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ing objections are relied upon as insur- establishments, let him go to the western mountable : part of this state, the rapid growth of 1. That this ought to be a commercial which is without a parallel in the history of and agricultural, and not a manufacturing nations, and he will find that mills and country. manufactures formed the first rudiments of those almost countless villages, and towns which spangle that fertile and beautiful country, emphatically styled, the Eden of the state.

2. That manufactures are unfriendly to commerce and agriculture.

3. That they cannot be carried on to advantage, because labour is higher than in Europe.

4. That they demoralize and deprave those employed in them.

5. That they should be left to themselves, and not forced into premature exist ence by government patronage.

2d. That our manufactures are noxious to our commerce and agriculture.

This is little else than so many empty words. How can that which widens the field of commerce be said to injure it? Will these logicians assert that Brisish manu6. That such patronage would diminish factures have injured British commerce? the revenue and resources of government. No; but they speak with two tongues; one True to her interest, when Great Bri- for themselves, and one for us. We have tain cannot force a market by the bayonet, three resources; they have but two: abanshe does it by circumvention. It was this don one, they say, that we may be equal. policy, exercised towards these states, When did they set us the example of such whilst colonies, that, with other aggres- complaisance? And as to any pretended sions, led to resistance. It was the con- injury to agriculture, by the absorption of tinuance of this policy, and the influence of labour, we find that out of 200,000 perher manufactures, that lately went near to sons formerly employed in our factories, prostrate our government, sever our union, in two branches alone, more than 120,000 and overturn our independence. And this were women and children. Was agriculpolicy, as long as it is fed with any hope of ture benefited when, on the stopping of our ruin, will leave no means untried to the cotton and woollen manufactures, injure us. Such is the policy that car these women returned to idleness, the chilries despotism round the globe; that whis-dren to the poor house, and the men, not pers in our ears, and would instil into our hearts, pernicious counsels.

And now to our argument; 1st. That this ought to be a commercial and agricultural country.

If this position were not the entering wedge for other sophistries, we should have nothing to do but to agree: but when they go the length of saying, "Give up manufacturing that you may be commercial and agricultural," we say, no! but we will manufacture, that we may be agricultural and commercial. And we tell them, read your history, and see how England's commerce has depended on, and grown out of, her manufactures.

to the farms, but to the cities from whence they came.

3d. That manufactures cannot be carried on here to advantage whilst labour is so much higher than in England.


This may be plausible to those who are as ignorant of that country as its partisans are, or affect to be, of this. labour is, indeed, numerically higher; but taxes and impositions are so much lower, that we can afford to pay more, because our goods are charged with little else. It is true that in England the labourer receives less, because what he earns by his industry is paid away, before it reaches his hands, in tithes, pensions, taxes, poor-rates, and a thousand exactions to pamper the pride and luxury of those who live but to consume the fruits of the earth-who neither work, nor add to the stock of national wealth.

If England's commerce has depended upon her manufactures, and without any agricultural resources she has risen to wealth, we may well say, having a resource the more in the abundance of our soil, 'Do you give up all the competition, let us But it proves nothing for the lowness manufacture for you.' Great Britain of wages, that this poor man's substance would surely think this an arrogant pre- is eaten up by so many that had no tension, and she would think rightly. Why, share in earning it. And there is anoththen, presume that we should be her dupe? er answer worth attention: If our faDoes any one seek to be convinced, by brics are upheld for a time, a power will a single fact, that the settlement of the develope itself which will sink this formilands, and the prosperity of the country, dable objection into nothing; that of ladepend, essentially, upon manufacturing | bour-saving machinery; a power of which

no man can at present foresee the limit or extent; a power indigenous in this country, where men, by the free exercise of their will and faculties, have acquired a characteristic aptitude for mechanical inventions. Many instances prove this position, so honourable to our country.

And what field of competition is so desirable as that which calls into activity the finest powers and greatest energies of useful intellect; the powers that will make us strong in war, secure in peace, respected abroad, happy at home. But there is another motive, still nearer at hand; these manufactures give bread to many whom years, infirmities, or sex, disqualify from labours of a ruder cast, and make them rather a source of wealth to the community than an incumbrance. And so little does the depression of our manufactures depend upon scarcity of hands, that many are carried on by apprentices without wages. And since the peace, many persons have been obliged to return from them to the poor houses, and be again consigned to pauperism.

What we bave said of machinery will be of more weight, when it is consider

ed what abundance of mill-sites are to

our present object, we would quote abun-
dance of valuable matter from this au-
thentic and useful work.
We can on-
ly here recommend it to the perusal of
all who take interest in their country's

Further selections will be made from this valuable production in future numbers.



