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shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than fifty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not less than one month, nor more than two months, or both.

Disinfection and Prevention.

Section 6. After the inspecting of infected hives or fixtures or handling diseased bees, the inspector or his assistant shall before leaving the premises or proceeding to any other apiary, thoroughly disinfect any portion of his bees from such diseased apiary until the inspector of apiaradult stages, said person shall at once cease to ship queen ies shall declare the said apiary free from all diseases. Any person engaged in the rearing of queens for sale who vioown person and clothing and any tools or appliances used by him which have come in contact with the infected material, and shall see that any assistant or assistants with him have likewise thoroughly disinfected their persons and clothing and any tools and implements used by them. Queen Breeding-Regulations.

Section 7. It shall be the duty of any person in the State of Oklahoma, who is engaged in the rearing of queen bees for sale, to boil all honey used in making candy for use in mailing cages for at least thirty minutes. Any person engaged in the rearing of queen bees shall have his queen rearing apiary or apiaries inspected at least once each summer season; and on the discovery of the existence of any disease which is infectious or contagious in its nature and injurious to bees in their egg, larval, pupal or adult stages, said person shall at once cease to ship queen bees from such diseased apiary until the inspector of aparies shall declare the said apiary free from all diseases. Any person engaged in the rearing of queens for sale who violates the provisions of this section shall, on conviction thereof be fined not less than one hundred dollars and not more than two hundred dollars.


Section 8. The chief inspector shall make an annual

report to the Oklahoma State Board of Agriculture concerning the operations of the division of apiary inspection, which shall give the number of apiaries inspected, the number of colonies treated and destroyed by him or under his direction, and such other information as may be deemed necessary.

Shipping Honey Into State-Regulations.

Section 9. All bees or honey shipped into the State of Oklahoma, shall bear an inspection tag on each hive, package or shipping cages, crates or packages, from the State foul-brood inspector of the State in which such shipment originated, showing the apiary from which shipment originated to be free from foul-brood or other infectious diseases, and the said certificate shall be made not more than ninety days previous to date of such shipment. In the absence of any foul-brood laws in the State from which the same are to be shipped, the same shall have attached a certificate, sworn to before a notary public or justice of the peace, showing that no disease existed in the apiary where the shipment originated and bearing date of not to exceed sixty days previous to said shipment.

Penalty-Sale of Uninspected Foreign Honey.

Section 10. Any person offering or attempting to sell or barter any such shipment or parts of shipments of bees or honey in the State of Oklahoma, such being shipped from any other State and not bearing such certificate or tag, as provided for in section nine shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not less than one month nor more than two months, or both.

Approved March 4, 1915.



A BILL entitled an act to repeal article 7, chapter 2, of the Revised Laws of the State of Oklahoma, 1910.

Be It Enacted By the People of the State of Oklahoma: Repeal.

Section 1. That article 7 of chapter 2 of the Revised Laws of Oklahoma, 1910, relating to Farmers' Institutes, is hereby repealed.

Approved March 4, 1915.




AN ACT relating to posting notices of all stock killed by railway
Be It Enacted By the People of the State of Oklahoma:

Posting Notices-Records.

Section 1. It shall be the duty of the section foreman or sub-foreman left in charge of the section crew in the absence of the section foreman of all railway and transportation companies operating in this State, to give notice of all stock killed by moving trains of said companies, and buried by authority of the same, by posting within one day from date of burial, notices on bulletin boards at the depot on his section nearest where said stock is killed, giving date of death of animal, as near as may be and description of the stock killed, by mark, brand, color and age as near as may be. Provided the railroad company must keep a permanent record at the depot nearest to place where stock was killed for twelve months of all stock, kind and description of the same, as required in the notice to be given.

Said record to be opened to the public at all reasonable hours.

Approved March 5, 1915.



AN ACT relating to the employees of the Commissioner of Health and fixing their compensation and providing for the payment thereof, and declaring an emer


Be It Enacted By the People of the State of Oklahoma:


Section 1. The Commissioner of Health of the State, is hereby authorized and empowered for the purpose of providing the necessary help and assistants in the discharge of his duties as such Commissioner to employ the following persons, and their salaries shall be as hereinafter set out, to-wit: One assistant commissioner of health, $1800.00; one chief clerk, $1500.00; one assistant register of vital statistics, $1200.00; one record clerk and stenographer, $1200.00; one stenographer, $1000.00; eight food, drug and sanitary inspectors each at a salary of $1200.00 per annum. Emergency.

Section 2. For the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist by reason whereof this act, shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval.

Approved March 5, 1915.


MUNICIPALITIES JUDGMENTS-PAID FROM SINKING FUNDS. AN ACT to amend section 6773 of chapter 66, article 2 of the Revised Laws of Oklahoma of 1910, and to provide for levying a tax to pay judgments against municipalities when the same has been paid out of the sinking fund of such municipality or which may hereafter be so paid, and providing that when such tax is so levied and collected the same shall be turned into the sinking fund out of which such judgment has been or may hereafter be paid; and declaring an emergency.

Be It Enacted By the People of the State of Oklahoma: Judgments Against Municipality-Payment From Sinking FundsReimbursement.

Section 1. That section 6773 of chapter 66, article 2, of the Revised Laws of Oklahoma of 1910, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Section 6773. (Application.) shall be used:

Such sinking funds


First. For the payment of interest coupons as they fall due.

Second. For the payment of bonds falling due, if any such there be, and,

Third. For the payment of judgments against the municipality, if any there be; provided, that when any sinking fund has been used or may hereafter be used to pay judgments as herein provided, that notwithstanding the fact that such judgment or judgments have been paid with such sinking fund, it shall be the duty of the proper officers to make levies to pay such judgments same as if the same had not been paid out of such sinking fund, and when so levied and collected the same shall be turned into the sinking fund out of which such judgment or judgments was paid.


Section 2. It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof

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