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His apprenticeship expired early in | ing descended to the foot of the fall, 1807, when he at once formed a reso- he became so much occupied in the lution so completely contrary to his contemplation of this magnificent pecuniary interests, as to astonish scene, and the collection of specimens those of his friends who could not of natural history, that, darkness overenter into his views. Indeed, to those taking him before he was aware of its with whom the "auri sacra fames" is approach, he was under the necessity the governing principle, it must have of sleeping for the night upon the appeared little short of insanity, to bank of the river, not having paid so leave the brightest prospects, con- particular attention to the path by nected with a most lucrative and exten- which he descended, as to be able to sive business, with every chance of retrace his steps:-an undertaking succeeding to his uncle's fortune, for which, indeed, under such circumthe apparently wild scheme of explor- stances, the most venturous would ing the forests of America, in search scarcely have attempted. of those treasures which were, to him, "better than gold." Such, however, was the course which he chose to pursue: nature was, to him, "in every charm supreme;" and having collected his little patrimony, he sailed from Liverpool, for America, in the March of that year.

He now returned to Philadelphia, where he continued for some time, and where a sincere and close friendship sprung up between Dr. Barton and himself, generated by similar pursuits, and which was only terminated by the death of the former. It was after this celebrated naturalist, that Mr. N. called a plant (Bartonia) which he discovered high up the Missouri.

Soon after, Mr. N. was employed as naturalist in an expedition sent out by the American government to explore the source of the Missouri, but of this journey we have no particulars from his own pen.

In the latter end of 1812, he again visited England, the public and private collections of which, he enriched with a great variety of specimens of the mineral and vegetable productions of America; and while here he formed many valuable scientific connexions.

Having resided in New York and Philadelphia for some time, he set out alone on a very extensive pedestrian tour among the North American lakes. During this journey, he underwent many most severe privations, being frequently, for days together, without seeing a human being, bivouacking at night, and relying on contingency for his subsistence. In these solitudes, it became a great luxury to meet with an Indian wigwam; and a slice of buffalo meat furnished, to him, a more delicious repast than the finest haunch of venison would to a London alderman. During this journey, from his Having spent several months in frequent intercourse with the different exploring those parts of his native Indian tribes whom he met with, and country most rich in the mineralogical often accompanied in their wandering and botanical productions of nature, expeditions, he acquired a knowledge he visited London, and was there of several of their dialects. Of this honoured with the distinction of F. L. S. information he purposes to put the in 1814. In the same year he went public in possession, by the publica- over to Paris with his uncle, and durtion of a work announced in the pre-ing his residence there, enriched the face to his volume on the "Arkansa Territory," under the following title: "A General View and Description of the Aboriginal Antiquities of the Western States, and some Essays on the Languages of the Western Indians, and their connexion with those of other parts of the world; involving, in some measure, a general View of Language, both oral and graphical."

In visiting the falls of Niagara, he exhibited a striking instance of that abstraction of mind which is so common among men who are bent on the pursuit of one particular object. Hav

Jardin de Plantes with many American specimens, in return for which he considerably enlarged his own herbarium. Having had frequent conversations with him, respecting this visit to France, we have been surprised to discover how entirely his mind had been occupied in his favourite pursuits, by the small attention which he appeared to have paid to those events which then formed the staple commodity of conversation throughout Europe; and which, it might have been reasonably supposed, must have forced themselves on his notice in Paris, at

every step. But, no! crystallization the history of the country, and with and cleavage, calices and antheræ, had more charms for him than "the pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war;" and the beauteous productions of nature were to him more fascinating than the martial appearance and splendid appointments of the congregated armies of Europe.

At the end of 1814, he again returned to America, and occupied himself in preparing a work entitled "The Genera of North American Plants, and a Catalogue of the Species, to the year 1817;" which was published in 1818 at Philadelphia, in 2 vols. duodecimo. We believe this work to be by far the most complete ever published on the subject; and one of the highest compliments that any literary production can receive, has been bestowed upon this, by its translation into more than one European language.

Immediately after the appearance of these volumes, Mr. N. undertook a journey into the Arkansa Territory, in which he was engaged about 18 months, and the result of his researches he published in 1821. His intention in the issuing of this work, and the disinterested views which actuated him in its publication, are sufficiently explained in the preface. "To those," he remarks," who eagerly peruse the narratives of travellers for pastime or transitory amusement, the present volume is by no means addressed. It is no part of the author's ambition to study the gratification of so fastidious a taste as that which but too generally governs the readers of the present day; a taste which has no criterion but passing fashion, which spurns at every thing that possesses not the charm of novelty, and the luxury of embellish


We live no longer in an age that tolerates the 'plain unvarnish'd tale.' Our language must now be crowded with the spoils of those which are foreign to its native idiom; it must be perplexed by vanity, and rendered ambiguous and redundant by capricious ornament. Hermes, no longer the plain messenger of the gods, exercises all his deceit, and mingles luxury in the purest of intellectual streams.

