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Arles, Henri d'. Le Collège sur la colline. Paris, F. R. de Rudeval, 1908. 95 p. 8o.

"Le Collège sur la colline.' 'The college on the hill.'-C'est sous ce . . . nom que ... l'on designe l'Université Brown."

Ayres, Leonard P. Laggards in our schools; a study of retardation and elimination in city school systems. lication committee, 1909. 236 p. 8o.

Benton, Guy Potter. The real college.

New York, Charities pub

Cincinnati, Jennings and

Graham; New York, Eaton and Mains [1909] 184 p. 12o.

"One of the memorial volumes issued in connection with the exercises attendant upon the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Miami university-A real college."

Brown, John Franklin. The American high school. New York, The
Macmillan company, 1909. 462 p. 12o.

CONTENTS.-Historical.-Function of the high school.-Program of
studies. Organization and management.-Material equipment.-Teacher.
-Principal.-Pupil.-Class exercise. Government.-Social life.-High
school and the community.-Present problems and future development.-
Appendices." The problems of the American high school are specific
The experience of the last half century has revealed them; it has
also developed a considerable body of knowledge concerning them,
which every high-school teacher should possess before entering upon
his work
This volume is an attempt to present such information.'


Candler, Warren A. Dangerous donations and degrading doles, or a vast scheme for capturing and controlling the colleges and universities of the country. [Atlanta, Ga., 1909] 53 p. 16o.

Coe, George A. Progress in religious and moral education; the annual survey, presented before the sixth annual convention of the Religious education association. [Chicago, 1909] 16 p. 8o.

Reprinted from Religious education, April, 1909.

Dewey, John. Moral principles in education. Boston, New York [etc.] Houghton Mifflin company [1909] 61 p. 12o. (Riverside educational monographs, ed. by H. Suzzallo)

Dickson, Virgil E. The high school curricula in the United States; a comparative study. Olympia, Wash., E. L. Boardman, public printer, 1909.

30 p. 8o. (Washington (State) Dept. of education. High

school bulletin, no. 6)

Dodge, William C. Schools in the District of Columbia . . . Article entitled, "The schools and school buildings of the national capital; what they are and how obtained." [Washington, Government printing office, 1909] 18 p. 8°. (U. S. 61st Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 86)


Compiled by John D. Wolcott, Acting Librarian of the United States Bureau of Education, to which books and pamphlets should be sent for inclusion in this record.

Eliot, Charles W. Education for efficiency, and The new definition of the cultivated man. Boston, New York [etc.] Houghton Mifflin company [1909] 57 p. 12o. (Riverside educational monographs, ed. by H. Suzzallo)

Engeln, Oscar Diedrich von. At Cornell. Ithaca, N. Y., The Artil co. [1909] 346 p. 8°.

Handbook to the technical and art schools and colleges of the United Kingdom; compiled from official information, with an index to courses of instruction. Ist ed. London, Scott, Greenwood & Son, 1909. 140 p. 8°.

Harvard university. Associated Harvard clubs. Reform in city school administration; report of the Committee on public school administration, prepared for consideration and discussion at the annual meeting of the Associated Harvard clubs, Cincinnati, May 28th and 29th, 1909. [Cincinnati, 1909] 34 p. 8o.

Hayes, Ellen. Letters to a college girl. Boston, G. H. Ellis co., 1909.

68 p.


activities. The

elective system.-The
study of science.-The study of mathematics.-English and literature.-
Undergraduate specializing.-A baccalaureate note.

Hayward, Frank H. The primary curriculum. London, Ralph, Holland & co., 1909. 465 p. 12o.

Hollister, Horace A. High school administration. Boston, D. C. Heath & co., 1909. 379 p. 120.

CONTENTS. A backward look.-Legal status of high schools. Place of the secondary school in our system of education.-Grounds, buildings, and equipment.-Textbooks and other supplies for the use of pupils.-Employment of teachers and organization of the instructional work.-The program of studies.-Adolescence and coeducation.-Discipline; its purpose and spirit.-The life of the school.-Method as applied to highschool instruction.-Examinations, promotions, and graduation.-Relation of the high school to colleges and universities.-The business side of high-school administration.-The community life in its relationship to high-school administration.-Moral and religious training in the high school. High-school extension and the continuation school. The outlook. -"The title of High school administration' is used because the purpose has been to discuss the problems of secondary education as they are found to exist in the only distinctively American institution which undertakes to deal with them in a concrete way."-Pref.

