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THE Thoughts which I communica


t's Poem, were fuch as had often caft
up to me in reading it; whether they
were juft or not, for any thing Philo. A
Spec has faid, may deferve a further Hear-`
ing. He has brought a great many Quo
tations from the Spectator to fhew, that I
was out on't when I faid, "In the Light
wherein I had confidered him, I did not
oppose any that I knew of." Both his
Letters are almoft only a continued Con-
futation of this fingle Affertion, which, B
whether true or falfe, was not material.
But tho' I pay a great deal of Regard to
the Judgment of fuch a Perfon as Mr Ad-
difon, and think his Authority the only
Objection this Gentleman has alledged of
any Confequence; yet I don't think it
ought to be intirely decifive, and the ra-
ther, because he was himself a Poet, and, C
at the Time he wrote thofe excellent Cri-
ticifms, might be fo heated with the
Beauties of the Poem as to overlook
Faults in it, that did not belong to its
Character as fuch; and to palliate others
out of an Unwillingness to condemn, or
leave without Excufe, a favourite Author
in fo material a Point. But to come to

Circumftance offers an Image that would be affecting, there he neither neglects the Numeroufnefs of his Verfe nor any other Art; tho' to give Scope to his Fancy, he fhould deviate ever fo much from his Original. See, for Inftance, Adam's natural and moving Speech, v. 124, &c. ibid.

To the Charge of Milton's representing "the Chriftians Heaven almost as fenfual as the Heathens." Philo-Spec replies, by alledging the Angel's preparatory Caution before he fatisfied the Father of Mankind's Curiofity concerning what pafs'd in Heaven before his Creation. But it must be 'obferved (and Milton's ingenious Advocate ought not to have fupprefs'd it) that tho Raphael does tell Adam, that

What furmounts the Reach

Of human Senfe, he would delineate fo,
By lik'ning fpiritual to corporeal Forms,
As may express them bcft.

Yet he immediately fuggefts, that there
was greater Propriety in fo doing, than
his firit Caution feem'd to imply;

Tho' what if Earth [therein Be but the Shadow of Heaven, and things D Each to other like, more than on Earth is thought.

And this (I fay) is corrupting our Notions of fpiritual Things, and fenfualizing our Ideas of Heaven to a Degree that may have ill Effects on Religion in general; It is letting Fancy obtrude its wild Luxu Eriance into the Place of Truth and Reafon, and making room for the groficit and most abfurd Kind of Enthuliafm; and if one is to interpret his ether Defcriptions of Heaven by this Hint, it is every whit as fenfual as the Mahometan's.


"Milton has rather chofe to neglect the numeroufness of his Verfe, than to deviate from those Speeches that are recorded on this great Occafion," (fays Spectator on the Dialogue in Eden after the Fall, and God's Judgment on our firft Parents and the Serpent, B. 1o.)" which is (fays Philo-Spec) a pretty strong Proof of his reverencing the H. Writings. But if Philo-Spec will fland by fuch Proofs, he must needs think it a Proof equally ftrong, that, where he introduces Fable and Fiction for the Sake of Embellishment, it is for want of Reverence of the fame H. Writings. But as he will not (I believe) allow this, he muft quit that Sort of Proof of the Poet's Religion, and account for the Unadornedness of his Verse fome other Way, viz. either by fuppofing he apprehended, that changing the Terms of the Sacred History in a Point fo univerfally known and familiar to every Rea G der, would give him a kind of Difap pointment, and thereby Diftafte, to whole Mind the fame Terms would naturally be prefent: Or elfe by fnppoling, that it was not indeed Matter for his Invention to work upon, or his Fancy to wanton in: And this Ceems indeed the Truth 11 of the Cafe; for in thofe very Speeches, where he can play the Poet with Delight and Entertainment, and where



1 fee no Jufthefa in Philo-Spec's Defence of the Angel's Countrey Dances, nor of any of their Dances, by the Example of David; and therefore 1 fhali only fay upon the Whole, that whoever reads the Poet's Defcription of this celeftial Jubilec, and thinks it not unworthy of thote Beings, and that Place is qualified to preach in Bedlam, and moft outdo Paganifm for Purity.

