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les escuz pour recevoir ceulx qui y viennent a toute heure, qui ne trouvent a qui parler; et touchant le camp et no3 lysses qui ny fera aultre dilligence, je ne voy pas quil3 puissent estre prest3 au temps assigné par ceulx qui ont esté cryer et publyer le tournay. J'en ay dit plusamplement ce qui m'en semble acedit porteur; qui sera la fin, Mons", apres me estre recommander a votre bonne grace, priant Dieu vous donner bonne vye et longue. A Ardre le xxiiijme de May. Ainsi signé, L'entierement votre, CHASTILLON. Et audessus, A Monsr. le conte de Worcestre, grant chambellan d'Angle


The justs at Guisnes.

(MS. Cotton. Titus, B. 1. p. 127.)

(This paper is to be compared with that in the Rutland Papers, p. 44.)

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The two marshals; that is to say, for the kinges parte,

The Erle of Essex, with certein noble men whose names foloweth, to be assistant unto them, that is to say::

My lorde of Bergeveny.

Sir Nicholas Vaux.

Sir William Sandes.

Sir John Husé.

Sir Richard Sacheverel and xxti of the kinges garde.

Item, the undermarshal and the marshal's company to kepe the oute side of the felde, to th'intent that strangers and vagabundes shal not approche unto the same, nor passe over the diches.

Item, sir Henry Marny is appointed to kepe the kinges loging.

Item, my lorde stuarde and master comptroller to take hede to the provision of frute and drinke for the king.



Item, for keping of the entres in to the felde x of the kinges garde be appointed and x of the Frenche garde.

Item, it is devised that the ij marshals shal ordre the people on bothe sides, to the intent that the oon shal not intremedle with the other, for avoiding of debate.

Indorsed. Juges deputed. At the Justes in the campe betwene Guysnes Ardre, in the tyme of metyng betwene the kinges grace and the French king. Letters from the Lords of the Council in London to Henry VIII. and to Wolsey, during their absence at the interview with Francis I. (MS, Cotton. Calig. D. vII. p. 231.)

These are very interesting letters, particularly in those parts where the Princess Mary's Court at Richmond is described. It is believed that they are now published for the first time. In Sir H. Ellis's first series, vol. i. 174, a previous letter of the Lords to the King will be found, dated the 13th June; and all were evidently indited by the same person, probably Richard Fox, bishop of Winchester.

To the King.

SIR, Pleas it your grace, Albeit that heretofore we had in party som knowlege and notice to oure singuler comforte of your good spede in this your prosperous and fortunate journaie, and of the mooste honourable successes of the same, yet nowe, lovinges be to almighty God, we by your mooste honourable letters bering date at your castell of Guysnes, the xxij daye of this instaunte monethe, have sure and perfaite knowlege to our further mooste singular joie, comforte, and consolacion, not oonly of the joieous meting and entrevieu of your grace and the Frenshe king, and of the pleasaunt pastymes which have proceded betwene youe, to youre great and inestimable honour, and of suche confederacions, treaties, and convencions with sonderie contractes and determinacions, as be mencioned in your saide mooste honorable lettres, the like wherof heretofore have not been brought to suche effecte and purpoos by any other your noble progenitours, but also of the speciall truste and confidence that the said Frenshe king haith in your highnes manifestly declared by his subdain repaire and commyng unto your grace into your said castell of Guysnes, and putting hymselfe hooly into your handes, which approveth his desirous and affectuous mynde to attaine your favour and amitie, and the moor specially because he canne not be satisfied till he have visited and seen your grace within this your realme. Mooste glad and joieous also we be, and right soe all your subjectes have

cause to be, to wete and see the greateste princes of Christendome, not oonly to pursue for the attayning of your favours, and to be directed and ordoured after your highnes wisedome and prudent policy, but also content and mooste desirous to visit your said grace, and to sue unto the same within this your realme, to youre perpetuall praise and fame for ever, the advancement and encreace of honour and proufit to your said realme, for the quiete, reste and tranquilité of all Christendome, and finally to the greate laude and pleasure of Almighty God: [and] considering that for a speciall remembraunce and confirmacion [of] the premisses, it hath liked your highnes, to the praise of to have your causes and matiers at this season concluded plenary remission, and with fulle mynde and purpoos

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edifie a chapell in the name of oure blessed Lady for your perpetuelle and ymmortall memorie, [in the most] humble and lowlieste maner we thanke your grace that it hath [pleased] the same to advertise us of the premises, whereby to our moste rejoyesing we

be made as participant thereof in maner as though we had been present at the same. And where as in many thynges heretofore, not of soo high importaunce as this excellent and notable act of your moost circumspect and provident wisedome broughte by the help of God to youre intended purpoos, Te Deum laudamus hath been solempnely songen in the laude and praise of God, and for these good and fortunate successes we wolde likewise, youre pleasure knowen in this behalf, semblably geve [laude] and praise to almighty God, to whoom we doe and shall daily praye as welle for the fortunate and good contynuance of further noble purpooses and affaires, as also for your sauf [and] soone commyng hoom. And sethen our last writing unto your highnes we have sondery tymes visited and seen your derrest doughter the princes, whoe, God be thanked, is in prosperous healthe and convalescence, and like as she encreaseth in daies and yeres soe she doothe in grace, witte, and vertue, to the [great] counfort of alle suche as repaire unto her presence.