This Society was instituted in the city of New-York, in 1816. Daniel D. Tompkins, Vice-President of the United States, is President of the Society, and many of the most distinguished men in the state are active members of it. It may be called the mother society of many others that have since been formed. Its members be had in this country, of which the fee- have been the great means of simple, and all other charges, would not drawing the attention of Congress cost the annual expence of a steam en- to the subject of American manugine; and though in England, wages are higher than on the continent of Europe, factures.. They have regular yet that has not prevented her from un-communications from societies derselling all her rivals, except such as formed in New-Jersey, Pennsylhave lately adopted the counteracting po-vania, District of Columbia, Dellicy we would recommend. It is worthy also of notice, that all aware, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginthese labour-saving machines, and me- ia, and Mississippi. chanical improvements, which would be Upon the arrival of the Presihailed by us as new planets in the firmament, are, in that country, the signals dent of the United States at Newof mobs, assassinations, and revolt; and York, in June 1817, he was adare in fact, at last established by the sole mitted as a member of this society protection of the strong arm of govern--very highly appreciated the We refer on this head to Mr. Tench honour conferred upon him, and Coxe's 'Statement of the Arts and Manu- in answering the address of the factures of the United States,' who asserts that the diminution of manual la society, declared-" That he dubour in 1808, was estimated in England, ly appreciated the objects of the in regard to the cotton business, at 200 institution, which were particularly to 1. And who observes further, that dear to him, from their being intiMr. John Duncan, of Glasgow, an able writer, and artist, considers it to be much mately connected with the REAL inIn the same work, Mr. Coxe in- dependence of the Republic."— stances the saw-gin, invented by Mr. Ely Upon the same day, (June 14th.) Whitney of Connecticut, as saving manu- the three venerable ex-presidents al labour in the proportion of 1000 to 1. If it were consistent with our limits, or of the United States, were ad



mitted as members. It must be Society, my just acknowledgment for this mark of attention, I tender to yourself the assurance of my great respect and consideration.

gratifying to our readers, to see the manner in which these great men estimated the honour conferred upon them, and their views of "DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE." Their letters follow.



Montpelier, June 27, 1817. Sir I have received your letter of the 18th inst. informing me that the American Society for the encouragement of Domestic Manufactures, has been pleased to elect me one of its members.

Quincy, June 23, 1817. Sir-I have received the letter, you did me the honour of writing to me, on the 14th of this month, announcing to me my Although I approve of the policy of leavelection, by the American Society for ing to the sagacity of individuals, and to the the encouragement of Domestic Manufac-impulse of private interest, the application tures, instituted in New-York, as a mem- of industry and capital, I am equally perber: an honour made more illustrious by suaded that in this, as in other cases, there the presence of the President of the United are exceptions to the general rule, which States. do not impair the principle of it. Among these exceptions, is the policy of encoura


Be pleased, Sir, to present my respects to the Society, and my thanks for the hon-ging domestic manufactures, within cerour they have done me; and to assure tain limits, and in reference to certain arthem, if the best wishes of a man at eightyone years of age, can promote the wise purposes of their institution, I shall be a useful member. For according to my superficial view of political economy in civilized society, next to agriculture, which is the first and most splendid, manufactures are second, and navigation the third. With agriculture, manufactures, and navigation, all the commerce which can be necessary or useful to the happiness of a nation, will

be secured.

Accept my thanks for the civility with which you have communicated the vote of the Society to their and your friend,


of the subject, it may be remarked, that Without entering into a detailed view every prudent nation will wish to be independent of other nations, for the necessaTy articles of food, of raiment, and of defence; and particular considerations applicable to the United States, seem to strengthen the motives to this indepen


above description, there may be others, Besides the articles falling under the for manufacturing which, natural advantages exist, which require temporary interpositions for bringing them into regular and Sucessful activity.

D. LYNCH, jun. Esq. Secretary of from abroad, and not withdrawn, nor withWhere the fund of industry is acquired the American Society for the encourage-held from other domestic employments, ment of Domestic Manufactures.

the case speaks for itself.

the articles, manufactured at home, all must be sensible, that it is politic and patriotic to encourage a preference of them, as affording a more certain source of supply for every class, and a more certain market for the surplus products of the agricultu

Monticello, June, 26, 1817. I will only add, that among the articles Sir-I am thankful for the honour done of consumption and use, the preference, me by an association with the American in many cases, is decided merely by fashSociety for the encouragement of Domes-ion or habit. As far as equality, and still tic Manufactures, instituted in New-York. more, where a real superiority is found in The history of the last twenty years has been a sufficient lesson for us all, to depend for necessaries on ourselves alone: and I hope that twenty years more, will place the American hemisphere under a system of its own, essentially peaceable and industrious, and not needing to ex-ral class. tract its comforts out of the eternal fires With these sentiments, I beg you to make raging in the old world. The efforts of the members of your institution being necessarily engaged in their respective vicinages, I consider myself, by their choice, as but a link of union between the promoters there and here of the same patriotic objects. Praying you to present to the

my acknowledgments for the marks of distinction conferred on me, and which I accept from respect for the Society, and for its objects, rather than from any hope of being useful as a member. To yourself, I tender my friendly respects.





