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supplies of manure, is a most important object, and calls for a contribution of all the knowledge and experience of the members of this Society, and for all the information derivable from other sources.

In general, it may be observed that almost every animal and vegetable substance furnishes a portion of the food of plants; and every such substance, not more valuable for some other purpose, should be converted to this use. Great improvements may be made, in making and collecting manure, by 20 constructing stables, sties, and barn-yards, as to save the excretions of domestic animals, and by mixing them with other manuring substances.

Ashes, leached and unleached, are well known to be a valuable manure-and their effect is particularly remarkable in producing clover on dry land.

Lime or calcarious earth, is considered as manure of value upon some kinds of soil; but probably it has been little used within the limits of this Society. It must remain for future experience to determine its efficacy, and the kind of soil to which it may be usefully applied.

Marine shells, beds of which gave inexhaustible fertility to certain tracts of land on the sea-shore, are not within our reach --and the like remark is applicable to fish, muscles, and sea-weed.

Marl is a manure of great value; but I am not informed whether any considerable beds of it have been found in this region. The discovery of such beds is however, an object tco interesting, to escape the attention of this Society.

it for producing grain, the food of man. The sowing of grass-seed and a rotation of crops, are among the most important improvements in agriculture, introduced during the last century. The beneficial effects of this practice are now so well understood, that the man who suffers his land to rest unseeded, after a crop, for a purpose of recruiting its strength by a spontaneous growth of weeds and grass, may be considered as neglecting one of the most obvious advantages which Providence has offered to his industry.

In the preparation and management of the manure of barn-yards, and of compost, it is important to provide shelter to secure them from waste. In the common practice of suffering the substances to lie spread, and exposed to a burning sun and to washing rains, during the summer, it is probable that one half of the nutritious matter is lost. The substances, in a state of decomposition, should be sheltered from rains and the direct action of the sun, or, if this cannot be done, they should be collected into large piles and covered with earth, weeds or straw.

In rural economy, it is of no small moment to attend to the destruction of weeds. The more perfectly free from weeds land can be kept, the larger and better will be the crops; as weeds deprive grain of a part of the nutrition of the soil, and prevent the action of the sun, which is necessary to elaborate the juices, separate the water from the nutritious matter, and bring the fruit to perfection. Noxious plants therefore should be effectually subdued; Gypsum or plaster-stone is a very effi- and such as spring up among corn and po. cacious manure, on some kinds of soil, and tatoes, after the plough and hoe can be for some species of plants.-Its real value used with safety, should be extirpated by however has not been ascertained, in all the hand, before their seeds are ripencases by accurate experiments; and on ed. And what shall we say of the farmer some crops, its value is probably overrated. who suffers a rank, luxuriant growth of A series of experiments on different soils, briers and weeds to stand unmolested conducted with skill and care, and the re- about his house and barn, and on the borsults ascertained by weight and measure, ders of his garden and fields? The best would throw important light on this sub-mode of subduing and extirpating weeds, ject, and direct the husbandman to a more is a subject that demands particular attensuccessful application of this manure.

There is one resource for restoring fertility to an impoverished soil, which is within every farmer's power--this is the seeding of land with some kind of grass. It is a striking evidence of the wisdom and goodness of the Creator, that those species of plants which either grow spontaneously in the greatest abundance, or are produced with the most ease by cultivation, as herbage for cattle, should also be well adapted to fertilize the earth, and prepare

tion-nor is it less important to check the introduction and spread of any new plant that is noxious to the growth of grass and grain. The Canada thistle, one of the most pernicious and troublesome weeds, and of very difficult extirpation, has spread over the northern parts of New-England, and is extending itself into the southern. It is now seen in the counties of Franklin and Hampshire, and in the town of Windsor in Connecticut; the seeds being con veyed from the North in grass seed, and

in oats or other fodder for horses. Its influence our general course of husbandry." seeds are feathered, and wafted to a dis- In the course of agricultural improvetance by the wind; and it propagates itself ment, the art of draining wet lands, which by lateral or horizontal roots. My own is now in its infancy in this country, will experience teaches that it is barely possi- demand the attention of farmers. Land ble to eradicate this plant, and if the far- abounding with springs may often be much mers have a just sense of their true inter-improved by draining. Valleys or depres

est, they will attack it on its first appearance, and check its propagation.