And as touching any other causes to be signified unto your highnes concernyng this your realme, we knowe noon, but that the same is in good tranquilitie, and your subjectes in goode and quiete restefulnes. We geve our attendaunce con [tinually] in your counseill, and ordour such causes as comme before us accoording to your lawes. And as yet we have noe n[ews] naither from youre lande of Irelande nor from Sco[tland]e. Assoone as

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any shalle comme unto us, we shall forthwith] geve advertisement to youre highnes of the same.

Ymmediately and forthwithe after the writing of the pre[mises,] the xxviijti of June, and saint Peter's even, came to [us the] gentilmen of Fraunce, of whoos commyng and ent. . . we had advertisement by my lorde cardinalle. A[nd on] Saturdaie at after diner, according as tide [served] for thaym, they, being well accompanied by [the lord Barnes,] lorde Darcy and other, repaired to your dereste doughter then at Richmounte, where thay founde her grace right honorablei accompanied with your counseill, and other lordes, both spirituall and temporall; and her house and chambers right welle appointed and furnisshed with a goodly company of gentilmen and tall yomen; and as unto ladies ther were in the chamber of presence, attending on her grace, besides the lady governes and other her gentilwomen, the duches of Norfolk, with her iij doughters, the lady (blank *) wiff to the lorde Herbert, the countesse of Worcester, the ladies Gray and Nevelle, the lorde John's wiff,† with sondery other ladies and gentilwomen; and in the great chamber were many goodly gentil women well apparailled. And at the commyng of the said gentilmen of Fraunce to the princes' presence, her grace in suche wise shewed herself unto thaym, furst in welcomming and enterteynnyng of thaym with moost goodly countenaunce, propur communycacion, and pleasaunt passetyme in playing at the virginalles, that thay greately marveled and rejoyesed the same, her yong and tendre age conscidered. And soe after thay departed ageine to London, and at this present tyme be upon thair depeching from hennes. Sethen thaire hider commyng thay have bene well accompenied with the said lordes Barnes and Darcy, and other gentilmen, and goodly chere doon unto thayme, furst by the maire and sheriffes of London, th'abbot of Westmynster, and thenne after mooste specially by the duke of Norfolke.

The Lords of the Council in London to Wolsey.

(MS. Cotton. Calig. D. vii. p. 233.)

(Directed,) To my Lorde Cardynalles grace.

After our right humble recommendacion to your grace, Pleaseth the same

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to wete your right honourable lettres bering date at Calais, the xxvjti day of June, conteignyng your advertisementes concerning the commyng hider of the thre gentilmen of Fraunce, so licenced to do by the king our souverain lord, were delyvered unto us on Thursday in the mornyng last passed, being saint Petres eve, The whiche daye, a litle before night, the same gentilmen cam suddainly to London. And albeit wee had litle and short warnyng before thayr commyng, yet convenient preparacions were made for theym according to your pleasure and advertisementes. The maire of London havyng knowlege of thair said commyng, made unto theym, being wele accompanyed with gentilmen of England, a goodly bankett at night in Chepe syde, and there they sawe the watche, which was right wele ordered, and by theym excellently commended, as we understande by reapport of the gentilmen that were in thair company. The next day after, being saint Petres day, we sent the lord Barnes to geve welcommynges to the said gentilmen, and to accompany theym. And the same day the said mayre had theym to dynner, and in the afternoone, inasmoche as they desired amonges other thinges to see th'ospitall of Savoye, and the kinges chapel at the monasterie of Westminster, they were conveyed thider, wele accompanyed on horsbak, and demonstracions made unto theym of notable thinges in the said hospitalle, the kinges chapelle, and the sayd [monastery,] th'abbot of the same accompanyeng theym, [and after] enterteigned theym with right goodly chere [as the] usage requered upon a Fryday. And on S[aturday] folowing oon of the shiriffes of London made [the said] gentilmen a goodly dyner, and for that the tyde was commodious for theym to Richemount aboute noone, they being wele accompanyed by the lord Barnes, the lord Darcy, and other, were then after conveyed thider in a barge, where they repayred to the princesse and fownde her righte honourably accompanyed with noble personages, aswel speritualle as temporalle, and her house and chambers wele appointed and fournysshed with right good nombre of goodly gentilmen and tall yeomen; and as unto ladyes, there were in the chamber of presence attending on her grace (besides the lady governesse and other her gentilwomen) the duchesse of Norfolk, with her thre doughters, the lady Margaret wif to the lord Herbert, the countesse of Worcester, the ladyes Graye and Nevell, and the lord John's wif, with sundry other ladyes and gentilwomen; and in the greate chamber were dyvers goodly gentilwomen wele apparailled. And at the commyng of the said gentilmen of Fraunce to the princesse presence, her grace in suche wise shewed her self unto theym,

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