Abbildungen der Seite

Use. The benefit or profit of lands and tenements, usually held by a trustee for the benefit of another.

Usury. A premium paid or promised for the use of money, beyond the rate of interest established by law. Illegal interest.


V. This letter is often put for versus, or against, in legal documents.
Vendee. The purchaser, or person to whom a thing is sold.

Venue. The place or county in which an act or fact is alleged to have been committed.

Verdict. The unanimous decision of a jury, as reported to the court, on matters submitted to them in the trial of a cause civil or criminal. Verification. The act of proving to be true. Veto. A Latin word, signifying “I forbid.”


It is applied to the re

fusal of the Executive to sign a bill passed by the Legislature.

Vicinage. Contiguous or neighboring places.

Viva voce. Literally, by the living voice, or orally.

Void. Of no legal or binding force whatever, and incapable of confirmation or ratification.

Voidable. Capable of being avoided and adjudged invalid.

Vote. The means employed to express one's choice, preference, or will, either at elections, in legislative bodies, or in the course of other proceedings; sometimes done by balls, sometimes by written ballot, or by the voice.

Voter. One who votes, or has the legal right to vote.


Ward. An infant placed by authority of law under the care of a guardian.

Warrant. A writ authorizing the arrest of a person to be brought before the officer issuing the same, or some other officer of concurrent jurisdiction. It is directed to the sheriff or other officer authorized to make arrests. This is its usual application.

Warrantee. The person to whom land or other property is warranted. Warrantor. The person who makes a warranty.

Warranty. An engagement that a certain fact regarding the subject of a contract is or shall be as expressly or impliedly promised by the


Will. The legal declaration of a person, in view of death, as to the

manner in which he would have his property disposed of after that event. The instrument making this declaration.

Witness. A person who testifies in a court, on oath or affirmation, as to his knowledge of the facts in issue between the parties. One who subscribes to a piece of writing to authenticate it.

Writ. An instrument in writing, issued by a court or magistrate, commanding the performance or non-performance of some act by the person to whom it is directed; as a writ of entry, execution, injunction, summons, etc.


Abolition of slavery, 73, 88, 97, 122, 214, 216, 231, 248, 261–263.

Absent members of Congress may be compelled to attend, 57, 83, 154, 155.
Account of receipts and expenditures of public money to be published,
61, 91, 226, 227.

Accounts, auditing and payment of public, 319.

Accusation, right of criminals to, 71, 98, 267, 268.

Actions, civil, 71, 99, 271; criminal, 71, 98, 267, 268.

Acts, public, of States, faith to be given to, 67, 94, 243; provision for
proving, 207, 210.

Adams, John, first Vice-President, 49, 315; President, 315.

Adams, John Quincy, elected President by House, 133, 287, 316.
Adjournment of Congress, effect of, when bills are in the hands of the
President, 59, 90, 222; power of President over, 65, 103, 296; restric-
tions on each House in reference to, 57, 83, 154, 155, 158, 159.
Admiralty causes, 312; courts of, 193; and maritime jurisdiction, cases
of, 66, 106, 272, 312.

Ad valorem duties, definition of, 165.

Affirmation, substitution of, for oath, 160.

Agriculture, establishment of Department of, 331; secretaries of, 333.
Alabama, admission of, into the Union, 206.

Alaska, acquisition of, by United States, 206.

Alien, definition of, 199.

Alienation, 68, 84, 87, 167, 202, 204.

Alliances, States forbidden to enter into, 62, 96, 255.

Ambassadors, appointment of, 65, 82, 103, 149, 292, 297; definition of,
294; jurisdiction in cases affecting, 66, 105, 309; reception of foreign,
65, 103, 297.
Amendments to bills in Congress, 220; to bills for raising revenue,
58, 81, 147; to the Constitution, adoption of, 50, 51, 52; to the Con-
stitution, copy of, 70; to the Constitution, modes of ratifying, 69, 88;
to the Constitution, number of, 214; to the Constitution, provision
for, 68, 88, 213; to the Constitution, validity of, 68, 95, 250, 251.
America, early settlement of, 13, 15.

American Colonies. See Colonies.

American Revolution. See Revolution.

Amity, State, 67, 94, 243.

Analysis of the Constitution of the United States, 77, III; of the Execu-
tive Department, 100, 276; of the House of Representatives, 78, 117;
of the Judicial Department, 105, 302; of the Legislative Department,
78, 116; of the powers of Congress, 163; of the Senate, 80, 133.
Annotations on the analysis of the Constitution, III.
Appeals, circuit courts of, 304; to higher courts, cases of, 314.

Appellate jurisdiction, definition of, 308; of circuit courts of appeal,
309; of Supreme Court, 66, 106, 198, 312.
Appointments by courts, 65, 88, 212, 305; by heads of departments, 65,
88, 212; by President, 65, 88, 103, 105, 212, 292; of assistant post-
masters-general, 326; of attorney-general, 329; of chief justices of
United States, 315; of commissioner of agriculture, 332; of commit-
tees, 219; of electors, 281; of judges, 305, 306; of militia, 60, 94,
195, 245; of postmasters, 184, 326; power of Congress over, 65, 212;
power of Senate over, 149.

Apportionment of direct taxes, 55, 61, 84, 121, 122, 164; of electors, 63,
100, 280; of representatives, 55, 74, 78, 93, 107, 117, 119–121, 241,
261; of senators, 135.

Appropriations for agricultural purposes, 331; for armies, 60, 91, 226,
227; must be made by law before money can be drawn, 61, 91, 226, 227.
Arkansas, admission of, into the Union, 206.

