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An lntroductions Robert Browning.


Professor of English lerature in Cornell University.

HE purpose of this veme is to afford aid and guidance to the study of Robert'rowning's Poetry. As this is the most complexly subjective ofl English poetry, it is, for this reason alone, the most difficult. Thooet's favorite art form, the dramatic, or rather psychologic, monolcue, which is quite original with himself, presents certain structur difficulties, but difficulties which, with an increased familiaritygrow less and less. The exposition of its constitution and skillfumanagement, presented in the Introduction, and the Arguments;iven to the several poems included in the volume, will, it is hop, reduce, if not altogether remove, the difficulties of this kind. Ithe same section of the Introduction certain peculiarities of the pet's diction are presented and illus


It is believed that the notes:o the poems will be found to covet all points and features of the exts which require explanation and elucidation. At any rate, no real difficulties have been wittingly passed by.

The following Table of Catents will indicate the plan of the work:

I. The Spiritual Ebb and Flow ehibited in English Poetry.

II. The Idea of Personality and of Art as an intermediate agency of Personality, as embodied in Browsing's Poetry.

III. Browning's Obscurity.

IV. Browning's Verse.

V. Arguments of the Poems.

VI. Poems. Thirty-three representative poems.

VII. List of criticisms on Browning's works.

Cloth. 348 pages. $1.00.

D. C. HEATH & CO., Publishers




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