Hughes, James L. Teaching to read. New York, A. S. Barnes and company, 1909. 124 p. 120.

International congress for the development of drawing and art teaching. Report of the American committee, third International congress for the advancement of drawing and art teaching. [Montclair, N. J., The E. Madison co.] 1909. 16 p. 8°.

Interstate school of correspondence, Chicago. Intermediate and grammar methods; a series of practical home studies in pedagogy, by William F. Rocheleau. Associate editors: Charles H. Sylvester, school management, discipline, arithmetic; Edward F. Worst, construction work; Emelia M. Goldsworthy, drawing; Mary Reid Pierce, music. V. I. Chicago, Interstate school of correspondence [1909] 385 p. 8°.

Jackson, George Leroy. The development of school support in colonial Massachusetts. New York, Teachers_college, Columbia university, 1909. 95 p. 8o. (Teachers college, Columbia university, Contributions to education, no. 25)

Johnston, Hugh. Are denominational colleges a necessity? New York, Board of education of the Methodist Episcopal church, 1909. 15 p. 8°.

Jones, Olivia M. Teaching children to study; the group system applied. New York, The Macmillan company, 1909. 193 p. 12o.

Kemp, Ellwood W. An outline of history for the grades. Boston [etc.] Ginn & company [1909] 352 p.


"Two chief ends have been aimed at: first, to present a plan of work which will, if followed by the teacher, tend to develop in her mind a real sense of history,-of its growth and unity; second, to suggest such material for the use of pupils as will tend to develop in their minds the true historic sense and lift them from grade to grade into ever wider and richer historical views."-Pref.

Kuehnemann, Eugen. Charles W. Eliot, president of Harvard university (May 19, 1869-May 19, 1909). Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1909. 85 p. 8°.

This essay was originally written for the Deutsche rundschau of Berlin, and appeared in its May and June numbers as a tribute of Germany to President Eliot on his retirement from office and at the same time to America in the person of her representative educator. The translation is by Dr. A. W. Boesche, instructor in German at Harvard university. Mackenzie, Millicent. Hegel's educational theory and practice; with am introductory note by J. S. Mackenzie. London, Swan Sonnenschein & co., 1909. xxi, 192 p. 120.

Maennel, B. Das amerikanische jugendgericht und sein einfluss auf unsere jugendrettung und jugenderziehung. Langensalza, H. Beyer und Söhne, 1909. 34 p. 8o. (Beiträge zur kinderforschung und heilerziehung. Heft 59)

National society of college teachers of education. Observation and
practice teaching in college and university departments of educa-
tion. Papers prepared for discussion at the meetings of the National
society of college teachers of education, Auditorium hotel, Chicago,
February 23-24, 1909. [Iowa City, Ia., Printed by the C. A. Webber
printing company, 1908]
80 P.

CONTENTS.-Practise work in university departments of education, F. E
Farrington.-Observation in connection with college and university
schools or departments of education, G. D. Strayer.-Practise teaching at
Brown university, W. B. Jacobs.

New Jersey. Commission on industrial education. Report . . . submitted to the senate and general assembly of the state of New Jersey in accordance with joint resolution no. 11, approved April 14, 1908. Trenton, N. J., MacCrellish & Quigley, state printers, 1909. 177 p. 8o.

Palmer, George Herbert. Self-cultivation in English. Boston, New York [etc.] Houghton Mifflin company [1909] 41 p. 12o. (Riverside educational monographs, ed. by H. Suzzallo)

Parsons, Belle R. Plays and games for indoors and out; rhythmic activities correlated with the studies of the school program. New York, A. S. Barnes & company, 1909. 215 p. 8°.

Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich. Heinrich Pestalozzi; eine auswahl aus seinen briefen und kleineren schriften, herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Hermann Walsemann. Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner, 1909. 189 p. 8o.



CONTENTS.-Vorwort.-Pestalozzis leben und wirken: I. Wünsche.
Briefe von Pestalozzi und Anna Schulthess. III. Tagebuchblätter.
Die abendstunde eines einsiedlers. V. Briefe an verschiedene personen.
VI. Reden an mein haus. Gedichte. Testament.

