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and so duely to procede. Sept. 5th, seventeen hed of cattell from my kinsfolk in Wales by the curteous Griffith David, nephew to Mr. Thomas Griffith, browght.

Oct. 26th, Mr. Francis Nicols and Barthilmew cam to Manchester. Oct. 29th, they rode homeward. Nov. 22nd, £4. 6s. given to my wife by Mr. Francys Wodcote. Dec. 3rd, Mr. Palmer cam to be curate.

1597. Jan. 19th, I sent £4 to Barthilmew Hikman by Bradshaw the carryer. Jan. 22nd, Olyver Carter's thret to sue me with proces from London was this Satterday in the church declared to the clerk. Feb. 5th, Rich. Key of Weram cwrate cam to me by Mr. Heton's information, and I to try him three monthes for 50s. wagis. Feb. 7th, John Morryce came to Manchester. Feb. 11th, £5 borowed of Mr. Mat. Heton. Feb. 14th, this Monday John Morrise went with my letters to Mr. John Gwyn, and twelve more in Montgomeryshyre, esquyers. Feb. 17th, delivered to Charles Legh the elder my silver tankard with the cover, all dubble gilt, of the Cowntess of Herford's gift to Francis her goddoughter, waying 22 oz. great waight, to lay in pawn in his owne name to Robert Welsham the goldsmith for £4 tyll within two dayes after May-day next. My dowghter Katharin and John Crocker and I myself (John Dee) were at the delivery of it and waying of it in my chamber: it was wrapped in a new handkercher cloth. Feb. 25th, Mr. Heton borrowed the Concordantiæ Majores Roberti Stephani. He hath allso my boke De Cana of Doctor Pezelia. March 7th, Mr. Heton lent me £5 more, and thereuppon I gave him a bill of my hand for the whole ten pownd, to be payd at Michelmas next. The other £5 was receyved the 11th of February last. March 17th, Barthilmew Hikman cam. March 19th, I lent Mr. Hopwood Wierus de præstigiis Dæmonum.

April 10th, a supplication exhibited by the parishioners. April 11th, 12th, trubblesom days abowt Mr. Palmer the curate. April 15th, I had my Wierus de præstigiis Dæmonum from Mr. Hopwood, and lent him Flagellum Dæmonum and Fustio Dæmonum in 8vo,



for tyme till Midsomer. April 21st, I sent Barthilmew Hikman 40s. I sent by Bradshaw many letters to London. I sent by goodman Thurp of Salford my great letter to the byshop of Lincolne, and one to Mr. Shallcross. April 22nd, after none Sir Urien Legh knight, and his brother, and Mr. Brown, and Mr. George Booth, sherif of Chesshire, did viset me. Mr. Booth sayd that he wold yeld that to me that he wold not yeld to the bisshop nor any other. Mr. Wortley of Wortley cam allso the same day hora quarta a meridie. May 2nd, Mr. Hulme and Mr. Williamson cam to me in the Lord Bishop of Lincoln's case for Hulme. May 4th, I, with Sir Robert Barber, curat, and Robert Talsley, clerk of Manchester parish church, with diverse of the town of divers ages, went in perambulation to the bownds of Manchester parish: began at the Leeless Bench against Prestwich parish, and so had a vew of the thre corne staks, and then down tyll Mr. Standysh new enclosure on the Low, wher we stayed and rewed the stak yet standing in the bank of the dich, being from the corne a eleven measures of Mr. Standley's stak then in his hand, and two fote more, which still I did measure afterward, and it did conteyn in Kentish feete 6 ynches and thre quarters. The survey geometricall of the very circuits of Manchester parish was ended in this, being the sixth day of my work. May 11th, the way to Stopford surveyed by John Cholmeley and John Crocker. May 17th, to Richard Walkeden 20s. of his wagis payd. May 20th, the Lady Booth made acquayntance here May 23rd, to Isabell Boordman 88. 8d. to make up whole yere's wagis due at the Annunciation of our Lady last past. I allowed to Mr. Williamson ten dayes respite more for his kinsman to bring in his evidence for the process of the proceedings. Payd to nurse 3s. to make up her full payment of her yere's wagis ended at Michaelmas last. May 27th, open enmitie with Palmer before Sir Edward Fitton. Sir Edward Fitton told Matthew Palmer to his face that he had known him to be a mutinous man and a ...... June 9th, Thomas Sankinson told me of John Basset his coming to London. June 14th, the un

lawful assembly and rowte of William Cutcheth, Captayn Bradley, John Taylor, Rafe Taylor, at Newton, against my men, describing the rumour of Newton. June 27th, newes from Hull of 23 barrells of Dansk rye sent me from John Pontoys.