sions of land between hills, often contain a body of alluvial soil, swept by rains The variety of the species of grass and from the adjacent declivities, enriched by roots which grow well in this climate, pre-deposits of vegetable mould, which have oludes the probability of a general failure been accumulating for ages. These when of provisions and fodder; and the experi- freed from a superabundance of water, ence of nearly two centuries authorises and exposed to the influence of the sun, the belief that the inhabitants of New-Eng-will often be found most excellent land for land are little exposed to famine. But let grazing or tillage. it he considered that our seasons are ex For the security of crops, good fences tremely variable, and that the revolution are indispensable; and most of the towns of a few years exhibits all the varieties of within this district abound with materials wet and dry, warm, cool, and temperate for this purpose. The hilly country is gensummers. Our crops are all exposed to erally furnished with stone; and many destruction from winter-killing, insects, towns have a supply of chesnut, an invaand unseasonable frosts. We know luable timber for fencing. The towns adby observation that some species of grain jacent to the river, when other materials thrive best in one kind of season; others, fail, or become too expensive, will find a in another; cool, temperate, and moder-resource in the cultivation of the thorn. ately dry weather is far most favourable This subject naturally suggests the imto wheat, rye, oats, and barley; but warm portance of attending to the preservation summers are necessary to ripen maize or and increase of wood and timber. PerAmerican corn. As we are unable, when haps, in no particular, are the people of we sow and plant, to foresee what the gen- this country less provident, than in the eral character of the summer is to be, pru- continual destruction of these articles, dence dictates, that we should commit to without attempting to supply the waste. the earth, every year, a due proportion of They seem not to consider that the labour the seeds of every species of grain and of a few weeks only is sufficient to prosroots, on which we depend for the subsis-trate a forest; but that the growth of an tence of men and cattle. By this prac-age is necessary to replace it. In a large tice we multiply the chances of securing a part of New-England, good timber and good crop from one or more of the kinds. wood for fuel are already scarce; and The failure of one species of grain, in a with an increasing population, and growparticular season, is no good reason for ing manufactures, in a cold climate, what neglecting to attempt to raise it, the next is to be the situation of the inhabitants, a year. Indeed, in such a variable climate, century hence, without more such failure rather increases the probabili-economy! Let every owner of land conty of a good crop, the succeeding year. sider that even now a forest of pine, oak, After the loss of American corn by frost in chesnut, ash, and maple, adds a great va1816, a great cry was raised against the lue to his farm; and that this value will cultivation of that species of grain in New- increase or diminish, according to his care England; and with no inconsiderable ef in the management of his wood land. fect; for a less quantity of it has been In the cultivation of fruit trees, there is planted, the last two years, and more land in this region of country, great room for has been appropriated to the raising of improvement; both in the pruning and culother species of grain, and of potatoes. tivation of such trees as we have, and in The present year has shown the impro- supplying better species of fruit. priety of this change of practice; for po- painful to see valuable orchards in a state tatoes and several kinds of grain have pro- of decay, merely for want of culture-and duced a light crop, and the season has equally to be regretted that so little attenbeen favourable to maize. The inference tion is paid to the selection of good fruit, from these facts is, that we should not suf- especially durable and pleasant fruit for fer a particular instance of ill success, to winter's use. The trouble and expence

care and

It is

of procuring the best species, are very inconsiderable, and furnish no just apology for the neglect. Peaches thrive well, in the neighbourhood, but the produce is precarious, and the tree short-lived; yet it is easily replaced, as it bears fruit the fourth or fifth year from the seed. The Quince thrives well, and seldom fails to yield fruit. The Plum-tree grows well, but is subject to premature decay from the bursting of the bark, and a consequent excresence. This has been ascribed to the puncture of an insect, and the excresence often contains a small worm. But this is not al

ways the fact; and it may justly be questioned, whether the puncture of any insect would produce such an effect. It is most probably a disease, for which no effectual remedy has yet been discovered. But the most favourable position for this tree, according to my observation, is, in a moist strong soil, and in the coldest situation that can be found, as on the north side of a building or hedge.

Cherries of all kinds may be cultivated to advantage.

(To be continued.)

Department of Banufacture.


torted members, and ghastly aspect. But whoever has travelled through the towns and cities of the British Isles, during the that it is not alone in manufacturing dislast twenty-five years of war, must know tricts, or manufacturing countries, that beggary and wretchedness are to be found. Whoever would describe depravity and

[We are fully impressed with the belief that nothing can be furnished to our manufacturing friends superiour to the following continuation of the Address which we commenced in our last Num-immorality, may visit barracks, camps,



(Continued from page 55.) 4th. That manufactures degrade and demoralize.

and men-of-war; and, moreover, those nations which are not manufacturing will be found most to abound in profligacy and disorder. In those countries that enjoy the benefit of manufactures, their wholesome effect upon the morals of the people is too We are inclined to believe that in the often defeated by the immoderate use of British factories are found disgusting exhi- spiritous liquors, which, and not manubitions of human depravity and wretched- factories, are the most prolific source of ness. But we cannot believe that the ex-poverty and immorality. Experience has ercise of industry could ever be the cause of demoralizing any race of men; although unequal laws and bad examples may have that tendency. In this country there are extensive manufactories, and yet no such consequences are observed.