Arkwright, Sir Richard, inventor of spinning jenny, 216.

Armies, appropriations for, 60, 91, 226, 227; power of Congress to raise and
support, 60, 86, 193; size of foreign, 197; standing, of the world, 196.
Arms, right of people to keep and bear, 70, 92, 235, 237.

Army of United States, commander-in-chief of, 64, 102, 196, 289; cost of,
197; crimes committed in, 266; how created, 193; record of, 321;
rules for, 195; size of, 196; standing, 290.

Arrest, members of Congress privileged from, under the Confederation,
31; under the Constitution, 58, 99, 274, 275.

Arsenals, power of Congress relating to, 61, 87, 202, 204.

Arthur, Chester A., President, 299, 317; Vice-President, 317.

Articles of Confederation. See Confederation.

Assay office, location of, in New York city, 177.

Attainder, bills of, definition of, 228; bills of, prohibited, 61, 62, 91, 97.
228, 259; of treason, 67, 91, 229.

Attorney-general, appearance of, in behalf of government, 304; ap-
pointment of, 329; duties of, 329, 330; reference of applications for
pardons to, by President, 330; salaries of officers under, 329, 330.
Attorneys-general, list of, 330.

Austrian Army, size of, 197.

Authors, copyright secured to, 60, 85, 187, 188.

Bail, definition of, 270; excessive, not allowed, 71, 99, 268, 270, 271.
Bankrupt, definition of, 179; laws, 59, 85, 179, 180, 258.

Bill of pains and penalties, definition of, 228.

Bill of Rights. See Rights.

Bills for raising revenue, 58, 80, 81, 130, 131, 147; for raising revenue, in
England, originate in House of Commons, 132; mode of passing, 58,
59, 89, 218; of attainder, definition of, 228; of attainder, prohibition
of, 61, 62, 91, 97, 228, 259; of credit, definition of, 256; of credit,
States forbidden to emit, 62, 96, 256; of indictment, 266, 268; power
of President to approve or veto, 58, 59, 89, 90, 218-222.
Blackstone on official immunities, 275; on piracy, 181; on war, 191.
Blount, Senator, impeachment of, 136.

Borrowing money under the Confederation, 35; under the Constitution,
by Congress, 59, 84, 166.

Botanical Division of Department of Agriculture, 332.

Brazil, abolition of slavery by, 232.

Breckinridge, John C., Vice-President of United States, 317.

Bribery, impeachment for, 66, 93, 102, 105, 130, 241.
British Army, size of, 197.

British Parliament. See Parliament.

Buchanan, James, President of United States, 317.

Bureaus of Interior Department, 328; of Navy Department, 324; of Post
Office Department, 326; of War Department, 322.

Burr, Aaron, a candidate for presidency, 132, 287; Vice-President, 287, 315.
Business rules, 57, 83, 157.

Cabinet of the President, how constituted, 333; members of, succeed to
presidency in case of no President or Vice-President, 212; salaries of
members of, 333.

Calhoun, John C., twice Vice-President, 316.

California, acquisition of, by United States, 202. 206; admission of, 207.
Canada, provision relating to, in Articles of Confederation, 35, 205.
Capitation taxes, 55, 61; apportionment of, 90, 225; definition of, 164.
Captures, power of Congress to make rules as to, 60, 86, 192, 312, 313.
Carson City, location of mint in, 177.

Cartwright, Edmund, inventor of power loom, 216.

Ceded places, power of Congress over, 60, 86, 201, 203.

Census, apportionment of taxes according to, 164; how and when made,
55, 79, 128; representation based on, 117, 118; supervision of, 328.
Census-takers, duties of, 129.

Charter governments, 16, 17.

Chemical Division of Department of Agriculture, 332.

Chief justice of United States, salary of, 307; to preside at trial of the
President by the Senate, 56, 82, 147, 151.

Chief justices of United States, list of, 315; number of, 303.
Circuit courts, 60, 198, 303; crimes referred to, 313.

Circuit courts of appeals, 304, 305, 309.

Circuits, division of United States into, for judicial purposes, 303.

Citizenship, oaths in relation to, 200; privileges and immunities of, 67,

74, 75, 93, 106, 108, 199, 243; of President of United States, 64, 100,
278; of representatives, 55, 79, 123; of senators, 56, 80, 134, 135.
Claims against States, 311; pension, against United States, 328.
Clay, Henry, a candidate for presidency, 133.

Cleveland, Grover, President of United States, 317.

Clinton, George, twice Vice-President of United States, 315, 316.

Coast Survey under charge of Treasury Department, 319.

Coin, gold and silver, a tender in payment of debts, 62, 96, 256, 257; man-
ufacture of, 177; punishment for counterfeiting, 60, 85; power of
Congress to regulate value of domestic and foreign, 59, 60, 85, 177.
Coinage, amount of, in United States, 1849–90, 177; of money, 318.
Colfax, Schuyler, Vice-President of United States, 317.
Colonial governments, 16; legislatures, 18.

Colonies, separation of, from Great Britain, 19; common law in, 16;
settlements of, 13, 15, 16; growth of, 18; name "United States of
America" first given to, 24 ; names of, 13; oppression of, 20; right to
govern, claimed by British, 13; rights of, 18; taxation of, 18; unity
of, 19, 28.

Colorado, admission of, into the Union, 207.

Commerce, embarrassments of, 45; interstate, 61, 90, 174, 226; powers
of Congress relating to, 59, 84, 85, 173, 176; prohibitions of States re-
lating to, 62, 96.

CIV. Gov.-23

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