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From the first part of chapter iv, vol. II. Following the paragraph with which this selection closes, comes Ruskin's description of the interior of the building. 665. 8. Unworthy thenceforth, etc. Acts, xiii: 13; XV: 38, 39. (Ruskin.)

40. Vite de Santi, etc. Lives of the patron
saints of the Venetian Churches.
56. Una stupenda, etc. A wonderful
city, never seen before.

73. Cloister-like and quiet. St. Mark's
Place," partly covered by turf, and
planted with a few trees; and on account
of its pleasant aspect called Brollo or
Broglio, that is to say, Garden." The
canal passed through it, over which is
built the bridge of the Malpassi. (Rus-

667. 283. Cortile. An enclosed court-yard in a large house.

320. Vendita Frittole, etc. A fritter and liquor shop.

668. 408. Their bluest veins to kiss. Antony and Cleopatra, II. v. 29.

669. 462. Of them that sell doves. Matthew, xxi: 12.


Under this title appeared twenty-five letters written ostensibly to Thomas Dixon, of Sunderland, but in fact addressed to the workingmen of England who in 1867, the year the letters appeared, were agitating reform. In them Ruskin appears not as the critic of art, but as the sociologist.

THE RELATION OF ART TO MORALS 671. A selection from the third of Ruskin's Lectures on Art, delivered while he was Slade Professor at Oxford. The portion reprinted comprises paragraphs 71-81 of the Lectures.

672. 122. My three years. As Slade Professor of Art at Oxford.

673. 164. The contest of Apelles and Protogenes. The two men were rivals, and attempted to outdo one another in drawing lines of remarkable fineness.

167. The circle of Giotto. Giotto (1267?1337) sent as a sample of his work, and proof of his powers, a perfect circle. Caliban. Characters 675. 382. Miranda in Shakespeare's Tempest; Caliban is a creature more brute than man; Miranda is the most spotlessly pure of all Shakespeare's heroines.



The life of Goldsmith illustrates the vigor and picturesqueness of Macaulay's style; it is not, however, a thoroughly accurate biography. In particular it should be noted that Macaulay inherited from Boswell the condescending attitude which appears in this essay; more recent critics feel less of this, and are inclined to treat Goldsmith more seriously, both as a man and a thinker.

676. 75. Glorious and Immortal Memory. The memory of William III.

79. The banished dynasty. The Stuarts. 679. 386. The Dunciad. Pope's greatest satire.

479. Bayes in the Rehearsal. The Rehearsal was a burlesque attack on heroic tragedy, written by the Duke of Buckingham and his friends. John Bayes was a satirical portrait of Dryden. 680. 553. Kelly and Cumberland. Hugh Kelly

(1739-1777), whose sentimental comedy False Delicacy was brought out with great success at Drury Lane six days before the first performance of The Good-Natured Man at Covent Garden; Richard Cumberland

(1732-1811), a dramatist whose sentimental comedies Goldsmith ridiculed. 681. 601. Maupertuis. Pierre Louis de Maupertuis (1698-1759), a French astronomer. 683. 830. A little poem. The Retaliation. See p. 286.



The title means "As the wind, so the course."


684. The title is taken from a line in the tenth of Virgil's eclogues, where a goatherd is addressing his herd: "Go home, full-fed; evening comes." Clough makes the speaker a peasant girl, driving home her


2. Rose, Provence, La Palie. Names of the cows.


687. Philomela, daughter of Pandion, King of Attica, was dishonored by her brother-inlaw, Tereus, King of Daulis, in Phocis, a country in northern Greece. Tereus cut out Philomela's tongue that she might not bear witness against him, but she made her secret known to her sister Procne, wife of Tereus, by words woven into a robe. Procne killed her son Itys, served him up as food to his father, and fled with Philomela. On being pursued by Tereus, the sisters prayed for deliverance, and were changed into birds by the gods, Philomela becoming a nightingale. Arnold has reversed the positions of Philomela and Procne.

688. 21. The too clear web. The woven robe which only too clearly revealed the story of the crime.

