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joining, for the space of one year, from his arrival there. And the said John Winthrop doth undertake and covenant for his part, that he will, with all convenient speed, repair to those places, and there abide as aforesaid for the best advancement of the company's service.

and of the harbour and places ad- Fourthly, That for such as shall plant there now, in the beginning, he shall take care that they plant themselves either at the harbour, or near the mouth of the river, that these places may be the better strengthened for their own safety, and to that end, that they also set down in such bodies together, as they may be most capable of an entrenchment; provided that there be reserved unto the fort, for the maintenance of it, one thousand or fifteen hundred acres, at least, of good ground, as near adjoining thereunto as may be.

Secondly, That so soon as he comes to the bay, he shall endeavour to provide able men to the number of fifty, at the least, for making of fortifications, and building of houses at the river Connecticut, and the harbour adjoining, first for their own present accommodations, and then such houses as may receive men of quality, which latter houses we would have to be builded within the fort.

Thirdly, That he shall employ those men, according to his best ability, for the advancement of the company's service, especially in the particulars above mentioned, during the time of his government; and shall also give a true and just account of all the monies and goods committed to his managing.

Fifthly, That forasmuch as the service will take him off from his own employment, the company do engage themselves, to give him a just and due consideration for the same. In witness whereof we have interchangeably hereunto subscribed our names.

W. SAY and SEAL,
RICHARD SALtonstall,

(To be continued.)

Biographical Department.





IT was our intention to have life, could not be obtained in continued the Biography of Gen. time to enable us to pursue that David Humphreys in this number; subject in this number. The but a variety of facts which were object of the Biographer and the indispensably necessary to give Historian ought to be accuracy; the reader a correct view of his' and it is better to remain in igno

[blocks in formation]

rance of both, than to be misled to liberty by some bold exploit. in either. As a substitute, we While his mind was in this state, present the reader with a brief a plan for taking Ticonderoga Sketch of the life of Gen. ETHAN and Crown Point by surprise, ALLEN, a native of Connecticut. which was formed by several It is contained in the "American gentlemen in Connecticut, was Biographical Dictionary," com- communicated to him, and he piled by Thomas B. Rogers, Esq. readily engaged in the project. work which is in the hands of Receiving directions from the but few of our readers, but which general assembly of Connecticut ought to be in the hands of to raise the green mountain boys, all. and conduct the enterprise, he collected 230 of the hardy set"ETHAN ALLEN, a brigadier tlers, and proceeded to Castleton. general in the war with Great Here he was unexpectedly joined Britain, was born in Salisbury, by Col. Arnold, who had been Connecticut. While he was young, commissioned by the Massachuhis parents emigrated to Vermont.setts' committee to raise 400 men At the commencement of the dis-and effect the same object, which turbances in this territory, about was now about to be accomplishthe year 1770, he took a most ac-ed. As he had not raised the men, tive part in favour of the green he was admitted to act as an assismountain boys, as the settlers tant to Col. Allen. They reached were then called, in opposition to the lake opposite Ticonderoga on the government of New-York. the evening of the 9th of May, An act of outlawry against him 1775. With the utmost difficulty was passed by that state, and 500 boats were procured, and 83 men guineas were offered for his ap- were landed near the garrison. prehension; but his party was too The approach of day rendering it numerous and faithful to permit dangerous to wait for the rear, it him to be disturbed by any ap-was determined immediately to prehensions for his safety; in all proceed. The commander in the struggles of the day he was chief now addressed his men, repsuccessful; and he not only prov-resenting that they had been for ed a valuable friend to those, a number of years a scourge to whose cause he had espoused, arbitrary power, and famed for but he was humane and generous their valour, and concluded with toward those with whom he had saying, "I now propose to adto contend. When called to take vance before you, and in person the field, he showed himself an conduct you through the wicket able leader and an intrepid sol-gate, and you that will go with me dier. voluntarily in this desperate atThe news of the battle of Lex-tempt, poize your firelocks." At ington determined Col. Allen to the head of the centre file, he engage on the side of his country, marched instantly to the gate, and inspired him with the desire where a sentry snapped his gun of demonstrating his attachment at him, and retreated through the

covered way; he pressed forward number of 31, and he had retreat. into the fort, and formed his men ed near a mile, that he surrenon the parade in such a manner dered. A moment afterwards as to face two opposite barracks. a furious savage rushed towards Three huzzas awaked the garri- him, and presented his firelock son. A sentry, who asked quar-with the intent of killing him. It ter, pointed out the apartments was only by making use of the of the commanding officer; and body of the officer, to whom he Allen, with a drawn sword over had given his sword, as a shield, the head of Capt. De la Place, that he escaped destruction. who was undressed, demanded He was now kept for some time the surrender of the fort. "By in irons and treated with the what authority do you demand greatest cruelty. He was sent to it ?" inquired the astonished England as a prisoner, being ascommander. "I demand it," said sured that the halter would be the Allen "in the name of the great reward of his rebellion when he Jehovah and of the Continen- arrived there. After his arrival, tal Congress." The summons about the middle of December, could not be disobeyed, and he was lodged for a short time in the fort with its very valua-Pendennis castle, near Falmouth. ble stores, and 49 prisoners, was On the 8th of January, 1776, he immediately surrendered. Crown was put on board a frigate, and by Point was taken the same day, a circuitous route carried to Haland the capture of a sloop of war ifax. Here he remained confined soon afterwards made Allen and in the jail from June to October, his brave party complete masters when he was removed to Newof lake Champlain. York. During the passage to this In the fall of 1775, he was sent place, Capt. Burke, a daring pritwice into Canada to observe the soner, proposed to kill the British dispositions of the people, and captain and seize the frigate ; but attach them, if possible, to the Col. Allen refused to engage in American cause. During this the plot, and was probably the last tour, Col. Brown met him, means of preserving the life of and proposed an attack on Mon- Capt. Smith, who had treated treal, in concert. The proposal him very politely. He was kept was eagerly embraced, and Col. at New-York, about a year and a Allen with 110 men, near 80 of half, sometimes imprisoned and whom were Canadians, crossed sometimes permitted to be on the river in the night of Sept. 24. parole. While here, he had an In the morning he waited with im- opportunity to observe the inhupatience for the signal from Col. man manner, in which the AmeriBrown, who agreed to co-operate can prisoners were treated. In with him; but he waited in vain. one of the churches, in which He made a resolute defence they were crowded, he saw seven against an attack of 500 men, and lying dead at one time, and others it was not till his own party was biting pieces of chips from hun reduced by desertions to the ger. He calculated, that of the