July 1st, I sent Roger Kay to Vanydles for catall. July 4th, the carriers to Wakefeld for the corn. July 5th, toward evening lightning and little thunder. July 6th, thunder in the morning. July 7th, five horse lode of Dansk ry cam home. July 19th, the strang pang of my back opening mane hora 64. In the church uppon Mr. Palmer's disorder against Mr. Lawrence. July 20th, the last of my Dansk rye, in all 21 horse load. Aug. 6th, this night I had the vision and shew of many bokes in my dreame, and among the rest was one great volume thik in large quarto, new printed, on the first page whereof as a title in great letters was printed "Notus in Judæa Deus." Many other bokes methowght I saw new printed, of very strange arguments. I lent Mr. Edward Hopwood of Hopwood my Malleus Maleficarum to use tyll new yere's tyde next, a short thik old boke with two clasps, printed anno 1517. Aug. 19th, the Erle and Cowntess of Derby cam to Alport lodg. Aug. 21st, the Erle and Cowntess of Derby had a banket at my lodging at the colledge hora 44. Aug. 27th, John Addenstall from Mr. Emery. I wrote. Sept. 3rd, Mr. Werall of Lobester within two miles of Donkaster cam to me to be acquaynted with me. Sept. 9th, very wyndy at Sowth and rayny. Sept. 12th, hayle this morning on Monday. Sept. 15th, lent by Mr. Werall 40s. John Cholmley went with him to give him and other physik; and I answered John Cholmeley the 40s. again. Sept 24th, Barthilmew cam. Sept. 25th, Mr. Olyver Carter his impudent and evident disolutenes in the church. Sept. 26th, he repented and some pacification was made. Sept. 27th, I granted a lease of thre lives to Mr. Ratclyf for two howses in Dene Square of 78. rent both; fine, twenty nobles. Sept. 28th, cam Mr. Yardely of Calcot in Chesshyre, abowt six myles wide of Chester, toward the Holt. Nova de philosopho D. Waldero.

Sept. 30th, John Crockar (my good servant) had leave to go to see his parents. He went with Barthilmew Hikman and Robert Charles toward Branbroke, with Arthur Golding, to cure of his fistula. John Crocker intendeth to returne abowt Easter or at Whitsuntyde next. God be his spede! Mr. Humphry Damport made our stuard.

Oct. 12th, Rafe Holden preferred a bill against Richard Walkeson for Brereriding's chase entyring, which I and Antony Ryve fals. The bill was not fownd. Oct. 22nd, John Fletcher of Manchester went with my letters to Vanylos this Sunday morning. Nov. 3rd, Mr. John Cholmeley toward London by MarketHarborow. Nov. 7th, the fellows and the receyver agreed not with me in accounts. Paulo post nonam mane Arthur's left eye hurt at playing at fence with rapier and dagger of sticks, by a foyne of Edmond Arnold. Nov. 10th, Mr. Burch his letter from Mathew Palmer. Nov. 14th, the fellows wold not graunt me the £5. for my howse-rent, as the Archbishops had graunted: and our foundation commaundeth an howse. Nov. 17th, I sent Ed. Arnold to London on fote with my letters to D. Julio. Dec. 3rd, to Richard Walkeden 10s. in part of wagis. To nurse 10s. Dec. 9th, I visited the grammar schole. Dec. 13th, I wrote by the carryer Barret to D. Caesar. Dec. 14th, Mr. George Broke, sonne to Mr..... Broke of . . . ., cam to be acquaynted with me, whome I used most frendely. Mr. Ratclif of Manchester cam with him, but Mr. Heton allso cam on Tuesday after none when I had no leyser. Dec. 17, I lent to Mr. Barlow for his sonne a Spanish grammer in 8vo. printed at Lovayn in anno 1555 by Bartholomeus Gravay in Spanish, French, and Latin. To R. Dickonson I payd £7. 28. for the plate and a new bell made till 1599, January 1st, £66.

1598. Jan. 4th, I wrote to Barthilmew and Charles by Brad shaw. Jan. 17th, my brother Arnold to Chester and Vaunlos. Jan. 18th, Ed. Arnold with my letter to London. Jan. 19th, hora secunda a meridie I cam before the justices against James

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Shallcross and John Lawrence for misusing my name to deceyve Mr. Harrughby. Jan. 20th, Walter Fletcher, chirurgien, from Barthilmew Hikman cam. Jan. 22nd, after midnight the college gate toward Hunt's Hall did fall, and som parte of the wall going down the lane. I receyved letters from Mr. John Pontoys. Jan. 24th, Walter Fletcher went with my letters to Barthilmew Hikman and Robert Charles. Amaritudo mea circa mediam noctem. Jan. 28th, the cloose was hyerd of Ed. Brydock for thre pownd payd beforehand by me John Dee to the said Ed. Brydock, being £4 from Candlemas next tyll Candlemas come a twelvemonth. Feb. 9th, George Birch sute was stayd at Chester uppon his promise to compownd with me for all tyth, haye, and other matter. Thomas Goodyer his sute and excommunication I stayed, salvo interim jure suo. Baxter's likewise I stayd at Chester court. Feb. 12th, newes from Mr. Smyth, of Upton personage, cam this Sunday. Feb. 13th, Edmond Arnold to London; thereuppon I sent spedily. Feb. 20th, I wrote by Oliver Ellet, the taylor, to Mr. Nicolls to Faxton. Feb. 22nd, Mr. Nicolls cam and wished to mete Ellet. Feb. 25th, the eclips. A clowdy day, but great darknes abowt 94 mane. Feb. 26th, circa mediam noctem amaritudo mea. Feb. 27th, Mr. Nicolls rode homeward, and met the messager a little beyond Stopford. I lent Mr. Nicolls home with him Roger Edward's boke to be browght to me by Barthilmew Hikman. March 1st, I receyved Mr. Thynne his letter for Sted's det, and Ed. Arnold his letter of the sute from Upton, and of the Lord Archebisshop his hard dealing. March 2nd, I sent the statute staple to London to Mr. George Brok for Sted. I wrote letters by John Hardy, and sent them in a box. March 5th, newes of Mistres Mary Nevell's death by William Nicholson, that she dyed the Fryday after Candelmas Day. March 11th, borrowed 40s. of Mr. George Kenion, of Kersall, to repay againe as sone as I can conveniently. Receyved by Richard Walkeden.

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