Abbildungen der Seite

Les Commandants des forces alliées seront, en outre, autorisés à accomplir les autres opérations qui seraient jugées, sur les lieux, les plus propres à réaliser le but spécifié dans le préambule de la présente Convention, et notamment à assurer la sécurité des résidents étrangers.

Toutes les mesures dont il s'agit dans cet Article seront prises, au nom et pour le compte des Hautes Parties Contractantes, sans acception de la nationalité particulière des forces employées à les exécuter.

II. Les Hautes Parties Contractantes s'engagent à ne rechercher pour elles-mêmes, dans l'emploi des mesures coercitives prévues par la présente Convention, aucune acquisition de territoire ni aucun avantage particulier, et à n'exercer, dans les affaires intérieures du Mexique, aucune influence de nature à porter atteinte au droit de la nation Mexicaine de choisir et de constituer librement la forme de son Gouvernement.

III. Une Commission composée de 3 Commissaires, un nommé par chacune des Puissances Contractantes, sera établie avec plein pouvoir de statuer sur toutes les questions que pourrait soulever l'emploi ou la distribution des sommes d'argent qui seront recouvrées au Mexique, en ayant égard aux droits respectifs des 3 Parties Contractantes.

IV. Les Hautes Parties Contractantes désirant, en outre, que les mesures qu'elles ont l'intention d'adopter n'aient pas un caractère exclusif, et sachant que le Gouvernement des Etats Unis a, de son côté, des réclamations à faire valoir, comme elles, contre la République Mexicaine, conviennent qu'aussitôt après la signature de la présente Convention, il en sera communiqué une copie au Gouvernement des Etats Unis; que ce Gouvernement sera invité à y accéder; et qu'en prévision de cette accession leurs Ministres respectifs à Washington seront immédiatement munis de pleins pouvoirs à l'effet de conclure et de signer, collectivement ou séparément, avec le Plénipotentiaire désigné par le Président des Etats Unis, une Convention identique, sauf suppression du présent Article, à celle qu'elles signent à la date de ce jour. Mais comme les Hautes Parties Contractantes s'exposeraient, en apportant quelque retard à la mise à exécution des Articles I et II de la présente Convention, à manquer le but qu'elles désirent atteindre, elles sont tombées d'accord de ne pas différer, en vue d'obtenir l'accession du Gouvernement des Etats Unis, le commencement des opérations sus-mentionnées au delà de l'époque à laquelle leurs forces combinées pourront être réunies dans les parages de Vera Cruz.

V. La présente Convention sera ratifiée, et les ratifications en seront échangées à Londres, dans le délai de 15 jours.

En foi de quoi les Plénipotentiaires respectifs l'ont signé, et y ont apposé le sceau de leurs armes.

Fait à Londres, en triple original, le 31me jour du mois d'Octobre, de l'an de grace 1861.



CORRESPONDENCE between The United States and Austria, Belgium, Chile, Denmark, France, Hawaiian Islands, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Prussia, Russia and Spain, respecting the Civil War in America; the non-recognition of the socalled Confederate States; Maritime Rights in time of War; Privateering; and Neutral Trade.*-1861.



Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward.

Berlin, May 8, 1861. I HAVE, since my return, had a long interview with Baron Von Schleinitz, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, who, whilst he expressed the earnest sympathy of his Government with the American people in their present troubles, not only because of the effect of such disturbances upon the commerce of Europe, but also on account of the intimate relations between the two countries, owing to the presence of a large German population in The United States, gave me the most positive assurance that his Government, from the principle of unrelenting opposition to all revolutionary movements, would be one of the last to recognize any de facto Government of the disaffected States of the American Union.

The news of to-day has exerted the most unhappy influence upon the Americans here, and the universal sentiment is a profound desire and a hope for the restoration of peace in The United States. JOSEPH A. WRIGHT.


Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward.

Berlin, May 15, 1861.

THE proclamation of the President was received by the previous mail, and the subject has received due consideration.

On receipt of your circular dated the 20th of April, I immediately called upon Baron de Schleinitz, Minister of Foreign Affairs, who

*Laid before Parliament, with other Correspondence, in 1862.

[1860-61. LI.]

had received the proclamation of the President, and he at once promptly informed me that, in his opinion, no apprehension need be entertained as to Prussian subjects engaging under the authority of the so-called Confederate States in fitting out privateers, or in any manner interfering with our commerce. Prussia has but few ports. Hers is not a sea-faring people, and the sympathies of the Government and of the people are with The United States. Whatever danger may be apprehended on this subject must come from Bremen, Hamburg, and other ports situated in Oldenburg, Hanover, &c. Due vigilance will be used to prevent any such unlawful interference, and if any such be detected the proper authorities will be promptly advised thereof, and every effort will be made to suppress it. Not knowing whether your circular has been sent to the Consuls, I have forwarded copies to several already.



Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward.

