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The thought was happy, pertinent, and true,
Methinks a genius might the plan pursue.
I, (can you pardon my presumption?) I,
No wit, no genius, yet for once will try.

Various the papers, various wants produce,
The wants of fashion, elegance, and use.
Men are as various: and, if right I scan,
Each sort of paper represents some man.

Pray note the fop; half powder and half lace ;
Nice, as a band-box, were his dwelling-place ;
He's the gilt-paper, which apart you store,
And lock from vulgar hands in the scrutoire.

Mechanics, servants, farmers, and so forth,
Are copy-paper of inferiour worth;

Less priz'd, more useful, for your desk decreed,
Free to all pens, and prompt at ev'ry need.

The wretch, whom av'rice bids to pinch and spare,
Starve, cheat, and pilfer, to enrich an heir,
Is coarse brown-paper, such as pedlars choose
To wrap up wares, which better men will use.

Take next the miser's contrast who destroys Health, fame, and fortune, in a round of joys. Will any paper match him? Yes, throughout, He's a true sinking-paper, past all doubt.

The retail politician's anxious thought,
Deems this side always right, and that stark naught ;
He foams with censure; with applause he raves,
A dupe to rumours, and a tool of knaves;
He'll want no type his weakness to proclaim,
While such a thing as fools-cap has a name:

The hasty gentleman, whose blood runs high,
Who picks a quarrel if you step awry,
Who can't a jest, or hint, or look endure:
What's he? What? Touch-paper to be sure.

What are our poets, take them as they fall, Good, bad, rich, poor, much read, not read at all? Them and their works in the same class you'll find; They are the mere waste-paper of mankind.

Observe the maiden, innocently sweet, She's fair white-paper, an unsullied sheet;

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On which the happy man, whom fate ordains,
May write his name, and take her for his pains.

One instance more, and only one I'll bring;
'Tis the great man who scorns a little thing;
Whose thoughts, whose deeds, whose maxims are his own,
Form'd on the feelings of his heart alone :
True, genuine royal-paper is his breast ;
Of all the kinds, most precious, purest, best.


Hail to the placid, venerable morn

That slowly wakes while all the fields are still;
A pensive calm on every breeze is borne,


graver murmur gurgles from the rill, And echo answers softer from the hill


While softer sings the linnet from the thorn,

The sky-lark warbles in a tone less shrill.

Hail, light serene! hail, holy sabbath morn!

The gales that lately sighed along the grove
Have hushed their downy wings in dead repose.
The rooks float silent by in airy drove,

The sun a mild but solemn lustre throws;
The clouds, that hovered slow, forget to move :

Thus smiled the day when the first morn arose.

[Venus and Cupid, (according to mythology,) were very great characters in the estimation of the ancients; and although we live in a Christian country, their influence, seems to be acknowledged, even here. Our swains and our nymphs talk of Venus and Cupid as familiarly as they do of the Plough and the Cheese-tub. The fol lowing Epigram shows that, although "The darts of Cupid," may sting many a sighing lover, the little urchin may be made to roar with pain, by the sting of a bee, as dolefully as many dispairing lovers.] Ed.

As Cupid one day was about to repose,

In a bow'r o'erspread with the leaves of the rose,
He was stung by a bee, conceal'd from his view,
Extracting its honey, and sipping the dew


It wounded his finger, and, roaring with pain,
Poor Cupid most loudly was heard to complain;
Half on foot, half on wing, like lightning he flies
To beautiful Venus with tears in his eyes:

"Take, take me, dear mother, and succour my woc ;
I'm kill'd, I am sure-1 shall perish, I know:
A thing that a bee, by the farmer is nam❜d,
A small winged serpent, my finger has maim'd."
She smilingly said, "If the sting of a bee

Could give, my dear boy, so much torture to thee,
How much do you think must they grieve and bewail,
Whose breasts, little Cupid, thy arrows assail ???


EULOGY ON THE MEMORY OF a tribute worthy of the GREAT MAN, who was the subject of it.] Ed.