The best account we have of the pollution of British manufactures is in a work entitled "Espriella's Letters." To judge from that work, British manufactures are objects of abhorrence. But, for the honour of humanity, we must suppose that picture something over-coloured.

shown that the persons employed in manufactories are as sober as any of the working class. A reason for which may be, that the employers have better means of watching over their conduct, and controlling their disorders; or, where that cannot he effected, discharging those whose bad example might corrupt the rest.

And it appears, from the authentic treatise of Mr. Colquhoun, that before the present unparalleled state of distress in England, there were only seven paupers to every hundred inhabitants in the manufacSurely, we have not witnessed in our fa-turing districts, and in others, not manubrics any of those fearful apparitions, fit-facturing, there were but twenty-one. ting through the smoke of their dismal re- Was it manufactures that humbled pairs, like the spirits of the damned; squal-Spain, whose power and pride stood once id and palid, with green hair, red eyes, dis-as high as England's? What manufactures

strew the streets of Naples with idle Laza-, reward; and if they fear sickness or decrironi? What manufactures debase Portu- pitude in our factories, there is no authorigal? Is it the manufacturing of tooth-picks ty, power, or necessity, that can confine at the university of Coimbra? or is it the stripping off the bark from the cork tree in the forest, to be carried to England, cut, and sent back to bottle their wine? Is it the encouragement of domestic manufactures that has degraded the children of Erin? or is it that every demoniac effort has been used, to depress its industry, stifle its genius, and trample down its virtues?

And why is Canada so different from the United States, although untaxed? Because, even the timber of their woods is sent to be made into ships, and returned, ready framed, to be launched on the lakes for their defence.

them for a day. They may shape their course to any part of a territory as expansive as the ocean they have traversed, find a thousand ways to bestow their industry to their advantage, with land, free and unoccupied, on which to settle; and under no circumstances need they fear the dreadful calamity of famine, from which they fled.

5th. That manufactures should be left to their natural growth.

To the friends of America, it will be argument enough that domestic manufactures are for the permanent interest of their country, and the only sure means of our independence. What would not wis dom and patriotism do to secure such objects?

We ask not one-third of the protection which Britain has bestowed upon her manufactures. We ask not more protection than our commerce has received by discriminating duties and navigation laws; and what we do ask, is but until our tender grizzle shall be hardended, and our joints knit. But under what protection British manufactures grew, and still maintain themselves, we shall now show: and then, in our turn, ask these advisers, why ours should be left to themselves rather than their own.

But at length, though late, the continental nations have taken the alarm, and combinations are formed, by both sexes, against the importation of these manufactures! Shall we be less quicksighted? If, in war, they could not overcome us, shall they in peace destroy us? If they feel now the effects of their ambition, they cannot complain:They are the general challengers. We come but as others do, to try with them the strength of our youth.' We have, besides, none of those great manufacturing cities; nor do we wish for such. Our fabrics will not require to be situated near mines of coal, to be worked by fire or steam, but rather on chosen sites, by the fall of water, and the running streams, Coeval with the first dawn of English the seats of health and cheerfulness, where prosperity, we find in the British code, good instruction will secure the morals of laws for the protection of British manuthe young, and good regulations will pro- factures. One of their ancient kings, the mote, in all, order, cleanliness, and the third Edward, is magnified in their histoexercise of the civil duties. This, with ry, for his wise foresight in enacting these the beneficial clauses usual in our inden- statutes, to which their increasing gratness tures of apprenticeship, and the vigilant is ascribed. To those acts is referred the eye of the magistrate to enforce them, will consequence to which that little island has obviate every apprehension. And we haz- since attained; the bursting of the feudal ard nothing by the assertion, that some of chains; the growth of art and science; and the best educated of the poorer class, in that power, of which the abuse has at this country, are those brought up in fac-length recoiled upon the head of pride and tories, and such as would otherwise have usurpation. been destitute of education altogether; We do not ask for such laws as the and those whose tenderness inclines them British code exhibits. We would not sato make this objection are requested to crifice to a golden idol the rights or feelreflect, that the paternal regard of the le-ings of humanity. We would not chain to gislature is awake to this subject; and the ground the harmless artificer; nor unthat, to every institution of this kind, a der accumulated penalties restrain his school will be appendant. Then, if it natural rights. Yet such are British statplease heaven to redeem the thousands, utes. The oppressor may trample on him, and tens of thousands, that groan in the famine stare him in the face; his children land of bondage, and open them a pas-cry for bread, when he has none to give sage through the waves, as to the Israelites of old, this shall be their land of promise. Here shall their industry find its