27. Cephissian vale. The valley of the Cephissus, the chief river of Phocis.


The poem is based on the following passage from Glanvil's Vanity of Dogmatizing, 1661; cf. ll. 11, 31, 133, 159. "There was very lately a lad in the University of Oxford, who was by his poverty forced to leave his studies there; and at last to join himself to a company of vagabond gipsies. Among these extravagant people, by the insinuating subtilty of his carriage, he quickly got so much of their love and esteem as that they discovered to him their mystery. After he had been a pretty while exercised in the trade, there chanced to ride by a couple of scholars, who had formerly been of his acquaintance. They quickly spied out

their old friend among the gipsies; and he gave them an account of the necessity which drove him to that kind of life, and told them that the people he went with were not such impostors as they were taken for, but that they had a traditional kind of learning among them, and could do wonders by the power of imagination, their fancy binding that of others; that himself had learned much of their art, and when he had compassed the whole secret, he intended, he said, to leave their company, and give the world an account of what he had learned."

690. 95. Lasher. Originally the turbulent water running through an opening in a weir; then applied to the weir itself, or, as here, to the pool below the weir into which the lasher empties.

129. Christ-Church hall. The dininghall in Christ-Church College, Oxford. 692. 208. Averse, as Dido. Eneas, on his journey through Hades, met the shade of Dido, queen of Carthage, who had slain herself when deserted by him; the shade turned away from Æneas with a gesture of aversion.

245. The Syrtes. The ancient name for the modern Gulfs of Sidra and Cabes, on the northern coast of Africa.

249. Iberians. Iberia was the ancient name for the Spanish peninsula.

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709. One of Arnold's Discourses in America, written for his lecture trip of 1883-4. 711. 185. To know the best, etc. Quoted from Arnold's essay The Function of Criticism at the Present Time.

714. 511. The powers. The component parts.

540. The desire to relate these pieces of knowledge to our sense for conduct. We acquire knowledge, and then try to answer the questions, "What difference does it make? What bearing has it upon my life? How does this new fact fit into my own schedule of facts and values? " 715. 630. Professor Sylvester. James Sylvester (1814-1897), an English mathema

tician, who held chairs at Johns Hopkins and Oxford Universities. 715. 636. Cambridge. The study of mathematics has long been an important part of the curriculum at Cambridge University.

662. Mr. Darwin's famous proposition. The proposition occurs in Part IV, chapter 21, of The Descent of Man, and is really a summing up of the whole book. 716. 741. A Sandemanian. A member of the religious sect founded in Scotland by Robert Sandeman, about 1725. 718. 952. A school report. Arnold was for many years a government inspector of schools.

719. 1005. Letters will call out, etc. In this sentence Arnold sums up his entire argu




720. This essay was delivered as a lecture in London, January 7, 1866, and is included in Volume I, Methods and Results, of Huxley's collected works.

721. 89. Laud. William Laud (1573-1645), Archbishop of Canterbury. He was the head of the established English Church, and a violent enemy of the anti-Stuart parties, who accomplished his execution in 1645. The Earl of Rochester and Sir Charles Sedley were court wits and poets in the time of Charles II.

722. 187. Principia. Sir Isaac Newton (16421727) published the Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica, setting forth his theories about gravitation, in 1689. 208. Inquisitorial cardinals. Galileo (15641642) was persecuted by the Inquisition because of his acceptance of Copernicus's theories concerning the solar system. 214. Vesalius and Harvey. Vesalius was a Belgian anatomist of the 16th century; William Harvey (1578-1657) was English physician who published in 1628 a treatise De Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in which he set forth the theory of the circulation of the blood.


239. Writ in water. Keats suggested as his epitaph: "Here lies one whose name was writ in water."

723. 266. Revenant. Ghost.

309. Boyle, ... Evelyn. Robert Boyle (1627-1691), an English chemist; and John Evelyn (1620-1706), the diarist. 726. 653. Count Rumford. Benjamin Thompson (1753-1814), a scientist of international reputation.



728. 33. On an occasion like this. The Discourses on University Subjects were delivered in 1852 before the Catholics of Dublin.

731. 361. “The world is all before it." An adaptation of Paradise Lost, xii: 646-7: "The world was all before them, where to choose

Their place of rest, and Providence their guide.'

