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States, and Commander in Chief of by the American People, but the the Division of the South.' most distinguished statesmen in the The first edition of that work is- British Parliament, approve of his sued from the press, in November conduct. We present our readers 1818. The second and third, were with the following extracts.


published without the least alteraREMARKS OF EARL BATHURST. tion or addition. Although they Two British subjects, in the include a brief account of the se-course of military operations, have cond capture of Pensacola, and of the been taken on a neutral territory execution of Arbuthnot and Ambris-by the American troops, and tried and executed; but it was tie, the whole facts concerning those known, not only that this was not interesting transactions, could not done by order of the American govthen be obtained. The public do-ernment, but that it had been committed without any knowledge or cuments, relating to these impor-participation whatever of that gov tant events, were deposited in the ernment. The act which had been public offices, at the seat of govern- committed, formed, indeed a charge ment. At the succeeding session of Congress, they were divulged and published to the world.

brought on the part of the Amerieral; what might be the result of can government against their Genthat charge, it was not necessary to enquire; all that their lordships were called upon to consider was, whether the case was one for which retribution ought to be demanded.

JAMES MONROE, approved of the conduct of ANDREW JACKSON before the Grand Council of the Republic. His sentence, I admit, is not conclu-Now their lordships, could not fail sive. The paramount inquest of the to recollect that the occasion which justified a demand of reparation, people always fixes the reputation of ought to be one which rendered the our distinguished men, in civil as right and the policy of such a course well as military life. From its de- of proceeding unquestionable. If cision, there is no appeal. Legis-reparation were once asked, it became necessary to enforce it at all lators may pass votes of thanks, ap-hazards. The demand once made, probation, or censure-Judges may it must be supported to the utmost

sentence to the dungeon or the gibbet-the verdict of the people, at last, either elevates a man to the acme of fame, or sinks him in the depths of infamy. Although entire unanimity of opinion is not to be expected, in regard to any man or any measure, yet the character of GENERAL JACKSON, is not only fixed

extremity. But before such a would doubtless pause, and ask course was taken, their lordships whether the case was one, which would justify the involving the two countries in war. Above all, their lordships would doubtless feel that this was, of all others a most unfit time to embark this country, in a dispute for the protection of British subjects, who might engage without the consent of their gov

ernment, in the service of States at [giance, but to that of which he holds war with each other, but at peace the commission. If reparation is with us. Any British subject, who demanded, the state may say, "You engages in such foreign service, are our friend, he has become our without permission, forfeits, he con- enemy; he has therefore, no lonceived, the protection of his coun-ger a title to your protection, and try, and became liable to military in punishing him, we offer no inpunishment, if the party by whom dignity to you." Now, however he was taken, choose to carry the unjustifiable General Jackson's conrights of war to that cruel severity. duct was, Arbuthnot and Ambristie, This was a principle admitted by the as being volunteers, and as expolaws of nations, and which in the po- sing themselves to danger without licy of nations had been frequently any authority from their own govadopted. It was obvious therefore, ernment, had no right to appeal to that if it were to be maintained, their own nation for protection. that this country should hold out protection to every adventurer, who entered into foreign service, the assertion of such a principle, would involve us in interminable drawn character from the " Memoirs of ANDREW JACKSON."



The Editor must be excused for

introducing the following imperfect

ANDREW JACKSON was born If any individual' voluntarily ema great man-he was born free. barked in war, against any state The first dawning of his intelwith which his own government was lect, elicited the independence of at peace, he exposed himself to all his spirit. As if his youthful its dangers and liabilities, without blood instinctively glowed with inhaving a right to the protection of his dignation, at the miseries his anown country. He might bring, as cestors had sustained from abused a proof of this, the provisions of a power, the first signal act of his life treaty concluded betwen lord Gren- was performed in resisting it. Inville and Mr. Jay, in 1794. It sti-tuitively great, he explored the repulated that the subjects of neither, gions of science with the rapidity of should engage with any power, in thought. Acute in observation, he a war against the other, and that studied men as he mingled with if they did, they should be left to them. Aspiring in his views, he the treatment to which the subjects sought for a capacious field as the of the third power were liable. scene of his exertions. He entered This stipulation, he had no doubt the stage of life entirely alone. With had a reference to the Indian wars. no extrinsic advantages to raise him He did not say that this justified the into life, he sought no aid out of himconduct of General Jackson, as re- self, and he received no aid but garding his own country, but it jus- what he commanded by his own tified us in not demanding repara-energy. A theoretical and practition. If a volunteer, engages in the cal statesman, he led the people of wars of another state, against the Tennessee, to the adoption of a consovereign of a state with which we stitution, to give permanency to are at peace, any severity, inflicted their civil rights-A soldier from on him is directed, not against the boyhood, he led his fellow-citizens government to which he owes alle- to the frontiers, to preserve them

from devastation, and the settlers durance. The features of his face from massacre. Unsatisfied with a have that striking peculiarity, which minor station, every step he gained immediately attracts attention. His in his ascent to the temple of fame, large, dark blue eyes, are settled gave him new vigour in ascending deep under prominent arching eyestill. He became a senator of the brows, which he can clothe in American Republic; and to shew frowns to repel an enemy, and dress the world that his greatness, was not in smiles to delight his friends-His derived from his official elevation, whole person shows that he was he retired to the "post of honour-born to command.

a private station."