"Had I solely consulted my own gratification, the present volume would probably never have been offered to the public. But, as it may contain some physical remarks connected with

that of the unfortunate aborigines, who are so rapidly dwindling into oblivion, and whose fate may, in succeeding generations, excite a curiosity and compassion denied them by the present, I have considered myself partly excused, in offering a small edition to the scientific part of the community, just sufficient to defray the expenses of the printer, who kindly undertook the publication at his own risk. I may safely say, that hitherto, so far from writing for emolument, I have sacrificed both time and fortune to it. For nearly ten years I have travelled throughout America, principally with a view of becoming acquainted with some favourite branches of its natural history. I have had no other end in view than personal gratification, and in this I have not been deceived, for innocent amusement can never leave room for regret. To converse, as it were, with nature, to admire the wisdom and beauty of creation, has ever been, and I hope ever will be, to me a favourite pursuit. To communicate to others a portion of the same amusement and gratification has been the only object of my botanical publications; the most remote idea of personal emolument arising from them, from every circumstance connected with them, could not have been admitted into calculation. I had a right, however, reasonably to expect from Americans, a degree of candour, at least equal to that which my labours had met with in Europe. But I have found, what, indeed, I might have reason to expect from human nature, often, instead of gratitude, detraction and envy. With such, I stoop not to altercate; my endeavours, however imperfect, having been directed to the public good; and I regret not the period I have spent in roaming over the delightful fields of Flora, in studying all her mysteries and enigmas, if I have, in any instance, been useful to her cause, or opened to the idle wanderer one fruitful field for useful reflection."

In this work, besides its value in a scientific view, are contained numerous highly interesting, and, it appears to us, just and philosophical reflections on the state of society in that improving country, with various suggestions for the consideration of the American government, and a most valuable

appendix on the Aborigines of the banks of the Mississippi.*

I know, it has not been analyzed-but it probably consists chiefly of silex, alumine, lime, and a little alkali."

During Mr. N.'s various visits to England, he has not been unmindful of the town in which he spent several years of his life, but has contributed largely to the already extensive col

of Liverpool. As a corroboration of this fact, we have been favoured, by the kindness of Mr. Shepherd, the respectable conservator of that institution, with a list of more than 150 valuable exotics, which that gentleman assures us, forms but a moiety of Mr. N.'s donations; but which our limits at present prevent us from inserting.

In 1823, having been previously appointed Professor of Natural History in the University of Cambridge, U. S., Mr. N. once more crossed the Atlantic for the British shores, where he was received, by the scientific part of the community, with the considera-lection of plants in the botanic garden tion which his reputation justly merited. While in this country, he visited Scotland, and resided for some time in Glasgow, where the society of his learned friend, Dr. Hooker, afforded him, as he has informed us, peculiar gratification. He was also introduced to the most celebrated men of the Scottish metropolis, with whom he established a valuable, and, no doubt, lasting connexion. Passing through Cumberland and the Lakes of Westmoreland, on his return to his native town, he availed himself of the opportunity to collect many valuable specimens of the mineralogical productions of these counties. During his stay in London, in which city he spent several months, on one occasion, when exhibiting to his friends some of the fossil productions of America, Mr. H. J. Brooke discovered among them one, which, as a new species, he denominated Nuttallite. For the following scientific description of this mineral, we are indebted to the politeness of Dr. Traill, of Liverpool:

On his departure for Boston, in May 1824, we had the pleasure of accompanying him to the vessel. He had obtained a numerous collection of living plants from various quarters; the most valuable part of which was deposited in a box formerly belonging to Sir Joseph Banks, and having that gentleman's name cut in the wood. To this box, and its contents, he attached great value, and placed it on deck. As we sprang ashore, after having shaken hands, and wished him a prosperous voyage, a tremendous shower of rain came on, with every indication of its long continuance. We, of course, expected him to descend into the cabin, but were much surprised to observe him sitting on deck; and, having opened the lids of his box, watching, amid “the pelting of the pitiless storm," his plants imbibing the genial moisture. the enjoyment of this peculiar luxury, he continued with folded arms, till the receding vessel withdrew him from our sight.


