Abbildungen der Seite

Un föld', v. to expand; to reveal
Un före sèen', a. not foreseen
Un för tå nåte, [tà like tshů] a. un-
prosperous, unsuccessful, unlucky
Un fréquent, a. uncommon, unusual
Un friendly, a. unkind, unfavourable
Un fro zen, a. not congealed to ice
Un für'nished, [d like t] a. unsupplied,
without furniture

Un gàin'ly, a. awkward, uncouth
Un gen'èr ous, a. not liberal, mean
Un göver nå ble, a. not to be ruled
Un governed, a. not governed
Un gråte fül, a. unthankful, vile
Un guar'ded, a. inattentive, careless
Un hap pi ness, n. calamity
Un happy, a. miserable, wretched
Un har moni ous, a. unmusical
Un heard', a. not heard, unknown
Un heed'êd, a. disregarded
Un hårt', a. free from harm, not hurt
U'ni form, a. similar to itself
U ni för'mi tỷ, n. regularity
Un im påired, a. not impaired
Un in struc têd, a. not instructed
Un în ter råp'ted, a. not interrupted
U'ni on, n. the act of uniting
U nite', v. to join, agree, concur
Uni tỷ, n. concord, agreement
U ni ver'sål, a. general, total, all
U'ni verse, n. general system of things
Un just', a. contrary to justice
Un kind'ness, n. want of good will
Un know Ing, a. ignorant, unqualified
Un known', a. not known
Un lawful, a. contrary to law
Un learned, a. not learned, ignorant
Un lèss', conj. except, if not
Un like', a. not like, improbable
Un lim'it éd, a. having no bounds
Un man'ly, a. unbecoming a man
Un marked', [d like t] a. not marked
Un mår/ried, a. not married, single
Un meaning, a. having no meaning
Un meas ůr å ble, [s like zh] a. infinite
Un mixed', [d like t] a. not mixed
Un mourned', a. not mourned for
Un moved', a. firm, not moved
Un nat u ral, [ån nåt tshà rål] a. con-
trary to nature, forced
Un nec'ès så ry, [c like s] a. needless
Un no têd. a. not regarded
Un numbered, a. not numbered
Un ôb served', a. unseen
Un people, v. to depopulate
Un pèr cèived', a. not observed
Un pêr plexed' fd like t] a. undisturbed
Un pit fed. a. not pitied

Un papà lår. a. not popular, disliked
Un profi tå ble, a useless [voked
Un pro voked', [d like t] a. not pro-

Un quali fled, a. not qualified, unfit
Un quench'à ble, a. unextinguishable
Un quès'tion å ble, [t like tsh] a. not
to be doubted, certain

Un rè ål, a. unsubstantial, not real
Un rèd son ble, a. exorbitant,unjust
Un rècom pênsed, [d like t] a. unre-

warded, not recompensed
Un rè mit'têd, a. not remitted
Un rè mit'ting, a. unceasing
Un rè proved', a. not censured
Un rè sèrved', a. frank, open, free
Un re stored', a. not restored
Un rè strained', a. not confined
Un righ'tè oùs, [t like tsh] a. sinful
Un righ'tè oùs ness, [t like tsh] n.
wickedness, injustice, vice

Un råffled, a. calm, tranquil
Un såfe', a. not safe, dangerous
Un såt is fåc'tory, a. not giving sat-
isfaction, not giving content
Un såt is fled, a. discontented
Un såt'is fy Ing, a. not gratifying
Un sèa'son à ble, a. untimely, unfit
Un sèen', a. not seen, invisible
Un sha pen, a. deformed, misshapen
Un sight'ly, a. offensive to the sight
Un social, a. disagreeable, not useful
Un solid, a. not solid, not firm
Un sought', a. not searched for
Un spå ring, a. lavish, profuse
Un spea ka ble, a. not to be expressed
Un spent', a. not diminished
Un spot'ted, a. not stained; pure
Un stå ble, a. inconstant, not fixed
Un succèss'ful, a. not successful
Un sûl lied, a. not fouled, pure
Un sup port'ed, a. not sustained
Un sus pl'cious, a. having no suspicion
Un tainted, a. unsullied, unstained
Un tênd'ed, a. without attendance
Un thank fül, a. ungrateful
Un til', ad. to the time that
Un timely, a. not timely
Un told', a. not related, not told
Un touched', [d like t] a. not touched
Un tried', a. not tried, not attempted
Un tu'tored, a. uninstructed
Un d'sà ål, [s like zh] a. uncommon
Un và rỷ łng, a. not varying
Un veil, v. to disclose, show
Un vexed', [d like t] a, undisturbed
Un war'rån tå ble a. unjustifiable
Un wèa'rted, a. untired, indefatigable
Un wèl'côme, a. not pleasing
Un willing, a. not willing, loath
Un willing ness, n. disinclination
Un wise. a. defective in wisdom
Un wor'THỷ, a. not deserving, mean
Up, pr. from a lower to a higher part;
ad. aloft; out of bed