In fine, he is loved by his friends


When the olive of peace ceased-respected by his enemies-the to wave over the Republic, and the favourite of his country, and the clarion of war assailed the ears of admiration of the world. her citizens, his military character suddenly developed itself. Enjoying the tranquil charms of domestic felicity, the soothing suggestions of inactivity urged him to rest. But he was born for his country-his country was endangered-its hopes were fixed upon him, and he espoused its


From the length to which the articles in our other departments extend, we are compelled to omit the usual one called " VARIETY." We have a number of "Nuts" prepared which made us laugh, whatever the effect might be upon our Readers. We cannot, like the jolly old Democritus, laugh perpetually; and we will not, like the whining old Heraclitus, cry all the while.

We have endeavoured, with all possible accuracy in our different Numbers, to

Devoted to the cause of his country from principle, he scarcely breathed, after subjugating a savage foe, before he thundered defiance to the conquerers of the Old World. Upon the banks of the majestic Mis-distinguish between articles “Original,” sissippi, he soared before his ene- and "Selected." Communications in mies, in sheets of fire-he rendered manuscript "For the Rural Magazine," every defile there, a Thermopola, we consider original, unless we know them to be otherwise. If in any such instance, and every plain an Amarathon. we are misled, it is what all conductors of periodical Journals have experienced.

He is deeply versed in the science of human nature-hence he is rarely deceived in the confidence he reposes in his friends, and knows well how to detect his enemies. The first he loves, and sets the last at defiance. In the discharge of official duties, he imparts dignity to the office, and secures respect to himself -in the circles of private life, he is affable, without descending to low familiarity.

In his person, he is above the ordinary height, elegantly formed, but of a very spare habit. But "toil has strung his nerves, and purified his blood," and he can bear any fatigue within the power of human en

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Historical Department.




(Continued from page 147.)

HAVING provided themselves | vious, learned the course of the with every thing the country charming and majestic river Concould then furnish, for the com. necticut. They had learned also mencement of a settlement in the that its banks instead of being wilderness, the energetic and per- overhung with barren hills, and severing founders of Connecticut, rocky cliffs, were the borders of a commenced their march through widely extended, and highly fera wilderness, in which no human tile vale.

beings, but the untutored children

But little more than fifty men, of the forest-no animals, but women, and children--with hor those in a state of native wildness, ses, cattle, and swine-provisever before roamed. ions, clothing, household, and

It was in the middle of Octo- farming utensils, set out in purber 1635, when this great and suit of what they deemed the land hazardous undertaking was be- of promise. The difference gan. The people of Massachu- between emigration, in 1635, setts, living in Boston, and the and 1819, may be easily conceivadjoining towns, had, a year pre-ed. Then the traveller, had to Vol. I.



Miniature History of Connecticut.

pass through a trackless forest, the banks of Connecticut river, where civilized men, had never in November, about the time penetrated--to ford streams which winter then commenced. Learnthey had never passed-to wade ing from the natives, that the exthrough swamps which seemed panded meadows upon the easimpassable; and, with all their tern shore of this river were of burthens, to ascend and descend ten inundated by the rise of "the untrodden hills and mountains. great water," they passed to the Now, the utmost facility is afford-west side of the river.

ed to the emigrant, by navigable It would be gratifying to know streams, and roads to almost eve-the precise place, where these ry portion of our immense Re-hardy adventurers first passed the public, from the Atlantic to the Connecticut; but it is yet a subMississippi. ject of dispute; and, like many other disputes upon subjects of minor importance, is hardly worth a discussion. Wethersfield is claimed to be the oldest town on the river, a few persons having planted themselves there in 1634. Windsor is the town, where the body of emigrants, just mention.

Leaving their friends, and every comfort, but hope, they turned their faces to the West, and left the fields their own hands had cul tivated, and the habitations they had erected. Having no guide, but the sun and the stars, they pointed out their course to those who might follow them, by mark-ed, first settled. Let this fact be ing trees.

After enduring every hardship which is incident to the first pas sage, through a boundless forest. this chosen band, arrived upon

as it may, Hartford, Windsor, and Wethersfield, were the mothertowns of Connecticut.

(To be continued.)

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