


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THE discipline of this corporation is the most irregular-AND tyrannical-THAT can well be in this country.-NUMBERS of ministers—AND members-WHO disbelieve the doctrines of the creeds

AND practise all immoralities-LIVE quietlyYEA obtain the highest preferment in it.-SOME


of the most wicked are obliged to receive their sacrament as a qualification for office.-THIS corporation punishes in spiritual courts-TRUE inquisitions WHERE lay chancellors are judgesFROM whose decrees there lies no appeal.-THE punishments are fines-IMPRISONMENTS-DEPRIVATIONS-PENANCES- - COMMUTATIONS of EXCOMMUNICATIONS-EVEN of those who were never of the community.-THE excommunicated are excluded from the public worship -CUT off from giving evidence—RECOVERING property by law-CHRISTIAN burial, &c.-ALL this cruel polity is varnished over with spirituality AND divinity.-IN the name of God-Amen-A spiritual Lord-BY divine providence――IN a spiritual court-PLAYS the devil-AND calls the bloody farce a divine service-EXACTLY as Christ foretold. John xvi. 2.

THERE have been seven attempts to reform this church-THE first was the Hampton-court conference in the reign of James I.—THE second in Charles I. time-BY Usher's reduction of episcopacy-THE third at the return of Charles II. in the Savoy conference-THE fourth in the same reignunder lord keeper Bridgman-THE fifth in the same reign--AND a sixth-A seventh under William III. --ALL these attempts proved abortive by the same means.—THE affair exactly resembled the council of Trent- PRELATES WHO were parties-- WERE judges in both.-WHITGIFT-LAUD-SHELDON

-MORLEYWARD-SPRAT-AND others like them-always did-AND always will-SACRIFICE

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