Upland, n. higher ground; a. higher
Up on', pr. on; with respect to
Up raise', v. to raise up, exalt
Up'right, a. straight up; honest
Uproar, n. tumult, confusion
Up ward, a. directed higher; more
Urge, [arj] v. to incite, press, push
Urn, n. the vessel in which the re-
mains of burnt bodies were put
Us, pro. ourselves, not others
Usage, [å like 1] n. treatment
Use, n. usage, habit, advantage
Use, v. to employ; frequent; treat
Use ful, a. convenient, serviceable
Use'ful ness, n. use, convenience
Use less, a. answering no purpose
Usher, v. to introduce, bring in
U'så ål, [s like zh] a. common
U'sù rer, [s like zh] n. one who prac-
tises usury

U sårp', v. to hold without right
U sår på tion, n. illegal possession
U sårp'er, n. one who usurps
U tên'sil, n. instrument for any use
U til tỷ, n. usefulness, profit
Ut'most, a. highest, most extreme
Ut'ter, v. to speak; a. extreme
Ut'ter ånce, n. pronunciation

Và cảnt, a. empty, free, void
Và cù 1 tỷ, unfilled, defect
Vail, n. a covering; v. to cover
Vain, a. fruitless; proud, showy
Vale, n. a valley, low ground
Valley, n. a low ground, vale
Vålå ble, a. precious, costly
Val'de, n. price, worth; v. to rate
Van'tsh, v. to disappear

Van tỷ, n. arrogance; emptiness
Va'rl ance, n. disagreement, discord
Và ri ation, n. change, deviation
Và rẻ tỷ, n. intermixture, change
Và rỉ ous, a. different, manifold
Varnish, v. to set a gloss, adorn; n.
a gloss, shining substance
Va'ry, v. to change, diversify
Vast, a. large, great, enormous
Veer, v. to turn about; change
Véglé tå ble, [g soft] n. any thing that
has growth without sensation
Veg è ta'tion, [g soft] n. growth like
that of plants, growing like plants
Vè'hè mènce. n. ardour, violence
Ve'hè ment, a. forcible, earnest
Ve'hi cle. n. a carriage, conveyance
Veil, n. a cover to conceal the face;
v. to cover, conceal, invest
Vein, n. a tube in the flesh; current
Ven er å ble, a worthy of reverence
Ven er å'tion, n. reverend regard
Vengeance, n. revenge, punishment

Venge/fül, a. revengeful, spiteful
Ve'ni ål, a. pardonable, excusable
Ven om, n. poison

Vent, n. a hole, passage, sale, dis-
charge; v. to let out; publish
Vên'tàre, [t like tsh] v. to dare; ex
pose; n. a hazard, chance
Ve råc tỷ, [c like s] n. truth
Verb'ål, a. spoken, oral; literal
Verdant, a. green, flourishing
Vêr'dåre, [d like j] n. greenness
Verge, n. a rod; edge, brink; v. to
tend, bend downwards

Ver'i fy, v. to justify, confirm
Ver'i lý, ad. in truth, certainly
Ver'min, n. any noxious animal
Ver nål, a. belonging to the spring
Verse, n. a piece of poetry,paragraph
Vêr'ý, a. true, real, the same; ad. in
a great degree, eminently
Ves sel, [ves'sil] n. any thing used to
hold liquors, &c.; a ship
Vest, n. a garment; v. to dress
Vest mênt, n. a garment, dress
Vêx à'tion, [x like ks] n. trouble
Vi'ånd, n, food, dressed meat
Vi bråte, v. to move to and fro
Vice, n. wickedness; an iron press
Vice'rby, n. one who governs; sub-
stitute of a king

