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at none; and lykewise at the reopening of the gate agayne to be ther, and ther to contynue till the gate be shut for that night. And upon Good Frydaie the heigh marshall and under-marshall, with the companies appointed to them in the Banner watche, shall kepe the warde in the Market in manner and forme as bifore is said of the deputie; and upon Easter even the treasurer and his companie shall kepe the warde in the Market in manner and forme as bifore; and upon Easter daye the comptroller, with his companie, shall kepe his warde in the saide Market-place, from the first opening of the gate till the saide gate be shutte at none, and then maye depart for that daye.

The ordre of the Wardes above the Wall, how many be of them, and howe they shalbe furnished in Skries and Laroms.

Wher ther be xltiij.wardes assigned for the stande watche abowte the walles, it is ordeyned that the saide xlij. wardes shalbe at skries and laroms devided intoo xvij. wardes, in manner and forme following, that is to saye, the firste warde shalbegyne at the tower in the Castell corner in the north side of the towne, and soo goo furthe estwarde to the crosse of stone in the waule. And the seconde warde shall goo from the saide crosse in the waule estwarde to the steire hede at the Water gate; and that the thirde warde shall goo from the saide third steire hed at the Water gate estwarde to the crosse on the waule. The iiijth warde shall goo from the saide crosse estwarde to the crosse in the myddle of the Lanterne gate. The vth warde shall goo from the saide crosse in the Lanterne gate estwarde to the crosse in the waule. The vjth warde shall goo from the saide crosse in the waule estwarde to the crosse in the mydds of the Beachame tower. The saide vijth warde shall goo from the saide crosse in the myddle of the Beachame tower southwarde to the crosse in the waule. The viijth warde shall goo from the saide crosse southwarde to another crosse in the waule. The ixth warde shall goo from the saide crosse south and west unto another crosse in the waule. The xth warde shall goo from the saide crosse in the wale westwarde to another crosse in the waule. The xjth warde shall goo from the saide crosse on the waule westwarde to the crosse in the waulle in the est ende of the

Staple Inne. The xijth warde shall goo from the saide crosse of the est ende of the Staple Inne unto the nexte crosse on the waulle westwarde.

The xiijth warde shall goo from the saide crosse on the waulle westwarde unto the crosse upon the drawght house, on the est side of the Northumberland tower. The xiiijth warde shall goo from the saide cross westwarde to the crosse in the waulle against Cowe lane. The xyth warde from the saide crosse westwarde to the crosse on the walle against the Bullen well. The xvjth warde shall goo from the saide crosse west and north to the crosse in the waule betwixt the drawght house and the under-marshall's tower. The xvijth warde shall goo northwarde to the crosse on the waulle on the southe side of the Castell by the west watche house.

It is ordeyned that the wardes aforesaid shalbe furnyshed in manner and forme following, that is to saie, ij. constables with ther companions shall begynne the firste warde; and then one vintener shall furnyshe the next, and soo successyvely throughe the saide wardes. And it is ordeyned, that in lyke manner and forme as the saide wardes be devided to the constables and vinteners, and ther companies, so the same wardes shalbe devided into vj. parties, whereof the first begynneth at Beacham's tower unto the Mylkegate tower, whiche ys assigned to the kinges deputie. And the seconde of the vj. wardes from Mylkgate tower to the Prince's tower, and that shalbe in the high marshall's charge. The thirde warde from the Prince's tower to the Bullen gate, whiche shalbe in the comptroller's charge. The iiijth warde from Bullen gate to the Castell, shalbe in the treasurer's charge. The yth from the Castell to the Lanterne gate, shalbe in the under-marshall's charge. The vjth from the Lanterne gate to the Beacham tower, shalbe in the maister porter's charge, with suche constables, vinteners, and gonners as be with the saide wardes, as above is assigned.

Th' ordre for the Escries bi night or by daye.

If anny escrie be made by night by reaport of any of the saide watchemen, as bifore is saide, or by any other meane, the counsell, with all the speres, archers on horsback, iiij vinteners with ther companies, with all diligens shall resort to the Market-place armed and weaponed accordinglie. And vj. tipstaves, in ther hernes and weapons, shall gyve attendaunce upon the kinges deputie and counsell ther. And all ther constables, and the residue of the vinteners not assigned to the Market-place aforesaide, and all other souldiers of the retynue, as well in the retynue of the deputie as in the

retynue of all other of the counsell and officers, shall reasort to the walles, every one to his warde, in hernes. And the kinges deputie and counsaill, being in the Market-place armed, shall not have with them none other of the rytenue; but the speres, archers on horsback, tipstaves, vinteners, and other companies shall ther attende upon the kinges deputie and counsaill for safe keping of the saide Market-place. And then the saide deputie shall sende one of the tipstaves with the comptroller's clark of the chek to the est and west howses, and se how they be furnyshed with ther watche, as well with the standwatche as with the saide companie of constables and vinteners with ther fellowshipps; and if any defaulte be in any of them, to note the same, and then retorne to the Market to the kinges deputie and counsaill, and ther make reaport of all suche defaultes. And as many as so shall make defaulte, and have no lawfull excuse, to have punishment of xl. daies punishment and a quarter's wages, and therfor the clark of the chek maye not be withoute his boke of chek, nor the vyntener nor constables withoute the billes of the names of ther companies; and lyke order to be used for escries or larome made by daye.

