Abbildungen der Seite

FRANCE. Correspondence with Great Britain. Proposed Assembly of a
Congress of the Great Powers of Europe for
settlement of Affairs of Italy and other Euro-
pean Questions
October, 1848.

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Declaration. Neutrality during Civil War in United States.


Paris, 10th June, 1861. 1137

Decree. Promulgation of Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and
Navigation of 27th June, 1858, and of Additional
Convention of Peace of 25th October, 1860, with

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Paris, 12th January, 1861. 636

Promulgation of Treaty with Monaco, of 2nd February,
1861. Cession of Mentone and Roquebrune to France.
Paris, 13th February, 1861. 673

Promulgation of Consular Convention with Brazil of

.Paris, 17th March, 1861. 676

10th December, 1860
Publication of Declaration of 25th March, 1861, with
Switzerland. Export of Salt.

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Promulgation of Extradition Convention with Chile of
11th April, 1860

..... Paris, 15th May, 1861.



Paris, 27th May, 1861.



Promulgation of Treaty of Commerce with Belgium

of 1st May, 1861..........
Promulgation of Convention of Navigation with Belgium
of 1st May, 1861
Paris, 27th May, 1861.
Declaring Provisions of Treaty of Commerce with Bel-
gium of 1st May, 1861, to be applicable to Great

Promulgation of Treaty of

29th April, 1861..........
Protocol of Conference with Turkey,
the Lebanon

Paris, 29th May, 1861. 741
Commerce with Turkey of
..Vichy, 14th July, 1861. 742
&c. Administration of

Protocols of Conferences with Turkey, &c.

.Pera, 9th June, 1861. 287
Armed Intervention

of European Powers for the Restoration of Tran-
quillity in Syria Paris, August, 1860-May, 1861. 278
of Meetings between Commissioners of Great Britain,
Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, and Turkey. Dis-
turbances in Syria.

Beyrout, October, 1860-May, 1861.
Speech of Emperor. Opening of Legislative Chambers.

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FRANCE. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, contd., viz. :—with
Brazil. Convention. Consular.

Rio de Janeiro, 10th December, 1860. 676
Convention. Extradition.


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ship, Indemnities, &c.

Peace. Friend-

Pekin, 25th October, 1860. 668

Great Britain. [The Provisions of the Treaty of
Commerce between Belgium and
France, of 1st May, 1861, were
declared to be applicable to Great
Britain by the French Decree
of 29th May, 1861]
Convention. Emigration of La-
bourers from India to French


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GAETA. Notification (British). Sardinian Blockade.


GEORGIA. Ordinance.


London, 6th February, 1861. 527
Sardinian Blockade raised.

London 22nd February, 1861. 528

Dissolution of Union with The United States of
Milledgeville, 19th January, 1861. 896



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Act of Parliament. To enable Her Majesty to settle an

Annuity on Her Royal Highness
the Princess Alice Maud Mary.

17th May, 1861. 1139

To amend the Law relating to Copy-

right of Designs.

6th August, 1861. 1140
To amend the Law in relation to
Wills and Domicile of British
Subjects dying whilst residing
Abroad, and of Foreign Subjects
dying whilst resident within Her
Majesty's Dominions.

6th August, 1861. 1141

Correspondence with Denmark, &c. Affairs of Schleswig

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Greek Loan....1859-1861. 1276
GREAT BRITAIN. Correspondence with Greece.
with Mexico. British Claims on Mexico.
Temporary withdrawal of British
Mission from City of Mexico to Ja-
lapa. Robbery of Specie belonging
to British Bondholders from House of
.1860, 1861. 548
British Legation .....
with Sardinia. Prosecution by Authori
ties in Island of Elba, of a British
Subject (Mr. G. G. Watson Taylor)
for alleged act of Sedition.
of Island of Monte Cristo, belonging
to Mr. Taylor, by followers of General
Garibaldi in British steamer "Orwell."

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1860, 1861. 748

with Saxony. Arrest by Saxon Govern-
ment of Hungarian Refugee (Count
Téleki), and his Surrender to Aus-
trian Government ............1860, 1861. 270
with Sicilies. Renewal of Diplomatic
Relations. Internal Affairs of Kingdom
of Naples .................................1859, 1860. 1329
Free Navigation

with United States.

of River St. John, under Article III.

of Treaty of 9th August, 1842.

1844, 1845. 934

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Decree (French). Declaring Provisions of Treaty of Com-

merce with Belgium of 1st May, 1861,

to be applicable to Great Britain.

Paris, 29th May, 1861. 741


GREAT BRITAIN. Letter. Neutrality. Contest between United States and
so-called Confederate States. Non-admission
of Armed Ships or Privateers with Prizes
into Ports of United Kingdom, or into British
Colonial Ports
1st June, 1861.
Neutrality. Hostilities between United States
and so-called Confederate States. Non-
admission of Ships of War or Privateers
into British Ports or British Colonial Ports
for Warlike Purposes. Regulations as to
Supply of Coal. Belligerent Vessels not to
remain longer than 24 hours, or to depart
until 24 hours after each other.

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31st January, 1861. 265

Notification. Sardinian Blockade of Gaeta.

London, 6th February, 1861. 527

Raising of Sardinian Blockade of Gaeta.

London, 22nd February, 1861. 528
Sardinian Blockade of Citadel of Messina
and neighbouring Ports, but not of Com-
mercial Port of that City.

London, 8th March, 1861. 529

Turkish Blockade of Coasts of Albania.

London, 22nd April, 1861. 529

Order in Council. Privilege of Copyright to Authors
of Books and Dramatic Pieces
first Published or Represented in

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London, 4th February, 1861. 525
Prohibition of Export of Gunpowder,
Saltpetre, Nitrate of Soda, and
Brimstone, from Islands of Jersey,
Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, and Isle
of Man.

Windsor, 30th November, 1861. 171
Prohibition of Export of Arms, Am-
munition, and Military Stores.

Windsor, 4th December, 1861. 172
Neutrality in Contest between The
United States and the so-called Con-
federate States of America.

London, 13th May, 1861. 165
Prohibition of Export of Gunpowder,

Saltpetre, Nitrate of Soda, and Brim-

stone.... Windsor, 29th November, 1861. 170

Prohibition of Export of Arms, Am-

munition and Military Stores.

Windsor, 4th December, 1861. 171

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