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For th'emperour's logienge.

Firste, his bed-chambur to be hanged with clothe off golde, and a trussinge bedde with testour and celour, and counterpointe of riche clothe of golde, the curteynes with damaske, withe all other necessaries therto belongeng.

Item, a chaier of clothe of golde, and v. cussions of the same for the said chambur.

Item, for the borde, cubbourd, and windowes, carpettes of the same, or of velvet.

Item, iij. fyne carpettes to ley in the flowre aboute his bedde.

Item, a pailet bedde furnished for theym that be in his chambur.

The secounde chambur.

Firste, the secounde chambour to be hanged with riche aras of golde and silke.

Item, a bedde with a sparver and counterpoint of clothe [of] golde, the courteyns of double sarcenet.

Item, a chaier of clothe of golde, and cussions of the same, for the said chambour and windowes, a greate carpet for the floure, and smale carpettes for the bourde, cubborde, and windows of velvet or of wolle, and a clothe of astate of clothe of gold.

The iiide chambour.

The iiide chambour to be hanged with fyne tapestry, with carpetes upon the cubbord and windowes, and cussions of velvet, if nede be.

Item, a chambour hanged and well dressed for his chamberlayn.

The prince of Castille.

For the prince of Castille in like fourme as the emperour, excepte the prince to have the halle well hanged and appointed, and also the chapelle.

For my lady Margarete, archduches of Austriche.

Firste, her bedde chambour to be


The secounde chambour also.

hanged with riche The iijde of fyne

tapestry, a longe trussinge bedde of clothe of gold, the courteyns of damaske, a chaier of clothe off golde, and iij. cussions of the same. Carpettes aboute her bedde of wolle, and upon the cubbourd and windowes of velvet.

The seconde chambour.

In the seconde chambur, a bedde with a sparver and counterpoint of clothe of golde and velvet perpale, courteynes of double sarcenet, with all that belongeth therto. A clothe of astate of clothe of goulde. A longe carpet on the floure. A chaier covered with crymsyn

velvett, and cussions of the same for the saied chaiar and windowes, carpettes for the bourde and windows of velvet or of wolle.

Item, a chambour to be hanged and dressed for her chamberlayn.

Item, to have in store paillet beddes furnished for every chambour where beddes be, and v. or vj. besides them, for every of the said logienges for th'emperour, prince, and archduchesse.

The kinges logieng.

Item, for the kinges lodegeinge iiij. chambours at the lest to be hanged and welle appointed, and a chapell if nede bee.

Th'emperour to be lodgied wher the late deputie dwelled in Calais.

The prince in the staple-house.

My ladie Margaret archduches in the tresourer's house.
The kinges grace in the castelle.

For the transportyng of my lady Mary, princess of Castille.

[The name burnt away.]


M. Edmunde.

Ric. Jernyngham.

My Lady of Oxford.

Firste, that it may please the kinges grace to name some honorable aged personne to be her chamberlayne for the tyme, &c. And he to devise for the apparelle of her chambour, and for officers of the same.

Item, to appointe some sadde personne to be tresourer of her chambour for the tyme, &c. And that he devise plate for her chambour, coubbord, and ewry.

Item, to appointe an almosyner and confessour both in one persone, certayne chaplayns, and a clerke of the closet, and the same clerke to devise the ornamentes and other stuffe necessarie for her chapelle.

Item, to appointe a maister of her horse, and he to provyde palfrais, litters, sadils, and apparelle for the said palfrais.

Item, that it may please the qwenis grace to name somme honourable personage to be her lady maistres.

Item, to appoint certayn other ladies, the whiche with thear attendaunce gevyng uppon the said ladie maistres, and by her advise, have the charge to devise for thapparelle of her person.

Item, to appoint other ladies and gentilwomen, wherof somme to attende and somme to serve in the chambour of the said princes, and somme to contynue in her service in Flaundours.

My Lady the Princesse of Castille.

Furste, a cronelle for her hedde, of golde and stone, in the day of her mariage.

Item, a goodlie devise for her necke, set with stone and perle.

Item, a goodlie gurdille of goolde, of as goodly facion as may be devised.

Item, ij. braselettes of golde, set with stone and perle. Item, on the nexte day for her change a riche juelle of golde, with a cheyne of golde for her nekke.

Item, a goodlie gurdille of golde.

To be provydyd in

[Of her] awne, to be

newly made here.

To be newe made here.

of A ys.

Her owne.
Her owne stuff.

[blocks in formation]

Item, ij. goodlie cuppes of golde of her owne, the [one] garnyshyd with whyte hertes, the other with rosys.a

Item, one other cup of gold, with perculles, and a rose in the tope, grene glasse garnyshed with golde.

Item, ij. faire large pottes gilt, well wroughte, either weying cc. [oz.]

iiije unces. Item, ij. goodlie flagons gilt, well?iiiic oz. wroughte, either of them weying cc. oz. Item, ij. lesse pottes gilte, poisaunte Item, ij. pottes of a lesse sort, poisaunt Item, xij. bollis with ij. covers well wroughte, poisaunt

Item, a peir of flagons of Frenche

This to be newe made
to thre of her owne, and
oone with the cover to plate.

be made to the kyng's. Item, ij. standing cuppes gilt, poi

Of the kynges owne.


a Erased, on garnysshed, either of theym of the valew of c. marc.

iijc unces.

Cxx oz.

} iiije oz.


Cxl. oz.

iiij unces.

b Erased, A leyr of golde of the same facion and garnyshyng, poisaunt xxx oz.

e Erased, or botells gilte pois.

[blocks in formation]
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