Abbildungen der Seite


N. B. The Roman Numerals refer to the Volume, and the Figures
to the Page.


ABAN, the Saracen, heroism of his wi-
dow, vol. vi. 336.

Abbassides, elevation of the house of, to
the office of caliph of the Saracens, vi.

Abdallah, the Saracen, his excursion to
plunder the fair of Abyla, vi. 341. His
African expedition, ibid.
Abdalmalek, caliph of the Saracens, re-
fuses tribute to the emperor of Con-
stantinople, and establishes a national
mint, vi. 412.

Abdalrahman, the Saracen, establishes
his throne at Cordova in Spain, vi. 430.
Splendour of his court, 432. His esti-
mate of his happiness, 433.
Abdelaziz, the Saracen, his treaty with
Theodemir the Gothic prince of Spain,
vi. 394. His death, 397.
Abderame, his expedition to France, and
victories there, vi. 421. His death, 424.
Abdol Motalleb, the grandfather of the
prophet Mahomet, his history, vi. 243.
Abgarus, inquiry into the authenticity of
his correspondence with Jesus Christ,
vi. 154.

Abgarus, the last king of Edessa, sent in

chains to Rome, i. 233.
Ablavius, the confidential præfect under
Constantine the Great, a conspiracy
formed against him on that emperor's
death, ii. 310. Is put to death, 312.
Abu Ayub, his history, and the veneration
paid to his memory by the Mahomet-
ans, vi. 410. viii. 160.

Abubeker, the friend of Mahomet, is one
of his first converts, vi. 263. Flies from
Mecca with him, 266. Succeeds Ma-
homet as caliph of the Saracens, 295.
His character, 312.
Abu Caab commands the Andalusian
Moors, who subdued the island of
Crete, vi. 445.

Abu Sophian, price of Mecca, conspires
the death of Mahomet, vi. 266. Bat-
tles of Beder and Ohud, 273-274.
Besieges Medina without success, 275.
Surrenders Mecca to Mahomet, and
receives him as a prophet, 278.

Abu Taher, the Carmathian, pillages
Mecca, vi. 457.

Abulfeda, his account of the splendour of
the caliph Moctader, vi. 431.
Abulpharagius, primate of the Eastern Ja-
cobites, some account of, vi. 62. His
encomium on wisdom and learning,

Abundantius, general of the East and pa-
tron of the eunuch Eutropius, is dis-
graced and exiled by him, iv. 171.
Abyla, the fair of, plundered by the Sa-
racens, vi. 341.

Abyssinia, the inhabitants of, described,
v. 244. Their alliance with the empe-
ror Justinian, 245. Ecclesiastical his-
tory of, vi. 72.
Acacius, bishop of Amida, an uncommon
instance of episcopal benevolence, iv.

Achaia, its extent, i. 27.

Acre, the memorable siege of, by the cru-
saders, vii 283. Final loss of, 299.
Actions, institutes of Justinian respecting,
v. 358.

Actium, a review of Roman affairs after
the battle of, i. 67.

Adauctus, the only martyr of distinction
during the persecution under Diocle-
tian, ii. 207.

Adolphus, the brother of Alaric, brings
hin a reinforcement of troops, iv. 113.
Is made count of the domestics to the
new emperor Attalus, 119. Succeeds
his brother as king of the Goths, and
concludes a peace with Honorius, 136.
Adoption, the two kinds of, under the
Greek empire, vii. 223. note.
Adoration of the Roman emperor, custom

of, and derivation of the term, vii. 21.
Adorno, the Genoese governor of Phocæa,
conveys Amurath II. from Asia to
Europe, viii. 34.

Adrian I. pope, his alliance with Charle-
magve against the Lombards, vi. 176.
His reception of Charlemagne at Rome
179. Asserts the fictitious donation of
Constantine the Great, 182.
Adultery, distinctions of, and how punish-
ed by Augustus, v. 370. By the Chris-
tian emperors, 372.

Alia Capitolina founded on Mount Sion,
by Hadrian, ii. 66.

Elius Patus, his Tripartite, the oldest

work of Roman jurisprudence, v. 319.
Emilianus, governor of Pannonia and
Mæsia, routs the barbarous invaders of
the empire, and is declared emperor by
his troops, i. 283.