them; be his disgust or his enterprise what it may, he "must abide the pelting of the storm;" his native land is his dun


geon, and his industry his crime. If a mas- Britain and America, as manufacturing riter of an American vessel offer to trans-vals, speaks thus: "This is the era (he port him to a country where his heart's says) of a systematic contest which must, hopes are centred, he, too, is condemned, eventually, endanger the safety of the as α seducer of artisans," to like ruinous manufactures of the one or the other." inflictions, and punished for his charitable Now, though this is not a war of arms, ministry. The exporter of a tool or im- yet it is a war more subtle and more plement used in any art, or the master deadly, a war that can deprive us of every who receives it in his ship, is subject to means of future resistance, and insure sucsimilar pains and forfeitures. cess to some future invasion. It is that Nor is this, like the feudal laws, or warfare, which, two years after victory, monastic institutions, an obsolete system; has left us worse than a conquered nation; many of these statutes are of modern date, without a single piece of coined money and some of the time of the reigning mon- in the purse of any individual. If we arch. We wish for nothing that can af- hesitate now, we deserve our adversafect the personal right of any individual; ry's scorn; if we will be deceived, why citizen, alien, native, or foreigner; we should he not deceive us; if we are claim only for our country the honourable content to be undone, why should he feel protection of its very dearest interests. remorse; if we have no remedy, we are But, we think this argument may show to be pitied and not blamed; if we have, how far Great Britain is from doing that and want courage to apply it, we are to herself which her emissaries never fail to be blamed, but not pitied If we do not preach to us-that is, letting her manufac- make a stand upon this ground, we need tures take care of themselves. Nor is it defend no other post; thier interest, the king, nor his cabinet, nor his parlia- supported by the government, by their ment, to whom this policy is to be ascrib-laws, by public patronage, and wealthy ed. It is the public voice. So dearly do combinations, by export duties, and Englishmen prize that interest they would bounties on exportation, will prevail have us forego. against our's, unsupported and neglectWe would here notice two branches of ed, and our interest will be more than domestic manufactures, the shoe and endangered, in this systematic contest, if hat manufactures, which have, by the one gives all the blows, and the other means of the protection of government, passively receives them. prospered to that degree that they, at this Nor is it a principle of English origin, day, render us independent of foreign sup- merely to encourage and protect domes. ply. But facts are so abundant that the tic arts. All wise states have acted on details would lead to interminable length. it. In ancient Rome, though artificers We find a member of parliament, the were of the class of slaves, they were celebrated Mr. Brougham, who brought greatly favoured. They had their own about the repeal of the orders in coun- temples, chose their own patrons to decil, by showing the effects of our non-im- fend their causes, and were exempt portation law upon their manufactures from personal services to the state. This energetic denouncer of the abuses of They were incorporated into colleges power, versed in the subject, and speak-or companies, had their own tutelary ing for popularity, in arraigning as mad-gods, and when their labours were endness the excessive exportations to the con-ed, they hung up their tools with ceretinent of Europe, admits, nevertheless, monial rites as votive offerings; and all "that it is well worth while to incur a this for their utility alone, having to loss on the first exportation, in order, by fear no hostile competition.. the glut, to stifle in the cradle those riBesides, it is not against an armed sing manufactures in the United States, force we are now to array ourselves, nor which the war, had forced into prema- against legitimate or liberal competion, ture existence, contrary," as he is plea- but against concealed hostility, and sed to assert, "to the natural course of practices full of dishonour. Whether things." And a celebrated writer on the these proceed from the government, or colonial policy of Great Britain, whose the people, or from an interested class, words are considered next to official, in a chapter on the relative situation of Greathey will not be less ruinous to us, unless we oppose them by means prompt, vigorous, and effective. If in ordinary times such conspiracy against our pros

* Geo. I. c. 27. Geo. III. c. 13. Geo. III. c. 71. Geo. III. c. 37. Geo. III. c. 60.

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