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375. The judgment-stricken king. Pentheus, in Euripides's Baccha, in his madness sees two suns.

732. 446. St. Thomas. Thomas Aquinas (1227-1274), canonized in 1323; one of the greatest of the scholastic philosophers. 733. 524. Pompey's Pillar. A column erected at Alexandria in honor of Diocletian. 734. 627 ff. τετράγωνος. Nil Four square. admirari. To wonder at nothing. Felix qui, etc. Happy is he who has come to know the relationships of things, and has placed beneath his feet all fear, and inexorable fate, and the roar of greedy Acheron. Virgil's Georgics, ii. 490 ff.

735. 704. The learning of a Salmasius or a Burman. Claude Saumaise (1588-1653) was a French classical scholar. Pieter Burmann the Elder (1688-1741) and his nephew Pieter Burmann the younger (1714-1778) were both Dutch scholars. 706. Imperat aut servit. It is either master or servant.

710. Vis consili, etc. Brute force without intelligence falls by its own weight. 712. Tarpeia. A woman of Roman legend, crushed to death by the shields of Sabine warriors, when she asked for what they wore on their arms (bracelets) as a reward for betraying Rome.

738. 1031. Genius loci. Genius of the place. 739. 1153. The exiled prince. See As You Like It, II. i. 16.

1156. The poor boy in the poem. "Crabbe's Tales of the Hall. This poem, let me say, I read on its first publication, above thirty years ago, with extreme delight, and have never lost my love of it; and on taking it up lately, found I was even more touched by it than heretofore." (Newman's note.)


Early editions of the Apologia contained the correspondence between Newman and Charles Kingsley, author of Westward Ho! The correspondence as a whole, and Newman's summary which is here reprinted, had been given to the public by Newman before the Apologia was published; they were omitted from later editions of the Apologia.



740. The pictorial quality of this poem is characteristic of the work of Rossetti, famous as painter as well as poet; his painting of

the same name corresponds exactly to the poem.


741. Founded on the old superstition that a woman deserted by her lover, could obtain the power of life and death over his body by making a waxen image of him, and laying it in the heat of the fire; as the wax melted the man's life ebbed away. There are three speakers,-the wronged woman, her small brother, who does not understand what is going on, and a spectator, whose comments, slightly varied from verse to verse, keep pace with the progress of the story.

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746. The Earthly Paradise is a collection of twenty-four tales in verse, commonly considered the best body of narrative verse that has been given to English poetry since Chaucer's time. In the Prologue Morris tells how "certain gentlemen and mariners of Norway, having considered all that they had heard of the Earthly Paradise, set sail to find it, and after many troubles and the lapse of many years came old men to some Western land, of which they had never before heard"; the inhabitants of this land are of Greek descent. For the entertainment of the wanderers, the dwellers in the western land give semi-monthly feasts, at each of which a story is told. The duty of telling a story alternates between the two peoples; half the tales are, accordingly, from the Greek mythology, half of Scandinavian or Romance origin. 25. The ivory gate. The house of Morpheus, god of sleep, had two gates, through which dreams issued: if true, the

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760. 22. Efforts to limit art a priori. By argument from hypotheses concerning material, etc.

92. Absence or presence of metrical beauty. Wordsworth's views are expressed in the Preface to the Lyrical Ballads.

761. 96. Dichotomy. A division into two classes.

109. I propose here to point out. Pater here states the purpose of the essay. He is to discuss not prose or poetry, but both, finding in both certain identical characteristics, the qualities of "literature as a fine art."

165. Livy, Tacitus, Michelet. Jules Michelet (1798-1874), like the two Romans, was a historian.

762. 253. At this point Pater notes: "Mr.

Saintsbury, in his Specimens of English Prose, from Malory to Macaulay, has succeeded in tracing, through successive English prose-writers, the tradition of that severer beauty in them, of which this admirable scholar of our literature is known to be a lover. English Prose, from Mandeville to Thackeray more re

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cently chosen and edited by a younger scholar, Mr. Arthur Galton, of New College, Oxford, a lover of our literature at once enthusiastic and discreet, aims at a more various illustration of the eloquent powers of English prose, and is a delightful companion.'