[We are amongst the ardent admirers of the memory of BENJAMIN Extract from the Eulogy on Dr. Franklin, pronounced by the Abbe Fauchet, in the FRANKLIN, who may emphatically Name of the Commons of Paris, 1790. be denominated, "The American A second creation has taken place; the elements of society begin to combine toPhilosopher." In our preceding co-gether; the moral universe is now seen lumns, we have furnished our rea-issuing from chaos; the genius of Liberty is awakened, and springs up; she sheds her divine light and creative powers upon the two hemispheres. A great nation, astonished at seeing herself free, stretches her arms from one extremity of the earth that became so: the foundations of a new to the other, and embraces the first nation city are created in the two worlds; broth

ders with one of the few Poems he wrote. The happy manner in which he makes" each kind of Paper, represent some man," shews that, had he paid his addresses to the Muses, they would not have been rejected. But the mind and the body, that was engaged in drawing lightning from the clouds, and tear-ders, who accelerated this great work,

ing the sceptre from the hands of tyrants, could hardly be confined to Poesy. The following Eulogy, was delivered in Paris, of which Doctor FRANKLIN, while he resided there, was the idol. It has the striking beauties of French oratory; and is

er nations hasten to inhabit it. It is the

city of mankind!

One of the first founders of this universal city was the immortal FRANKLIN, the deliverer of America. The second foun

made it worthy of Europe. The legislators of France have rendered the most have said, "A friend of humanity is dead; solemn homage to his memory. They mankind ought to be overwhelmed with

mourning for kings; let us assume it for sorrow! Nations have hitherto only worn a Man, and let the tears of Frenchmen to do honour to the memory of one of the mingle with those of Americans, in order Fathers of Liberty!"

The city of Paris, which once contain- friendship, general charity, the employed this philosopher within its walls, whichment of one's time, the happiness attenwas intoxicated with the pleasure of hear- dant upon good works, the necessary coming, admiring, and loving him; of gather-bination of private with public welfare, ing from his lips the maxims of a moral the propriety and necessity of industry; legislator, and of imbibing from the ef- and to that happy state which puts us at fusions of his heart a passion for the public ease with society and with ourselves. The welfare, rivals Boston and Philadelphia, proverbs of "Old Henry," and "Poor his two native cities, (for in one he was Richard," are in the hands both of the born as it were a man, and in the other a learned and the ignorant; they contain legislator,) in its profound attachment to the most sublime morality, reduced to his merit and his glory. popular language and common compre

It has commanded this funeral solemni-hension; and form the catechism of hapty, in order to perpetuate the gratitude piness for all mankind. and the grief of this third country, which, Franklin, was too great a moralist, and by the courage and activity with which it too well acquainted with human afairs, has profited of his lessons, has shown it-not to perceive that women were the arself worthy of having him at once for an biters of manners. He strove to perfect instructor and a model. their empire; and accordingly engaged them to adorn the sceptre of virtue with their graces. It is in their power to excite courage; to overthrow vice, by means of their disdain; to kindle civism, and to light up in every heart the holy love of our country.

In selecting me for the interpreter of its wishes, it has declared, that it is less to the talents of an orator, than to the patriotism of a citizen, the zeal of a preacher of liberty, and the sensibility of a friend of men, that it bath confided this solemu function. In this point of view, I may speak with firm confidence; for I have the public opinion, and the testimony of my own conscience, to second my wishes. Since nothing else is wanting than freedom, and sensibility, for that species of eloquence which this eulogium requires, I am satisfied; for I already possess them. My voice shall extend to France, to America, to posterity. I am now to do justice to a great man, the founder of transatlantic freedom; I am to praise him in the name of the mother city of French liberty. I myself also am a man; I am a freeman; I possess the suffrages of my fellow-citizens; this is enough; my discourse shall be immortal.

The academies, the philosophical societies, the learned associations which have done themselves honour by inscribing the name of Franklin in their records, can best appreciate their debt due to his genius, for having extended the power of man over nature, and presented new and sublime ideas, in a style simple as truth, and pure as light.

His daughter, who was opulent and honoured with the public esteem, helped to manufacture and to make up the clothing for the army with her own hands; and spread abroad a noble emulation among the female citizens, who became eager to assist by means of the needle, and the spindle, who were serving the state with their swords and their guns.