prisoners taken at Long-Island of a child. He believed, with Pyand fort Washington, near 2000 thagoras, that man, after death, perished by hunger and cold, or would transmigrate into beasts, in consequence of diseases occa- birds, fishes, reptiles, &c. and of sioned by the impurity of their ten informed his friends, that he prisons. himself expected to live again in

Colonel Allen was exchanged the form of a large white horse. for Col. Campbell, May 6, 1778, Besides a number of pamphlets and after having repaired to head- in the controversy with Newquarters, and offered his services York, he published, in 1779, a to General Washington in case his narrative of his observations duhealth should be restored, he re-ring his captivity, which has been turned to Vermont. His arrival | lately reprinted; a vindicaton of on the evening of the last of May the opposition of the inhabitants gave his friends great joy, and it of Vermont to the government of was announced by the discharge New-York, and their right to form of cannon. As an expression of an independent state, 1779; and confidence in his patriotism and Allen's Theology, or the Oracles military talents, he was very soon of Reason, 1786. This last work appointed to the command of the was intended to ridicule the doc. state militia. It does not appear trine of Moses and the prophets. however, that his intrepidity was ever again brought to the test, though his patriotism was tried by an unsuccessful attempt of the British to bribe him to attempt a union of Vermont with Canada. He died suddenly at his estate in Colchester, February 13, 1789.


From the same work we select

brief Biography of another distinguished citizen of Connecticut.

JOHN PIERCE, Paymastergeneral during the revolutionary war, was a native of Connecticut. He was instructed in the learned General Allen possessed strong languages, and instituted in the powers of mind, but they never rudiments of polite literature, at felt the influence of education. one of those grammar schools Though he was brave, humane which are established by governand generous; yet, his conduct ment, in every county town, in does not seem to have been much the state of Connecticut. He influenced by considerations res- afterwards read law with an attorpecting that holy and merciful ney, and was admitted to the pracBeing, whose character and whose tice, at the commencement of the commands are disclosed to us in late war. But finding, from the the scriptures. His notions, with turbulence of the times, that the regard to religion, were such, as prospect was unfavourable at the to prove, that those, who rather bar, and that his services might confide in their own wisdom than be useful with the army, he went seek instruction from Heaven, as a clerk in a commissary's store may embrace absurdities which at the northward. From thence would disgrace the understanding he became an assistant in the pay

office of the separate army, in the somewhat on the occasion. While same department. The junction the matter was yet depending of the three corps, which had before congress, his excellency served the year before separately, wrote recommendatory letters to under the orders of Gen. Washing-some of his private corresponton, Gen. Putnam and Gen. Gates, dents and had reason to be perat the White Plains in 1778; and fectly satisfied with the result. the consequent resignation of On the 17th of January, 1781, Col. Trumbull, his principal, left Mr. Pierce was elected Paymashim in the character of a deputy ter-general; and, before the disto Col. Palfrey, the Paymaster-solution of the army, commissiongeneral, at the head quarters of er for settling their accounts. His the main army. conduct, in transacting the comThe tide in human affairs at plicated business whieh devolved length brought Mr. Pierce to the upon him, fully justified the conmoment, which was to prove the fidence that had been reposed in crisis of his fortunes. When Col. him, by these appointments. The Palfrey was appointed Consul- trouble, in the former, was infigeneral to France, several gentle-nitely accumulated by the pover men of fair pretensions, were ty of the military chest, and the candidates for filling the first seat defect of regular payments. It in the pay-office, which had thus is known that the want of money become vacant. Nor will it easily to discharge the arrears, left an be comprehended by those who unsettled account between the are possessed of European ideas, public and every individual, who respecting the disposal of minis- belonged to the army. These terial appointments, how a young accounts were liquidated, and man, like Mr. Pierce, who had certificates of the balances were risen from a low station on the signed in the hand writing of Mr. civil staff, without friends, should Pierce. This was a most arduhave been nominated to an office ous task, in the accomplishment of so much trust and importance. of which, innumerable perplexiIt was his lot to have conducted ties and embarrassments must the whole business with the main have occurred. No stronger tesarmy for some time before the va- timony can be adduced of his cancy took place and fortunate- clearness in stating the accounts, ly for him, the advantages to be independence in rejecting imderived from a manly understand-proper claims, and candour in aling, indefatigable application and lowing such as had a title to adinflexible honesty, were known mission, than the approbation of and appreciated. The command- congress, the board of treasury, er in chief, impressed with an and the officers and privates of idea that Mr. Pierce would per- the army.

form the duties with great fideli- Mr. Pierce died at New-York, ty and ability, interested himself in August, 1788.

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