Vicious, a. addicted to vice
Vi cis'si tùde, n. change, revolution
Victim, n. a sacrifice, something slain
or destroyed

[ant Vic to'ri ous, a. conquering, triumphVictory, n. conquest, triumph Vict'uals, n. provisions, food, meat View, [vi] v. to see, survey, examine; n. a prospect, survey Vig'il, [g soft] n. the eve before a holiday; watch

Vigil ånce, [g soft] n. watchfulness
Vig'il ånt, [g soft] a. watchful
Vigor oùs, a. forcible, strong,
Vig'our, n. force, strength, energy
Vile, a. base, mean, wicked
Village, [å like t] n. a small collec
tion of houses

Villain, n. a vile wicked wretch
Villån ý, n. wickedness, baseness
Vin'di cåte, v. to justify, defend
Vin dic'tive, a. revengeful
Vine'yård, [å like ] n. a ground
planted with vines

Viò låte, v. to injure; infringe
Viò lênce, n. outrage, force, injury
Viò lènt, a. outrageous, forcible
Viò lêt. n. a flower [ried woman
Vir gin, [ver'jfn] n. a maid, unmar-
Vir tue, [ver'tshu] n. moral goodness;
efficacy, excellence, valour


Vir tu ous, [ver'tshå ås] a. morally Wash, v. to cleanse with water
good; devout, efficacious
Waste, v. to diminish, spend; a. deso-
Visi ble, a. perceptible, plain, open laje; n. uncultivated ground
Vis ion, [vizh an] n. sight; a phantom Waste fül, a. lavish, destructive
Vision & ry, [s like zh] a. imaginary, Watch, n. a pocket timepiece; a
not real, seen in a dream
guard; v. to guard; to observe
Visit, n. the act of going to see Watch, a. attentive, cautious
other; v. to go to see, view Water, n. one of the elements
Vis'i tant, n. one who visits
Water fall, n. a cataract, cascade
Vis I ta'tion, n. the act of visiting Water, a. wet, thin, liquid
Visit år, n. one who visits
Wave, n. a billow; v. to float; put off
Vis'tå, n. a prospect, view
Waver, v. to move loosely, float
Vi'tål, a. necessary to life
Way, n. a road, passage; means
Vi'tals, n. parts essential to life Way wård, a. unruly, peevish
Vi ti ate, [vish'è àte] v. to deprave We, pro. plural of I; ourselves
Vi vac'i ty, [c like s] n. liveliness Weak, a. feeble, pliant; unfortified
Vivid, a. quick, active, lively Wea'ken, v. to make weak, enfeeble
Viz ier, [viz yere] n. the prime min- Weakness, n. a defect, feebleness
ister of the Turkish empire
Wealth, n. riches, money, goods
Vocal, a. pertaining to the voice Wealth'y, a. rich, opulent, plentiful
Vogue, n. fashion, mode, repute Wear, v. to waste; to have on
Voice, n. sound from the mouth Wea'ri ness, n. fatigue, lassitude
Void, a. empty; null; n. emptiness Wea'rt some, a. tiresome, tedious
Volley, n. a burst of shot
Wea'ry, a. tired'; v. to tire, fatigue
Vol'ame, n. a book; compact matter WearH'er, n. the state of the air
Vôl'an tå ry, a. acting by choice Weave, v. to form by texture
Vò lap'tà å rỷ, [t like tsh] n. one given Wêd'ding, n. marriage, nuptials
up to pleasure and luxury
Weed, n. a useless herb; garment
Volap tà oùs. [t like tsh] a. luxurious Week, n. the space of seven days
Vom it, v. to cast out of the stomach Weep, v. to shed tears, lament
Vo'tå rŷ, n. one devoted to any par-Weigh, v. to try the weight
ticular service
[a vow Weight, n. heaviness of any thing
Vow, n. a solemn promise; v. to make Welcome, v. to receive; n. kind re-
Vowel, [è like in. a letter which
can be uttered by itself
Voyage, n. a passage by sea
Val går, a. mean, low, common