Pittsburg. Central board of education. Observations on the schools of Great Britain, Belgium, and Germany by a Committee of Pittsburg teachers, appointed by the Central board of education, made during a tour under the auspices of the National civic federation of the United States. 1908. [Pittsburg, 1908] 62 p. 8o.

Plaisted, Laura L. The early education of children. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1909. 398 p. 12o.

"Its purpose
is to present some exposition of principles and some ex-
amples of work which may be helpful to the young teacher and to
others who, owing to the conditions and circumstances of their own
work, have too little opportunity for comparative study of educational
practise. Every principle laid down and every method advocated
has stood the test of practical work."-Pref.

Rose polytechnic institute, Terre Haute, Ind. Rose polytechnic institute; memorial volume, embracing a history of the institute, a sketch of the founder, together with a biographical dictionary and other matters of interest. Terre Haute, Ind., 1909. 270 p. 8o.

Snyder, Edwin R. The legal status of rural high schools in the United States, with special reference to the methods employed in extending state and to secondary education in rural communities. New York city, Teachers college, Columbia university, 1909. 225 p. 8o. (Teachers college, Columbia university, Contributions to education, no. 24) Spiller, Gustav. Report on moral instruction (general and denominational) and on moral training in the schools of Austria, Belgium, the British Empire, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United States; with two introductory essays and an annotated bibliography of about 750 volumes. Issued for the International union of ethical societies. London, Watts & co., 1909. 362 p. 8o.

Stamper, Alva W. A history of the teaching of elementary geometry. [New York, 1909] 163 p. 8°. (Teachers college, Columbia university, Contributions to education, no. 23)

Thwing, Charles F. Education in the Far East. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1909. 277 p. 12o.

Tufts, James H. American college education and life. [An address given before the Section of education at the Baltimore meeting of the American association for the advancement of science. New

York, 1909] 17 p. 80.

Reprinted from Science, n. s. 29: 407-414, March 12, 1909.

Vuyst, Paul de. L'enseignement agricole et ses méthodes. Bruxelles,
A. Dewit, 1909. 354 p. 8°.

Williams college. Williams college: the
Garfield, LL.D., into the office of
MDCCCCVIII. [Cambridge, Mass.]
[1909] 127 p. 8°.

induction of Harry Augustus president, October seventh, Printed at the Riverside press

Wood, Frances Ann. Earliest years at Vassar, personal recollections. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., The Vassar college press, 1909. 98 p. 12o. Woodbridge, S. H. Air and the school house. Boston, A. D. Maclachlan. 32 p. 8.

Ziertmann, Paul. Das amerikanische college und die deutsche oberstufe; eine frage der schulorganisation. [Leipzig, 1909] 31 p. 8°. Sonderabdruck aus dem Pädagogischen archiv, 51: 225-255, Mai





The Classical Association of England has been dealing vigorously for some time past with the subject of the pronunciation of the Latin and Greek languages as taught in the English schools. The Board of Education has recently been induced to issue a circular on the pronunciation of Latin which in substance supports the recommendations of the Classical Association. For its general interest to classical teachers in this country, the circular is here given in full as follows:

The serious inconveniences that arise from the want of a common and fixt system of pronouncing Latin in schools are generally admitted. They have in the past gravely affected the efficiency and success of the teaching of Latin. In some cases the system in use was demonstrably erroneous, and in others there was no consistent system at all, or different systems were in use in different forms, with the result of much confusion, much needless labor, and positive encouragement to slovenliness and inaccuracy. In order to remedy these evils, it is necessary that a uniform system of pronunciation should be adopted thruout the Latin classes in each school, and almost equally necessary that a common system should be adopted in all schools in which Latin is taught.

To effect this object, the Board recommended two years ago that the scheme of reformed pronunciation adopted by the Classical Association and approved by the Philological Societies of Oxford and Cambridge, the Headmasters' Conference, the Incorporated Association of Headmasters, and the Assistant-masters' Association, should be brought into use in all schools recognized by the Board. From returns made by the schools it appears that this system has been generally adopted, and is now in use in all but about five per cent. of the schools in question.

The rules of this system (excluding certain unimportant or debatable points which hardly affect ordinary usage) are set forth below.

If the authorities of any school still prefer to adopt some other system of pronunciation, or to make any modifications in the system here recommended, that system must be clearly explained when the curriculum is submitted to the Board. In no case can the use of any system be sanc

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