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at a depreciated price. The mo- permanent prosperity of our counment intercourse between the try; now, when we have at the two countries was opened, her head of our administration, a cihoarded stores were thrown upon tizen, whose presence here this us, and we were deluged with the evening, assures us of the intermanufactures which had been est he takes in the objects of our waiting the event. They could institution, we. may hope that be sold without profit, because American manufactures will rethe manufacturer thought himself ceive all the countenance and fortunate, if he could realise the support, that can be derived from capital which he had been obliged the power of the government. to expend, to support his estab- Let that power be exerted only lishment while there was no sale so far as to counteract the policy for wares. of foreign nations, and every But he was content to bear a American may be gratified in the loss, because, in the words of an pride of wearing the produce of English statesman, "it was well the American soil, manufactured worth while to incur a loss upon by American hands. Again, shall the first exportation, in order by the surplus population of our the glut, to stifle in the cradle, great cities, and the feeble powers those rising manufactures in the of women and children, find that United States, which the war had means of useful and profitable forced into existence." It would employment, which manufactuhave been surprising, indeed, if rers alone can afford them. Again, our infant manufactures, the es- shall the patriotic and enterpritablishment of which, had gener-sing capitalist, find advantages in ally exhausted the capitals of devoting his means and mind to those who embarked in them, objects so calculated to promote could have sustained themselves the prosperity and happiness of under such circumstances without his country. And again, shall forany aid or support from the gov-eign nations dread to see us riernment-without any means of sing to that real independence, countervailing the effects of the which we never can in truth énsacrifices which foreigners were joy, while we depend on any but willing to make for their destruc- ourselves for the first necessaries tion. How were they to maintain of life. The society beg leave to themselves? It was impossible-testify to the Chief Magistrate of many of them sunk--but we hope, the nation, the high sense they to rise again. The attention of entertain of the honour he has the government, was too ardently conferred upon them by his predirected during the war, to other sence at this time, and sincerely objects, to perceive the policy or participate in the feelings, which necessity of that protection, which have been so universally manithe manufacturing interest did not fested on his visit to our city, and then appear to want. But now most cordially tender him their that peace will leave our legisla-best wishes for his health and haptors free to consider and provide piness."

for the real independence, and

[The following is the Report of Your Committee, in further the same Society. We really hope pursuance of the duties delegated our readers will not be deterred, to them, caused a memorial to be drawn from its length, from giving it a in behalf of the Socieup ty, addressed to the Congress of careful perusal. Every citizen of the United States, praying for Connecticut, whatever his employ- the permanency of the duties im

ment may be, is deeply interested in Agriculture and Manufacture. Essays upon these subjects, may, it would seem, be equally interesting and useful, as the last London Novels, which make men think and act like boys and dandies, and women appear like novices.]


posed by the tariff: the prohibition of cotton goods, manufactu-, red beyond the cape of Good fication of the revenue laws, as Hope; such revision and modimight prevent smuggling, false invoices, and other frauds; for a duty of ten per cent, on auction sales, with the exceptions therein stated; for a recommendation "Report of the Corresponding to the officers of the army and Committee of the American So- navy, and to all civil officers, to be clothed in American fabrics; ciety, for the Encouragement of that all public supplies for the arDomestic Manufactures. my and navy might be of AmeriThe Corresponding Commit-can manufacture; and for such tee, elected in pursuance of the other protection as might place third article of the Constitution, our mercantile and manufactufor the current year, respectful- ring interests beyond the reach of ly report :foreign influence.

That, immediately after the It is with pleasure and gratimeeting of the Society, held on tude your committee have learnthe 31st December, 1816, they ed, that the War Department, took the speediest measures for has given an entire preference to carrying into effect the resolu- domestic manufacture, and as tions, respecting the printing and much is confidently hoped from publishing the Address then re- the department of the navy. ported and adopted. They acYour Committee elected a decordingly caused to be printed legate to proceed with the same five thousand copics; one of to the seat of government. which was transmitted to the Memorials of similar import, President of the United States, were drawn up by the merchants and one to each of the members of this city, and by the citizens of Congress, and heads of de- at large, respectively; and anothpartment of the general gov-er member of your Committee ernment, and to the governours was deputed by the merchants, and members of the Legislatures who also appointed a citizen of of the states respectively, as far New-York, then in the city of as the same was practicable. Washington, to co-operate with

[blocks in formation]

the delegates of this Society, tioned memorials were referred, and caused the above named me- and that committee reported in morials to be laid before Con-part by a bill, for the continuance gress, with instructions to solicit of the existing duties upon imporand promote the objects of thein, tations as prayed; and referred by their best endeavours. the other matters more immediThe delegates, on their way to ately connected with the revenue, the seat of government, took oc- to the Secretary of the Treasury; casion to explain, to certain res- whose opinions we think ourselves pectable and influential citizens authorized to state, were in unison of Philadelphia, and Baltimore, with the prayer of the memorialthe object, views, and motives, ists. And although the lateness of this Society, and the nature of of the session, and the mass of their mission; and had the satis- unfinished business, prevented faction, during the short period the immediate attainment of the of one day, in each of these ci- objects desired, yet the wisest ties, to witness the formation of and most experienced in and out kindred associations, whose pro- of Congress, (the enlightened ceedings have been long since made public; and which, by their intelligence, patriotism, capital, and character, have proved an inappreciable acquisition to the cause of domestic industry.

members of the committee of the House included,) were of opinion, that nothing would be lost by the delay, as every day would offer new manifestations of the public sentiment, and the circumstances During their residence in the of the times be more fully devecity of Washington, the said dele-loped, and operate as a law of negates, with the aid and co-opera-cessity.