Eneas of Gaza, his attestation of the mi-
raculous gift of speech to the Catholic
confessors of Tipasa, whose tongues
had been cut out, iv. 409.
Aneas Sylvius, his account of the imprac-
ticability of an European crusade a
gainst the Turks, viii. 166. His epi-
gram on the destruction of ancient
buildings in Rome, 270. note.
Era of the world, remarkable epochas
in, pointed out, v. 111. note.

Gelalaan, of the Turks, when set-
tled, vii. 180.

Aerial tribute, in the Eastern empire,
what, v. 76.

Etius, surnamed the Atheist, his charac-
ter and adventures, iii. 25. 35. 52. note.

The Roman general under Valen-
tinian III. his character, iv. 212. His
treacherous scheme to ruin count Bo-
niface, 213. Is forced to retire into
Pannonia, 224. His invitation of the
Huns into the empire, 233. Seizes the
administration of the Western empire,
267. His character as given by Rena-
tus a cotemporary historian, 268. Em-
ploys the Huns and Alani in the de-
fence of Gaul, 2C9. Concludes a peace
with Theodoric, 273. Raises the siege
of Orleans, 283. Battle of Chalons,
286. His prudence on the invasion of
Italy by Attila, 295. Is murdered by
Valentinian, 301.

Africa, its situation and revolutions, i. 29.

Great revenue raised from, by the Ro-
mans, 179. Progress of Christianity
there, ii. 127.

Is distracted with religious discord
in the time of Constantine the Great,
iii. 3. Character and revolt of the Cir-
cumcellions, 67. Oppressions of, un-
der the government of count Roman-
us, 286. General state of Africa, 291.
Revolt of count Boniface there, iv.

213. Arrival of Genseric king of the
Vandals, 216. Persecution of the Do-
natists, 217. Devastations of, by the
Vandals, 220. Carthage surprised by
Genseric, 225. Persecution of the Ca-
tholics, 399.

Expedition of Belisarius to, v. 121.
Is recovered by the Romans, 134.
The government of, settled by Justin-
ian, 135. Revolt of the troops there,


under Stoza, 249. Devastation of the
war, 252.

Invasion of, by the Saracens, vi.
372. Conquest of, by Akbah, 377.
Decline and extinction of Christianity
there, 403. Revolt and independence
of the Saracens there, 460.
Aglabites, the Saracen dynasty of, vi. 460.
Agiae, a Roman lady, patronises St. Bo-
niface, ii. 208.

Agricola, review of his conduct in Bri-
tain, i. 5.

Agriculture, great improvement of, in the

western countries of the Roman em-
pire, i. 59. State of, in the Eastern
empire, under Justinian, v. 63.

Ajax, the sepulchre of, how distinguish-
ed, ii. 226.

Aiznadin, battle of, between the Sara-
cens and the Greeks, vi. 332.
Abbah, the Saracen, his exploits in Afri-
ca, vi. 377.

rani, occasion of these people invading
Asia, i. 363. Conquest of, by the Huns,
iii. 335. Join the Goths who had emi-
grated into Thrace, 355. See Goths,
and l'andals.

Alaric, the Goth, learns the art of war

under Theodosius the Great, iii. 442.
Becomes the leader of the Gothic re-
volt, and ravages Greece, iv. 31. He
escapes from Stilicho, 35. Is appoint-
ed master general of the Eastern Illy-
ricum, 36. His invasion of Italy, 39.
Is defeated by Stilicho at Pollentia, 44.
Is driven out of Italy, 48. Is, by trea-
ty with Honorius, declared master ge.
neral of the Roman armies throughout
the præfecture of Illyricum, 69. His
pleas and motives for marching to
Rome, 82. Encamps under the walls
of that city, 84. Accepts a ransom,
and raises the siege, 111. His negoti
ations with the emperor Honorius, 113.
His second siege of Rome, 117. Places
Attalus on the imperial throne, 119.
Degrades him, 121. Seizes the city
of Rome, 123. His sack of Rome
compared with that by the emperor
Charles V. 131. Retires from Rome,
and Ravages Italy, 133. His death
and burial, 135.

Alaric II. king of the Goths, his over-
throw by Clovis king of the Franks,

iv. 435.

Alberic, the son of Marozia, his revolt,
and government of Rome, vi. 209.
Albigeois of France, persecution of, vii.

Alboin, king of the Lombards, his histo
ry, v.382. His alliance with the Avars
against the Gepidæ, 384. Reduces the

Gepida, 385. He undertakes the con-
quest of Italy, 386. Overruns what is
now called Lombardy, 389. Assumes
the regal title there, 390. Takes Pa-
via, and makes it his capital city, ib.
Is murdered at the instigation of his
queen Rosamond, 391.