Waft, v. to carry over; to float
Wage, v. to venture; engage in
Wagès, [è like t] n. pay for service
Wait, v. to stay, expect, attend
Wake, v. to rouse from sleep
Wake ful, a. not sleeping, watchful
Walk, v. to go on foot, travel
Will, n. a partition of brick or stone;
v. to enclose with a wall
Wan'der, v. to rove, go astray
Wån'der er, n. a rover, rambler
Want, v. to be without; need; to
wish for; n. lack, need, poverty
Wan'tôn, a. licentious; v. to revel
Wår, n. open hostility, fighting
Warble, v. to quaver any sound, sing
Wår/bl ér, or Wår'bler, n. a singer
Warm, a. somewhat hot; v. to heat
Warmth, n. gentle heat; passion
Wårn, v. to caution, tell
Warning, n. previous notice
Warrant, n. a writ of caption
Warrioår, [i like y] n. a soldier

ception; a. received with gladness
Welfare, n. happiness, prosperity
Well, n. a spring, source; a. not sick;
happy; ad. not amiss; properly
Went, preterit of to go
Were, preterit of to be

Western, a. westerly, from the west
Wêt, v. to moisten; a. moist
What, pro. that which, which part
What Ev'er, pro. this or that, any
Wheel, n. a circular body
When, ad. at what time
Whence, ad. from what place
When ever, ad. at whatsoever time
Where, ad. at which place
Where ås, ad. when on the contrary
Where by, ad. by which
Where'fore, ad. for which reason
Where in', ad. in which
Where of, ad, of which
Where so ever, ad. in what place so-
Where up on', ad. upon which
Wher ever, ad. at whatever place
WheтH'êr, ad. if either, some way
Which, pro. that



While, ad. as long as ; n. a space of
Whim, n. an odd fancy


Whirl, [t like è] v. to turn round rap

Whirl wind, [1st I like è] n. a stormy
wind moving circularly [bird's wing
Whir'ring, [1st I like è] n. noise of a
Wats per, v. to speak with a low
voice; n. a low soft voice
White, n. a colour; a. snowy, pale
Whi'ten, v. to make white
WhiTH'er, ad. to what place
Who, pro. which person
Who ever, pro. any one
Whole, a. all, total; n. all of a thing
Whole'some, a. sound, healthy
Whom, pro. obj. of who
Whom sò èv'er, pro. any person
Whose, pro. pos. of who and which
Way, ad. for what reason
Wicked, [è like I] a. given to vice
Wick'ed uess, [1st è like f] n. vice
Wide, a. broad, remote, extended
Wi'den, v. to make wide [is dead
Wid dw, n. a woman whose husband
Wield, v. to use with full power
Wife, n. a woman that is married
Wild, a. not tame; n. a desert
Wilder, v. to lose, puzzle
Wil'der ness, n. a wild tract of land
Wile, n. deceit, fraud, trick
Will, n. choice; v. to desire
Willing, a. inclined, ready, desirous
Willow, n. the name of a tree
Win, v. to gain by conquest or play
Wind, n. a current of air
Wind, v. to twist, turn round
Window, n. an opening for light
Wine, n. fermented juice of grapes
Wing, n. part of a bird

Winter, n. the cold season [winter
Win/try, or Win'ter y, a. suitable to
Wipe, v. to clean by rubbing
Wisdom, n. sapience, knowledge
Wise, a. judging rightly; n. manner
Wish, n. a desire; v. to long for
Wish'ful, a. showing desire, eager
Wit, n. genius, understanding
WITH, pr. by,noting the cause
WITH draw', v. to retire, draw back
WITH'er, v. to fade, to dry up
WITH hold', v. to keep back
WITH in', pr. in the inner part
WITH but', pr. not within compass of
WITH stånd. v. to oppose, resist
Wit'ness, n. testimony; v. to attest
Wit'ty, a. ingenious, acute, smart
Wo. n. grief, sorrow, misery
Wolf, n. a wild beast
Wom'ån, n. the female of the human
W8mb, n. the matrix [tonished
Win'der. n. admiration; v. to be as-
Won/der fål, a. strange, admirable
Win'drous, Win'der oùs, a.surprising
Wont, v. to be accustomed to

W8o, v. to court, to make love
Wood, n. a forest; timber
Wood lånd, n. woods, a forest
Wood mån, n. a hunter, sportsman
Wood'nymph, n. a dryad
Word, n. a single part of speech
Word y, a. full of words
Work, v. to labour; n. labour, toil
World, n. the universe, the earth
Worldly, a. human, secular
Worm, n. an insect; a thing spiral
Wor'rý, v. to harass, tear
Worship, n. dignity; adoration; v. to
adore, honour, respect