ENCOURAGE-ence to the superiour sagacity of more experienced men; but the benefits appear so obvious, that they are suggested. Religious and Masonic associations are multiA moment's reflection must shew plied almost beyond enumeration; any man of discernment, that as- and the best results have been sociations of the owners, of dif-produced. By the first, the desferent establishments, and of dif- titute have been educated, and the ferent individuals, if combined light of religion extended-by the upon the principles of mutual ac- last, the widow and the fathercommodation, and mutual inter-less have been protected, and the est, must be productive of the needy have been saved from the greatest utility. The adversity chilly grasp of cheerless poverty. produced by the last war, with Societies of Manufacturers and many of the enterprising manu-Mechanics have been established facturers and mechanics in Con-in Hartford, Middletown, and necticut, is within the knowledge Litchfield, in this state; and they of every reader. Standing alone hold regular communications with and unassisted, they were pros- the principal Society in Newtrated, as the child would break York city-the great emporium the single rod; had they been uni-of our great Republic. If no peted, they would have rode out the cuniary benefit is hereby directly storm, as the bundled reeds would derived, it certainly imparts to all withstand the arm of the giant. the knowledge of improvements in These ideas are suggested by manufacture, and active knowledge the editor with the greatest defer-may be properly called capital.

iscellaneous Department.

"MAN—PLEAS’D WITH VARIETY, must be indulg'd.'



March 1819.......Paper II.

"How charming are thy borders-thy hills how beautiful-thy vallies how fertile and thy streams are lucid." Asiatic Poetry.

ASI led my readers at the close corner" of our beloved Connectiof my first paper to expect-Ariel cut. As he entered my closet, I has returned from his first excur- was in a pensive though not in a sion, through every "nook and morose mood. His countenance 8

Vol. I.

beamed with delight as he enter-now proceed to point out the peed-for although he is invisible culiar advantages enjoyed by the to all the rest of the world, he as-people of Connecticut. This sumes form and shape when with command restored Ariel to a state me, i. e. the "Social Companion." of animated joy; and he thus proExhilarated apparently to rap-ceeded," Connecticut has a cliture, he thus addressed me-"Imate that invigorates the human have faithfully explored the state system-a soil that furnishes man of Connecticut. I feel myself with all the variety of animal and wholly incompetent to express to vegetable food-waters that fayou, sir, the admiration I feel. As cilitate transportation; aid the you well know, I have existed for manufacturer and mechanic, and many ages, and explored many furnish the most excellent fish. portions of the old and new world. But, sir, I will omit at this moment, I have seen the Ganges roll in to say more of its natural advanAsia-the Danube in Europe, and tages. In a literary, moral, and the Nile in Africa. I have noti-religious point of view, Connecticed the few joys, and the many cut certainly stands preeminent miseries of the human beings who-not that it produces more sciinhabit these countries. I have entific scholars, more correct moalso wandered, unseen, along the ralists, or more sincere christians, delightful Ohio, and the majestic than other states and countriesMississippi. I have observed the but, literature is more generally advantages which a beneficent diffused-morality has a more Providence has there bestowed universal influence, and the beupon man-but sir, until I had ex-nign influence of religion affects plored this beloved Connecticut, more hearts than in any country I hardly thought any one country I ever visited." could unite in its own bosom the benefits of all."

Expecting nothing but a general report from my faithful agent at this time, I here dismissed him. Immediately after, I received the following communication.


I here checked Ariel for his enthusiasm. He seemed mortified and chagrined that I should have even a momentary doubt of his accuracy. Ariel! said I, a-beneficent Providence has showered down blessings in rich profu- Ever since I read your first Pasion upon every portion of the per in the RURAL MAGAZINE, I world. Even the wandering Arab have been in a state of constant of Zaharah finds blessings upon agitation. As I am a female, I that outspread and cheerless de- did not pay so much attention sert. After a short pause, Ariel to the "Historical, Biographical, declared, "That the only way Agricultural, and Manufacturing that we could determine the su- Departments," as I conclude the periority of one country to anoth-gentlemen have. I always look er, was, by comparing them to- first after "Poetry," then " Misgether." Certainly, said I-and cellany," and then " Variety." I

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