Alchemy, the books of, in Egypt, destroy-

ed by Diocletian, i. 411.

Aleppo, siege and capture of, by the Sa-
racens, vi. 350. Is recovered by the
Greeks, 466. Is taken and sacked by
Tamerlane, viii. 13.

Alexander III. pope, establishes the papal
election in the college of cardinals,
viii. 197.

Alexander, archbishop of Alexandria, ex-
communicates Arius for his heresy, iii.


Alexander Severus, is declared Cæsar by
the emperor Elagabalus, i. 165. Is
raised to the throne, 167. Examina-
tion into his pretended victory over
Artaxerxes, 234. Shewed a regard
for the Christian religion, ii. 185.
Alexandria, a general massacre there, by
order of the emperor Caracalla, i. 152.
The city described, 315. Is ruined by
ridiculous intestine commotions, 316.
By famine and pestilence, 317. Is
besieged and taken by Diocletian, 409.
The Christian theology reduced to a
systematical form in the school of, ii.
124. Number of martyrs who sufier.
ed there in the persecution by Decius,

The theological system of Plato
taught in the school of, and received
by the Jews there, iii. 8. Questions
concerning the nature of the trinity,
agitated in the philosophical and chris-
tian schools of, 11. 16. History of the
archbishop St. Athanasius, 37. Out-
rages attending his expulsion and the
establishment of his successor, George
of Cappadocia, 54. The city distract-
ed by pious factions, 60. Disgraceful
life and tragical death of George of
Cappadocia, 163. Restoration of A-
thanasius, 167. Athanasius banished
by Julian, 168. Sulfers greatly by an
earthquake, 312.

History of the temple of Serapis
there, iii. 461. This temple, and the
famous library, destroyed by bishop
Theophilus, 463.

Is taken by Amrou the Saracen,
vi. 363. The famous library destroy-
ed, 366.

Alexius Angelus, his usurpation of the
Greek empire, and character, vii. 311.
Flies before the crusaders, 328.

Alexius 1. Comnenus, emperor of Constan-
tinople, vi. 131. New titles of dignity
invented by him, vii. 19. Battle of
Durazzo, 132. Solicits the aid of the
emperor Henry III. 136.

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Solicits the aid of the Christian
princes against the Turks, vii. 195.
His suspicious policy on the arrival of
the crusaders, 220. Exacts homage
from them, 222. Profits by the suc-
cess of the crusaders, 256.
Alexius II. Comnenus, emperor of Con-
stantinople, vi. 138.

Alexius Strategopulus, the Greek general,
retakes Constantinople from the La-
tins, vii. 375.

Alexius, the son of Isaac Angelus, his es-
cape from his uncle, who had deposed
his father, vii. 312. His treaty with
the crusaders for his restoration, 322.
Restoration of his father, 332. His
death, 337.

Alfred sends an embassy to the shrine of
St. Thomas in India, vi. 57.
Algebra, by whom invented, vi. 438.
Ali, joins Mahomet in his prophetical
mission, vi. 264. His heroism, 277..
His character, 294. Is chosen caliph
of the Saracens, 296. Devotion paid
at his tomb, 301. His posterity, 302.
Aligern, defends Cumæ, for his brother
Teias, king of the Goths, v. 278. Is
reduced, 279.

Allectus murders Carausius, and usurps

his station, i. 404.

Allemanni, the origin and warlike spirit
of, i. 290. Are driven out of Italy by
the senate and people, 291. Invade
the empire under Aurelian, 332. Are
totally routed, 334. Gaul delivered
from their depredations by Constan-
tius Chlorus, 407.

Invade and establish themselves in
Gaul, ii. 369. Are defeated at Stras-
burgh by Julian, 374. Are reduced by
Julian in his expeditions beyond the
Rhine, 380. Invade Gaul under the
emperor Valentinian, iii. 269. Are re-
duced by Jovinus, 271. And chastised
by Valentinian, 273.

Are subdued by Clovis king of the
Franks, iv. 423.

Alp Arslan, sultan of the Turks, his reign,

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vii. 170.
Alypius, governor of Britain, is commis-

sioned by the emperor Julian to rebuild
the temple of Jerusalem, iii. 149.
Amala, king of the Goths, his high credit
among them, i. 274.

Amalasontha, queen of Italy, her history
and character, v. 148. Her death,

Amalphi, description of the city, and its
commerce, vii. 123.