"Nuttallite was discovered in 1824, by Mr. H. J. Brooke of London, among some minerals brought to this country by Mr. Nuttall. A specimen of it, given to me by that gentleman, was supposed to be either a variety of Scapolite, or the mineral called Elaolite. It resembles the latter in colour, and a peculiar play of light: but Mr. Brooke finds that it differs in the essential character of cleavage from Elaolite, Mr. N. is now, we believe, engaged as well as in hardness and lustre. It in the delivery of lectures at the Uniapproaches, in many respects, to Sca-versity, of which he is a professor. polite, of which some may be disposed to consider it a variety, but it differs from that substance in being softer and more glassy in its fracture. The primitive form of its crystal appears to be a right-square prism. As far as

The Augean stable of modern criticism assuredly requires the labours of another Hercules, when the obvious merits of a work are overlooked, and some trifling inaccuracies of style are singled out as the only matters worthy of remark. Such is the character of the notice

which this work received from the Literary


These, it is highly probable, will hereafter be published; and, from the diligence and perseverance with which he has prosecuted his researches, there can be no doubt that they will prove a valuable acquisition to science, in the departments to which they refer.

Mr. N. is about the middle size, slightly, but muscularly formed: for an excellent likeness of him, we refer our readers to the portrait which accompanies this memoir,

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was ill-treated by the housekeeper, that he ran away,-sat on a stone between Holloway and Highgate, became irresolute,-heard Bow bells, in the ears of fancy, say—

"Turn again Whittington,

availing themselves of this charity, no one can be received whose aggregate income amounts to £30 per year, and on all occasions, candidates, when recommended, must be approved by the masters, wardens, and assistants of the worshipful Company of Mercers, in whom this endowment is invested.

Each inmate, in addition to a comfortable abode, receives from this noble institution £30 per annum, and in some instances occasional perquisites. A minister also of the establishment, who resides on the spot, has been

Thrice lord-mayor of London;❞ and that, in consequence of this sound, he returned to his former drudgery, are facts that no one presumes to question. The stone on which he sat, long remained as a memorial of his singular fortune, and near the spot where it stood, another has lately been erected, on which his name is engraven, and also the years in which the pre-appointed to perform divine service, diction of Bow-bells was remarkably fulfilled, he being thrice lord-mayor of London, namely, in 1397, 1406, and 1419. He is supposed to have received the honour of knighthood in the yearing the summer,) stands near the centre


On becoming a merchant he acquired considerable wealth, and his liberality was equal to his means of supporting it. In 1413 he founded an alms-house and college, in the Vintry, but the college was afterwards suppressed in the reign of Edward VI. His alms-houses, however, on College-hill, remained, supported by his bounty, until August, 1824, when they were superseded by the elegant buildings that appear in the engraving. The time occupied in completing this range of edifices, was about three years; and the sum expended, according to contract, amounted to £17,000; but it is highly probable that the expenditure has far exceeded the estimate.

The site which these buildings occupy, is near Highgate Archway, not far from the spot on which the stone appears that bears his name, and adjoining the public road.

The particular description of persons who were the first objects of his bounty, we have no means of knowing with accuracy; but it is clearly ascertained, that the number was much less than at present find a comfortable home in this new retreat, now distinguished by the name of "Whittington College." The persons occupying this tranquil abode are twenty-nine, exclusively females, but no distinction is made, whether they are spinsters or widows. Under the age of fifty-five no one can be admitted, and in case of marriage, or improper conduct, each is liable to be expelled.

To prevent improper persons from

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and to watch over their spiritual concerns. The chapel, in which he officiates twice on each Lord's day, (11 and 3 in the winter, and 11 and 6 dur

of the range, and is distinguished by the elevation of its spire. To the rites of the established church, all the inhabitants are expected to conform; but, prior to their admission, no inquiry is made respecting their religious sentiments.

The chapel is not under episcopal consecration, but the minister is licensed to perform divine service among his flock, during which times any other persons in the vicinity are at liberty to attend. Although some acres of ground are attached to the buildings, no portion has been allotted as a place of interment.

The chapel is remarkably neat; the floor is covered with matting, and every thing looks particularly clean. On the whole, the present situation is, beyond all comparison, superior to that of College-hill, affording much better, and far more extensive, accommodations.

While we cannot but reflect with pleasure on the munificence of Sir Richard Whittington, a tribute of respect is due to the worshipful Company of Mercers, to whose probity and care this trust was consigned. We have seen public charities, richly endowed by generous individuals, diverge from their proper channel, and disappear like a fertilizing river flowing through a sandy desert; and it is but too well known, that such acts of sacrilegious injustice have tended, in no small degree, to dry up the sources of public charity.

With this godlike institution, however, the case is quite otherwise. The

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