Berlin, May 26, 1861. ENCLOSED is a copy of a recent communication to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Prussia will take efficient steps to sustain the Government of The United States in the protection of property and commerce, and will do all she can, consistently with her obligations to other Governments, to sustain the vigorous action of our Government in maintaining law and order.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baron Von Schleinitz, informed me yesterday that it was the intention of the Government to issue a proclamation touching these questions.

The Government and people are, in spirit and feeling, with us. I am in the receipt of hundreds of letters and personal calls seeking positions in the American army, and asking for means of conveyance to our shores. So numerous, indeed, are the applications, that I have been compelled to place on the doors of the Legation a notice to the purport that "This is the Legation of The United States, and not a recruiting office." The fidelity and firmness exhibited with such unanimity by our own people in sustaining the administration in their efforts to put down the outrages of the so-called "Confederate States," whilst it astonishes the people of the old world, is at the same time rapidly creating a sentiment of confidence in our ability to maintain unimpaired the institutions of our fathers.

Let the cost be what it may, we must vindicate the memory of our fathers from the slanders announced by those in high places in the so-called "Confederate States," wherein they have proclaimed ours is only a confederation of States, and not a national union. JOSEPH A. WRIGHT.

Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward.

(Extract.) Berlin, June 8, 1861. ALTHOUGH the Prussian Government has not issued a proclamation upon the subject referred to in my last despatch, I still continue to receive from the Minister of Foreign Affairs the strongest assurances of the sympathies and friendship of this Government.

Your circular of the 6th of May has been received, but the subject had been duly considered previously thereto. No opportunity will be neglected to counteract any efforts that may be made by individuals or associations in negotiations hostile to The United States.


Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward.


Berlin, June 25, 1861.

I HAVE received this moment a copy of the "National Zeitung," containing the despatch of Baron Schleinitz to Baron Gerolt; and also an order from the Minister of Commerce, addressed to Prussian subjects engaged in trade and commerce. This is not what I had expected. I was anticipating a proclamation from the King more ful and distinct. This will doubtless have the desired effect, as it will be published in all the German journals, and coming from Prussia will be duly respected by the German States and Free Cities. Their sympathy and spirit is with The United States' Government. Mr Judd is expected on the 27th instant.


(Inclosure.)-Baron Schleinitz to Baron Gerolt.


Berlin, June 13, 1861. The various herewith enclosed statements, by which your Excellency has given me a knowledge of the occurence through which the internal tranquillity of the Union is disturbed, have called forth my serious consideration. The hope which, until now, we so willingly entertained, that the incolate conflict between the Government of The United States and sundry of the southern States of the Union would be brought to an amicable settlement, is now, unhappily, in view of existing conditions, borne back to a far distance.

The indubitable fact of the state of the intestine warfare in which the Union is placed is a source of deep regret to the Kings' Government. The relations of close friendship which connect Prussia and the Government of The United States exist from the foundation of the Union. They have endured nearly a hundred years; never at any time disturbed by change of circumstances, nor in anywise impaired.

By a series of Treaties, by means of which the improvement of the interests of manufacture and commerce on either side has been eminently developed, the intimate relations between the two States have attained a prosperous durability. At no time, between these two Powers, has any collision of antagonistic interests found a foothold. The soaring flight which the internal prosperity of the Union has taken, extending its range from year to year by means of the bond of unity of the States thus knit together, the commanding attitude which North America has attained, abroad, has been looked upon by Prussia not merely with no dissatisfaction but has rather been greeted by her with honest sympathy.

The more earnestly, then, do we regret that the continuance of so prosperous a condition of things should appear to be placed in question by the incohate disturbance of that internal unity, the unshaken existence of which had, until this time, formed the surest foundation of the Union. It behoves not the royal Government either to discuss the causes of existing controversies or to pass judgment upon those debatable questions which belong entirely to the domestic relations of the Union. Our whole endeavour in this matter must be addressed to sustaining The United States in their heretofore existing relations with us, even under the difficult circumstances of the present time.

Nevertheless, by the serious turn which the conflict that has broken out has already taken, and by the consequent self-reliant mode of proceeding of the Government of The United States in relation to blockades, and the treatment of neutral navigation, essential and important interests on this side are also affected, and the royal Government has taken into earnest consideration the protection thereof on grounds of international law and in conformity with Treaty stipulations.

Your Excellency has full knowledge of the negotiations which, through a series of years, were carried on between Prussia and The United States, upon the principles which ought to be brought into application in naval warfare in relation to the rights of neutral shipping. It is to the credit of the North American Cabinet that, in the year 1854, it availed itself of the plan of a Treaty, proposed with us, to be first to take the initiative for putting the rights above mentioned in liberal and practical shape upon a broader foundation. of well settled principles. We then willingly acceded to the North American proposition, and although the negotiations conducted by your Excellency were closed without attaining the desired result, because a stand was then taken against that abolition of privateering which was suggested by us, it has, meantime, nevertheless, so fallen out that the general united desire to establish the recognition of the of neutral shipping during maritime warfare upon more


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