"The Character of Mammon, and the Defcription of Pandemonium may have their Beauties," as Mr Addifon obferves, fo far as they are confidered as Pieces of mere Fancy and Invention, to which a Latitude may be allow'd where Religion is not concerned; (and this was the Light in which that ingenious Critic confidered them): But to make religious Truchs give Way to thefe, rather than fpoil a Scene in a Poem, is what I am not yet convinc'd

can be confiftent with the Regard that is
due to Religion. But neither does Mr Ad-
difon's Criticifm abfolutely infer the Juft-
nefs of reprefenting Mammon admiring
more the Riches of Heaven's Pavement
than ought divine; but only the juft Re-
lation and Agreement between his Speech
in the fecond Book, and this his Cha- A
racter in the firft; and I muft here beg
Leave to ask Philo Spec, whether he
thinks it poffible indeed, that fuch a Being,
yet in the Condition of an Angel of Light,
cou'd have fuch Sentiments, were the
Pavement of Heaven really as fine as it is


What I objected to the Poet's reprefenting Satan as ignorant of God's natural and incommunicable Attributes, Spec has answered with no little Wit; but (I'm obliged to tell him) nothing to the Purpose: For the Queftion is not, how it fuited beft with the Defign of the Poet to reprefent him; (and this is the Ground upon which Philo-Spec's Defence turns) but whether it was not contrary to Truth and Reafon to reprefent him as he does, viz. A Being of fuch an Order ignorant of those Attributes which are firft in Conception?

produces feveral Forms of Speech out of the Prophets, which have fomething of like Analogy in them; as meting out the Heavens with a Span, &c. But how wide the Difference is between these short Allegories and the Poet's Compafies, every body must fee; the Precifenefs of the Defcription here, and the Manner of the Mellah's Operation, one Foot he center'd, and the other turn'd, &c. (B. vii. v. 228) may indeed be in the Spirit of Homer, when fpeaking of his Jupiter, or his chief Amballador Mercury; but carries in it fuch a Narrownefs of Idea as, when applied to the Almighty Architect, is utterly B profane. Allegories from fenfible Things, when applied to the fupreme Understanding, ought to be short, and not spun out into Particulars and Circumstances; for fince we are reduced to the Use of them, merely by the Imperfection of our Minds, we ought to recover our Thoughts from them as foon as poffible; otherwise, we must become shocking and ridiculous.

Tho' Mr Addison's Defence of Satan's Artillery is very ingenious, and as much D as could be faid for it, yet ftill it is not fufficient to take off the Imputation of its being both a very violent and ridicu lous Machine in fich a Poem, and a very odd Sort of Engineer-Work for Spirits to have plann'd; it is indeed (as he fays) a bold Thought." "Tho' (by the byc) I think it may well be doubted whether Satan had ever yet heard that Thunder, which these Engines are faid to have been made for Imitation of.

Philo-Spec has an elegant Joke, and a curious (as being very far fetcht) on the Remark of the Melliah's Chariot, which the fays) "raifed thofe Clouds of Duit that feem to have rendered my Eyes blind to the Poet's Care and Regard for Decen cy and Religion:" And this was fo natural too, that (as he allures us) "he could not help faying it." But I must tell him, for all fo confident as he feems, that Paffage in the Pfalms which he alludes to, is no more a Vindication of Milton's Machine of the warlike Chariot and its Mo tion, than it would be a Vindication of the Boro in the fame Defcription, to alledge the Rainbow in the 9th Chap. of Genefis, which the Almighty there calls his Bow.

The Golden Compaffes he next undertakes to defend, by a Quoration from the Spectator; where the ingenious Critic


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The laft Thing that Philo-Spec refents is, finding fault with the Guard fet to watch the Gates of Hell: But that was not all the Ground of the Objection; it was the Reafon of the Angels being appointed Centinels there, viz.

Left he (the Almighty) incens'd at fuch Eruption bold,

Deftruction with Creation might have mixt.
And this (I faid) was very injurious to the
Honour and Wifdom of God: And what
has Milton faid to the contrary in the
Words quoted by Philo. Spec? Or what
has Philo-Spec himself faid? Is is not in-
jurious to the Character of the Supream
Being to fuppofe him capable of being
acted by a furious and blind Impulfe?
Milton could make the Devils themselves
out-reafon him in this;

Will be, fo wife, let loose at once his Ire,
Belike through Impotence, or unaware,
To give his Enemies their Wijh, and end
Them in his Anger, whom his Anger farves
To punish endless? B. ii. v. 155.

I could inftance in many more Par-
ticulars of this Poem, that bear no good
Afpect towards Religion; but do not in-
chine to enter the Lifts with Philo Spec,
and therefore shall take my Leave of the
Subject by obferving, that if Monfieur
Hat's Definition of Romance be proper,
viz. That it is a Hiftory which hath
Truth for the main Ground of it, but yet
's interwoven with the Embellishments
of Fiction; then this Poem may not im-
properly be called the Romance of the War
in Heaven, and the Fall of Man.