With the charm ever attendant upon true wisdom, and the grace ever flowing from true sentiment, this grave philosopher, knew how to converse with the other sex; to inspire them with a taste for domestic occupations; to hold out to them the prize attendant upon honour unaccompanied by reproach, and instil the duty of cultivating the first precepts of education, in order to teach them to their children; and thus to acquit the debt due to nature, and fulfil the hope of society. It must be acknowledged, that, in his own country, he addressed himself to minds capable of comprehending them.

Immortal females of America! I will tell it to the daughters of France, and It is not the naturalist and the philoso- they only are fit to applaud you! You pher, that the orators of the Commons of have attained the utmost of what your Paris ought to describe; it is the man who sex is capable; you possess the beauty, hath accelerated the progress of social the simplicity, the manners at once natuorder; it is the legislator, who hath pre-ral and pure; the primitive graces of the pared the liberty of nations!

Franklin, in his periodical works, which had prodigious circulation on the continent of America, laid the sacred foundations of social morality. He was no less inimitable in the developments of the same morality, when applied to the duties of!

golden age. It was among you that liberty was first to have its origin. But the empire of freedom, which is extended to France, is about to carry your manners along with it, and produce a revolution in morals as well as in politics.

Already our female citizens, (for they

bave lately become such) are not any thy brothers who enjoyed in tranquillity longer occupied with those frivolous orna- the fruit of thy virtues, and the success ments, and vain pleasures, which were of thy genius, thou hast sung songs of denothing more than the amusements of sla-liverance. The last looks, which thou very; they have awakened the love of li- didst cast around thee, beheld America berty in the bosoms of fathers, of brothers, happy; France, on the other side of the and of husbands; they have encouraged ocean, free, and a sure indication of the them to make the most generous sacri- approaching freedom and happiness of fices; their delicate hands have removed the world. the earth, dragged it along and helped to elevate the immense amphitheatre of the grand confederation. It is no longer the love of voluptuous softness, that attracts their regard; it is the sacred fire of patriotism.

The United States, looking upon themselves as thy children, have bewailed the death of the father of their republic. France, thy family by adoption, has honoured thee as the founder of her laws; and the human race has revered thee as the The laws which are to reform educa- universal patriarch, who has formed the tion, and with it the national manners, are allegiance of nature with society. Thy already prepared; they will advance, remembrance belongs to all ages; thy they will fortify the cause of liberty by memory to all nations; thy glory to etermeans of their happy influence, and be-nity! come the second saviours of their country!

Franklin did not omit any of the means of being useful to men, or serviceable to. society. He spoke to all conditions, to both sexes, to every age. This amiable moralist descended, in his writings, to the most artless details; to the most ingenuous familiarities; to the first ideas of a rural, a commercial, and a civil life; to the dialogues of old men and children; full

at once of all the verdure and all the ma


We have, amidst the multifarious productions of the Gazettes of Europe and America, for eight months past,maintained an unbroken silence in regard to this distinguished SchoLAR, PATRIOT, and SOLDIER. The reasons were, first-Because amongst our Patrons and Readers, the

turity of wisdom. In short, the prudent lessons arising from the exposition of those obscure, happy, easy virtues, which form so many links in the chain of a good man's life, derived immense weight from that reputation for genius which he had acquired, by being one of the first naturalists and greatest philosophers in the universe. At one, and at the same time, he gov-question assumed a political aspect. erned nature in the heavens, and in the One class of politicians denounced hearts of men. Amidst the tempests of

the atmosphere, he directed the thunder; him as a wanton murderer-the asamidst the storms of society, he directed sassin of innocence-the violator of the passions. Think, gentlemen, with

what attentive docility, with what reli- the law of nations--and as deserving gious respect one must hear the voice of

who regulated the lightning.

a simple man, who preached up human the gibbet himself. Another class, happiness, when it was recollected that extolled him as a man, without a it was the powerful voice of the same man parallel in ancient or modern hisHe electrified the consciences, in order tory. The second reason for sito extract the destructive fire of vice, exactly in the same manner as he electrified lence was-the editor of this Mathe heavens, in order peaceably to invite

irom them the terrible fire of the elements.gazine, spent a considerable portion Venerable old man! august philoso- of the last season in collecting mapher! legislator of the felicity of thy counterials for, and writing the "Metry, prophet of the fraternity of the human race, what ecstatic happiness_em-moirs of Andrew Jackson, Major bellished the end of thy career! From

thy fortunate asylum, and in the midst of General in the Army of the United

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