763. 338. Le cuistre. The academic pedant. 358. Well! Pater is fond of this interjectional use of well. It suggests the French eh bien!

364. Dictionary other than Johnson's. Johnson's Dictionary, though comparatively slight in extent, contains few words to which exception may be taken on the score of utility, and is equipped with illustrative quotations which make it still valuable.

764. 417. "Its" which ought to have been in Shakespeare. Shakespeare uses "his," in conformity with regular Elizabethan usage, for the neuter possessive.

453. Ascêsis. The Greek word from which the English ascetic and asceticism are derived.

765. 540. Michelangelo. For a discussion of one phase of the work of this great Italian artist, see Pater's essay in The Renais


609. Dean Mansel. Henry L. Mansel (1820-1871), Dean of St. Paul's from 1868 to his death.

767. 769. Swedenborg. Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), founder of the New Church,

or Swedenborgians. The Tracts for the Times were written and published by John Henry Newman and his associates in the so-called "Oxford Movement," during the years 1833-1841. The last of the tracts, No. 90, was condemned by the University because of its Romanism. 768. 952. Blake's rapturous design. One of the illustrations made by Blake for Blair's Grave represents "Soul and Body


769. 1057. Buffon. Le Comte de Buffon (1707-1788), a famous French naturalist.


772. 36. Most serious critical efforts. See the selections from the Preface to the Lyrical Ballads.

38. The excesses of 1795. The culmination of the Reign of Terror.

773. 117. Disciplina arcani. Discipline, or learning, of the mystery.

158. Senancour. Obermann, by Etienne de Senancour (1770-1846), is characteristic of this interest in nature. Gautier (1811-1872) was an enthusiastic Romanticist, a dramatist, poet, and playwright. 161. Rousseau. The importance of Rousseau's La Nouvelle Héloïse in awakening people to the influence of nature upon the soul, and the influence of Rousseau's theories concerning the "state of nature," have been often pointed out. Chateau

briand (1768-1848) and Victor Hugo (1802-1885) were both significant in the development of French romanticism. 773. 173. Reynolds or Gainsborough.

The two greatest English portrait painters: Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792), and Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788). 211 ff. The first three quotations are from The Prelude; the fourth is from The Pet Lamb.



775. 411. A selection of language really used
by men. See the Preface to the Lyrical
Ballads, p. 389.
776. 452. George Sand. Her most famous
novel, La Petite Fadette, is known in
English translation as Fanchon the Cricket.
The author's real name was Mme. Aman-
dine Dudevant.
457. Meinhold.
(1797-1851) was a little-known novelist
whom Pater considered significant in the
history of German romanticism.
777. 588. Anima mundi. Soul of the universe.
778. 703. The Ode... had its anticipator.
See Henry Vaughan's The Retreat, p. 123.
779. 747. Grandet, Javert. Characters in
Balzac's Eugenie Grandet and Victor
Hugo's Les Misérables, respectively.
785. Antique Rachel. In Dante's Pur-
gatorio, xxvii, Rachel is a type of the
contemplative life.

797. One who had meditated.




780. 24. Dule tree. A tree used as a gallows. 781. 104. The blue-peter. A blue flag indicating that a ship was about to sail.

141. The valley at Balaclava. The scene of the famous charge of the "Light Brigade" in the Crimean War.

145. Curtius. A hero of Roman legend who leaped into a chasm in the Forum, and sacrificed his life that the gulf might be closed.

159. Caligula. The third emperor of Rome, who proclaimed himself a god. 782. 187. The sheet. The rope by which the position of a sail is controlled. If it be tied, or "made fast," a sudden gust of wind may upset a small boat before the sailor has an opportunity to loosen the sheet.

206. Omar Khayyam... Walt Whitman. Omar Khayyam was a Persian poet who died c. 1123. Walt Whitman, an American poet famous for his wholesale violations of the conventions of poetry, died in 1892.

214. The same stuff with dreams. See Shakespeare's Tempest, IV. i. 156:

"We are such stuff

As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep."

783. 303. As the French say. A cul-de-sac.

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