For Watche in the newe Brais and Serche tower in the tyme of warre, and in the herring tyme, in the saide tower.

First, it is ordeyned that ij. gonners that be appointed to the brais in the tyme of warre shall kepe the Serche tower the herring tyme; and every night when the bridge ys drawen at the Lanterne gate, and every morning when the bridge is let downe, one of the gonners shall shote one gunne, to the entent that every night, at the shoting of the saide gunne, every stranger of the herring men shall reasort to ther shipps, upon payne to be punyshed. And after the saide gone be shot in the morning, the saide strangers maye come out of ther shipps and tende the [ir] busynes, and not bifore, upon lyke


For ij. gonnes to be laied in the Lanterne gate the herring tyme.

It is also ordeyned that ij. gunnes, with sufficient powder and shot, shalbe laied in the Lanterne gate ever apon Michaelmas even, and ther lie till seint Andrewes tide then next following; and one gonner daylie shalbe ap



pointed by the kinges deputie to waite uppon the saide gonnes, that if nede require they may be shot for the defence of the same; and that the saide gonner soo appointed shall not faile to kepe his saide warde, upon lyke paynes as bifore expressed upon those that make defaulte of ther warde dayɛs in the saide herring tyme.

[Here follows, in the same manuscript, the second copy of the king's device for the fortification of the town, already mentioned in p. 125.]


The date of this document wants the year, but it was written whilst lord Berners was deputy of Calais, and probably belongs to 1522, when hostilities broke out with France. The three jurisdictions" represented in the signatures were those of the council, the town, and the staple.

(MS. Cotton. Calig. E. 1. p. 28. The original.)

Pleaseth your highnes that all we your most lowly servauntes and subge[ctes of the th]re jurisdiccions of this your highnes toune of Caleys, in our moste humble wyse do shew and ascerteyne your [highness] that here is an unyversal great lack and default of wode and fiewel within your saide toune, by reason [that of] late dyvers and sundry hoyes, playtes, and other ships freghted and repeyring toward this toune with [wood] and cole have been taken on the see by Frenchmen, as well before the opening of the warres as syns, so that by a serche lately made within this toune there is not fiewel sufficient to serve the same [for] xv. days; the lack wherof begynneth a great rumour amonges the generaltie of this toune; and it is thought by us, if remedye be not shortly provyded for relief and helpe of the same by your highnes, greater inconvenyence and daunger is lyke to follow and come to this toune, which God defend, for we [have] done asmoche for our partes as in our possibilite is, as wel in wrytyng and sending over into Englonde w[here] wode lyeth to such persons as have ships there, as also in causing the hoyes, playtes, and other ships which lie here in the haven, with the masters and maryners of the same, to fetche, bryng, and convey out [of En] glande wode to this toune; and have offered unto them moche more largely for their freghtes than [they ha]ve bene wont and

accustomed to take or demande; but they utterly do refuse to adventure th[emselves] or ships on the see onlesse they mighte have Englishe ships of warre to conduyct [them] bothe to and fro. And, bycause they daily see byfore their faces ships taken by Frenshmen here [about]e without any maner of rescuyng of the same, they be in so great drede and fere that they had rather.... to jeobarde themselfes on the see without conduyct. And, inasmuch as we can fynde no fu[rther help] or remedye herein of our selfes, we can no lesse of our dueties but to advertise your highnes in [what] estate we stonde in that behalf; wherfor all we of the forsaid thre jurisdiccions w[ould] beseche your highnes to have tendre consideracion and pitie apon this your grace's toune and servauntes [inhabitants] within the same, to se some provysion that wode and fiewel may be shortly conveyed over hiddre, and [to be] brought unto us, if it may pleas your highnes to appoint and commaunde six ships of werre to a [ct in] arredines for the releif of this your said toune, wherof thre ships to have their most abode co[mmor]aunte about the Camber, and other thre about the haven and rode of this toune, orels atte le [ast two shi]ps about the Camber, and other two about the said haven and rode of this toune, that than they [safely ma]y conduyct and convey over hiddre not oonly such ships as wold repeyre hiddre with wode, fiewel [and cole], but also the passages that from tyme to tyme shall passe to and fro betwext this toune and the [coast] of Englond. And otherwyse we see not how any thing necessarye for us can be poзsibly brought] over to this toune in suretie; for, if any ships shuld be appoincted by your highnes for the sa[iling] about the downes, we see such daily experyence in theym that they nothing shalhelpe for [the] convey of any ships which shall resorte with wode, fiewel, and victail to this your said to [une]. Written at the same your toune of Caleys, the xxti, day of June.

Your humble servauntes,

MEDLEY, levetenant of the staple.





(The signatures are autograph.)

Directed, To the kinges highenes.


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