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endearing Governors and Subjects to each


From the GLOUCESTER Journal, a・ Evil in itself, have the happy Effect of News Paper of the greatest Account and Sale of any publifh'd in the Country, being circulated by Meffengers into Wiltshire and all the Neighbouring Counties, and even into Wales. An ESSAY on RIOTS; their Cafes and A Care. With fome Thoughts on TRADE, and a Method of Relief for the Miferies of the poor Wiltshire Manufa&tu


Deut. xxiv. 14, &c. Thou shalt not opprefs an
bired Servant, that is poor and needy.
bis Day thou fhalt grve bim bis Hire, neither
fball the Sun go dorn upon it.

James v. 4. Behold the Hire of the Labourers,
which bave reaped down your Fields, robich
is by you kept back by Fraud, crieth. And the
Cries of them which have reaped, are enter'd
into the Ears of the Lord of Sabaotb.



HE frequent Riots that have happen'd lately in feveral Parts of this C s Kingdom, do certainly deferve the ferious Attention of every honeft, loyal Briton, and ought to roufe the fincere Endeavours of all Perfons of that Character, to put a stop to the Progrefs of a Spirit that, wherever it hath predominated, hath always proved destructive of National Happineis, Liberty, and good Go- D



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A riotons Spirit in a People is gene-
rally owing to one or more of the fol-
lowing Caufes: Carelessnefs in those at
the Holm, of the true Interest of the
Subjects-Negligence in the Magiftrates,
in executing the Laws;Oppreflion of E
the Poor, by the Rick, or thofe in Power;
-or laftly, to a Spirit of Licentioufnefs
and Immorality, diffused among the com-
men People.


It is the chief Business of a Govern-
ment to convince the People, that it feeks
their Happiness in, and above all Things. p
because the Good of the People is the great
End for which all Governments are esta-
blish'd.-There are never wanting pro-
per Occalions for a Government to shew,
that it has the God of the People at Heart.
-Any Government may fhew this, by
taking proper Care to make good Laws,
preferve Order, and execute impartial
Juftice, among the People. Our British
Government hath a happy Advantage in
this Refpect, in that it can hardly fail of
convincing the People of this neceffary
Gredondon, when they behold it exerting
its principal Care in preferving the anti-
ent Conftitution and Trade of Britain. Nay, H
even Riots themfelves may be Means of
convincing them of the Love which a
Government bears to them; and, tho' an

But then, the Government must have the Wisdom and Goodness to make the first Step towards this happy Union. When it difcovers a riotous Spirit in the People, it must not truft in the trite, and, of late, too common Way of fuppreiling, or ra ther filing the Difcontents of the Subjets by a Military Force; which may only fpread the Gangrene farther, and produce morfe Effects at a longer Day. All well-meaning People juftly blame riotous Doings, which they fee; but fome well-meaning People do not enough confider the Pinchings of Hunger, which they do not feel!-A Body of Troops may dif perfe Rioters, and caufe an outward Face of Quiet on the People; but this is not giving Bread to the Hungry, nor covering the Naked with a Garment.-Here then it is, that the Wisdom and Goodness of a Government ought to fhew themfelves, by looking, with the utmost Inte grity and Care, into the real Cafes of a Riot, and ufing all pollible Means to redrefs all true Grievances of the People.

It is a Grievance to one to want Bread,
and hear the piercing Cries of starv-
Grievance to
ing Children; it is a
another not to be paid his juft Wages;
-It is a Grievance to another to be forced
to give more for the Neceflaries of Life
than their Value, or the Market Price;
--and it is a Grievance to another to have

his Houfe, Buildings, or Neceflaries of
Trade, deftroy'd by a riotous Mob.-The
great Work that a Government has to do
in this Cafe, is, to make itself acquainted
with the Caufes of Difcontent, and, like
a wife and loving Common Parent of
Children, to make use of its Au-
thority to relieve the Needy and Op.
preffed, and to oblige all to conform to
the common Rule of Juft and Reasonable.
Above all, a Government would do molt
wifely to confider if it is not in its own
Power to give them fome Relief, by prac-
tifing a littic Self-Denial: I mean, by lef
fening the Number of those who are
maintained by the Publick Revenue, and
by that Means taking off one of the
most burthenfome Taxes on the POOR.-
Thefe would be fuch lovely Initances of
Justice, Wifdom and Goodnefs, as would
charm Mankind, gain the Love of Subjects,
and render even the Difaffected loyal!

