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HERE is a Cake-Baking Secret known to good cooks that should interest every housewife.

It's the use of Kingsford's Corn Starch-not only in the filling, but in the cake itself-one part Corn Starch to three parts flour. It makes the daintiest smooth, light cake imaginable.


is absolutely necessary for the best Angel Cake, White Mountain and other white cakes. Use one-half cup corn starch mixed with the flour. ¶ KINGSFORD'S has a hundred uses. The good cook reaches for the familiar yellow package a dozen times a day. It's on her grocery list every week.

A Word to Kingsford Friends-Send us the name of any young housewife who thinks that Corn Starch is used only for puddings or desserts; we will send her our new little Book (S), "What a Cook Ought to Know About Corn Starch." We will gladly mail you without cost a copy too if you like.


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Wherever you see this sign, it stands for civilization. It is the sign of one of the most powerful influences for broadening human intelligence.

The universal service of the Bell companies has provided it has spread an even, highly developed civilization through the land. It has carried the newest impulses of development from town to town and from community to community.

Bell telephone service has brought the entire country up to the same instant of progress.

It has unified the Nation.

As soon as a new town springs up in the woods, on the plains, at the cross-roads, or walled in by mountains, the signpost of civilization is erected-the sign of the Bell. Telephone service puts the people of that town into communication with one another and

It puts the town on the map.

You can see this march of progress right in your own neighborhood. Every little while some neighbor has a Bell telephone put in. If you have one, every new subscriber enlarges the scope of your personal contact. If you have not, every new telephone makes you the more isolated-the more cut off from the activities about you.

Just as individuals in your locality use the telephone for mutual convenience, so towns and cities in different localities are served and advanced by the long distance telephone.

Each contributes to, and benefits by, the broad universal service of the Bell.

The busy man who wants to accomplish more than he is
now doing can well afford to make use of the Bell Long
Distance service. It is the most efficient office assistant im-
aginable. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance station.

The American Telephone and Telegraph Company
And Associated Companies

One Policy, One System, Universal


In answering advertisements please mention SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE

The Value

to the public of these informing announcements regarding the exercise of selection in the purchase of burial caskets and appoint

ments rests upon great material fact.

It is this:

That before this far-reaching subject was opened to the public at large, the NATIONAL CASKET COMPANY, through years of patient, progressive effort, had created the higher standards which

The Higher Standard

represented by NATIONAL Manufacture includes every grade of casket, befitting every degree of circumstance. The superior character is as marked in the cloth covered hard-wood products as in those of massive carved mahogany or oak and those of perpetually enduring Bronze.

This Company has published a short historical booklet on Bronze. It touches also upon the bringing of caskets wrought of this eternal metal, formerly privileged only to a Nation's great, within reach of moderate private means. Those who wish to receive it should address the nearest of our establishments.

these announcements express, and established them in practice everywhere among representative funeral directors. In the circumstances attending arrangements for funerals, the easier the is made to assurance of highest quality, the greater the service to those most closely concerned.


No feature of the necessary negotiations could be more simple than the stipulation that the casket be of NATIONAL make. No other means will make so certain the advanced modern ideals of quality, design and character, for the highest fulfillment of the final offices.

NATIONAL CASKETS are furnished everywhere by Funeral Directors of highest principle and ability. You should know by whom in your own locality. The NATIONAL CASKET COMPANY makes no sales direct, but maintains 23 showrooms in principal cities for the convenience of Funeral Director and purchaser.


Albany; Allegheny; Baltimore; Boston; Brooklyn; Buffalo; Chicago; East Cambridge;
Harlem; Hoboken; Indianapolis; Louisville; Nashville; New Haven; New York City;
Oneida; Philadelphia; Pittsburg; Rochester; Scranton; Syracuse; Washington; Williamsburg.
We sell only through Funeral Directors

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In answering advertisements please mention SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE

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