Amazons, improbability of any society of,
i. 349. note.

Ambition, reflections on the violence, and
various operations of that passion, vi.
Ambrose, St. composed a treatise on the
trinity, for the use of the emperor Gra-
tian, iii. 387. note. His birth and pro-
motion to the archbishopric of Milan,
412. Opposes the Arian worship of
the empress Justina, 413. Refuses
obedience to the Imperial power, 417.
Controls the emperor Theodosius, 433.
434. Imposes penance on Theodosius
for his cruel treatment of Thessalonica,
435. Employed his influence over
Gratian and Theodosius, to inspire
them with maxims of persecution, 449.
Opposes Symmachus, the advocate
for the old Pagan religion, 455. Com.
forts the citizens of Florence with a
dream, when besieged by Radagaisus,
iv. 58.

Amida, siege of, by Sapor king of Persia,
ii. 364. Receives the fugitive inhabi-
tants of Nisibis, iii. 229. Is besieged
and taken by Cabades king of Persia,
v. 99.

Amir, prince of Ionia, his character and
passage into Europe, vii. 474.
Ammianus the historian, his religious cha-
racter of the emperor Constantius, iii.
34. His remark on the enmity of
Christians toward each other, 70. His
account of the fiery obstructions to re-
storing the temple of Jerusalem, 151.
His account of the hostile contest of
Damasus and Ursinus for the bishopric
of Rome, 268. Testimony in favor of
his historical merit, 373. His charac-
ter of the nobles of Rome, iv. 92.
Ammonius, the mathematician, his mea.
surement of the circuit of Rome, iv.

Ammonius, the monk of Alexandria, his
martyrdom, vi. 15.

Amorium, siege and destruction of, by
the caliph Motassem, vi. 452.
Amphilocus, bishop of Iconium, gains the
favour of the emperor Theodosius by
an orthodox bon mot, iii. 396.
Amphitheatre at Rome, a description of,
i. 388. viii. 274.

Amrou, his birth and character, vi. 357.
His invasion and conquest of Egypt,
358. His administration there, 369.
His description of the country, 370.
Amurath I. sultan of the Turks, his reign,
vii. 478.

Amurath II. sultan, his reign and cha-
racter, viii. 99.

Anachorets, in monkish history, described
iv. 387.

Anacletus, pope, his Jewish extraction,
viii. 207.

Anastasius I. marries the empress Ari-
adne, v. 5. His war with Theodoric,
the Ostrogoth king of Italy, 18. His
œconomy celebrated, 72.
His long
wall from the Propontis to the Euxine,
93. Is humbled by the Catholic cler-
gy, vi. 38.
Anastasius II. emperor of Constantino-
ple, vi. 92. His preparations of de-
fence against the Saracens, 413.
Anastasius, St. his brief history and mar-
tyrdom, v. 456 note.

Anatho, the city of, on the banks of the
Euphrates, described, iii. 190.
Andalusia, derivation of the name of that
province, vi. 385. note.

Andronicus, president of Lybia, excom-
municated by Synesius bishop of Pto-
lemais, ii. 430, 431.

Andronicus Comnenus, his character, and
first adventures, vi. 138. Seizes the
empire of Constantinople, 146. His
unhappy fate, 148.

Andronicus the elder, emperor of Constan-

tinople, his superstition, vii. 423. His
war with his grandson, and abdication,

Andronicus the younger, emperor of Con-

stantinople, his licentious character,
vii. 425. His civil war against his
grandfather, 427. His reign, 430. Is
vanquished and wounded by sultan Or-
chan, 472. His private application to
pope Benedict of Rome, viii. 43.
Angora, battle of, between Tamerlane
and Bajazet, viii. 17.

Aniamus, bishop of Orleans, his pious
anxiety for the relief of that city when
besieged by Attila the Hun, iv. 280.
Anician family at Rome, brief history of,
iv. 87.

Anne Comnena, character of her history"
of her father, Alexius I. emperor of
Constantinople, vi. 131. Her conspi-
racy against her brother John, 133.
Anthemius, emperor of the West, his de-
scent and investiture by Leo the Great
iv. 339. His election confirmed at
Rome, 340. Is killed in the sack of
Rome by Ricimer, 356.
Anthemius, præfect of the East, charac-
ter of his administration, in the minor-
ity of the emperor Theodosius the
younger, iv. 194.

Anthemius the architect, instances of his

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