The Spirit of Licentioufnefs hath been cherishing up in this Nation for many Years, and its fatal Effects have been forefeen by wife Men!-As foon as ever the Majefty of the Laws that enre Reli



gion and Morality, is loft on the Minds of
The People, Diforder and Diffolutenefs
fpring up in them. We are unhappily
fallen into a Way of railing great Part of
the Publick and Civil Lift Revenue on
Malt, Beer, Wine, &c. the Confumption
or which, and confequently the Revenue,
is mightily encreased by the Vices of the
Peop.c. This naturally ftops the Cur-
rent of Justice, and is an over-ruling Ar
gument with avaricious Minifters, and
ralfely loyal Magiftrates, not to
themfelves, according to their Duty, to
nip the hit Buddings of vicious, difor-
derly Spirits. Hence the innumerable B
Alehonfes with which England abounds
hence the Non-execution of fo many
good Laws against Tippling-Houses, Tip-
plers, common Swearers, Sabbath-Break-
ers, Vagrants, &c. To this may be
added, a lupine Neglect of Duty, too, too
apparent in many Magiftrates, who seem


to have little Senfe of the Concatenation or vicious Habits and unruly Actions with each other; and over fome of whom, the Large Fees for Warrants, Licences, Mittiinus's, Orders, &c. into their Clerks or their own Pockets, may reafonably be sup pofed to have fome little Influence.

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except Pl-m-n and P-n-rs, and occa fion'd by the Rivalship of France and other neighbouring Nations, mult needs be attended with fatal Effects to Masters as well as Workmen. And this fingle Contideration ought to operate, not in mutual Oppreffion, and mutual Deftruction, but in Love, and in Commiferation of the unhappy Sufferings of une another, and of our Country, so far as to join our united Refolutions to ufe all proper Means, if pollible, to recover our Trade again. The Progress of our Neighbours in that Trade, according to a late * Publick-spirited Writer, is owing to our Ran Wooll, and to their underfelling our Merchants at Foreign Markets.-We prefumed fome Months ago to propofe what we can't but think would, in a good measure, cure thof Evils; but having offer'd our Mite to the publick Treafury, fhall be glad to cfee better Judges fall on other Methods for that inuch-wanted Purpose, more eafily feasible, more confiftent with Li. berty and the Publick Good!

Within thefe two Years I was at a Sef. D. fions held at a Trading Town in Wilts, for licenfing Alehoufes, where were feven Juffices fitting, one of whofe Clerks told me, with an Air of Gladnefs, that his Share came to between three and four Pounds. I mention this to fhew what a great Number of Alehoufes there must be in E that fingle Divifion, and not to throw any Reflection on thofe worthy Gentlemen, for feveral of whom I have a perfect Efteem, and who have only run in with the common Foible of the Times: I mention it likewife out of fome little Hopes that it may be a Means to excite thein and others to exert themselves to

fupprefs our Alehouses, and punish our Tipplers, to the Honour of our King, and the Good of our Country.


Thus hath the Spirit of Rioting been nurfed up in this Nation; I pray God it may not be the Fore-runner of Infurrections and Slavery. The only Means to G prevent which terrible Evils are, for us to return to Order in Time, and to make the Laws, and in them, Juftice and Wildum, to rule over us.

The Riot of the poor Weavers, and other Woollen Manufacturers in Wilts, is faid to have been occation'd by Oppreffion in various Shapes, practifed towards them by fome Clothiers.-The Badrefs, or rawhat the Decay of our Woollen Trade, ac

However, let Trade be bad as it will, Juftice mult be maintain'd. It is not fit that Mafters thould be fuffer'd to opprefs their Servants, force them to take Goods, in Defiance of Law, at an exorbitant Price, nor enter into Combinations to fail their Wages, in a Free Country.-Nor is it fit that Servants fhould be let alone to take their own Revenge on their Mafters; 'tis Pity, indeed, they fhould be driven to it! Such Doings are full of Injustice and Violence; they can produce no Good, and are big with manifold Evils.-In this Cafe, Publick Authority ought to decide the Controverfy, reduce both Sides to Order, and force them to do Justice, at least for the future, towards each other.

I am tar from thinking myself a competent Judge of the propereft Way of Procedure in this Affair; but as the tollowing appears to me the molt natural, I will take the Liberty to lay it before the Publick, fincerely fubmitting this, as I do all my Writings, to the Correction of Perfons of maturer Judgment, withing that the Publick Good may be promoted in the beft Manner, be it by what Means it will.-Our Method is :

That a mixt Commiffion be appointed, confifting of Gentlemen and Clothiers of the BEST CHARACTER that can be pick'd out in the Country, to examine impartially into the Caules of the late Riots, with Power to call all Perfons before them, in crder to make the proper * See Obfervations on British Wooll, &c.