Worship pêr, n. one who worships
Worth, n. price, value, importance
Wor THỷ, a. deserving, valuable, no-
ble; n. a man deserving praise
Would, v. aux. preterit of will
Wound, n. a hurt ; v. to hurt
Wrap, v. to roll together

Wrath, n. anger, fury, vengeance
Wreath, n. a garland, chaplet
WreaтH, v. to turn, twist, curl
Wreck, n. a shipwreck, ruin; v. to
suffer wreck or loss; to ruin
Wrest, v. to twist by violence
Wrêtch, n. a miserable person
Wretched, a. miserable, despicable
Wrêtch'èd ness, n. misery, distress
Wring, v. to twist, squeeze, press
Write. v. to form letters; compose
Writer, n. one who writes
Writing, n. any thing written; act
of writing; a legal conveyance
Wrong, a. unjust; v. to injure; n. injury
Yard, n. a measure of three feet; en-
closed ground

Yawn, v. to gape; open wide
Ye, pro. nom. plural of thou
Yea, ad. yes, truly, certainly
Year, n. twelve calendar months
Yearn, v. to feel great uneasiness
Yell, v. to cry out; n. a cry of horrour
Yes, [yts] ad. truly, yea, verily, surely
Yes'ter day, n. the day last past
Yet, conj. nevertheless; ad. still
Yield, v. to produce, give up
Yon, Yon'der, a. being within view
You, pro. obj. of ye

Young, a. youthful, tender ; n. the off-
spring of any creature
Your, pro. belonging to you
Your self, n. you, you only
Youth, n. one past childhood
Youth'ful, a. young, vigorous, brisk

Zeal, n. passionate ardour, warmth
Zealous, a. ardently passionate
Zeph'ŷr, [† like è] n. the west wind


A Catalogue of the Proper Names contained in the English Reader: pronounced according to Mr. Walker's "Rule for the pronunciation of Proper Names."

The same rules to be observed in the pronunciation of the following words, as in the former Vocabulary.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Am'i lèk ite
'A mèr'i că
* A mẻr/1 cản

An ti på/rős
An tip'å ter
An to ni nås

An' tås
Ar á bl å
Ar båth not
Archi pèl'ago
Ar'is to tle
Arris tip pås
As chản
A si a,[à zhè å]
As ké lön
A si at ick

[à zhè åt'ik]
At lån/tick
Au gus'tůs

· Au rè if us

Båg dåt
Bay le

Bên hả dâd

Dè moc'rl tås
Is like zh]
Dionys i us
dio nish'è as]


Ed wård
E It'sha
Eliza bêth
E mè'll å
En gland

[Ing gland]



Mås i nis'så

Mat thew

Haza êl [br8o] [mắt/thu]

He brew, [he-Max i milan

[hè fès'tshun] Mi cip'så

Pythago ras
Pyth'i as
Rò chết/tả
Ro mån

Hèc lå

Mês si'nå

He phes tion

[blocks in formation]


Her à cli'tås

[ocr errors]



[zh] Mör dẻ cải


[blocks in formation]

Hè si od, [s like Mo'sès

Huy gè'ni is
Hau'gå ry
In'di a
In dos'tån
Isaac, [1'zåk]

Isrå el ite [y

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Italian, [i like O bl'dah

Eph'è sås

It'å ly



[blocks in formation]

'Or'to grål

Pam phy't à
På nor mås

På ros

[ocr errors]


Si do'n ån
Sóc rå tès
Sólo mon
Sol'y mån
Strâf förd

Sy phax
Syra case

Jé ho'å håz

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Jẻ rủ sả làm

Bêth ês då
Bri tån'ni å
Ci là â


Câ mil/lå

Fès tus


[få brish'è ùs]


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


Jew, [ja] [tsh] Pè l'rus [sh] Tyrrhène

Jew ish, [ju-Persian,[slike Vål là do lid


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Phårt sée
Phid'i ås

Frånce, or


Phi lån/der





Phi lis'tines

[dez Ph8 mè lå

Juan' Fer nån-Pp [soft]

[merged small][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Phrte ån, g
Pi è'ri ân

[blocks in formation]
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