tion of their colleague, made a It may be important also to similar, and no less successful ap-state the friendly intimation of peal, to the citizens of Washing- the committee itself, that nothing ton, Georgetown, and Alexan- would more conduce to future dria; who, at a meeting conven- success, than an authentic colleced by public notice,' instituted tion of facts, tending to show the and organized an association, en-value of the property embarked titled the Metropolitan Society. in domestic manufactures, the The proceedings of this associa- great portion of which was jeoption have also been made public; ardized by the causes set forth, and their zeal, influence, and res- and the loss and irreparable injupectability, have done much in ry the community must suffer rousing the spirit of inquiry, and from neglect, and indifference to promoting the true interests of so essential an interest. As that their country. information could be best collect

The delegates were heard with ed and embodied by the active much attention, by the commit- industry of this and other societee of commerce and manufac-ties, we mention as an additional tures of the House of Represen-stimulus to exertion and efforts tatives, to whom the above men- well combined, and vigorously

sustained, and we trust that all ci- which would do honour to any tizens, who prize the lasting in-country, or to any cause. The dependence of their country-periodical publications of most who rejoice in its general and in- acknowledged merit, and extendividual prosperity, will take sive circulation, have likewise appride and pleasure in sharing so propriated their labours to the generous a task.

service of their country; and, as far as their sphere extended, have put prejudice to flight, and ignorance to shame.

A pamphlet has been completed by a judicious and masterly hand, in the city of Philadelphia, from the report of the celebrated Alexander Hamilton, made by that statesman in the year 1790, when secretary of the Treasury, by order of the house of representatives. This paper has been

The two delegates who proceeded together from this city, were gratified, in returning through the town of Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, to witness the formation of an association of citizens, possessed of every qualification to be useful; talent, influence, and capital. They were there as on the former occasions, invited to explain the view and tendency of their mission, and had the pleasure to find the prin- eminently serviceable, inasmuch ciples of this institution, appro- as it brings back the judgment ved, adopted, and promptly act- of the reader to the natural order ed upon by their respected fel- of things, before the distorted low citizens. and disjointed relations of the Numerous societies have co-civilized world had habituated temporaneously and in rapid suc-mankind, to disturbed and crookcession arisen throughout the un-ed views, and fallacious reliances ion: many have announced them- upon ephemeral hopes and transelves by publications full of en-sient speculations. It establishes ergy, and marked with intelli- principles, pure and unerring-gence. Regular communications and has the merit not only of sage have been transmitted to us from predictions, but of prophecies the societies at Wilmington, in fulfilled.

the state of Delaware; Middle- It is impossible to notice all town, Hartford, and Litchfield, the valuable tracts that patriotic in Connecticut; Rome, and oth-excitement has given birth to, er places in the state of New-within the short period since our York; and we have full authority institution led the way; the adto say that Ohio, Kentucky, New-dress of the society of MiddleJersey, Virginia, and Mississippi, town, in Connecticut, and the rewill soon add their strength and port of the committee of Pittsweight to the common stock. burgh, reprinted by order of the The most eminent journalists, house of representatives, are dowithout regard to political or cuments deserving much attenparty relations, have lent their tion; and it is to be wished, that unbought talents; and essays a collection of the most of these have appeared in their columns, valuable tracts, should be embo

died and preserved; they are so manufactures as inseparable and many pledges to the public, of identical, cannot close this report the faith and loyalty of the citi- without noticing an evil which has grown to an alarming extent.


The address of this Society, has been reprinted and circulated in such abundance, in so many different forms, and noticed with so much favour, that it is impossible for us to retire from the front of the battle, where we first appeared, without some loss of character. It is our turn now, to take the next step in the field of generous emulation, and we should not, more than half way, every ov re to correspondence and co-oration. We should acknowledge our obligations for the confidence reposed in us, and for the light, and instruction reflected upon us.

The present system of auction sales of recent date, in this country, and an anomaly in the history of commerce, has nearly exploded all regular business; and the auctioneer, whose office was formerly subordinate to that of the merchant, is now nearly the only seller; and if subordinate to any, merely to a foreign principal. If any sales are now made by the regular trader, they are occasional and supplementary.

Commercial education, orderly habits, and sober pursuits, honour and good faith, too fatally yield to gambling speculations and fraudulent contrivances. The So far your committee have benefits, if any, that result from traced their progress in the exe-this extraordinary monopoly, cution of their trust; so far our dearly paid for by the ruin of a bark has adventured with a fa- class, whose industry was the vouring gale; for although we lament that some of our fabrics must suffer within this year, irreparable loss; yet we trust, that the certainty, with which they may count upon the fostering care of the government, will in general restore courage, confidence, and credit; and enable the greater part, to ride out the storm. The immense losses, at which our markets are glutted, cannot endure for many years, and little can he see, who does not read the rising prosperity of our manu- Already, has the public feeling factures, at no distant day, and remonstrated against this abuse; with it, the power, happiness, and but the practice has still prevailsecurity of this high favoured ed. The established merchant. land. it has been shown, must ever be Your committee, considering unable to compete with the stranthe interests of commerce, and ger who is charged with no con

life of the community, and through them, in a greater or less degree, of the various and numerous description of persons, who, without being commercial, depend upon commerce for their support: and if once the merchant disappears from the scene; if the source is once destroyed, the thousand channels which it fed, become dry and fruitless; the proprietor, the mechanic, the artist, the labourer, follow in the train, and must seek elsewhere for subsistence.

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