Reflections on the late RIOTS in WILTSHIRE.

Enquiry. I will here take the Liberty to fuggeft fome Things, which it may be proper to make fo many Heads of Enquiry. 1. If any Combinations have been enter'd into, to lower the Price of Weaving, Spinning, &c. and by whom?

2. If any Malters have forced the poor A Manufacturers to take Track, who they are, and what Prices they have oblig'd

them to take Goods at?

3. If any Matters have eblig'd their Work-people to buy Bread, &c. at any particular Shops: What Weight they have fold, and the Prices they have taken?

4. If fome poor Manufacturers do not B give extravagant Rents for their Tenements, &c. and if they are under no Compultion from their Mafters, in that Article?

5. Who were the Heads of the late Riot, what Damage is done, and what Sums may be railed thro' the Country, C by the Statutes against Truck or Combinations, towards paying the Damages?

I do not pretend to fay, whether thefe are all the Heads of Enquiry proper to be gone upon, or it any of them may be omitted. But as the happy Succefs of the Affair would depend, in a great measure, on the Conduct of the Commiffioner's, they ought to be Perfons of the greatest Integrity and Skill that can be thought of, Who wou'd go to the Bottom of the Grievances on both Sides, without Fear or Favour, and make a faithful Representation to the Parliament; Juftice and good Policy both requiring that rich Oppreflors fhould be properly punish'd, as well as pour Rieters!

I fhall now take Notice of fome Things, which, I humbly think, would be helpful to our Trade, and give considerable Relief to our Poor.




The first is, the Hardships which the Peor groan under, from the Excifes on the Neceffaries of Life and Trade, fuch as Malt, Beer, Soap, Candles, Leather, Salt, Oil, &c. which fo much enhance the Price of our Manufactures; and the two former of which, as I have already taken Notice, naturaily tend to tie up the Hands of Minifters and Magiftrates from G executing the Laws againit Vice and Idleness. By these Taxes Trade is oppreffed by them the Neceflaries of Life are railed to the Poor; confequently the taking them off would relieve them, and give Life to Trade. And whether the caftet, and moft politick Way of raifing H the yearly Supplies, be not a Tax on the yearly Income of all People of Substance, we beg leave to refer our Readers to our Enquiry into the Causes of the Encreale

and Miseries of the Poor of England (pa17, &c. and 75, &c.) publifh d laft Winter, and to our Common Senfe Eflays, al ready mention'd.

Another Thing, which exceedingly hurts our Poor, is, the great Number of PeoMaintenance out of their Labour; I mean, ple who live upon them, and fuck their our innumerable Alehouse-keepers; Bakers, and petry Shopkeepers: 'Tis plain, thefe People live, in general, much better than our poor Manufacturers do, out of whofe Earnings the greatest Part of their Subfiftence arifes.

Our Rivals in France and other Countries, take the greatest Care, and use the utmolt Frugality in thefe Articles, being wisely fenfible, that thofe on whofe Labour, Trade, and the Wealth and Power of a Nation depend, must not spend the Fruits of that Labour in Sottishness, nor give them away to a Set of petty Oppref Jors, who make them pay a good deal more for Things, than they are worth. The Author of the Obfervations on Wooll, and the Woollen Manufactures of France, Flanders, and Holland, (who is a Manfacturer, has been feveral Times in thofe Countries himself, seen their Manufacturies, and converfed with their Manufactu rers) tells us, that the greatest Care polible is taken there to keep their Workmen from Drunkenness, and fpending their Money idly. He tells us likewife, that the Magiftrates of their great Trading Towns make it their Bufinefs to buy in Corn, and other Neceffaries of Life and Trade, at the cheapest Markets, which they put into a Store-houfe, and deal cut again to the poor Manufacturers, in small Quantities, as they want 'em, at the Prime Coft.-Where fhall we fee fuch Care of Trade, such an Inftance of Goodnefs and Publick Spirit in England?

I do not mention This, as proposing their Example to be follow'd in every little Article, altho' it would be a very good Thing if our Officers were to look into the Prices of Small Wares at Shops, and have Power to lower them, if excellive. But I have often thought, that if there was a Law made for erecting an OVEN in every poor Tenement, and fome Officer in every Trading Parish to buy Wheat at Market every Week, to deal out in that manner to the Poor for their Money, (or as Relief, if they want it) at a fer Day, and that none fhould be entitled to Relief of their Parish, except they had

baked their own Bread three Months, it would be highly beneficial to the Poor in general, and keep more off from their Pa

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